The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

While were complaining about Marvel, I thought you guys should know Comixology are giving away every number one issue of marvel for free. So, go get some.

Edit: Though it seems the servers cant handle that shit!
While were complaining about Marvel, I thought you guys should know Comixology are giving away every number one issue of marvel for free. So, go get some.

Edit: Though it seems the servers cant handle that shit!

That looks awesome.

What Deadpool and Events ones should I get? I've read any Deadpool and some of the titles for the Events sounded interesting.
I'd say DC has been the better of the big two when it comes to cartoons in the past 20 yrs., that said Marvel pretty much owns the world of live action movies.
So true. If DC put the same kind of effort they put in their cartoons & cartoon movies into live-action stuff, they'd have crushed Marvel by now.
That looks awesome.

What Deadpool and Events ones should I get? I've read any Deadpool and some of the titles for the Events sounded interesting.

I went with the new titles really, figured its an easy way to see whats what. Not a big Marvelite, but some of the events like Civil War are well regarded. Deadpool: the circle chase, and most deadpool from then onwards is worth the read. There are torrents that will give you the whole damn thing, and you wont regret it.

Some others like Wolverine Origins not to be mistaken with wolverine origin (singular) is supposed to be cool too?

I'd just use it as a taster for anything you thought could be cool! Try it out!

So, this was released as a teaser for Batman and Robin #18. If you like dialogue, you'll probably want to give this one a miss.

As for my question about where the hell the bat family goes from here has been answered. It seems like Snyder's taking on Batman's origin story (now with added Riddler) for the next year (11 issues), while everyone else involved with DotF/Robin RIP is having a reaction issue before going off to do their own storylines again. Batman and Robin is going to be Batman & _____ for the foreseeable future.

So, this was released as a teaser for Batman and Robin #18. If you like dialogue, you'll probably want to give this one a miss.

As for my question about where the hell the bat family goes from here has been answered. It seems like Snyder's taking on Batman's origin story (now with added Riddler) for the next year (11 issues), while everyone else involved with DotF/Robin RIP is having a reaction issue before going off to do their own storylines again. Batman and Robin is going to be Batman & _____ for the foreseeable future.
Just cause the guy died, thats no excuse to start rubbing him out of the family portrait. Dick move, butler.
I have been told that I'm apart of the problem that is killing the industry, I trade wait. There is no way I can justify spending 3 or 4 bucks a month for an ad riddled floppy that is only one part of a five or six part storyline. The industry killed themselves going to that format for storytelling. I simply caught on to what they do.

The Walking Dead is a prime example of the future for comics. Yes, they release monthly floppies, but they are killing it when they are released as TPB. Days Gone Bye is still the #1 selling Graphic Novel, and it's been out for almost a decade.

I like Justin's idea, I almost hope they go to releasing 4 to 6 Graphic Novels a year per title and be done with it.
If trade waiters were killing the industry than wouldn't every major comic publisher ever, just stop producing so many trades?

Image has teh perfect trade system set up, they publish 5 issues, then shortly after teh 5th issue is published (typically a week or 2) they release those 5 issues as a trade, then within about 2 weeks the next issue in the series comes out, so if you're jumping onto a series via trades you & you like what you've read & want to switch to picking up the book monthly you have the next issue in the series coming out in just week or so after the trade is out.

Some stuff just works better in trade format anyway, pretty much anything Brian Wood has ever written (DMZ, Northlanders, The Massive) is this way, as well as the Locke & Key series.
Snyder & Capullo Unveil BATMAN: ZERO YEAR
by Paul Montgomery at iFanboy

How do you follow up on a storyline as ambitious as “Death of the Family?” Where do you go next?

The Big Bang. Well, Bruce Wayne’s anyway. His very beginnings.

This summer, Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo return to the roots of the Batman with “Zero Year,” an 11-part epic. It all starts in June’s Batman #21. Here’s the cover, courtesy of DC Entertainment.


Backup story written by SCOTT SNYDER and JAMES TYNION IV
Backup story art by RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE
1:25 Variant cover by MIKEL JANIN
1:100 B&W Variant cover by GREG CAPULLO
On sale JUNE 12 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T
Combo pack edition: $4.99 US
Witness The New 52 origin of The Dark Knight in BATMAN: ZERO YEAR! Twists and turns are around every corner as Bruce Wayne takes the final steps toward his destiny! And in the backup story, learn more about how different Gotham City was at this dangerous point in time.

Snyder spoke to the Associated Press about the story:

“It’s not ‘let’s redo the origin.’ It’s time for a new story showing how Batman became who he is in the New 52. We tried to preserve as much of Batman’s history as we could and keep what we could of this history intact. It’s ‘The Zero Year,’ the one that no one has told the story of before. We see how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain … It’s time for a new story showing how Batman became who he is in The New 52. It builds up the mythology.”

You’ll recall that we first glimpsed Snyder’s Zero Year Bruce this past September as part of DC’s line-wide Zero issue event. In the pages of Batman #0, our young hero infiltrated the Red Hood Gang with mixed results. That issue ended with the promise of more in 2013. Here we are. Snyder has already done smart work renovating the belfry, so delving back into the Batman’s prehistory is only natural and pretty exciting.

If the notion of revision has your nervous, rest assured that Snyder reveres Frank Miller’s Batman Year One and has no interest in erasing it. This is an opportunity to revisit an earlier Gotham, a younger, more reckless Bruce Wayne. This is Bruce before he knew every handhold and every gargoyle. Before he fought alongside earthly gods. When a night’s patrol was hardly routine. When he had something to prove. And experience tells us that Snyder’s Batman is at his best when between a rock and a hard place. When he’s forced to claw his way back from oblivion. Here is that first struggle from out of the dark.

Interview: Scott Snyder on BATMAN: ZERO YEAR
by Paul Montgomery at iFanboy

Today we spoke to writer Scott Snyder about “Zero Year” the next major arc in his ongoing Batman series. The 11-part story line takes us back about six years to the Bruce Wayne’s first tentative cocksure efforts as a masked vigilante. Readers should have some idea as to young Bruce’s characterization and the Gotham he inhabits from last year’s Batman #0, a standalone story orchestrated after Snyder and Capullo had already planned this longer arc.

We asked Snyder why this was the right time to revisit the Batman’s origins at this point in his run.

“I feel like there are aspects of the Bruce you’ve been watching in our run that are markedly different than the Bruce that you saw in Batman: Year One and some of the other stuff in pre-New 52 continuity,” Snyder explained. So along with artist Greg Capullo, he began plotting the early years of the modern Batman as they saw it, unsure how or when these elements would materialize in the ongoing story.

Increasingly, Snyder received questions from fans at conventions or on Twitter. Was Year One still in continuity. He would instinctively answer that of course it was. “But over time,” said Snyder, “we realized a lot of the aspects that I love most about Year One just aren’t compatible with the Batman in the 52, whether it was James Jr., who I obviously have a personal connection to; he’d be very young, only five or six years old. Barbara Gordon being the biological daughter of Jim Gordon. Selina Kyle having a different background.” Things weren’t tracking. Snyder and Capullo had to make a choice. Go back and tell the story they wanted to tell or simply move forward, telling safer stories about familiar rogues.

They opted to go bold.

“One thing I can promise everybody at iFanboy,” said Snyder, “is that hopefully you’ll open up the book, and from the early pages, see that while it’s nothing like Year One or Batman Begins, it’s also respectful of the things we love most about those stories.”

Snyder considers that #0 issues a window into the quietest stuff that happens during this story line. Just a moment in this turbulent year in Bruce Wayne’s life. And it really does represent close to a year, some 11 issues all told. We asked about the decision to devote so many issues to this formative tale.

“I hear that,” Snyder laughed. ” You know, ‘That asshole, Snyder, he’s so self-indulgent. He’s doing this giant story line just to tell us stuff we’ve seen before.’ I can promise you that it’s all plotted out. If I could tell you what’s involved, I hope that you would see why it takes as long as it does. But I really want to play this one close to the vest. I usually give out a lot of spoilers as to plot and structure and what the backups are going to be, but I’d like to back away from that in this instance. I don’t want to sell it to you. I want you to love it or not based on its own merit.”

As such, we’re not sure just how many familiar faces we’ll see in this arc, or how significant any new ones might be.

He was willing, however, to talk about his characterization of young Bruce. ”One of the things I’ve always been fascinated in that wasn’t so much in Year One, was this notion of what it means to be Bruce Wayne, and the crushing weight of being Bruce Wayne as well as Batman. After traveling the world, Bruce Wayne is legally dead. Why bring him back from that? Why choose to continue being that person? That’s one of the key things I’m interested in exploring in addition to the giant, giant, explosive plot. That’s relatable to a lot of people, that challenge of living up to a legacy and figuring out what it is you want to be. Not just a family like the Waynes, but anybody.”

As for the difference between “Zero Year’s” Bruce Wayne and the Batman we’re reading currently, it all comes down to impulse control. “He’s brasher. He’s going to make mistakes. He’s someone you’re going to relate to, whereas Batman now is so in control. It takes a massive, city-wide conspiracy like the rise of the Owls or these more recent tragedies to really rattle him. But he went through a period before becoming Batman and in the process of becoming Batman where he just messed shit up. It’s a character you can connect to and in a way it will show how he became the man he is today.”

In closing, Snyder was eager to address the concern of longtime Batman readers and not just Snyder devotees. He hears the concerns. He hears the anxiety. “This is us doing something that really matters to us, that’s different. We want to take a page from the guys we admire the most. For me, that’s Grant Morrison and Frank Miller. Guys who are constantly fearless. We might not be able to achieve what they’ve achieved, but at least we can go out knowing that we tried to be as brave as they are, issue to issue.”

“Zero Year” starts in June with Batman #21.

Normally something like this would make me nervous, however Snyder has yet to produce a bad issue of Batman since taking over the book, so with that said I'm pretty excited, & I love the cover.
I just picked up the entire Emperor Joker story arc for only $20 with 10 issues in it, while the out of print TPB goes for $40 online, so I'm feeling pretty fucking G right about now.
Well what's wrong with double shipping if it's two separate issues then? Isn't it just giving fans what they want sooner?

Marvel is at that $3.99 price point with their better selling titles. So in theory your individual title budget goes up from 2.99 a month to 7.98 a month. If you buy multiple titles, then you see the issue coming in with your budget.

On the other hand, take X-Men right now (I know your an X guy). Brian Michael Bendis is writing the two main titles, All New X-Men and Uncanny X-men. Both are double shipped, and both are basically companion titles. If you're an X-Fan with a wallet, you absolutely love what's going on. You get an X-Title each week, as both are shipped bi-weekly at this point. If you're money is tight, then you see why people are pissed. You also have Wolverine and the X-men, Brian Woods' Adjectiveless X-men, Astonishing X-men, X-men Legacy, Uncanny X-Force, Cable and the X-Force, X-Factor, plus individual titles to follow if you have major OCD.

I just finished reading the Jim Lee/Chris Claremont Vol. 1 Omnibus. It says Jim Lee, but Marc Silvestri on art gets as much credit. That omnibus was basically the X-men from a double shipping period in the late 80's early 90's. While Claremont was the writer, they had to bring in different artist to meet the deadline. It does distract from the story when you have two different artist alternating issues.

Personally I don't mind double shipping, because I trade wait. Quicker floppy releases means I get my nice hardcover that much quicker.
A bunch of those extra X-titles just got the axe, Woods book, as well as X-Treme X-Men both got canceled, & I beleive Astonishing & Legacy might have gotten canceled as well.
Woods book got delayed until May because of a death in the family of one of the artist. This is his new all female title. Supposedly Wood, Bendis and Aaron are working on the 50th anniversary story together. Those four books are the top tier X books. Astonishing, Legacy (relaunched as a Legion book) and the two X force books are all secondary. Still way too many books though. I haven't read any of the new Legacy series, but have heard it is awesome.
What has two testicles and just bought one of those big ass $100 Marvel collectors books for $25?

This guy.

Are you talking about an Omnibus?

I've tried Googleing "Big ass $100 Marvel Collector books" however the results are all over the damn place.

EDIT: Wait, are you talking about the Marvel Artist Edtions that are published by IDW? they look kinda like this

C2E2 2013: Bendis, Aaron and Wood Wage X-MEN: BATTLE OF THE ATOM
by Paul Montgomery

Get ready for the Days of FuturePresentPast as Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron and Brian Wood risk temporal catastrophe in X-Men: Battle of the Atom, Marvel’s next major mutant event. Celebrating 50 years of merry mutant mayhem, Battle of the Atom sees the arrival of a group of tomorrow’s X-Men all bent on casting yesterday’s X-Men back to the 60s 80s early 90s the past from whence they came. That leaves today’s X-Men in the middle of a bitter conflict between…themselves and…themselves.

It all goes down in September and October in the pages of these fine books:

X-Men Battle of the Atom #1
Uncanny X-Men #12-13
All-New X-Men #16-17
Wolverine & The X-Men #36-37
X-Men # 5-6
X-Men: Battle of The Atom #2

We’ve also got a peek at some Arthur Adams character designs for the Future X-Men, including a gruesome vision of Beast’s mutations run amuck, Molly from the Runaways all growed-up and a Wolverine Jr. with stubby claws, blue skin and red hair. Plus, how about some lady Xorn?

This sounds confusing as shit, though with three of the best writers in comics today, & this only taking two issues per each X-title I may give it a shot.
What has two testicles and just bought one of those big ass $100 Marvel collectors books for $25?

This guy.

Welcome, prepare to lose your money on a regular basis. I started last June collecting those OHC/Omnibus X-Titles. I now own 13.
I didn't realise that the league of extraordinary Gentlemen has a Nemo title released last month. That's now ordered.

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