The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Five yrs.? try more like five months, Grant's leaving the world of superhero comics behind, to concentrate on his other projects. His Batman Inc. run wraps up with issue 12.

He's leaving behind monthly superhero comics, not all of it. He's still got stuff like Multiversity and Wonder Woman: Earth One that he's working on, remember? He'll probably do a couple of more projects for DC here and there if they can manage it.
I'm not sure if I like this book or not. I'm willing to run with it because of Remnder, but fucking Cassady and his delays kill whatever book he is working on. At least they'll have Copiel for the next arc.

Red Skull basically merges with Xavier, which you knew. Uh Oh, Red Skull has now merged with Onslaught. There is a fast forward 3 months at the end of the book which shows Immortus dead, a prophecy involving Cable, Ahab, and what looks like a Stark created Nimrod.

It looks like Marvel is going to cash in on Days of Future Past. Apparently the next arc features Kang and the Apocalypse twins (direct sequel to Dark Angel Saga), which will lead into this dystopian future.

I thoroughly enjoy Remender for the most part, but this book I just don't get the same enjoyment out of that I did with Uncanny X-Force & Venom runs, I am enjoying the hell out of his Captain America book though.

Ok, I'm glad I dropped this, Cassady's art on this has been underwhelming IMO, I hate his Captain America, & I've never been fond of that Havok costume, I think the mask looks fucking ******ed. I'm not really fond of where the story is going either.

Young Avengers this week was entertaining as hell, I urge anyone looking for a fairly light, fun book to check this on out. Gillen does a fantastic job of writing young superheros, his Loki in particular is very entertaining.
I thoroughly enjoy Remender for the most part, but this book I just don't get the same enjoyment out of that I did with Uncanny X-Force & Venom runs, I am enjoying the hell out of his Captain America book though.

Ok, I'm glad I dropped this, Cassady's art on this has been underwhelming IMO, I hate his Captain America, & I've never been fond of that Havok costume, I think the mask looks fucking ******ed. I'm not really fond of where the story is going either.

Young Avengers this week was entertaining as hell, I urge anyone looking for a fairly light, fun book to check this on out. Gillen does a fantastic job of writing young superheros, his Loki in particular is very entertaining.

I'd be tempted to pick it up if I wasn't so bitter about how the Avengers Academy kids got treated after their title ended.
I thoroughly enjoy Remender for the most part, but this book I just don't get the same enjoyment out of that I did with Uncanny X-Force & Venom runs, I am enjoying the hell out of his Captain America book though.

You read issue 4 yet Justin?

I'm not sure if I like this book or not. I'm willing to run with it because of Remnder, but fucking Cassady and his delays kill whatever book he is working on. At least they'll have Copiel for the next arc.

Red Skull basically merges with Xavier, which you knew. Uh Oh, Red Skull has now merged with Onslaught. There is a fast forward 3 months at the end of the book which shows Immortus dead, a prophecy involving Cable, Ahab, and what looks like a Stark created Nimrod.

It looks like Marvel is going to cash in on Days of Future Past. Apparently the next arc features Kang and the Apocalypse twins (direct sequel to Dark Angel Saga), which will lead into this dystopian future.

What is it with Marvel and dystopian futures lately?

Anyway, looking forward to Copiel taking on the book but I haven't been impressed by it thus far from either an art or writing perspective.
Today I picked up a crapload of random stuff.

Savage Wolverine #2
Punisher P.O.V. 1,2,3 & 4
52 Week 25
Deathlok #2
Nova #1
Deadman 1,2,3, & 4
Gambit #1
JLA #1
GOTG #0.1
Martian Manhunter #4
JSA #46
The Thing #2
JSA All-Stars #9
The Thing #28
Strange Tales #2
X-Force #1
Deadpool #5
Cage #2

A lot of 50 cents stuff in there.
Justin, was there ever a resolution to your question in the first post of the thread (why Ross doesn'#t have the moustache when Rulk)?

Did anyone read Way's Thunderbolts? I didn't mind his Deadpool run as much as some (I rather enjoyed parts of it actually) but Thunderbolts has been nothing but DUUUULL since it started. Not worth picking up in the slightest despite the amount of awesome characters in there.
Justin, was there ever a resolution to your question in the first post of the thread (why Ross doesn'#t have the moustache when Rulk)?

I don't think so

Did anyone read Way's Thunderbolts? I didn't mind his Deadpool run as much as some (I rather enjoyed parts of it actually) but Thunderbolts has been nothing but DUUUULL since it started. Not worth picking up in the slightest despite the amount of awesome characters in there.

Oh god no! It looked like shit & I've heard nothing but really really bad things about it. The second I saw the line-up for a team I lost interest, Punisher on the same team as Deadpool?!? Fuck off with that shit, I find it hard to beleive Punisher would ever want to be apart of any team, much less one that would require to to work with a fucking clown like Deadpool.
Justin, was there ever a resolution to your question in the first post of the thread (why Ross doesn'#t have the moustache when Rulk)?

Did anyone read Way's Thunderbolts? I didn't mind his Deadpool run as much as some (I rather enjoyed parts of it actually) but Thunderbolts has been nothing but DUUUULL since it started. Not worth picking up in the slightest despite the amount of awesome characters in there.

I dropped Thunderbolts at #3. I hate Steve Dillons art, and the writing doesn't make up for it.
With the Guardians of the Galaxy movie supposedly in the works I wanted to share the fact that one of my first comics ever was actually a Guardians of the Galaxy comic. However, it wasn't the Earth 616 crew with Rocket Raccoon and Drax the Destroyer. No, my comic was the from the Earth 691 group and was lead by a Captain America's shield wielding Vance Astrovik, Charlie 27, Nikki, Talon, Firelord, and my personal favorite, Yondu.

I don't remember much about the comics except that there was always a bunch of different stuff going on at once and that I enjoyed them. My knowledge of the crew or the plot or really anything Guardians of the Galaxy related is pretty shallow, but I'll definitely check out the movie (providing it doesn't get panned by audiences and critics alike) because of this fond memory.

Digital or print? I'm an all print man.

Print. The art doesn't have the same appeal to me when it's on a screen, and the whole thing loses its charm unless you have that book in your hands.
I'm a print guy for the most part, however if my shop doesn't carry a particular title or sells out on something I was planning on picking up before I get there then I'll get it digitally.

As J said comics tend to lose some appeal when they're on the screen & it's just not the same as holding the book in your hand, I also just like going in the LCS and seeing the glorious wall of new books just waiting for me, & talking to my fellow comic fanboys.
Good, I thought that I was part of a dying breed here. I could spend hours just searching through comics at my LCS, and it's more fun to interact with fellow comic fans.
I haaaaaaaaaate Damian, I think he might be the worst Robin we've ever had to deal with, so yes I've wanted this to happen for some time. I fully expect it not to stick though, I mean the kid is the grandson of Ras Al Ghul.

Comic book deaths never stick. It might take a while but they always come back eventually, just ask Jason Todd. The important thing is how the death's dealt with in the time it between now and his resurrection. If it's treated like "eh he'll be back as soon as we find the nearest Lazarus Pit" then that'd kinda screws with what's apparently a well done story.

The question now is where does Batman (and presumably the rest of the Bat-family) go from here? Also, what happens to the Batman and Robin book?
I've had about enough of Marvel & their obsession with doing massive universe wide crossovers every damn year, this year they have two, Age Of Ultron & Infinity, on top of that. They've already turned me off of buying more titles by moving forward with this ridiculous double shipping bullshit on their $3.99 books. I only have so much time & money to spend on comics, & Marvel just seems to have a tendency to demand too much of both.
I've had about enough of Marvel & their obsession with doing massive universe wide crossovers every damn year, this year they have two, Age Of Ultron & Infinity, on top of that. They've already turned me off of buying more titles by moving forward with this ridiculous double shipping bullshit on their $3.99 books. I only have so much time & money to spend on comics, & Marvel just seems to have a tendency to demand too much of both.

The bullshit you mention is pretty much the only reason Marvel is more profitable than DC. If they didn't double ship and relentlessly use the $3.99 price point they'd be behind DC using whatever metric you like.

At least, that's what this suggests.
I've had about enough of Marvel & their obsession with doing massive universe wide crossovers every damn year, this year they have two, Age Of Ultron & Infinity, on top of that. They've already turned me off of buying more titles by moving forward with this ridiculous double shipping bullshit on their $3.99 books. I only have so much time & money to spend on comics, & Marvel just seems to have a tendency to demand too much of both.

What's double shipping? I tried Googling it, but it was just a bunch of comic book nerds complaining about double shipping without actually explaining what it is.

As for Marvel and their beloved Universe-wide crossovers... they're rarely any good. In fact, the only time I find them enjoyable is when they're focused around the X-Men and mutantkind, and even then it's hit and miss. M Day was cool. The one where all the mutant haters team up and bring Nimrods from the future to our time to attack San Francisco was cool. AVX was not. If I may make a wrestling comparison, it's kind of like a Survivor Series All-Star Tag Team Match. Sure, Orton, Sheamus, Ryback, Daniel Bryan, and Kane vs. Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes, and Damien Sandow sounds fucking awesome, but it's probably not going to be a very good match. More of a cluster fuck then anything else.

My friend said that his friend is trying to start a comicbook company and asked me if I wanted to get in touch with him. This could be the start of a very exciting career for JGlass! Or it could just be a fun hobby. Or it could be nothing. Let's hope for the best, though.
What's double shipping? I tried Googling it, but it was just a bunch of comic book nerds complaining about double shipping without actually explaining what it is.

As for Marvel and their beloved Universe-wide crossovers... they're rarely any good. In fact, the only time I find them enjoyable is when they're focused around the X-Men and mutantkind, and even then it's hit and miss. M Day was cool. The one where all the mutant haters team up and bring Nimrods from the future to our time to attack San Francisco was cool. AVX was not. If I may make a wrestling comparison, it's kind of like a Survivor Series All-Star Tag Team Match. Sure, Orton, Sheamus, Ryback, Daniel Bryan, and Kane vs. Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes, and Damien Sandow sounds fucking awesome, but it's probably not going to be a very good match. More of a cluster fuck then anything else.

My friend said that his friend is trying to start a comicbook company and asked me if I wanted to get in touch with him. This could be the start of a very exciting career for JGlass! Or it could just be a fun hobby. Or it could be nothing. Let's hope for the best, though.

Double shipping: releasing two issues of a comic book per month, rather than one, I think.
The bullshit you mention is pretty much the only reason Marvel is more profitable than DC. If they didn't double ship and relentlessly use the $3.99 price point they'd be behind DC using whatever metric you like.

At least, that's what this suggests.

That's fine, it doesn't change the fact that as a result Marvel has been getting less money from me as I drop more & more Marvel books, while trying out more DC, Image, & other publisher's books. I've recently dropped Uncanny Avengers, Thor, & a bunch of X-books as a result of this. There are other books I've never even bothered to pick up because I know I won't have the time to get into them, nor be able to afford them. The consistent crossovers are just annoying, as titles rarely get a chance to just focus on the main characters in their books anymore, I dropped Wolverine & the X-men for a few months last summer cause I was tired of the AvX shit interfering with the story in that book.

A simple solution for dealing with all these big crossovers, would be to simply just release them as OGN's instead of spread the story over 10+ titles twice a month for 6 months.
Well what's wrong with double shipping if it's two separate issues then? Isn't it just giving fans what they want sooner?

after awhile the art & writing can suffer as you are doubling up the workload for your writers & artists, who are also often working on multiple titles. Then there's the cost thing, say you had 5 titles that came out once a month & cost $3.99 an issue, all of a sudden Marvel decides to double ship those 5 titles, but at the same $3.99 price point, now instead of paying about $20 for those five titles a month you're now paying $40 a month for those books, I don't know about you buy if I went from dropping $240 a year on my Marvel titles to suddenly dropping $480 I'd be pretty annoyed.
Just to briefly change the subject, the Young Justice cartoon is awesome. If you like comics, you should watch it if you don't already.
Just to briefly change the subject, the Young Justice cartoon is awesome. If you like comics, you should watch it if you don't already.

I'd say DC has been the better of the big two when it comes to cartoons in the past 20 yrs., that said Marvel pretty much owns the world of live action movies.

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