The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Is GI Joe too childish? I'm thinking about getting the new #1 issue, but I want to make sure that it's not some rehashed version of the kids TV show.

Wouldnt consider it childish or a kids book. It is gritty & has more depth than the show, thats for sure. Good artwork & the stuff with leading up to and including Cobra Civil War was a nice spin. They have to elect a new commander & things get a bit crazy. Plus the stuff with Storm Shadow & Snake Eyes is better than the crap in the movies.
Is IDW Dredd any good? I've never been a big Judge Dredd fan but I'm open to reading some to try and change my opinion of it.

It's alright, if you want Dredd you'd probably be better off picking up some of the older trades as I suspect they're better. IDW's current Dredd book is more them trying to capitalize on the recent movie & make the character more American audience friendly if that makes any sense (I.E. writing the character with less of a British influence). The current Judge Dredd book IDW is putting out is more a book I pick up if it's a very light week for me, & I need something else to read. Basically it's decent but nothing fantastic.

Books I'm currently picking up on regular basis

-Capt. America
-Wolverine & the X-men
-Fury MAX
-Punisher: War Zone
-Young Avengers
-Daredevil: End of Days

-Green Arrow


-Red Team
The fact that you don't pick up All-New X-Men, Scarlet Spider, Aquaman, JLA, or any Valiant titles is shocking. Go remedy that and buy them all. :p

I don't like any of those books, why the fuck would I waste my money on shit I don't have any desire whatsoever to read?
Hello there all you awesome comics people! I had a bit of a question and what I mean by bit is that there isn't really any right or wrong answer. I have watched the Avengers and most of the recent superhero movies but have absolutely no comics experience whatsoever. I want to stick to the superhero side of things but where in the world do I start? I'm a pretty open minded person and am willing to try Marvel and/or DC but it's scarily overwhelming when you are new and have no comic book friends. Suggestions? Of course remembering that I also don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spare.
If you don't mind crazy 60s dialogue or black and white paper then pick up Marvel's Essential series (or DC's Spotlight series) they go back to the 60s and collect 20 or so issues per book.
Hello there all you awesome comics people! I had a bit of a question and what I mean by bit is that there isn't really any right or wrong answer. I have watched the Avengers and most of the recent superhero movies but have absolutely no comics experience whatsoever. I want to stick to the superhero side of things but where in the world do I start? I'm a pretty open minded person and am willing to try Marvel and/or DC but it's scarily overwhelming when you are new and have no comic book friends. Suggestions? Of course remembering that I also don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spare.

If you want an actual superhero hero universe that has rebooted completely and you can start just fresh with, I'd suggest the Valiant Universe so far. They've got five books out, that deal with a variety of superhero styles, including mysticism & magic (Shadowman), humorous conspiracy theories (Archer & Armstrong), Aliens & power-armor wearing barbarians (X-O Manowar), an X-men style team (Harbinger), pseudo-futuristic conspiracy super-soldiers (Bloodshot). All of it is pretty good and they've only just broken double-digits issue-wise (with X-O Manowar), so you can catch up pretty quick.

As for Marvel or DC, I'd personally suggest Action Comics, which is up to issue 17. It deals with the early rise of Superman ala Smallville and it's written by one of the better writers in DC's roster. Batman is also good, since it deals with Batman & the Batman family in an overall scope, and it's quite intense. Demon Knights is a medieval fantasy book that DC puts out that is half-original characters and half-previously created, that starts back before most of the current stories. Justice League of America #1 just came out, and it's a pretty good read to get into from the ground up. Deals with a group of superheroes under American government control getting assembled to counter the Justice League (original 7), but also fighting the good fight otherwise. Aquaman is an excellent read, no matter if you know much about his history or not. Definitely suggest that.
Hello there all you awesome comics people! I had a bit of a question and what I mean by bit is that there isn't really any right or wrong answer. I have watched the Avengers and most of the recent superhero movies but have absolutely no comics experience whatsoever. I want to stick to the superhero side of things but where in the world do I start? I'm a pretty open minded person and am willing to try Marvel and/or DC but it's scarily overwhelming when you are new and have no comic book friends. Suggestions? Of course remembering that I also don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spare.

Are you hoping for a series to follow, or would you be more of a collection/once off kind of buyer?

There are some classics out there which would serve well as a good step into comics, such Batman: Year One, or the Dark Knight Returns, or on a larger scale Kingdom Come. I'm more a DC man, so if its marvel you're into, others will better suit.

If money is an issue, they could all possibly be downloaded, not that I'd ever suggest doing that because its illegal and bad for the business, but with a program like Comical or C Reader all is possible in good quality.

For me, I just started reading from Batman Year One (issue 404 in the Batman series) onwards, and that has served me quite well. From there i reach outwards and grabbed what appealed. The new 52 reboot could be very easy to catch up on. Nearly going to years now. And there's collections out so its easy going.

Fuck, I just realized how bad I am at saying things.
Hey guys. I'm considering quitting on buying monthlies. Anyone buy the collected books every few months? Death in the Family just finished, and I was looking at the court of the owls book, they gather in all the necessary Nightwing, etc. Its cheaper, and easier managed.

Anyone want to sway me one way or the other beyond the wait on a new Batman?
Hello there all you awesome comics people! I had a bit of a question and what I mean by bit is that there isn't really any right or wrong answer. I have watched the Avengers and most of the recent superhero movies but have absolutely no comics experience whatsoever. I want to stick to the superhero side of things but where in the world do I start? I'm a pretty open minded person and am willing to try Marvel and/or DC but it's scarily overwhelming when you are new and have no comic book friends. Suggestions? Of course remembering that I also don't have thousands and thousands of dollars to spare.

Really depends on what you want, which characters you like, are certain writers artists you prefer, etc.

Marvel just relaunched a bunch of their major titles under the Marvel Now banner, so if you're looking pick up stuff on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis then I suggest checking out those books, many of them are pretty good, most are just finishing up their first arc & about to start on their second so now is a good jumping on point for many of those books. DC has just released several new titles, & the Batman books have all just finished a major storyline so there's a good jumping on point there.

If you're looking for trades, then just follow the link below & it'll give the search results for a series of articles a comic site called iFanboy does titled "Where Do I Start: <insert characters name>".
It's alright, if you want Dredd you'd probably be better off picking up some of the older trades as I suspect they're better. IDW's current Dredd book is more them trying to capitalize on the recent movie & make the character more American audience friendly if that makes any sense (I.E. writing the character with less of a British influence). The current Judge Dredd book IDW is putting out is more a book I pick up if it's a very light week for me, & I need something else to read. Basically it's decent but nothing fantastic.

Books I'm currently picking up on regular basis

-Capt. America
-Wolverine & the X-men
-Fury MAX
-Punisher: War Zone
-Young Avengers
-Daredevil: End of Days

-Green Arrow


-Red Team

Christ, the only two that we have in common are Fury MAX and Batman!

-Fury MAX
-Uncanny Avengers
-Savage Wolverine
-Fantastic Four
-Uncanny X-Force
-New Avengers

-Suicide Squad
-Red Hood And The Outlaws
-Justice League Of America


-Mars Attacks
If you want an actual superhero hero universe that has rebooted completely and you can start just fresh with, I'd suggest the Valiant Universe so far. They've got five books out, that deal with a variety of superhero styles, including mysticism & magic (Shadowman), humorous conspiracy theories (Archer & Armstrong), Aliens & power-armor wearing barbarians (X-O Manowar), an X-men style team (Harbinger), pseudo-futuristic conspiracy super-soldiers (Bloodshot). All of it is pretty good and they've only just broken double-digits issue-wise (with X-O Manowar), so you can catch up pretty quick.

At first I was not totally sold on reading something outside Marvel or DC and especially as some of my first comics. But the mysticism and magic comment caught my eye and I have to say that the first Shadowman definitely struck me. Now I do actually have another question when it comes to that universe and that is; how inter connected are they if any? I simply would not want to read too far in Shadowman and then learn something crucial about another comic in the universe. You definitely have some to talk about the comics now though!

Thanks everyone for your suggestions though and I hope to slowly but surely begin to frequent this thread.
At first I was not totally sold on reading something outside Marvel or DC and especially as some of my first comics. But the mysticism and magic comment caught my eye and I have to say that the first Shadowman definitely struck me. Now I do actually have another question when it comes to that universe and that is; how inter connected are they if any? I simply would not want to read too far in Shadowman and then learn something crucial about another comic in the universe. You definitely have some to talk about the comics now though!

The interconnection was pretty minimal to start, but it's building up as they continue the universe-building. They tend to namedrop events, people & concepts from each others books every so often. Like they'll be doing Bloodshot and they'll mention the Harbingers and build up to a crossover (that's going on in a separate mini-series) or they'll mention a conspiracy group from the Archer & Armstrong and it'll appear in the background of another book.

Shadowman is pretty much the youngest book in the series (only three or four issues in!), so you shouldn't have to worry too much off the bat.
Also, Ayden, I just got reminded about I, Vampire. It's a DC supernatural comic that pretty much does vampires right (while being in the greater superhero universe). It's ending soon at 18 issues, so it's a very nice contained read, and it's got some occasional "big-star" appearances like Batman or John Constantine.
Huge shake-up in the Batman universe happening in Batman Inc. #8, I'm sooo excited, I typically don't buy this book, but I read spoilers for it & it looks like something I've wanted to happen for years is finally gonna happen!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
So did Rick Remender really go there with the last panel of UA4? Interesting to see where that storyline goes, because DOFP is looking like it's the next big Marvel event if he continues.
Huge shake-up in the Batman universe happening in Batman Inc. #8, I'm sooo excited, I typically don't buy this book, but I read spoilers for it & it looks like something I've wanted to happen for years is finally gonna happen!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

... Really? You wanted that to happen? I really didn't. I was enjoying some of the stories and moments that were happening before it happened.
So did Rick Remender really go there with the last panel of UA4? Interesting to see where that storyline goes, because DOFP is looking like it's the next big Marvel event if he continues.

I dropped it after the last issue, care to elaborate (with spoiler tags of course)?

Batman Inc. #8 was fucking epic, to the point where I just may have to add this to my list again, at least for the next few issues, just to see the fallout.
... Really? You wanted that to happen? I really didn't. I was enjoying some of the stories and moments that were happening before it happened.

I haaaaaaaaaate Damian, I think he might be the worst Robin we've ever had to deal with, so yes I've wanted this to happen for some time. I fully expect it not to stick though, I mean the kid is the grandson of Ras Al Ghul.
I haaaaaaaaaate Damian, I think he might be the worst Robin we've ever had to deal with, so yes I've wanted this to happen for some time. I fully expect it not to stick though, I mean the kid is the grandson of Ras Al Ghul.

It'll stick as long as Morrison is in a position of authority or influence. So maybe five years.

Still, I'll miss him and the stories that resulted in things like Batcow.
I dropped it after the last issue, care to elaborate (with spoiler tags of course)?

Batman Inc. #8 was fucking epic, to the point where I just may have to add this to my list again, at least for the next few issues, just to see the fallout.

I'm not sure if I like this book or not. I'm willing to run with it because of Remnder, but fucking Cassady and his delays kill whatever book he is working on. At least they'll have Copiel for the next arc.

Red Skull basically merges with Xavier, which you knew. Uh Oh, Red Skull has now merged with Onslaught. There is a fast forward 3 months at the end of the book which shows Immortus dead, a prophecy involving Cable, Ahab, and what looks like a Stark created Nimrod.

It looks like Marvel is going to cash in on Days of Future Past. Apparently the next arc features Kang and the Apocalypse twins (direct sequel to Dark Angel Saga), which will lead into this dystopian future.

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