The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

So I started getting into Marvels Oversized Hardcover line. You want to talk about great A production quality, I highly recommend these books. The material is oversized (duh), has incredibly leather binding, and most have smyth sewn binding (basically you can run the book over with a semi and the thing will stick together).

Since I haven't collected month to month for years now, it's a great way to get caught up. Most OHC's do complete runs of creators. It's simply a fantastic way to read some of these books. Does anyone else own any of these badboys?
I have 3 weeks worth of books to pick up this week, I'm thinking about dropping a lot of stuff. Mainly my Marvel titles not written by Remender, & Aaron. I just find it both hard to keep up with Marvel as well as very expensive, they seem hell bent on pushing all their major titles on a double shipping schedule, & at $3.99 a shot it's just too damn much.

I also want to focus more on trades, I still have 3 DMZ trades left in that series, I really want to read Ennis's Punisher Max run, as well as Preacher, & I have yet to even begin reading The Walking Dead.
So I started getting into Marvels Oversized Hardcover line. You want to talk about great A production quality, I highly recommend these books. The material is oversized (duh), has incredibly leather binding, and most have smyth sewn binding (basically you can run the book over with a semi and the thing will stick together).

Since I haven't collected month to month for years now, it's a great way to get caught up. Most OHC's do complete runs of creators. It's simply a fantastic way to read some of these books. Does anyone else own any of these badboys?

They sound expensive. How much does one of those run for?
They sound expensive. How much does one of those run for?

They're expensive if you have to buy them MSRP. They range anywhere from 49.99 to 99.99. Oh wait, that's for basic Marvel books. Unfortunately X-men suffer from what some of us fan boys call "The X-Men Tax". If you buy OHC X-men you're looking at 74.99 to 129.99 for the same size books as other Marvel books. Yes, Marvel charges more for X-men. It sucks.

However, there are dozens of online retailers that sell those books for up to 55% off if you hit their sales just right. Plus there are promo codes that knock off an additional 10%, so if you hit these sales right, you can clean up real well.

They are completely worth it if you're a fan of a particular run by a guy, or a specific book. The one I'm eying up next is the Age of Apocalypse Omnibus. It's a near 1100 page monster that collects every book from the X-over in 1994.
I also want to focus more on trades, I still have 3 DMZ trades left in that series, I really want to read Ennis's Punisher Max run, as well as Preacher, & I have yet to even begin reading The Walking Dead.

I plan on plowing through the DMZ trades I bought a few months ago while I'm without my PS3 at Christmas. If I get enough Christmas money, I'll pick up the next couple.

Also, I don't know if you heard, but apparently The Massive has its first trade coming out in January or February.
I plan on plowing through the DMZ trades I bought a few months ago while I'm without my PS3 at Christmas. If I get enough Christmas money, I'll pick up the next couple.

Also, I don't know if you heard, but apparently The Massive has its first trade coming out in January or February.

Mar. 27th according to Brian Woods site.
I knew it was early next year, I just fucked up the month. Really excited for it though

As am I, his stuff reads much better collected than it does in individual issues. I really want to read more of his Northlanders stuff, & want to check out his Conan run as well, as I've heard really good things about it.
As am I, his stuff reads much better collected than it does in individual issues. I really want to read more of his Northlanders stuff, & want to check out his Conan run as well, as I've heard really good things about it.

Same. My girlfriend has a library card, so I might see if I can get some of those through there. The website made it look like they have quite a few of the Northlanders books.
So I started getting into Marvels Oversized Hardcover line. You want to talk about great A production quality, I highly recommend these books. The material is oversized (duh), has incredibly leather binding, and most have smyth sewn binding (basically you can run the book over with a semi and the thing will stick together).

Since I haven't collected month to month for years now, it's a great way to get caught up. Most OHC's do complete runs of creators. It's simply a fantastic way to read some of these books. Does anyone else own any of these badboys?

Was looking at some of the oversizes today in the local. The CBG was complaining about the spine breaking and the rough binding done on some, that often the pages can get loose when you reach half way? Come across that??

I was checking out the Invisibles oversize earlier, whats different there is each page is glued in seperately. That and its a beast of a comic. Pricey as my mothers christmas gift, but it might absolutely be worth it.
DC has a ton of proble s with their OHC's because they use glue binding as opposed to sewn binding. They have a lot of "gutter loss" (Losing the images to the tight binding).

Marvels really large books (400+ pages) tend to have the sewn binding. They are designed to come off of the binding. I have had no issues with the books I own. I can see the issue with the glue binding though. With the sewn binding, you would have to have the intent of destroying that book to do damage.

Oh yeah, thaaaat's the stuff.

Oh yeah, thaaaat's the stuff.

You really need to read Remender's Uncanny X-Force run which just ended. Easily my favorite thing to come out of the X-men universe in the past 2 yrs. It's right up there with Snyder's Batman run as one of the two most constantly good comics on the market.
You really need to read Remender's Uncanny X-Force run which just ended. Easily my favorite thing to come out of the X-men universe in the past 2 yrs. It's right up there with Snyder's Batman run as one of the two most constantly good comics on the market.

I did. The whole thing I believe. Excellent stuff.
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I'm actually kinda excited for this one, hopefully it's better than than Marvels last two big events (Fear Itself, & AVX) which wound up being utter disasters.
I really wish Marvel would get away from the company wide crossovers once in a while. I understand they do well for business, but a huge event every year diminishes the value of them. Infinity is now the "biggest event ever" (since AVX was the biggest event ever last year). It's expected though.

I'm actually interested in the movie universe and Phase 3 of the Marvel movies. Supposedly the Hulk will be getting a new movie after Avengers 2, Planet Hulk, and Avengers 3 is going to be World War Hulk. That would be freaking awesome if they can pull it off.
It's being reported that Chris Pratt of Parks & Rec fame has been cast as Starlord in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
The wait for Batman #17 is killing me. This has to be one of the best story arcs, right up there with Year One and The Killing Joke. Everything is just so damn horrifying yet perfectly fitting.
Green Arrow finally got a good creative team working on it!! It's finally a fun book to read again, & to think it only took DC 17 issues to finally get it right again.
The wait for Batman #17 is killing me. This has to be one of the best story arcs, right up there with Year One and The Killing Joke. Everything is just so damn horrifying yet perfectly fitting.

You following across the board for death in the family or just the Batmans? I havent read laterally, but I bet its worth it.
If it were up to me I'd just have Joker kill Damien, I can't stand that obnoxious little turd, he's by far the worst Robin that's ever been.

Nightwing is the only other Bat-book I read, as Kyle Higgans & Scott Snyder tend to keep in pretty close contact with their stories, so the two books mesh pretty weel together, plus Nightwing is a pretty cool, & underrated character, who is well written by Higgans.

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