The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Thanks for the recommendations.

I read The Infinity Gauntlet limited series yesterday and was somewhat disappointed. The first two issues were basically one page expositions of the various heroes getting prepared to face Thanos, but I always enjoy appearances from cosmic entities (The Living Tribunal!!), and I think Adam Warlock is an interesting character, so their presence boosted the series a little.

I think I'm gonna go with Secret Wars I and II next, followed by Civil War, and then I'll look into some DC stuff.
Punisher War Zone #1 was pretty decent, I think it could be really good as long as Rucka is the sole writer on this, which I beleive is the plan, & the keep the whole story within the five issue mini-series, no tie-in's with any of the other Avenger books.
That Arrow episode was amazing this week. Arrow is slowly making it's way to top ten shows to watch in general. It's already my favorite new show this fall.
I disagree strongly on Punisher as all the good things about him require too much thinking for the normal TV audience. He forces you to question what justice really is and why it's so important, and most TV viewers don't want to do that much thinking. They want quick emotional gratitude, and that's what almost all television provides. Hell, even the best shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones allow audiences to quickly draw conclusions about the characters and stand by those convictions.

As far as Marvel goes, I'd say Spider-Man makes the most sense for a TV show. In addition to being Spider-Man, Peter Parker usually has enough shit going on in his personal life to keep the audience hooked. I realized Spidey has been done before as a cartoon, but I think it could work as a live action. Daredevil could definitely work too, especially because lawyer shows have been extraordinarily successful on TV, so imagine a lawyer AND superhero show mixed into one.
I disagree strongly on Punisher as all the good things about him require too much thinking for the normal TV audience. He forces you to question what justice really is and why it's so important, and most TV viewers don't want to do that much thinking. They want quick emotional gratitude, and that's what almost all television provides. Hell, even the best shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones allow audiences to quickly draw conclusions about the characters and stand by those convictions.

I think you're making Punisher far more complicated than what he really is, plus I think a network like FX (and with Fox owning the rights to Punisher it's a likely landing spot for a Punisher TV series), with their history of shows like The Shield, SOA, & Justified, could make a nice gritty Punisher TV series that could grab viewers in the same way those shows did.

As far as Marvel goes, I'd say Spider-Man makes the most sense for a TV show. In addition to being Spider-Man, Peter Parker usually has enough shit going on in his personal life to keep the audience hooked. I realized Spidey has been done before as a cartoon, but I think it could work as a live action.

There was been a live action Spidey show in the 70's

Has anyone read Dying Wish A.K.A. Amazing Spider-Man #698? My God that's the best Spider-Man issue I've read in years and it packs a legit, super impressive surprise twist leading into the series reboot of #700 and Superior Spider-Man. It's fucking awesome.
Oh come on now, every months Batman is great. Snyder & Capullo are easily the best creative team in DC right now, possibly in all of comics.

No i mean this one stood out as even a step above the last bunch. This joker stuff is rising up in my ranks of favourite batman stories ive ever read. This issue at the very least.

Finally getting a copy of The Dark Knight Returns now too. Its a good month to be a batman fan.
I'm bored so I thought I would make list my Fav 5 series from this past year.

1-Batman- Since the the New 52 relaunch this has been one of only 2 books that I've continued to pick up each & every month, Snyder's writing combined with Capullo's amazing art has, for my money, made this the best superhero book out there right now.

2-Uncanny X-Force- This book right here is the gateway drug of comics that got me back into my picking up issues, & visiting my LCS where my addiction just grew. The Dark Angel Saga, & Final Execution arcs front his past year have been the best stuff to come out of Marvel in ages, I am especially thankful that this title was untouched by the AvX crap that plagued every other X-men book this past year, & instead they just allowed Remender & Co. to continue there fantastic work & stay on the direction they were going. I'm going to be sad when this series comes to an end in the next issue, but damn has it been one hell of a ride.

3-Wolverine & The X-Men- Jason Arron, a guy better know for his gritty & violent work in books like Scalped, Punisher MAX, & Wolverine, has manged to write an X-men book that is just plain fun & refreshing to read, this books routinely has a little of everything, comedy, action, etc., everything you could want in a comic in in this book. This is one of those books that is really accessible to anyone, & always a joy to read.

4-Revival- Revival is a book most people have probably never heard of, it's a title published by Image. It takes place in rural central Wisconsin where, for one day the dead came back to life. Now it's up to Officer Dana Cypress to deal with the media scrutiny, religious zealots, and government quarantine that has come with them. It's a very interesting book with the current storyline has Officer Cypress trying to solve a brutal murder, where everyone alive & undead is a suspect. This series is only 5 issues deep with a TPB of this 5 issues coming out next month.

5-Punisher MAX- This is a book (written by Jason Aaron) that wrapped up earlier this year & is one of my favorite Punisher stories ever told. This being a MAX series allowed Aaron the freedom to write a more realistic and hard-edged story that cannot be seen in regular mainline Marvel Universe. It's basically about Punisher's war against Kingpin, & Punisher taking on everything Fisk throws at him from a army of mobsters & dirty cops, to Bullseye, to Elektra. The story is very dark, very violent, & an amazing ride full of twists & turns. If a Punisher TV series was to ever be made, this is the version it should be based on. The entire series is available in TPBs.

Honorable mentions (in no particular order)

American Vampire
Peter Panzarfaust
Any one here read swamp thing?

Whats the appeal? I'm a big hellblazer fan (R.I.P.) so I have a small pull towards it, but I dont even have the commitment to google it because I'm stuck with a juvenile oppinion that he's a swampy dude that takes care of trees and shit.

Who is swamp thing, and why should I read it??

Much appreciated.

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