The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Also, on the subject of Justice League. The Justice Lords were a fucking good idea. The idea of an evil version of the Justice League isn't exactly new (see also: Crime Syndicate of America). But the idea of good guys crossing the line like they did (rather than just being evil) and taking benevolent protection to the logical extreme is a good plot and one that could have interesting consequences should they interact with their mainstream counterparts.

Anyone know if any of these are good? My LCS has each one for $1 until Sunday.

Also, Justin, have you kept up with The Massive or did you end up deciding to wait for the TPB? I've heard really good things about #4, and it is really tempting to just buy each as they come out.
I'm going TPB for Massive from here on out, I had to make some chages to my monthly pull-lists & it just seems easier & cheaper (in the long run) for me to just wait for TPBs for Massive. I did pick up DMZ vol. 7 yesterday though, lloking forward to digging into that today.

I don't know anything about thos tpbs, but I probably would buy them all, though that said I have a place that would then buy them off of me for about $3-5 a piece, so even if I didn't like something in there I would have a way of making more than my money back. Anything that has Punisher, Spidey, Avengers, or Hulk on it, & is only $1 is probably worth giving a shot, Stan's soapbox was the name of his letter column at Marvel years ago, if that's all the book is then I doubt you would want to even bother with it, unless you like reading fan letters from the 60's & 70's.
I'm going TPB for Massive from here on out, I had to make some chages to my monthly pull-lists & it just seems easier & cheaper (in the long run) for me to just wait for TPBs for Massive. I did pick up DMZ vol. 7 yesterday though, lloking forward to digging into that today.

My shop had buy 2, get 1 free on TPBs last week so I got DMZ 1-3. The first one was really good, I'm excited to get into the other 2. I'll probably wait on The Massive as well, since it seems like it'll be quite a lengthy series.

I don't know anything about thos tpbs, but I probably would buy them all, though that said I have a place that would then buy them off of me for about $3-5 a piece, so even if I didn't like something in there I would have a way of making more than my money back. Anything that has Punisher, Spidey, Avengers, or Hulk on it, & is only $1 is probably worth giving a shot, Stan's soapbox was the name of his letter column at Marvel years ago, if that's all the book is then I doubt you would want to even bother with it, unless you like reading fan letters from the 60's & 70's.

Ahhh ok. I'll probably flip through them and see if anything jumps out at me. I've been meaning to head over there anyway to pick up Minutemen #3 since I get paid tomorrow.
In honer of the Dredd 3D (or 2D if you chose that option) I've decided to post the Where Do I Start for Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd: Where Do I Start?
by Chris Arrant

American comics fans were born and raised on a steady diet of super-heroes, but for the people of the United Kingdom they had another hero to look up to: Judge Dredd. Created in 1977 in the just-launched anthology magazine 2000AD, Judge Dredd came of age in the early 80s as a UK counterpart to the “growing up” of comics as seen in other books like Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns. Living in a post-apocalyptic future, Judge Dredd is a law enforcement officer operating in a violent, bustling city walled away from the wasteland outside called Mega City One. The series played the “tough as nails” cop to the hilt, with Judge Dredd brandishing both the crime and the punishment in the name of the law.

For the world outside the UK, Judge Dredd has existed as a import with varying degrees of availability. Considered both exotic and violent, Dredd has stepped into American comics both in a crossover with Batman as well as a series of DC-originated titles. Neither caused much of an impact, leaving American fans of Judge Dredd to rely on imported shipments of comics to get their fix. But with the advent of graphic novels and collections, Judge Dredd’s brand of law is finally permeating the world outside Mega City One.

iFanboy has put together five essential books to get to know Judge Dredd and the world of Mega City One. They’ll cost you a few creds, but it’ll be worth it.

The Best of Judge Dredd: This multi-faceted compilation cherry-picks some of the best works from Dredd’s stories, showing excerpts from sprawling epics as well as highlighting dynamic stand-alone stories that flesh out the world. Of special attention in this is the “The Fink”, a story that would be a treat to fans of Transmetropolitan. Also included is the complete “America” storyarc, which acts as a look at Mega City One and its Judges from the perspective of pro-democracy dissidents. This book stands out from the other “best of” collection, Judge Dredd: Complete Case Files because instead of simply publishing every story from beginning to end it culls it out for true gems all in one book — includingthe excellent “The Cursed Earth,” “The Judge Child” and introducing you to Otto Stump.

Judge Dredd: Judgement Day: In a nutshell, it’s Judge Dredd versus zombies. Written by UK-transplant Garth Ennis, fans of Preacher and The Boys will get a (severe) kick out of this as Judge Dredd wrangles up Judges from all over the world to stop a mad necromancer and kills millions in the process.

Judge Dredd: The Apocalypse War: An early story in the long-running Judge Dredd strip, this arc sees Mega City One on the defensive as nearby East-Meg One mounts a nuclear strike before full-on invasion. Using hints of Cold War politics, Judge Dredd and other Mega-City judges are forced to go in as a defacto wetworks squad to mount an attack. The story is done by Judge Dredd creators John Wagner & Carlos Ezquerra, joined in by co-writer Alan Grant

Judge Dredd: The Day The Law Died: Judge Dredd’s authoritarian police work is put on trial as he’s convicted of murder, leading to a whole new regime to head up MC1′s Judges. Dredd must break out of incarceration, band together with retired and laid-off Judges to put a stop to the dictarorial regime that made Dredd’s policies look liberal. The abortive Stallone movie borrowed some of its elements from this arc, but refer to the original here to really enjoy it. This arc features phenomenal art by Brian Bolland and Mike McMahon, and is written by Alan Grant.

Judge Dredd featuring Judge Death: Arguably Dredd’s most popular foe, Judge Death gets his first appearance here. Coming from another dimension, Judge Death operates with the motto “The crime is life, the sentence is death!”, thinking that since only living people can do crime then life is the true criminal and needs to be put to justice. Considered by some to be Judge Dredd’s Joker (or perhaps Venom, for Spider-Man fans), Death became one of the few villains to last since most of Dredd’s foes are quickly executed with his kill-first attitude.

I have never read any Judge Dredd, the only real knowledge I have of this franchise is from the two movies, one of which was so fucking bad it was actually humorous, & the one currently in theaters which is awesome. So awesome that I'm actually thinking of hitting up my LCS & picking up a few Dredd tpbs.
The newest addition to the DCAU library, Batman: Year One: Part 1, has hit shelves today, I plan on picking up & watching my copy tonight!, Avengers also on DVD/Blu-ray today, good day to be a comic fan!
had a pretty light week this week

Uncanny X-Force #32
Daredevil: End of Days #1 (of 8)
Legends of the Dark Knight #1
DMZ: M.I.A. (the 9th tpb in this awesome series)
had a pretty light week this week

Uncanny X-Force #32
Daredevil: End of Days #1 (of 8)
Legends of the Dark Knight #1
DMZ: M.I.A. (the 9th tpb in this awesome series)

Avengers Academy 38
Batwing 13
Earth 2 5

Really excited to see what builds up on Earth 2. Kind mehing as of late on Batwing, and I might just start picking up Green Lantern with the arrival of Baz.
Everyday drivers are arrested for driving under the influence, as law enforcement agencies continue to crackdown on these dangerous offenders. On Tuesday in Bakersfield, CA, the courts handed down a murder conviction to a drunk driver in a boating incident that took the life of Sal Rodriguez on Lake Buena Vista in 2010. Justin Ennis has been sentenced to 15 years to life in the conviction, which is believed to be the first of its kind in the state of California and the nation. Ennis has a prior DUI conviction as well as a charge for 2nd degree murder in a separate case for which he accepted a plea deal.
Since I don't really have anything non-spam to say about it I thought I'd tell all you comic book lovers in here to go watch the new CW series Arrow. I'm not a huge Green Arrow fan and I'd be lying if I said I followed the comic books but I just watched the pilot and I loved it. It's even bringing Deathstroke to mainstream media. I think I've found some images of him and I'll post them here if I can.
Any of you guys get the new batman this week??

Gooood lord its a very good issue! These guys are doing a great job!

Snyder & Capullo always kill it on Batman

Since I don't really have anything non-spam to say about it I thought I'd tell all you comic book lovers in here to go watch the new CW series Arrow. I'm not a huge Green Arrow fan and I'd be lying if I said I followed the comic books but I just watched the pilot and I loved it. It's even bringing Deathstroke to mainstream media. I think I've found some images of him and I'll post them here if I can.

It's awesome much much better than I was expecting
Justin, I started watching Comic Book men. Very enjoyable show, and I kind of want to go check out the show and see the guys working there but act all cool and normal around them. I wish I had something to sell to them, but I don't think I have anything of value.
Justin, I started watching Comic Book men. Very enjoyable show, and I kind of want to go check out the show and see the guys working there but act all cool and normal around them. I wish I had something to sell to them, but I don't think I have anything of value.

Yeah, I love that show. Every time I watch it makes me want to go & hang out at my LCS even more. If I ever get out to the East coast, the Stash is definitely going to have to be one of places I stop & check out. If you like CBM then you should listen to the Tell 'em Steve-Dave podcast, it's those guys & it's fucking hilarious, just ask Sam.
Justin, are you aware of this Green Arrow show that's gonna be on CW soon? I just learned about it today.

I may not be justin, but I can tell you that the show is already out as of last week. And its good, well worth a looky-look. Its simply called "ARROW".

Similar in style to the new 52 version of things. Its nice and dark and has plenty of action right of the bow. (see what i did there...? :blush:) Does enough to make you want to come back next time.
Why is it that live action adaptations of comic book archers use recurve bows rather than compound bows? It bugged me in Avengers (though his bow was completely non functional because of its ability to fold) and it bugs me in the still images for Arrow.

The latter is significantly more powerful and not much bigger. It's also easier to maintain at full draw than a recurve and thus easier to aim.
Why is it that live action adaptations of comic book archers use recurve bows rather than compound bows? It bugged me in Avengers (though his bow was completely non functional because of its ability to fold) and it bugs me in the still images for Arrow.

The latter is significantly more powerful and not much bigger. It's also easier to maintain at full draw than a recurve and thus easier to aim.


Dont think about ANYTHING too much.

But also in this show green arrow got the bow on an island, a traditional style makes more sense? And it makes them appear more skilled.

Dont think about ANYTHING too much.

But also in this show green arrow got the bow on an island, a traditional style makes more sense? And it makes them appear more skilled.

Yes, a bow where you can see the screws and features excessive designs TOTALLY looks like a traditional bow that was found on an island in the middle of nowhere.
Justin, are you aware of this Green Arrow show that's gonna be on CW soon? I just learned about it today.

Yeah Arrow, it premiered last Weds. bro, surprising awesome show, if you're a fan of comic book movies, you'll probably enjoy it. You can watch it for free on CW's website
I haven't seen Arrow yet. I was hoping they'd use some of the same actors from Smallville. I'll have to wait until the reviews start to come in.

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