The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

List time!

1. Justin, I got issue 1 of The Massive and loved it. Great recommendation, thanks

2. I was looking into some of Brian Wood's other stuff, and am intrigued by Demo, Northlanders and DMZ. Anyone read any of those?

3. Minutemen #3 comes out tomorrow, I think, so I'll probably pick up that and The Massive #2 later this week or early next week.
List time!

1. Justin, I got issue 1 of The Massive and loved it. Great recommendation, thanks

I love it too, but after the first three issues, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to give this book the Locke & Key treatment, in other words wait for the tpbs to come out & read it that way. I just feel, for me me, I'll get more enjoyment reading it that way.

2. I was looking into some of Brian Wood's other stuff, and am intrigued by Demo, Northlanders and DMZ. Anyone read any of those?

I've never read Demo, but have read the first two tpbs of Northlanders & enjoyed them, especially the first one (Return of Sven, I beleive), & DMZ is probably my favorite series to read in tpbs right now, I burned right through the first 6 (of 12) tpbs in a matter of 2-3 months, I love this book so fucking much & can't recommend it highly enough.

So it appears Remenders run on Venom is officially over & Cullen Bunn has taken over, this of course means my days of reading Venom are officially done (at least for awhile) as well. I read Bunn's first issue as Venom writer & found it decidedly average & ultimately not very interesting.
I love it too, but after the first three issues, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to give this book the Locke & Key treatment, in other words wait for the tpbs to come out & read it that way. I just feel, for me me, I'll get more enjoyment reading it that way.

Locke & Key used to be one of my favourite comics, is it still going strong??

Youve got me interested in DMZ now, never knew what it was about, but i'd seen it around! Thanks!
Locke & Key used to be one of my favourite comics, is it still going strong??

Yeah, I believe they have one more six issue series that's gonna wrap the whole story up, not sure when that starts though, I'm still waiting for the 5th series to be released as a tpb.

Youve got me interested in DMZ now, never knew what it was about, but i'd seen it around! Thanks!

DMZ is set in the near future, where a second American civil war has turned the island of Manhattan into a demilitarized zone (DMZ), caught between forces of the United States of America and secessionist Free States of America. You follow Matty Roth, a photo-journalist, as he tries to survive in the DMZ after being stranded as the result of an attack by local militia.
I love it too, but after the first three issues, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to give this book the Locke & Key treatment, in other words wait for the tpbs to come out & read it that way. I just feel, for me me, I'll get more enjoyment reading it that way.

That's probably not a bad idea. What's the usual lag time for something like that

I've never read Demo, but have read the first two tpbs of Northlanders & enjoyed them, especially the first one (Return of Sven, I beleive), & DMZ is probably my favorite series to read in tpbs right now, I burned right through the first 6 (of 12) tpbs in a matter of 2-3 months, I love this book so fucking much & can't recommend it highly enough.

The Northlanders I can get through my library, so I'll probably do that a pick them up later when I have more money. DMZ tpb 1 is there as well, so I'll read that and if I like it, open up the wallet.
I lied. I got DMZ #1 ordered from my LCS today, it should be here before I head to my parents house this weekend. Plus, the guy there told me they are having a buy 2, get 1 free sale on graphic novels next week, so I can get 2-4 if I like 1
I hope I'm not the only one who reads Walking Dead.

I've finally caught up with a backlog and got to issue 100 last night.

It is fucking brutal. I swear I have never wanted a villian to get him comuppance as much as Negan. Seriously, fuck that guy.
:shrug: beats the fuck outta me

The first tpb of Peter Panzerfaust came out this week, & holy fuck is this book awesomely fun, I think the best description I've heard for it so far is Peter Pan meets Red Dawn during WWII.
Batwing #0
Bloodshot #3
Age of Apocalypse #7
Avengers Academy #36
Earth 2 #0
Worlds Finest #0
Phantom Stranger #0

Imma going to be doing a lot of reading tommorrow.
First Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe, now The Punisher is hunting down the Marvel Universe, I bet they will have the Marvel Universe turn into Vampires next and Blade will be after all of them.
I got 5 books this week, though one was a book I forgot to pick up last week, & another was a 2nd printing of a book that came out about a month ago.

Uncanny X-Force #30
Hawkeye #1
Hawkeye #2
Punisher #15
The Cape: 1969 #3

Big Marvel week for me
Batwing #0
Bloodshot #3
Age of Apocalypse #7
Avengers Academy #36
Earth 2 #0
Worlds Finest #0
Phantom Stranger #0

Imma going to be doing a lot of reading tommorrow.
Bloodshot, Batwing, Earth 2 & Avengers Academy were pretty good. All well done titles that flesh out their characters significantly moving forward (though Earth-2 was the least fleshed out, IMO). Batwing and AA were pretty effective and emotionally gripping, and I really am starting to get into David's mind process. Bloodshot was the weakest besides E-2, and even it was pretty damn good. Getting sick of the constant shooting and healing though.

Age of Apocalypse has been a mediocre trawl of the X-terminated getting their asses kicked from issue to issue while following some sort of plan. But there's one more issue, so...

Phantom Stranger was a boring reintroduction that leaned heavily on the FCBD issue and gave such an underwhelming reintro of the Spectre. Internally raging over the treatment of two favorite characters of mine.

Worlds' Finest was at the same level of meh that the book as whole is, which is so saddening as I love both these characters to bits. The Catwoman & Robin costumes look great (and the Huntress influences are obvious and well done), and I'd love an Earth-2 Bat family book (seriously, Huntress is so much better mentally than Damien it's not even funny, let alone the relationship between Catwoman & Batman versus Talia & Batman). Pretty much everything in this issue feels done and the meeting of Supergirl & Robin is so contrived (seriously Kal-L, you let her respond to Gotham calls? Gotham, aka the most depraved shit city in DC after Hub City?), and that last line was so shit I don't know what to think. Still, the reveal of Mr. 8's (aka original Mr. Terrific's) men involved in the death of Catwoman is a bit interesting.
AvX has been the biggest pile of shit I remember in comics. A total buttfuckery of the X-Men is going on to prop the holy Avengers up over at Marvel. It's mind boggling that Marvel would intentionally sabotage it's #1 non event book (Uncanny X), to make the Avengers look like Gods. Unfuckingbelievable and totally disgusted by the way that event played out, but not surprised in the least.
Detective Comics #0, pretty cool, but thats not much of a surprise!

Never knew how good the artwork was there, had grown used to seeing the same face on every character in Batman!
So, I've been watching Justice League, and something got to me. How the hell can Wonder Woman's outfit be considered armour? (hell, it was forged by Hephaestus in that continuity, at least) It's a fucking swimming costume with bracelets and a tiara. How is that armour?
So, I've been watching Justice League, and something got to me. How the hell can Wonder Woman's outfit be considered armour? (hell, it was forged by Hephaestus in that continuity, at least) It's a fucking swimming costume with bracelets and a tiara. How is that armour?

Its not the size of your armour that counts, its how you use it!
No, seriously, for something to be armour it has to, ya know be protective. It's a fucking one piece swimming costume. HOW DOES THAT PROTECT AGAINST ANYTHING?
1-She's a fucking fictional cartoon character, stop thinking about it so hard.

2- She wears bullet proof bracelets, & that gold portion on her chest, though rather small, is some sort of metal as well (notice how it's covering her heart?). The bracelets have thus far proven indestructible and able to absorb the impact of incoming attacks, allowing Wonder Woman to deflect automatic weapon fire and energy blasts. This combined with the enhanced speed, & agility she gets from being amazon, means she can stop pretty much any projectile or weapon hurled at her.
I know. It's just a swimming costume doesn't really deserve to be called armour. The bracelets, yeah. I get how they protect her from stuff. But it's still silly. Also, don't get why Amazons would design armour modelled after the flag of the United States. Ah, the problems that arise when rationally thinking about character that embodies the fetishes of its creator.
I know. It's just a swimming costume doesn't really deserve to be called armour. The bracelets, yeah. I get how they protect her from stuff. But it's still silly.

If you really take the time to think about it, most superheros are.

Also, don't get why Amazons would design armour modelled after the flag of the United States. Ah, the problems that arise when rationally thinking about character that embodies the fetishes of its creator.

They explain it in the DCAU movie, unfortunately I can't seem to find the clip on Youtube, but basically she wins the right to return Steve Trevor to his home, America, & as amazon tradition she will wear a costume featuring the colors of the place in which she is visiting as sort of symbol of goodwill toward them, & also so they know she's an ally.
I know. It's just a swimming costume doesn't really deserve to be called armour. The bracelets, yeah. I get how they protect her from stuff. But it's still silly. Also, don't get why Amazons would design armour modelled after the flag of the United States. Ah, the problems that arise when rationally thinking about character that embodies the fetishes of its creator.

Well, in-story it was supposed to be as a sort of good-will thing by wearing their colours. I think.

I personally prefer the JMS design for Wonder Woman, minus the weird bracelets turned gauntlets and changing the colors from black to blue. It's a little too modern for what is basically the ultimate warrior from a Ancient Greek society, but one could excuse it as her getting used to modern culture and expectations, with her going all Amazon when she's with the gods or on Themiscyra.

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