The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

I enjoyed Daredevil, Venom, & Locke & Key, I've only read a small sample of Hickman's FF run, but constantly hear great things about it, Gotham Central is written by Snyder so it's bound to be solid, don't know anything about Grendal, & have never really been a huge Thor fan, though I hear Gillen's Jounry Into Mystery is pretty fucking entertaining.

Oh I picked up Gotham Central from Brubaker/Rucka/Lark, so early Gotham central. The Thor stuff is pretty much the reboot initiated by JMS that was continued by Fraction and Gillen. Grendel is by Matt Wagner who did Batman and the Monster Men & Batman and the Mad Monk so it should be good.
Oh I picked up Gotham Central from Brubaker/Rucka/Lark, so early Gotham central. The Thor stuff is pretty much the reboot initiated by JMS that was continued by Fraction and Gillen. Grendel is by Matt Wagner who did Batman and the Monster Men & Batman and the Mad Monk so it should be good.

Yeah, it appears I got Gotham Central mixed up with Gates of Gotham.

I recently picked up Alan Moore's Saga of Swamp Thing Vol. 1, plan on reading it as soon as I'm done with The Losers Vol. 3
Looks like Marvel already has their next big event ready to kick of this Oct. Below is the promotional poster for "This Is War"


Alight a few thoughts

  • Has Marvel ever heard of the term "Event Fatigue"? I seriously, no breathing room between AvX & This is War? Really Marvel? Just going to jump right into the next big event without giving readers time to catch their breath from your last shitty "event". This is one of many things that DC (& many other publishers) seem to get that Marvel doesn't, you don't need to constantly be pushing a "major event" down peoples throats to get them to buy books, just give them good writing & solid art, & they'll buy your comics, god knows Marvel has the talent to do just that.

  • Are we really going back to the heroes fighting heroes thing again? C'mon whatever happen to heroes fighting villains? Stop giving us the same stupid shit of having the good guys fighting the other good guys, it stopped working with Civil War, & has really lost what little appeal was still there after that event, stop going back to that well, & perhaps get creative & pull a new trick out of your hat, or at least one that we haven't seen done to death in while.

  • Why Punisher? Punisher has been one of the few safe havens in the Marvel Universe that last couple years when it came to "major events". He was kept out of shitty Fear Itself, kept out of shitty AvX, & just when you think he may be one of the few characters that you can routinely get a good monthly book out of without worry about Marvel fucking him up by throwing him into one of their stupid fucking money grab events, BOOM here comes fucking This Is War, Man fuck you Marvel, fuck you, what next you gonna find some way to screw of the awesomeness that is Daredevil for me too?:disappointed:
Looks like Marvel already has their next big event ready to kick of this Oct. Below is the promotional poster for "This Is War"

The fact that you're upset and not resigned to the typical Marvel shenanigans is surprising. Take what you can that doesn't tie too tightly into their event titles and hope for the best. My sole Marvel title (Avengers Academy) is coming to an end at #39, and after that, I'm done with Marvel. No more of their shit.
Well, we seem to be revisiting the 90's in terms of the comics market. Substance is nothing and style is everything. it's all about the money, not the creativity, espeically when it comes to Marvel.
thats what happens when Disney owns it.

It has nothing to do with Marvel being owned by Disney. This issue was long in place before that. It's a sense of greed put in place by Joe Quesada, Tom Breevort and other major editors/creators who want to produce comics the way they were produced in the 90's...when they broke in. The issue is, that's not sustainable, and the fan backlash will be severe when the quality continues to decline as it has over the best part of a half decade. Civil War was the catalyst for that in many ways.
It has nothing to do with Marvel being owned by Disney. This issue was long in place before that. It's a sense of greed put in place by Joe Quesada, Tom Breevort and other major editors/creators who want to produce comics the way they were produced in the 90's...when they broke in. The issue is, that's not sustainable, and the fan backlash will be severe when the quality continues to decline as it has over the best part of a half decade. Civil War was the catalyst for that in many ways.

Sadly I don't think the fan backlash will be a severe as you think, they're still able to grab kids with these big events, probably because kids really don't care about story so much as awesome fights & pretty art.
Any of ye guys follow Grifter/Resurrection man/Deathstroke?

I bought the number ones for each, but couldnt afford a keep up alongside the extended Batman Family... Worth a perfectly legal acquisition by any chance??
Any of ye guys follow Grifter/Resurrection man/Deathstroke?

I bought the number ones for each, but couldnt afford a keep up alongside the extended Batman Family... Worth a perfectly legal acquisition by any chance??
Resurrection Man started out decent as a supernatural & mystery title (the titular character trying to figure out who he was while agents of heaven and hell and earth tried to claim him), but it quickly got average. RM's coming to an end with #0 soon, though you might want to see if there's a change of a trade before attempting your perfectly legal acquisition.

Grifter was pretty much always shit, but the concept had some potential to start with. Deathstroke... complete waste of a title, IMO.
It has nothing to do with Marvel being owned by Disney. This issue was long in place before that. It's a sense of greed put in place by Joe Quesada, Tom Breevort and other major editors/creators who want to produce comics the way they were produced in the 90's...when they broke in. The issue is, that's not sustainable, and the fan backlash will be severe when the quality continues to decline as it has over the best part of a half decade. Civil War was the catalyst for that in many ways.

It's not just that they want to produce these comics... they legitimately think there's a market for this brand-shift. There's a report lying around the internet about Dan Didio over on DC supposedly emphasizing a shift back to 90s writing because the fans of that era are all grown up now, and theoretically have more money and time to spend on comics, as well as possibly children to attract to the kids line, while the "old" fans (read: post Dark Age and pre Dark Age), will probably stick it out out of loyalty to their favorite character. It's why there's been stuff like Batman & Superman Beyond online (read: where any kid can get it), why there's backups and 90s titles like from Wildstorm & titles & names like Deathstroke and Rob Liefeld.
Sadly I don't think the fan backlash will be a severe as you think, they're still able to grab kids with these big events, probably because kids really don't care about story so much as awesome fights & pretty art.

I disagree, if only because no one is buying the events. Wel, that's not entirely true, but Avengers vs. X-Men is the first one in quite sometime that's been able to maintain some success and keep DC from almost entirely dominating the comic book sales market. The New 52 has completely destroyed Marvel since it happened, hence the Marvel Now relaunch.
Rob Liefeld Done at DC?
by Conor Kilpatrick

Earlier today, Rob Liefeld took to Twitter, that favorite venue for irritated comic book creators, to unleash a torrent of ire at DC Comics. He started by saying that he had officially notified DC that he would be no longer writing Deathstroke, Grifter, and The Savage Hawkman. He went on to blame editorial and paint a picture of a chaotic relationship between editorial and talent, a claim that was backed up by at least one other comic book creator on Twitter, and one that jibes with reports we’ve heard over the last year.

Here’s a sampling:

Just finished sending my thank you’s to DC personnel. Officially got off the DC52 treadmill this morning…

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

Scott Clark will be replacing me p. Deathstroke. Marat will continue the work on Grifter…I had a great time at DC.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

I believe in what DC is doing, but had to preserve my sanity.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

I walked off all 3 books. Can’t wait to see any attempts to spin. I have every email.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

The 0′s are my last issues. Thanks for all the love.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

This is the 4th time I quit in the last 4 months. This time it will stick.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

Never thought the Image section of my book would be topped. This last year was a humdinger. The DC52 chapters will go top all of it.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

Reasons are the same as everyone’s that you hear. I lasted a few months longer than I thought possible.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

Massive indecision, last minute and I mean LAST minute changes that alter everything. Editor pissing contests… No thxnjs

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

Last week my editor said ” early on we had a lot of indie talent that weren’t used to re-writes and changes..made it hard”. Uh, no, it’s you

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

been there “@robertliefeld:my editor said “we had a lot of indie talent that werent used to rewrites & changes..made it hard” Uh no, its you

— Brian Wood (@brianwood) August 22, 2012

I respect Dan Didio andBob Harras and thank them for the opportunities. Again, I dig many DC 52 books.

— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) August 22, 2012

We’ve contacted DC Comics and are awaiting comment.

In other recent Rob Liefeld news, his Image Comics title Bloodstrike has recently been put into film development by 1984 Private Defense Contractors and Energy Entertainment.

Oh Rob Leifeld:lmao:

Is their a bigger douchebag in comics than this fool? First, things end terribly at Image. Then he gets in a pissing match with Marvel over Deadpool Corps or whatever and stops working at Marvel for a second time. After that he gets pissy because of Kirkman saying his art sucked on The Infinite and quits that book, & now is claiming DC who has done him wrong. You know something Rob maybe you're just a pain in the ass the work with. Now that he's managed to torch every bridge he's had with Marvel, DC, & Image, it should be interesting watching him fuck up a relationship with Dark Horse, assuming they are even willing to work with him at all.
Is their a bigger douchebag in comics than this fool? First, things end terribly at Image. Then he gets in a pissing match with Marvel over Deadpool Corps or whatever and stops working at Marvel for a second time. After that he gets pissy because of Kirkman saying his art sucked on The Infinite and quits that book, & now is claiming DC who has done him wrong. You know something Rob maybe you're just a pain in the ass the work with. Now that he's managed to torch every bridge he's had with Marvel, DC, & Image, it should be interesting watching him fuck up a relationship with Dark Horse, assuming they are even willing to work with him at all.

He quit Marvel, I believe, because he complained that bthey never put star talent on Deadpool...which is moronic for various reasons.
Resurrection Man started out decent as a supernatural & mystery title (the titular character trying to figure out who he was while agents of heaven and hell and earth tried to claim him), but it quickly got average. RM's coming to an end with #0 soon, though you might want to see if there's a change of a trade before attempting your perfectly legal acquisition.

Grifter was pretty much always shit, but the concept had some potential to start with. Deathstroke... complete waste of a title, IMO.

Well, that pretty much sums up why i stopped buying them anyway.

Loved the old Deathstroke series, was hoping this new one would be similar... Was not.

RM seems like they had an interesting character, but decided to go straight into a plotline that should have happened maybe 100 issues later, I mean a battle between heaven and earth for the main characters soul is NOT an opening tale in any way! How can anything be bigger than that! The art work was pretty cool though!

Grifter looked like another cool idea (that is, cool mask) but it just didnt seem to deliver and again seemed to be all of a very suddenly TOO BIG!!

Thanks for the help guys!
RM seems like they had an interesting character, but decided to go straight into a plotline that should have happened maybe 100 issues later, I mean a battle between heaven and earth for the main characters soul is NOT an opening tale in any way! How can anything be bigger than that! The art work was pretty cool though!
Things had gotten complicated way too fast in RM. Had the writer just opened with him trying to figure out his identity (maybe being recently starting and thus not on the supernatural radar), and then built forward with a supernatural roster of villains, before building to a war for his soul, he could have had a nice run. Blew his load too soon.

Grifter looked like another cool idea (that is, cool mask) but it just didnt seem to deliver and again seemed to be all of a very suddenly TOO BIG!!
Grifter was a title that I thought was going to build into Wildcats, using both him & Voodoos titles as ways to hype up and slowly reveal the Daemonite threat, with each individual character using ex-Wildcat characters as their supporting cast. But it was so meh...
Have to agree & disagree on this one. Leifeld's right in that Batman titles sell pretty well regardless of the creative team (look at The Dark Knight or Detective Comics since the Nu 52 started), but Scott & Greg did a great job with their opening arc (the idiotic Earth-3 reveal notwithstanding...), and their Night of Owls concept drew in big numbers across the entire line.
So it's ok for Liefeld to just publicly attack Snyder for no apparent reason? Honestly this just looks like Liefeld is desperate to keep himself in the spotlight & since he's already burned all his bridges with major publishers, he's now resorted to attacking big name writers for no reason.
So it's ok for Liefeld to just publicly attack Snyder for no apparent reason? Honestly this just looks like Liefeld is desperate to keep himself in the spotlight & since he's already burned all his bridges with major publishers, he's now resorted to attacking big name writers for no reason.

Look at my post. Now look at your bolded. Where on earth did I either address that or say anything of the sort?

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