The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Light week, so I'm going to try out some new stuff that I here good things about.

Cape: 1969 #2
Animal Man #12
Swamp Thing #12
Daredevil #16

If I like what a read in Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and/or Daredevil, then I'm likely going to drop some of the other books, that I'm starting to grow tired of.
Light week, so I'm going to try out some new stuff that I here good things about.

Cape: 1969 #2
Animal Man #12
Swamp Thing #12

Daredevil #16

If I like what a read in Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and/or Daredevil, then I'm likely going to drop some of the other books, that I'm starting to grow tired of.

Oh you will. Be sure to ask your LCS if they've got back copies of 1 - 11 for Animal Man & Swamp Thing, and if not, to order them for you.

As for me, I've got:
Batwing #12
Earth-2 #4
Swamp Thing #12
Worlds' Finest #4
Age of Apocalypse #6

Might start picking up Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Eye of the World (man that's a mouthful, they couldn't just called it Wheel of Time and be done with it?). That or look at Image books.
Oh you will. Be sure to ask your LCS if they've got back copies of 1 - 11 for Animal Man & Swamp Thing, and if not, to order them for you.

As for me, I've got:
Batwing #12
Earth-2 #4
Swamp Thing #12
Worlds' Finest #4
Age of Apocalypse #6

I just assume buying getting the tpbs for Animal Man & Swamp Thing, any back issues not in the tpb, I'll just get digitally, as they'll be about $1 per issue. Also I noticed you're only picking up Swamp Thing, you know, you know the prelude to the ROTWORLD crossover starts this week, with Animal Man featuring the first part & the story continuing in Swamp Thing, right?

Also I would like to take this moment to to warn to tell you to prepare for a nerdgasm...

I just assume buying getting the tpbs for Animal Man & Swamp Thing, any back issues not in the tpb, I'll just get digitally, as they'll be about $1 per issue. Also I noticed you're only picking up Swamp Thing, you know, you know the prelude to the ROTWORLD crossover starts this week, with Animal Man featuring the first part & the story continuing in Swamp Thing, right?
Damn, forgot about that. Guess I'm getting 1-11 as well. Wasn't planning on overspending. :banghead:

Edit: Fuck it, while I'm there I'm going to see if they've got issues of JLD & I, Vampire left over.
Oh that is fucking awesome, when does that come out?

Sept. 25th

Why don't they do more animated movies based on famous arcs/graphic novels and shit? That looks badass.

They've done a few

  • Superman: Doomsday (loosely based on Death of Superman)
  • Justice League: A New Frontier (based DC: The New Frontier)
  • Superman/Batman: Public Enemies
  • Batman: Under the Red Hood (loosely based on Batman: Under the Hood)
  • Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (Based on Superman/Batman: The Supergirl from Krypton)
  • All-Star Superman
  • Batman: Year One
  • Justice League: Doom (based JLA: Tower of Babel)
  • Superman: The Elite (based on What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?)
I watched Justice League: Doom a few days ago. I stumbled upon it on Youtube, of all places (full movie, high quality) and I actually quite enjoyed it.
I watched Justice League: Doom a few days ago. I stumbled upon it on Youtube, of all places (full movie, high quality) and I actually quite enjoyed it.

Youtube tends to have a lot of the best animated movies lying around.

On the topic of comics, I'm dropping Swamp Thing, Animal Man and Worlds' Finest. I know I recommended the first two to you justin, but I just heard Rotworld is going forward till #17 for both titles. That's 34 combined issues on one fucking arc centered around the Rot. I'm can dig a decompressed arc (see current Supergirl), but that's just ridiculous, especially with how so much of the storytelling is based solely on the art. As for Worlds' Finest, they've completely butchered both the first arc and the two main characters. It's really just a pointless book that's depressing to Huntress 1.0 & Powergirl fans, among whom I'm included.

That leaves me with seven ongoing DC titles to five Valiant to one Marvel. And the Marvel one's pretty close to the chopping block.
Great actor and all-round nice chap Chris Eccleston has been named as the villain Malekith, leader of the Dark Elves, in Thor: Dark World.

Brian Singer has said the title of the sequel to X-Men: First Class will be X-Men: Days of Future Past.
On the topic of comics, I'm dropping Swamp Thing, Animal Man and Worlds' Finest. I know I recommended the first two to you justin, but I just heard Rotworld is going forward till #17 for both titles. That's 34 combined issues on one fucking arc centered around the Rot. I'm can dig a decompressed arc (see current Supergirl), but that's just ridiculous, especially with how so much of the storytelling is based solely on the art.

The prelude was this week, with #12, if the whole arc is going til issue #17 than for both titles that that's like 10 more total issues, which really isn't bad. It's certainly a lot better than what Marvel has done with AvX, bringing in every major Avenger & X-Men title as part of the event, while also releasing a 12 issue bi-weekly AvX mini, & a AvX VS. mini.:disappointed:

That leaves me with seven ongoing DC titles to five Valiant to one Marvel. And the Marvel one's pretty close to the chopping block.

Marvel is pretty fucking terrible right now, I'm finding that their best books are their $2.99 titles (Venom, Daredevil, Punisher, etc.), the only $3.99 title I'm still reading is Uncanny X-Force.

Great actor and all-round nice chap Chris Eccleston has been named as the villain Malekith, leader of the Dark Elves, in Thor: Dark World.

IDK, maybe it's just me, but I'm really not all that excited about them making another Thor movie.

Brian Singer has said the title of the sequel to X-Men: First Class will be X-Men: Days of Future Past.

I thought they announced that a while ago, or maybe it was just in the rumor stages at that point.

I read both Animal Man, & Swamp Thing, & while enjoyable I find myself not caring about Buddy Baker or his family at all, I do however like Swampy, though wonder why the fuck he has antlers. I'll be reading both for the duration of this arc, then likely be dropping Animal Man, & continue to pick up Swamp Thing. Daredevil was good, like always, art on the other hand could've been better I felt.
Might just be you, Justin. I really enjoyed the Thor film, and it's good that they have the events of The Avengers to start the sequel from.
The prelude was this week, with #12, if the whole arc is going til issue #17 than for both titles that that's like 10 more total issues, which really isn't bad. It's certainly a lot better than what Marvel has done with AvX, bringing in every major Avenger & X-Men title as part of the event, while also releasing a 12 issue bi-weekly AvX mini, & a AvX VS. mini.:disappointed:
Still not worth it to me. I'd rather read Earth-2 if I wanted to see the Green in action.

Marvel is pretty fucking terrible right now, I'm finding that their best books are their $2.99 titles (Venom, Daredevil, Punisher, etc.), the only $3.99 title I'm still reading is Uncanny X-Force.
My Marvel title is Avengers Academy (which you totally need to get!) and it seems like it's coming to a close (this arc is called "Final Exam"), so when it's done I'm probably going to be done with Marvel for a long time.

IDK, maybe it's just me, but I'm really not all that excited about them making another Thor movie.
Just you. I'm fucking stoked for another Thor movie. Might be because I'm a mythology/fantasy & aliens/sci-fi ****e and this part of the MCU is hitting those sweet spots just fine.

I read both Animal Man, & Swamp Thing, & while enjoyable I find myself not caring about Buddy Baker or his family at all, I do however like Swampy, though wonder why the fuck he has antlers. I'll be reading both for the duration of this arc, then likely be dropping Animal Man, & continue to pick up Swamp Thing.
It's a crown of sorts. He is after all supposed to be the Warrior King.
I liked Thor also, but really see no need for a squeal. I'm much more excited for Ant-man than Thor, mainly due to the Edgar Wright factor.

You asked for it, so here it is, Where Do I Start: The Guardians of the Galaxy edition!

Guardians of The Galaxy: Where Do I Start?
by Chris Arrant

If the Avengers are Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, then who is responsible for everything else in the universe? That limitless duty falls to the closest thing we have to the Cosmic Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy. Originally created by writer Arnold Drake and artist Gene Colan back in 1969 as a team from the 31st century, the original iteration of the Guardians of the Galaxy (GotG for short) had numerous adventures in their own time and in time-spanning adventures into the modern day. In 2008, an all-new GotG sprung up in the aftermath of Annihilation as a modern-day team, made like a space-age Magnificent Seven of space-faring heroes.

The Guardians of the the Galaxy mantle has two distinct eras – three if you count the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Guardians book featuring a group of kids fighting aliens, Goonies style. Between all of that, it might be hard to get a firm understand of who the team is. In light of this confusion and the impeding major motion picture, we’ve pulled together a list of four easily available comic book collections that’ll give you the gist on both eras of this superhero squadron.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Legacy: In the mid 2000s, Marvel’s cosmic playground had a series of upheavals and wars, with heroes living, dying, returning, and turning evil. In the midst of that chaos, Star-Lord calls together a team of interstellar heroes to patrol the galaxy and to root out problems before they get too bad. Star-Lord’s team was comprised of cosmic A-listers like Adam Warlock, Drax the Destroyer and the new Quasar, as well as some surprising choices in the tree alien Groot and the gun-toting Rocket Raccoon. This trade paperback collects their earliest adventures, showing their first team-up, their first headquarters and their first major threat.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Earth Shall Overcome: How can the original GotG be from centuries in the future? In the free-wheeling 60s the enterprising duo of Drake and Colan dreamt that up, creating a team that would band together and rise up against an alien race called the Badoon that was attempting to enslave the Earth’s solar system. Comprised of a futuristic Captain America stand-in named Vance Astro, a crystalline alien named Martinex, a muscle-bound soldier named Charlie-27 and a Vulcan-like blue skinned warrior named Yondu, this original GotG rose up against their alien oppressors and find surprising allies along the way.

The Korvac Saga: The 31st century GotG had a host of adventures in their own time, but perhaps their finest hour was chasing the Benedict Arnold of 31st century Michael Korvac back to our modern times and team with the Avengers to put a stop to him. First thing Korvac does? Sap some of Galactus’ power and inheriting the power cosmic. As one of the first major time-spanning cosmic-level stories in the Marvel U,this really set the template for cosmic battles from Secret Wars and Crisis on Infinite Earths on down.

The Thanos Imperative: Flipping back to our modern-day GotG, this miniseries showed the space-faring team use one of their most feared villains, Thanos, as a doomsday device against an even greater threat: an alternate reality invasion from a place known as the Cancerverse. This mirror universe has some of our best heroes gone bad, all led by a tainted evil version of the original Captain Marvel. Even after calling in the reinforcements with Silver Surfer, Nova and the Gladiator, the GotG are left wanting when it comes to turning the tide and repelling the invasion. Some people win, some people lose, some people die, and some are changed forever.
I picked up Hawkeye #1, Ultimate Spider-Man #13, & Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #1 this. All three were extremely great reads.

Also, can't wait for the new Deadpool series & Rick Remender's new Captain America series.
I'm hearing all sorts of good things about the new Hawkeye series, I was worried cause Matt Fraction is one of those writers I tend to try & avoid, especially after the Fear Itself disaster last year. From what I understand the story is fairly realistic (well, by superhero standards anyway), & the stories (so far) are just one-shots, which I like. I may have to head back to my LCS & pick it up. I love the cover & what I saw of the art though.
So Nic Cage is a huge comic book fan. He has a son named Kal-El. How did i never know this?
So Nic Cage is a huge comic book fan. He has a son named Kal-El. How did i never know this?

Beats me, I thought it was pretty common knowledge, btw his real name is Nicolas Kim Coppola, his screen name comes from one of his favorite super heroes, Luke Cage.
Don't people have to actually care about a character in order for it to be ruined?

Now to be fair, it wouldn't be the first thing Morrison ruined.

On a side-note, anyone else read Warren Ellis on Thunderbolts? It's from before Norman Osborn was head of H.A.M.M.E.R. and deals with him and the other villains dealing with they're status as government agents. Very good stuff.

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