The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

BREAKING: Marvel NOW! Relaunches The Marvel Universe (UPDATE!)
Posted on 07/03/12 at 3:30 PM in Articles by Ron Richards

On the eve of the San Diego Comic-Con, my copy of Entertainment Weekly just arrived in the mail and I see in that Marvel used the pages of Entertainment Weekly‘s Comic-Con edition to announce a new initiative in their publishing platform. Presented with a piece by Marvel Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada (right),it’s been dubbed Marvel NOW! and launching in October, Marvel Comics plans a line wide launch (or relaunch). Editor in Chief Axel Alonso is quoted as saying:

“This ain’t no reboot, It’s a new beginning!”

Details are sparse in the Entertainment Weekly article, but they do say that Marvel plans to launch/relaunch a “number of Marvel’s titles with new creative teams.” Announced in the magazine were three of these titles:

Uncanny Avengers - written by Rick Remender, art by John Cassaday – Shipping in October, a direct spinoff from Avengers vs. X-Men, Remender says, “It’s a bridge book, something that can delve into both worlds. It has a natural purpose for existing after AvX, where we can focus on human-mutant relations. The broad strokes are: Captain America comes out of AvX and recognizes that he hasn’t done enough to help the mutants.” According to Entertainment Weekly, “the book will … include heavy-hitters like Cap, Thor, and Wolverine, but Remender is also excited to focus on some less well-known characters, like Cyclops’ little brother Havok. ‘Havok’s always been the black sheep rock-and-roller of the Summers family. He can’t do that anymore. You’re going to see Havok become one of the biggest players in the Marvel Universe.’”

All New X-Men - written by Brian Michael Bendis, art by Stuart Immonen
– Shipping in November, the rumors of Bendis taking over the X-Men appear to be true. We saw an image of Jean Grey yesterday, and it appears that is indeed her as Bendis uses time travel to bring the original five X-Men to the present day as Bendis describes, “It’s not a time travel story like Back to the Future. It’s a time travel story like Pleasantville. Here’s the big question that the original X-Men are gonna be faced with: We’re gonna grow up, and this is what we’re going to get? That is not acceptable.”

Avengers - written by Jonathan Hickman, art by Jerome Opena – Shipping in December, Hickman picks up the Avengers reins from Bendis has he expands the scope of The Avengers. Hickman is quoted as saying “It’s not six Avengers, It’s 18 or more.” The new title will be bi-weekly and will be a combination of one-shot stories and longer, “galaxy spanning multi-issue arcs” as they protect the entire universe and become an Avengers for the 21st century. “The obvious solution is for the heroes to become something bigger and larger, a more appropriate response to an ever more dangerous time.”

For those of you were around last year, this may sound familiar. DC Comics relaunched their entire publishing line in September 2011 with The New 52, which was aimed at bringing in new readers by featuring 52 new #1 issues and a nearly total clean continuity slate.

So what does this all mean? From our point of view it looks as if the higher ups at Marvel Comics have watched the apparent “success” DC Comics has enjoyed coming out of the New 52 and are looking to replicate it for themselves using Marvel’s own unique spin. Notice I put “success” in quotes because how you or I may define success may differ from how executives at DC (or Warner Bros.) or Marvel (or Disney) define it. While DC has shown an increase in sales out of the gate, and there have been some high quality comics to come out of The New 52 with big numbers (most notably Batman), as the months roll on we’ve seen titles get canceled, creative team reshuffling, sales numbers decline back towards pre-New 52 levels, and many questions about the overall quality of the entire line published by DC Comics.

It’s unknown how wide this relaunch will be, as Entertainment Weekly was light on the details, but if it is indeed a line wide re-launch there are some immediate questions. Since Alonso said it’s not a reboot and it appears that Uncanny Avengers spins out of Avengers vs. X-Men, it appears that Marvel NOW! seems to be an attempt by Marvel to honor the history and stories of the Marvel Universe by avoiding a total continuity reboot, and at the same time, relaunch their line with new #1 issues. With the three titles announced spread out over 3 months, it could be assumed that Marvel is looking to spread this relaunch out over months to extend the longevity of the sales increase. In other words, Marvel looks to want to have their cake and eat it too. Rumors have been swirling for months about creative team shake ups with key creators such as Bendis and Hickman nearing the end of their runs on their respective books. It appears that the volleyball rotation is on, with Hickman taking the Avengers and Bendis taking the X-Men. Will there be more creative team changes? Will Rick Remender, who has enjoyed huge critical and sales success with Uncanny X-Force, be adding Uncanny Avengers to his workload, or will this new book come at the expense of Uncanny X-Force? Time will tell.

We’ll continue to post whatever information Marvel reveals and we’re working on talking with Marvel’s editorial leadership to see if we can get more answers, so stay tuned as we continue to cover the announcement of Marvel NOW!

Update! Quesada talking about the promo art, “There are some costume changes. There are some new character attitudes. Some characters may be changing their identities altogether. There’s a reason Sue Storm is there. And why there’s a floating robot near Hulk. We’re trying a lot of fun and new different things, we’re exposing characters who we’ve had in our toy chest for a long time.”

I like the idea of Bendis finally moving away from Avengers, & Hickman taking over, other than that I really don't give a shit about the rest, I just hope that it doesn't affect the books I'm currently reading in a negative way.
I wound up getting drag into a discussion the other day on following favorite writers/creators vs. following your favorite characters, with the big argument in favor of following writers/creators being that the writer/creator is what makes your favorite character so great, what makes them interesting, & wanting to continue to follow them, and I agree with that argument. This lead me to think about who some of my current favorite writers/creators are, & I quickly came up with five guys whom I always see to gravitate toward, & I figured I share them, & give a brief rundown of their work thus far.

Scott Snyder

Scott Snyder is a mutliple-award winning, New York Times Bestselling American writer known for his 2006 short story collection Voodoo Heart, and his work in comic books, including American Vampire, Detective Comics, Batman, Batman: Gates of Gotham and Swamp Thing.

I'd say for me, that Snyder's current run on Batman is probably some of the best Batman stuff I have read in awhile, & of all the Batman books on the market right now, Snyder's is easily the best. I'm also a huge fan of his work on American Vampire, & highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good vampire story.

Rick Remender

Rick Remender is an American comic book writer and artist who is best known for his work on Marvel Comics' Punisher series, as well as Fear Agent, Strange Girl, Secret Avengers, Uncanny X-Force, and Venom.

Remender's work on Uncanny X-Force & Venom are what got me back into to buying ongoing series again, I find his take on Venom to be far more enjoying than any other take on the character before. He's also the only person to write Deadpool in a way that's just not obnoxious & annoying, but funny, & in a book as intense as Uncanny X-force can be, a little comic relief (no pun intended) is a welcome addition.

Brian Wood

Brian Wood is a writer, illustrator, and graphic designer living in Brooklyn, New York. He is known primarily as a comic book creator; Wood both writes and illustrates graphic novels and serialized monthly comic books for a variety of publishers.

During his comics career, Wood held a day job for several years as a staff designer for Rockstar Games, designing for video game franchises such as Grand Theft Auto, Midnight Club, Max Payne, Smuggler's Run, and Manhunt. He is also one of the most distinctive graphic designers in the comics industry[citation needed], having created covers for Warren Ellis's Global Frequency, his own DMZ as well as many others.

Wood's illustrations have appeared in Punk Planet, Bail Magazine, The SF Bay Guardian, and short films for Nike.

Some of his most notable work in comics includes Demo, X-men, Ultimate X-Men, DMZ, Northlanders, The Massive, & Conan: The Barbarian.

I started reading Wood's DMZ series after learning it was on of the infulance behind the world of InFamous & InFamous 2, & quickly fell in love with the series, I can easily say it is one of my favorite series in all of comics. I've read the first 5 volumes so far, & look forward to reading the next 7 volumes, great great series. His work is in Northlanders is great as well, & have enjoyed that. His work on X-Men so far has been decent as well, but leads to be beleive his best work is done on his own creations. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a copy of The Massive #1, & reading that series.

Jason Aaron

Jason Aaron is an American comic book writer, known for his work on titles such as The Other Side, Scalped, Ghost Rider, Wolverine, Wolverine & the X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, and PunisherMAX.

I first started reading Aaron's work in PunisherMAX, which for my money is hands down the best Punisher series I've ever read, it's dark, gritty, violent, realistic, & loads of fun. His current work on Wolverine & the X-Men may be some of the best mixture of humor & action in a comics right now.

Joe Hill

Joseph Hillstrom King, better known by the pen name Joe Hill, is an American author and comic book writer. He has published two novels—Heart Shaped Box and Horns—and a collection of short stories entitled 20th Century Ghosts. He is also the author of the comic book series's Locke & Key, The Cape, Road Rage (co-written with Stephan King), & The Cape 1969. Hill's parents are authors Stephen and Tabitha King.

Locke & Key is one of the most interesting supernatural comics series I have ever read, & one I feel works far better if read in tpbs. I also enjoyed his work on The Cape, & am currently enjoying his work on The Cape 1969. Joe Hill is a great writer whi seems to steer clear of writing superhero stories, something that seems to be very rare in the comic industry at the moment.

Well those are some of my favorite writers in comics right now, but that is far from all the great writers in the comic industry, there are many many other out there worth checking out, some of which could very well be better then some of the writers I've covered here.
I know Bendis gets a lot of shit, but he's in my current top 5. For me, Ultimate Spider-Man easily makes up for Avengers.
I know Bendis gets a lot of shit, but he's in my current top 5. For me, Ultimate Spider-Man easily makes up for Avengers.

Bendis only takes shit for his work on Avengers, & you cane shift some of that blame over to Marvel for giving him too god damn many different Avenger titles to write at the same time, & then leaving him on those books for as long as he did, once he started repeating storylines it should've been a sign the it was time to move him over to something different as he was clearly getting burned out on writing Avengers. His work on the first Ultimate Spidey book, & Daredevil is fantastic though, & I think he'll do a good job with Fantastic Four as well.
So I went into my local comic book shop for the first time in awhile the other day and just grabbed some random shit for no reason because I had money in my pocket and wanted reading material. Grabbed the first book in the Dark Victory saga because I had read The Long Halloween awhile ago and loved it, and then just blindly grabbed Batman: Day of Judgment, from I think 1999, for $4 based mainly on the great zombie like horror artwork on the cover and Nightwing's involvement. It's been awhile since I just went blindly buying comics but it felt good lol. Anyone ever read Day of Judgment?
Lots of shit for me to pick up this week

Batman #11
American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #2
Revival #1
The Massive #2
Uncanny X-Force #27
Venom #20
Wolverine & The X-Men #13

Of course, like most heavy weeks for me, I'm broke til Friday, so hopefully none of these sellout before I get a chance to get to my LCS.
I'm getting tired of writers shitting on each others' work and forcibly undoing things just because they've some garbage story they feel the need to tell, totally unable to be creative enough to move forward with a character as they are. Not only does it disrupt any sense of continuity and cohesion but it really makes me not invest emotionally in any current storyline as chances are if I wait long enough it will be undone in due time.

Just as an example:
After a monumental shift in Wolverine's recent history—fully regaining his memory, learning about his son Daken, a secret lifelong puppet master named Romulus, killing off Sabretooth, confronting his biological father in hell (where he also meet back up with Sabretooth and other adversaries), etc.—that lead to multi year storylines like Wolverine: Origins and major chances in his life, some new asshat comes on the book and has some D-list character, Dr. Rot (wtf), hack at Logan's brain thereby screwing up his memories for the bazillionth time.
Now in "searching for answers" mode, Logan discovers Sabretooth is apparently alive and well! Joy! Logan even makes note that when he hacked off Sabretooth's friggin' head during their last fight something didn't "smell right". Interesting how we the readers, who were privy to Wolverine's entire internal monologue during that battle were kept in the dark about that one teeny tiny fact –go get fucked, you piss-poor attempt at retconning.
Oh, and btw, the big-bad, Romulus, who was to spend eternity in the dark dimension? Yeah, he was let out by Cloak—of Cloak and Dagger unfame—because apparently it's Cloak's first day on the fucking job and he believes it when bad guys promise to do stuff, ugh…
So now it looks as though the "Sabretooth" Logan killed, and whose soul he met in hell, was maybe a clone, maybe? —this just happened in the last issue so I've no idea what the "truth" of the matter will eventually be…
I'm getting tired of writers shitting on each others' work and forcibly undoing things just because they've some garbage story they feel the need to tell, totally unable to be creative enough to move forward with a character as they are. Not only does it disrupt any sense of continuity and cohesion but it really makes me not invest emotionally in any current storyline as chances are if I wait long enough it will be undone in due time.

My least favourite example of this:


Fucking Jeph Loeb!
With the impending arrival of the Dark Knight Rises I wanna ask what was the reaction of comic fans to the following factors in relation to the movies.

1. What was the general reaction to the fact that Christopher Nolan, a man who was famous for indy films such as Following & Memento, was suddenly given the huge task of making the new Batman reboot?

2. Was any of the villains for Batman Begins revealed beforehand? I know people would've obviously been aware of Scarecrow with Jonathon Crane on the cast list but was the fact that(Gonna spoiler this because someone could have an issue with this):
Liam Neeson was actually Ra's Al Ghul and was using Henri Ducard as a Pseudonym revealed before the films release?

3. What was the reaction to the casting of characters? Cillian Murphy was supposedly going to be Batman but became Crane instead and Heath Ledger became joker. What was the reaction to these actors whose most notable roles were a transvestite and a gay cowboy respectively playing such morbid villains?

I guess that's it. I'm sorry if i sound like an idiot but I only got into comics in the last year and was wondering what the fans thought of the films.

And now for something differant: David Hayter, the voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear Solid games, wrote the screenplay for X-Men and co-wrote the screenplay for The Scorpion King and X2. He even wrote a screenplay for Watchmen which was one of the only things of the film that Alan Moore liked according to Wikipedia. He's currently writing a screenplay for the movie adaption of the game Lost Planet which he will also direct.

EDIT: Also is there a list of all the new villains brought in by Scott Snyder? I love his work but his only creations I'm aware of are the Doll maker, Jim Gordon Jr. & the court of Owls.
Those three are it. Personally, I think the Owls are some of the best villians Batman's had in years. I loved 'em so much I named myself after them lol.

Tomorrow brings:
Batman #11
Spider-Men #3
The Walking Dead #100

That is just beautiful right there.
I decided to make my subscription list pretty small, I don't wanna spend too much money.

Animal Man
Justice League

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man
Wolverine & The X-Men
Uncanny X-Force

The Walking Dead
The Massive

Avengers vs X-Men

Future Titles
Uncanny Avengers
All-New X-Men
I decided to make my subscription list pretty small, I don't wanna spend too much money.

Animal Man
Justice League

Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man
Wolverine & The X-Men
Uncanny X-Force

The Walking Dead
The Massive

Avengers vs X-Men

Future Titles
Uncanny Avengers
All-New X-Men

That is a surprising decent list of books, never would have taken you as the kinda guy who'd read stuff like The Massive, or Saga. Though I really don't know if you can still consider Image or Dark Horse as indies at this point.
Hello again sirs.

Just wanted to share with you what I picked up on a whim from my local library's graphic novel section this week.

Batman Vs. Two-Face
Arkham Asylum Madness
Captain America Reborn
Wolverine Old Man Logan
Cable and Deadpool The Burnt Offering
Superman Last Son

Hoping there'll be some more in next time I go. There isn't a comic book shop in my town; there's a WH Smith which sells TBPs at the usual extortionate prices, but that's about it.
I decided to make my subscription list pretty small, I don't wanna spend too much money.

The fact that you don't pick up Swamp Thing both insults and depresses me.

Picked up Harbringer #2, Bloodshot #1, Swamp Thing #11, Resurrection Man #11 & Demon Knights #11 this week. Really great stuff from most besides RM (whom I'm continuing to follow since it's ending in 2 chapters and it just had so much damn promise starting out...), and Valiant is really hitting all the sweet spots. Bloodshot's initial arc is looking sweet from the get-go, and Harbringer continues to feel fucked up, but in a good way.
Hello again sirs.

Just wanted to share with you what I picked up on a whim from my local library's graphic novel section this week.

Batman Vs. Two-Face
Arkham Asylum Madness
Captain America Reborn
Wolverine Old Man Logan
Cable and Deadpool The Burnt Offering
Superman Last Son

Hoping there'll be some more in next time I go. There isn't a comic book shop in my town; there's a WH Smith which sells TBPs at the usual extortionate prices, but that's about it.

Old Man Logan is phenomenal. Read that one first, as you'll probably devour it within an hour or two.
Marvel films has announced they currently have 5 films in active development.

First up is Iron Man 3, which is set to release on May 3rd, 2013. Shane Black is directing, Don Cheadle is returning as War Machine, & it looks as though Sir Ben Kingsley is in fact playing Mandarin.

Second, Thor: The Dark World, not much known about this other than it's set for a Nov. 8 2013 release, & Alan Taylor of Game of Thrones fame will be directing.

Next up is Captain America: The Winter Solider. Seems pretty obvious this one will be focusing on the return of Bucky as Winter Solider, it's slated for a April 4th 2014 release, & is being directed by Joe and Anthony Russo (Arrested Development, Community).

Now we move onto the films you've probably not heard much about yet. On Aug. 1st 2014 The Guardians Of The Galaxy, Drax, Groot, Starlord, Gamora, & yes Rocket fucking Racoon! all hit the big screen. No word yet on who's directing, but rumors suggest Nicole Perlman wrote "a very exciting script".

Last up we have Edgar Wright's Ant-Man, yup this is happening, supposedly Wright even showed the test footage to fans in attendance. No word yet on release date for this film yet.
An Ant-Man film is going to be... interesting. I have my doubts that there will be much excitement for it, though.

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