The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Here We Go Again: FOX Orders ‘The Punisher’ Pilot
Posted on 10/20/11 at 8:40 PM in Articles, Items by Conor Kilpatrick

They tried in 1989 with Dolph Lundgren.

They tried again in 2004 with the King of Comic-Con, Thomas Jane.

They tried a third time in 2008 with Ray Stevenson.

Well, if Frank Castle can’t make it in pictures they might as well give television a try!

Deadline announced today that FOX has ordered a Punisher pilot from Criminal Minds creator Ed Bernero. It’s a put pilot order which means that there are substantial financial penalties for the network if the show doesn’t make it to air. This, of course , does not mean we’ll actually see the show–The CW ordered a put pilot of The Graysons in 2008 that was never made–but it’s now slightly more likely to air than your average pilot order.

According to the article, this would be a slightly different version of The Punisher than comic fans re used to. In this show Frank Castle is a NYPD detective who spends his off-time as The Punisher, writing wrongs when the justice system fails.

Sounds kind of similar to Dark Justice. (Yes, I watched it.)

One things’ for sure, Jeph Loeb’s Marvel TV division is very busy.

I was excited reading this... right up until I seen they were going to make one massive change & have Frank be a cop, who just moonlights as the Punisher, to that I say fuck you Fox! If they were smart they'd just pick up a copy of Jason Aaron's PunisherMAX & model the series after that, also out it on FX where they can get away with a little more than they would on network TV. Either way when/if this ever air's I will be watching.
Just put together my pull list for this week...

*Flash #2
*Incredible Hulk #1
*TMNT #3
*Venom #8
*Wolverine & the X-men #1
I still haven't finished reading everything from last week yet, I think I still have Uncanny X-Men, Fear Itself, & Nightwing to read, which is why I haven't made a POTW post in the other Comic thread
Quick thoughts from my pulls for the week (avoiding spoilers):

Venom #8 - Love the art in this series over all. Excellent addition to the Spider Island Saga.

Wolverine and the X-Men #1 - The art is shit. Wasn't expecting a comedic story for the first volume, that being said it was a fun read.

Incredible Hulk #1 - I never was one for keeping track of any of the Hulk series. This one has changed my mind. This has become a regular.

Daken Dark Wolverine #16 - This has been a regular in my cycle for some time now. The storyline keeps getting better. Not sure if anyone else follows it, I'd recommend it. It's a more mature comic, and it makes you root for the bad guy.

Deadpool #45 - Evil Deadpool. Enough said.

Amazing Spider-Man #162 - Haven't kept up with the Spidey comics in some time. I feel though as if they should space out some of these larger events more. We had Fear Itself, X-Men Schism, and Spider Island going on all at the same time. Not going to lie it's a bit much to keep up on. With everything wrapped up now hopefully we can go back to more individual stories. Anyway the resolution to Spider Island was solid. It'll be interesting to see if they continue focusing on Kaine or not.
Bachalo's art in Wolverine & The X-men is fucking atrocious, there are certain charecters whom I literally couldn't even recognize, & I had to stop reading after the first few pages, I'll finish it later.

Marvel really does need to space out the events a bit much having 3 major events going simultaneously is not just hard on the wallet but hard to follow as a reader, I bought Fear Itself #7 last week, but havn't read it yet, I also didn't bother with any of the tie-in books for that series, in fact I dropped a few as a result of Fear Itself, Spider-Island I had no interest in whatsoever but kept picking up Venom because Remender was capable of putting stuff together without taking away from what really makes the Venom series great, Flash Thompson's personal shit, Schism/Regensis is something I'm following pretty closely just because I think Keiren Gillan, Rick Remender, & Jason Aaron may be the best group of writers the X-title have had in some time, & it's very unlikely we'll be getting too many bad stories out of these three.

Jason Aaron is quickly becoming one of, if not my favorite writer in comics right now, & I've always been a pretty big Hulk fan so I'm very excited to read Incredible Hulk #1 and see what he can do with what is an already a very intriguing character.
Aquaman is great again this week.
Flash is intruiging with a very old school feel.
I'm loving the Super Family comics.
I haven't read teen titans yet.
Teen Titans was a weird one. I'm loving Bart, Cassie and Tim but I wasn't too interested in Skitter. I like that Superboy's a tweener at the minute.
I've come to the conclusion that when it comes to Marvel, unless Jason Aaron, Rick Remender, or Kieron Gillen is writing it, I'm not buying it. I keep trying to get into other Marvel books & they just keep letting me down, I can't stand Spider-man right now, Hulk will be good on issue and then decidedly average... if not just bad the next, New Avengers is a book I really really want to like but, much like Hulk, they'll do something awesome with it one issue then it'll drop off and be shitty for several issues (largely due to the fact that Marvel seemingly has Bendis writing about 50 different titles a month, I imagine he's just getting burned out at this point). Everythign esle I'm just not all that interested in.

Thankfully DC has seemed to step up their game, for the most part, with the New 52. Nightwing, Justice League, Flash, Grifter, Action Comics, Detective Comics, & Batman are all great books I have throughly been enjoying so far. IDW has really been coming out with some good stuff as well, TMNT, Ghostbusters are just plain fun to read, & Locke & Key & the Cape are always great, though I still think Locke & Key is something that just work much better as a tpb than as a story you pick up through individual issues.
Looks like I'm going to have one of the lightest weeks I've had in a long time, only 3 books for me this week

-Uncanny X-Men #1
-Action Comics #3
-Detective Comics #3

though X-men #20 is on the maybe list right now
Action Comics #3 was stacked but it worked quite well.
I'm liking how the landlady found out Clark is Superman as well as the krypto tease.
Someone in my class asked me during a proposal I did about the new 52. We then proceeded to have a conversation in the middle of said proposal. T'was glorious.

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