The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Kinda depends on what you're into, if you read alot of Marvel, for about $10 a month (I beleive) which is a pretty good deal, DC does day & date digital, which means as soon as a comic hits the stand it's available for DL on ComiXology, however if you wait a bit they drop the price of each issue from $2.99 to $.99. There is another site, Graphicaly, you can use to read stuff online from all sorts of publishers.

I just checked out the Marvel site, it's ten dollars a month, or sixty dollars a year. I can't seem to find anything current at all through, but it still might be worth looking into for past events.
Bachalo is atrocious, and that's putting it nicely. Aaron's work with Wolverine has been phenomenal so it should be worth picking up, regardless of the puke thrown on the pages of the book that is Bachalo's art.

I can't wait for the end of Dark Angel Saga. The writers have already said, there is no happy ending.
Bachalo's current work is still a step up from the walking abomination that is Spider-Man's S.H.E.D. arc. Some of the panels were so bad you couldn't understand what was going on.
Wolverines nice little "fuck you" to Cyclops


Also Flash #1 was fucking awesome!!!, Superman #1 not so much
When I went to my comic shop today to pick up any books that came in, & I found out that they didn't place my order for certain issues of the new 52s that I was interested in, which is why I hadn't gotten them yet.

I did find extra issues of Action Comics, Green Lanters, Batman: The Dark Knight & Teen Titans so I picked them up, and hopefully they order the rest of the list I wanted to look into. I also grabbed the new issue of Ghostbusters. I really need to find a handful of books that I want to get and ease up on all of the purchasing.

I also recently bought some other new 52s that I wasn't sure if I'd be THAT interested in off of ComiXology.
The New 52 books that I have read are:

* Animal Man
* Aquaman
* Batgirl
* Batman
* Batman: The Dark Knight
* Batwing
* Captain Atom
* DC Universe Presents
* The Flash
* Frankenstein: Agent of S.H.A.D.E
* Justice League
* O.M.A.C.
* Red Hood & The Outlaws
* Superboy
* Supergirl
* Swamp Thing
* Wonder Woman

I am waiting for my LCS to receive my copies of:

* Batman & Robin
* Batwoman
* Detective Comics
* Nightwing
* Superman

I am currently in possession of, but have yet to read:

* Action Comics
* Green Lanterns
* Teen Titans

Any questions about any of the books?
Is there any books not on this list that anyone would recommend?
The "New 52" Titles I have read

  • Batman: TDK
  • Superman
  • Flash
  • Batman
  • Nightwing
  • Batman & Robin
  • Grifter
  • Suicide Squad
  • Action Comics
  • Detective Comics
  • Green Arrow
  • Swamp Thing
  • Justice League

Of those 13, only 7 of them (the ones in bold) are titles I'll be continuing to pick up monthly. Swamp Thing is one that I'll just be getting as they release it in trades, I liked it but after listening to an interview with Scott Snyder, it sounds like it's going to be one of those books that just works better as a trade as opposed to picking it up monthly & trying to keep up with the story. Nightwing & Grifter are going to be titles that I could see myself dropping after the first arc. Batman, Action, & Justice League are easily the three best titles of the "New 52" that I have read so far.
Im in the middle of Season 3 of the 90s x men cartoon. Such a great cartoon, they didn't treat the audience as unfamiliar with the X-men as most of the ones since seem to.
Has anyone reading the New 52 noticed the hooded woman in all of the books?

Yeah, rumor is that that is their "reset button" should this whole "New 52 reboot" fail. I also read an article that suggest that the hooded woman could be the Crimson Cowl, and that the New 52 could somehow be a way for DC & Marvel to do some sort of major crossover event. Here is a link to that

I think its just DC setting the ground work for a new major event (it seems like both Marvel & DC feel that need to have at least one massive universe wide event every year) that will likely take place within the next year or two, whether or not that's a crossover with Marvel or some other publisher, or an event set up to reset everything back, I'm not sure.

Batman & Robin
Suicide Squad
Action Comics
Teen Titans

Green Lantern
Legion of Superheroes

Have Red Hood and the outlaws but haven't read yet. May pick up aquaman.

EDIT: Read red hood, twas good. I love Todd.
The more I think about it the more I think Donna Troy will be in the outlaws.
Just got:

Justice League
Legion Lost
Wonder Woman
Just found out Justice League #2 isn't scheduled to hit shelves until Oct. 19th, I really hope this isn't a sign that Jim Lee is having trouble keeping up with this book.
Well I was typing up a really solid in depth look into the career of Jason Aaron in the potluck comic book thread, went to click on the tab next to the one I was writing up my post in, to double check some facts & make sure I was getting everything right, & I accidentally close the tab I had just spent an hour typing up my post in. All my work gone just like that. So angry right now, so so angry right now. I may attempt to re-write the entire post again later.
Bloody hell Aquaman was ace.
WonderWoman was also decent too.
Legion Lost had great art but I don't give a shit about the characters.

So I'll be getting:

Action Comics
Super Boy
Super Girl



Justice League


Red Hood

Teen Titans

Wonder Woman

Can't wait for JSA and it's a shame they killed Billy Batson in Flashpoint.
Bloody hell Aquaman was ace.
WonderWoman was also decent too.
Legion Lost had great art but I don't give a shit about the characters.

I wasn't lying when I said Aquaman was really good! It was my surprise hit out of all of the new 52.

Wonder Woman didn't do anything for me at all.

Just found out Justice League #2 isn't scheduled to hit shelves until Oct. 19th, I really hope this isn't a sign that Jim Lee is having trouble keeping up with this book.

I believe that was the game plan going into all of this so I wouldn't be too worried.
I put together my pull list last night, 4 comics this week. I'm so use to buying anywhere from 6-9 titles a week over the past month that it feels like their should be more. Though this will be a nice little break for my wallet.

This is what I'm getting this week

*Action Comics #2
*Detective Comics #2
*Hulk #42
*X-men: Schism #5
Damien annoyed me far too much for me to ever pick up another issue of Batman & Robin, how Bruce doesn't just turn around and back hand that snotty little ingrate is beyond me.
Damien annoyed me far too much for me to ever pick up another issue of Batman & Robin, how Bruce doesn't just turn around and back hand that snotty little ingrate is beyond me.

This x a billion.

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