The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Batman & Robin
It was ok, I don't like Damien as Robin and Bruce put up with too much shit from him, good to see Bruce distance himself a bit from the death of his family.
Batman & Robin
It was ok, I don't like Damien as Robin and Bruce put up with too much shit from him, good to see Bruce distance himself a bit from the death of his family.

Those were pretty much my thoughts, Batman & Robin is not bad but it's not good enough fro me to continue to read everytime a new issue hits the stands, Detective Comics was a much better Batman book in my opinion. Next week Nightwing #1 comes out, still unsure if I'm picking that up or not, I had 9 books this week, so I desperately need a light week next week.
Which did you get?

I'll be pickign Nightwing as I love Dick Grayson, just read Superboy I was damn impressed. I'll have to get the teen titans I think.

I'll try:

Teen titans (unless I missed it)
Super Girl

Definitely getting next issue of Action Comics and Superboy
Which did you get?

From DC I only picked up 3 books, Batman & Robin, Suicide Squad (which like B&R was decent but not good enough for me to continue picking up every issue) & Grifter (Have not read it yet).

The rest were Marvel, Uncanny X-Force# 15, Fear Itself #6 (Don't know why I'm still reading this shit), Ultimate Comics Spidey #1, Daredevil #3, PunisherMAX #17, & Fear Itself: Hulk vs. Dracula.

I'll be pickign Nightwing as I love Dick Grayson, just read Superboy I was damn impressed. I'll have to get the teen titans I think.

I figured you probably would, the Nightwing cover looks great. I'm definitely picking up Batman #1 next week, that's really the only DC book I know I'm getting for sure right now.

I'll try:

Teen titans (unless I missed it)
Super Girl

Definitely getting next issue of Action Comics and Superboy

I want to get:
Batman: The Dark Knight
The Flash

The nlast 3 on that list come out Sept. 28th (as well does Teen Titans, so you have not missed it yet).
I recommend Superboy if you have the cash for it, I really liked it.

Also my comic store has this buy five get one free thing going on for the DC reboot titles, whichis nice.
The could print it on solid gold and sell it for the £2.20 I'm paying for it and you'd still not like it.
When have I ever said I didn't like it? I haven't read it. I merely was disappointed that they wasted a good opportunity for Bruce to pass the torch to his rightful successor.
Meh it gives an opportunity for Grayson to do his own thing, I prefer him in that role.
I guess I'll ask this question here too.

Has the Battlezone tournament gotten you to read any comics that you otherwise wouldn't have read?

Reading the Spawn Vs Ghost Rider thread has gotten me to start reading the Spawn comics for the first time ever.

2nd question: What's your favorite comic not put out by Marvel or DC?
No, the BZT has not gotten me to start reading stuff that I otherwise wouldn't read, or have not read yet, I've tried stuff featuring pretty much every comic book character in the BZT before the BZT was ever a reality (granted some more than others).

Favorite comic that is not Marvel or DC right now is easily Locke & Key. Go out pick up the trades and start from the beginning, Joe Hill is a fucking amazing writer, though when you're the son of two of the most known authors in all of horror/supernatural, Stephan & Tabitha King, then that's expected. Joe Hill also did some work on Ultimate Spidey awhile back, & has another series out right now called The Cape (which is in no way connected to the horriable & short lived NBC disaster). Locke & Key is easily one of my top 3 series right now.
Finch wrote TDK before, and he's writing TDK now. You're not going to be seeing anything too different than what you were seeing before.

Well I wasn't reading it before, so it'll be all new for me. The new #1 gives me a jumping on point, something that was keeping me from reading it before.
Because... I couldn't read it from one, due to the lack of a store the sold issues, & the fact that I was reading when it came out. I took like a 17 yr. break from comics.

I ended up just reading it online, considering my comic store was trying to sell the first three originals for like 40 dollars a piece.

I still don't see what the big deal is with them. I guess I'm just not a batman fan.
Picked up Batgirl #1 & Fear Itself #6.

Really enjoyed Batgirl, and am interested in where it goes from here.

The Mirror (new villain) pointed a gun at Batgirl and she froze with memories of Joker shooting her and putting her in a wheelchair. This gave The Mirror enough time to throw someone out the window. Gotham Police are now pissed at Batgirl because she just stood there rather than tried to stop the murder.

Anyone else glad that Fear Itself is one book away from being over?
Don't know if any of you were following the story about an avid Superman collector who had a large portion of his collection stolen by a man who he thought was a friend. Well, they recovered the collection:

I had heard about it, on Babble-On, that "friend" is the shithead of the year, as far as I'm concerned.

Anyone else glad that Fear Itself is one book away from being over?

I can't put into words how excited I am for this fucking thing to be over, I am so sick of seeing "FEAR ITSELF TIE-IN" plastered over damn near every Marvel book, and the mini for this event has been the longest most drawn pile of shit I have ever read. I wish I could drop it but I have OCD when it comes to mini-series, I have to finish them. Fuck Fear Itself total disappointment by Marvel and Matt Fraction.
If you don't mind the horribly shitty audio here, Cody Rhodes gives a pretty cool interview in kayfabe. We all knew he was an Archangel fan, but who does he pick in a fight between Cyclops and Wolverine?

This weeks DC purchases:

Legion of superheroes: I'll re read after I've bought legion lost but really I'm not too interested in it, maybe legion lost will help.

Supergirl: I liked it but I can why most won't, I liked the bit with her superhearing that picked out bits from other comics.

Nightwing: I loved this, weird that Dick's in Gotham but it summed his past well.

Red Hood and the outsiders: I'll buy Friday

Also why hasn't JSA got a relaunch?
Also why hasn't JSA got a relaunch?

Oh have no fear Lee, JSA IS getting a relaunch...

DC Comics Relaunch: The JSA Confirmed To Return With James Robinson And Nicola Scott
by Grey Scherl - August 27, 2011

This weekend up in Toronto is Fan Expo ’11, and at the New 52 panel being hosted earlier today Dan DiDio relented and finally broke news to the fans present when, during the question and answer segment, the usual “Where is _____” questions arose…not unlike at San Diego.

Today Dan gave us all some news though. That the JSA would be returning with writer James Robinson, and artist Nicola Scott. No release date was given, but Earth 2 was confirmed and that leads me to believe that the Golden Age is going to rest in their own little reality for the time being.

“We don’t want them to just be cameos and then forgotten,” DiDio said. “We’ve waited on JSA because we really wanted to get the details right. We were hammering out the characters as late as yesterday.”

Which is absolutely fine by me. A few months ago DiDio said that they were going to rest the concept for the time being so that they could devote efforts elsewhere. Then, with the knowledge that Superman is going to be the ‘Worlds First Superhero’ in the DC Relaunch, many fans were under the assumption that the JSA would just be wiped away to find a home in our memories and nowhere else. Defeatists, I call them.

Especially when I’ve been saying for a while now that the JSA should just move back to Earth 2 and have their own self-contained little universe of stories without being shoe horned into the very modern elements of the DC Relaunch (despite books like Demon Knights and All Star Western, JSA would have much more influence over the DC Universe).

James Robinson is probably the most perfect choice for a writer that DC could look to for a project like this, especially without it being subject to the goings on of a world with the JLA. It will give him the freedom to tell his stories in his way, and possibly regain some of that magic from his runs on Starman, the first arc of JSA (the late 90′s volume that helped launch Geoff Johns after Robinson left), and even his Golden Age mini.

Nicola Scott is one of those missing female creators that people were clamoring about during the time when people were griping at a lack of female creators in the relaunch. She also just finished a run on Teen Titans that featured an extra sized issue that came out this past week, so her not being on something in September doesn’t surprise me.

All in all, I’m really looking forward to this project and can’t wait for a release date or some preview art!
Fuck yeah, I love the JSA classic feel they have. That and power girls boobs.

Did you get any DC titles this week?
Fuck yeah, I love the JSA classic feel they have. That and power girls boobs.

Did you get any DC titles this week?

About to head to the shop now, got another big lis t for this week.

But DC titles this week are just Batman, & Nightwing... I thought Flash was suppose to be out this week as well but I'm not seeing it on any lists for this weeks comics :(

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