The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

God damn. Why does a major character have to die every time they do one of these crossover events? Seriously, why do they think it legitimizes the event? It doesn't do anything except piss people off.
Tell me it isnt so.Tell me they didnt kill The Human Torch and replace him with Fucking Spiderman.According to my friend they did.

Yeah, like awhile ago, pretty sure he's coming back though

Wait... Bucky died again?

Not again, this is his first death. But yep, though this made room for Steve Rogers to return to his role as Capt. America.

God damn. Why does a major character have to die every time they do one of these crossover events? Seriously, why do they think it legitimizes the event? It doesn't do anything except piss people off.

You're gonna hate this event (much like just about everyone else who's reading it)
so far we've seen Stark make the sacrifice to get Odin's attention by picking up the bottle... again, then in the last issue we pretty much see Spidey & Capt. just give up, oh and Caps sheild is shattered, I beleive Caps exact words are "...We're not gonna win anyway". Oh & the nearly killed off Thing too, but Franklin (I think) brought him back.
Fear Itself is a massive clusterfuck that just needs to be wrapped up quickly.
The sad thing is, the side stories for Fear Itself have been better than the main story arc itself.
Dude, Schism #3 and Generation Hope were pretty good. Highly recommend you read both because the narration goes back and forth. An event happens, and you get multiple sides of said event from both books.

Oh and the Wolverine/Cyclops split is officially on.
Shocky, did you see the special variant cover with Colossus and Kitty Pryde? What did you think of that team? Looked pretty shitty in my opinion...

Haven't cracked open the books yet, but I will after I send a few emails. Do you have a suggested order?
I guess go with Schism first but essentially it's the same story. When you read them you'll see. As far as the variant, didnt see it.
I guess go with Schism first but essentially it's the same story. When you read them you'll see. As far as the variant, didnt see it.


I read them, and damn was that good stuff. Those kids are fucking INSANE. I hate that leader so fucking much, I'd kick that little shit in his face if I wasn't sure I'd be dead no more than 3 minutes later. I loved Namor's threats of beating children, but his experience in the field didn't seem to help him this time.

I love the battle over Idie's soul between Cyclops and Wolverine. I don't know why Logan has taken such a shining to Idie... perhaps it's the way she innocently utters phrases that only the most corrupted mind would believe, something he can relate back to his Weapon X days perhaps, but it's obvious that he doesn't want her to turn into a killing machine. I don't think that's what Cyclops has in mind either, but he's the realist in the situation. They are X-Men, and they do what needs to be done.

I feel like if it were anyone else, Wolverine and Cyclops would give them a big huge pat on the back, but because it's Idie and Wolverine is so concerned with giving her a childhood that she never had, it suddenly becomes insanely controversial.

Once again Cyclops proves why he's the most interesting character of the X-Men as it's much more difficult to describe his emotions, but so easy to dissect his thinking in the situation. I'm not as big of a Wolverine detractor as Shocky, hell, I love Wolverine, but he's a very plain character. He thinks he can get there just in time to save the damsel in distress and everything will work out just fine. Cyclops isn't willing to take that chance, and realizes that sacrifices must be made. What a bad ass.

I'm excited that Iddie is turning into such a fascinating character. One thing I like about the X-Men is that they have some of the most interesting characters in all of Marvel. Sometimes it's because their powers are just wildly fascinating (Legion), other times it's because they have sort of ethically and morally gray beliefs (Magneto), some have crazy internal conflicts that they have to fight to maintain order on Utopia (Cyclops), and now we have this innocent girl whose mind is so warped that she believes her being alive is a sin.
I like Wolverine, just hate how he is ****ed out throughout the Marvel Universe, blame that mostly on the last few Editors in Chief though. Wolverine is fine as long as he is contained in the X-Universe, but him being an Avenger has never sat well at all.

I do think that Schism is a better story then Civil War. Civil War simply made one side a villain and the others hero. This is a big time morality issue with Cyclops and Wolverine.

I think it works in the long run. People will be on both sides of the issue. I just think it's silly that Wolverine of all people is going to be pissed that Cyclops was indirectly responsible for Idie killing some henchman that would kill them. Cyclops didn't give an order to kill, but accepted the outcome. Yeah it sucks that he turned a kid into a killer, but with the extinction of the species on the line, shit has to happen. It's like Wolverine has been living under a rock since House of M.

Also, Wolverine has a problem with Cyclops turning kids into soldiers, but leads a black ops team that kills an innocent child that might become Apocalypse? Kinda silly

Folks, I'd ask you kindly to take a look at this, my latest blog entry concerning a certain web-slinger.

I left you pretty interesting comment on your blog FunKay, as I took mild offense to your diss on Superman.

As for Shocky:

Wolverine is definitely ****ed out. I could deal with him doing double duty with The Avengers and the X-Men, but it seems like whenever there's a problem, Wolverine will be one of the first responders. Yet, he still has time sit in a bar while all of his friends at the Mutant History Museum get their brains sucked out by some weird space slugs. I wonder what will become of them? I'm guessing they'll be in a catatonic state for a while, but Dr. Nemesis will take care of shit.

The way you describe how hypocritical and sort of backwards Wolverine's intentions are in Schism makes him all the more fascinating. Yes, he is being a giant fucking hypocrite... but he's still the one with the best intentions. That's not to say Cyclops has bad intentions, just that he seems more ambiguous towards what will become of Idie than Logan does.

I don't know about you, but I get the feeling that Idie could turn into a future enemy of the X-Men. She's not going to be like The Hellfire Club and have malicious intent, but I get the feeling that perhaps she'll fall under the influence of a Bastion or Reverend Stryker type and be brainwashed into attacking her friends. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen in this series.

I can't believe we don't get the next issue for another month! I'll be awaiting it very anxiously.
I guess go with Schism first but essentially it's the same story. When you read them you'll see. As far as the variant, didnt see it.

It's suggested on the first page of Generation Hope that you read Schism first. I don't think it really matters as both are the same story, just from different perspectives. Though them telling you to read Schism first could have something to do with it being the more expensive issue (Schism is $3.99 where Gen. Hope is $2.99) it could be them just trying to get the people who normally only buy Gen. Hope to buy Schism as well.

I am happy that Marvel diecided to go with two great writes on this event, Aaron is quickly becoming my favorite writer on the Marvel payroll, Schism & Punisher MAX are both amazing books, & I think he's suppose to be the guy writing the upcoming Hulk story where Banner & Hulk are split into two separate beings, with Banner going insane & Hulk finally finding peace. I havn't read much of Gillins stuff, but so far I think he's done a great job with Gen. Hope, that said I've only read two issues so far, one being todays.

Sweet, Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine #3 is out this week too. It's a good week for comics.

LOL, which means it's an expensive week, I tend to try to limit myself to spending no more that $20 a week on comics. I had no problem hitting that $20 limit this week, picked up Schism #3, Gen. Hope #10, DareDevil #2, Venom #6, & The Flash '90's Retroactive one-shot. So far I've only read the X-books & DareDevil, all 3 were great.
I see Marvel has realised that Aaron is a good writer and are preparing to spread him across the Universe...which they did to Bendis and Brubaker and both of their writing suffered. Oh well...

I'll get back to you shortly on that post you made Jiggles.
Aaron will only have 3 titles to write (to the best of my knowledge), that's really not alot. Would you rather they not acknowledge him as a good writer, and not give him more stuff to write? So far he's seems to have handle Punisher MAX & Schism very well, Scalped is finished I beleive, & isn't Wolverine turning into Wolverine & the X-men?
What the???


Jubilee being a team leader, well I'm freaking shocked at that. I definitely see Warpath, Domino, and X-23 in that picture. This shake up gets more and more interesting.
It very well could be Archangel, and that could be psylocke instead of X-23, just noticed a sash is going in front of Jubilees coat. That's a pretty bad ass team, and would make me guess that X-force is going with Wolverine now. This X-Men team is Emma's "X-Force".

So maybe X-Factor stays independent in all of this. If X-Force is with Wolverine, X-Factor are independent, I guess that means the New Mutants go with Emma.

Updated with the full "Blue Team" so far.

And we have X-Force


AoA Nightcrawler is making the jump? Kinda interesting, but kinda frustrating at the same time. So they "kill off" Nightcrawler, who was opposed to X-Force, and replace him with his more violent other reality version? I guess I'll buy it.

This is also the easiest cover to figure out, Psylocke, Deadpool and Fantomex. No Archangel, which is a shame because he might be the best character going.
I've been reading Planet Hulk over the pasty few weeks, shit if fucking excellent, it's a big tpb, but one I highly recommend. I'll likely be doing a post on it in my Comic Book Spotlight thread

Also has anyone read any of the 30 Days of Night tpbs? I've watched & enjoyed both movies, in fact after watching Dark Days I kinda wish they' adapt it for a TV show, if Walking Dead can work then I think this could easily work as well. Anyway, I'm really interested in seeing where the story goes after Dark Days, & just curious if it's work me hunting down the tpbs. or not.

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