The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Probably looking more forward to that movie then anything on Marvel's slate the next couple years. I am burned out on the Avengers already, and the spiderman reboot looks incredibly meh.
Pretty far off topic but any one with a BIT of nerd my find this cool and its CM Punk/ Wrestling orientated. SModcast (I know Justin is a fan) has a new podcast called "Get up on this."

Its a geek aimed podcast that talks about whats getting hot,and various other nerd topics. Next weeks topic is wrestling and his guest (Whos name escapes me) is a friend of CM Punk and is going to be talking about the Summer of Punk.

Its a good listen even without the wrestling and last weeks episode was the first so it is not to hard to get caught up.
Pretty sure they were never hiding the fact that Cap was going to be a set-up movie for the Avengers, also how is that a bad thing? the movie was fun & entertaining is that all that should matter?
I guess there is no new Schism this week :(

But there is a new X-Men Legacy! And it's the conclusion of this story arc! I fucking love that book. And there's a new X-Men #1 to pick up too.
Well as we are getting closer to the end for X-Men, at least a few things are starting to emerge.

1. Uncanny and WATXM will be the two flagships, with other books somewhat split into two sides.

2. X-Men Legacy will still be a Carey book, and he'll take his own team that pretty much stays out of it.

3. Adjectiveless X-Men will remain an X-Men book that ties the team to the rest of the Marvel Universe, but no specific team affiliation with this book.

4. Astonishing X-Men will remain a neutral book where a hot writer can take an X team and have a story outside of the main teams storyline.

5. Although the teams are split because of Wolverine and Cyclops, we are not to assume that Cyclops survives the encounter. (However this would be stupid as Wolverine killing another X-Man would be one of those unforgivable sins in my opinion and wouldn't leave too much as far as redeeming qualities for Logan). I'd say you're looking at Cyclops in exile or imprisoned by the Avengers.

6. The reason for Schism and Fear Itself to end at the same time is the next big Marvel event will be X-Men focused. How this is anything beside the return of Phoenix/Dark Phoenix I have no idea? Does a rogue Cyclops bring Jean back? Is the death of Scott the thing that finally sets the Phoenix force off?

7. Supposedly there will be 9 mutants on each team.

Oh and Teasers for the new teams.


1. Obviously Emma. Obviously Magneto. I'm going to guess Juggernaut, but probably the Colossus version. I think that is possible Thunderbird to Emma's right, and maybe Psychlocke to the left with the sword. Or it could be Danger and Magik respectively.


You obviously have Wolverine. As far as the rest, I'm having a tough time. The person with the tail could be Nocturne, AoA Nightcrawler, or the 616 Nightcrawler somehow back to life already. The rest of the team I'm having a hard time figuring out from the silhouettes.
I think there was elements of Captain America that sacrificed story to speed up the conclusion. They also could have not killed Bucky in the way they did to allow for Winter soldier to potentially turn up in future movies.
I guess there is no new Schism this week :(

But there is a new X-Men Legacy! And it's the conclusion of this story arc! I fucking love that book. And there's a new X-Men #1 to pick up too.

I think that may be a typo on Marvels part, according to other sites I use it's suppose to be X-Men #15.1, not #1
Wait, why are we so sure that Cyclops is going to die or be imprisoned? That makes me sad, he's my favorite.
I've heard at least one major charecter is going to die, but nothing to suggest it's Cyclops, from what I understand, what it comes down to is this is more of a "ugly divorce" between Wolverine & Cyclops, which leads to the teams splitting.
The next 2 chapters of the Schism story come out next week in X-Men: Schism #3, & Generation Hope #10.

Uncanny X-Force #13, & Venom #6 come out next week as well, Gonna be another good week for comics
Shocky posted an teaser for one of the 2 "new" X-men teams, well today another teaser was released


Alright, that may be the worst drawing of Wolverine I have ever seen, he's looks like a fucking midget for fuck sake!!!! If this is the art I can expect on X-men #1 I'll be passing on the book entirely, which sucks cause I really enjoy Jason Aarons writing.
That is an awful drawing of Wolverine, but if you want to see the absolute worst of Wolvie, look at some of his stuff from the Civil War arc. FunKay mentioned the artist's name before, and he's truly horrible.

Very hard to sort out who those folks behind Wolverine are, though. I think the big guy is Rockslide, but he's a minor fucking character anyway. The flying girl with the cape could be Hope, but I don't think Hope flies regularly. Everything else is way too jumbled to make out.

The fact that one team is led by Emma and the other by Wolverine leaves me very afraid for Cyclops' future. I could deal with him being imprisoned by The Avengers (hell, that would make a really interesting storyline), but I'd be very upset if he's killed off. He's easily the best character within the X-Men not named Legion or Magneto.
Humberto Ramos. The man needs to stop. He managed to turn a sure fire, one of the best Spoider-Man arcs ever into a merely good one becasue his art was so awful. He's got slightly better, but only slightly.

EDIT: However, according to the crdit at the top of the page it's Chris Bachalo whose art is similar and equally terrible. See SHED, where I couldn't make out some of the paenls the art was that bad, for details.
Fucking Bachalo god damn it. That man is atrocious. I'm still hoping out that Aaron's writing will make up for the terrible artist chosen. Oh and Wolverine is only 5'3" and weighs 225lbs, he's supposed to be a stalky midget (really wish they would just retcon this by the way and make him taller).

Based on that picture, I would say it's safe to say Polaris is the one flying in the background. I think that's Iceman with all the crazy shapes to him. I still see a tale, so you're dealing with a version of Nightcrawler or Nocturne. Based on the previous picture, the guy with the goggles is probably Cannonball.

If Polaris is on Logan's team, then i doubt Cyclops is going to die in Schism. I can't see a way that Polaris would join Logan if he killed Havok's brother. If the teams are supposed to be balanced, Polaris on one and Magneto on the other makes sense.

*Edit. Damn, it could be Hope as well. Interesting nonetheless.
The fact that one team is led by Emma and the other by Wolverine leaves me very afraid for Cyclops' future. I could deal with him being imprisoned by The Avengers (hell, that would make a really interesting storyline), but I'd be very upset if he's killed off. He's easily the best character within the X-Men not named Legion or Magneto.

Cyclops is the best character going in the X-Men, but the higher ups just don't see it. Anyone with a brain has realized that Cyclops has been by far the most interesting character for the better part of 25 years.

At the end of 2nd Coming, Cyclops told Wolverine that if the Avengers found out about X-Force, Cyke would take the fall. That's where the imprisonment scenario is coming from.

Also other sites I go to, I keep reading from multiple people that the X-Team confirmed Scott wouldn't be apart of the X-Men after Schism. I haven't read this, but I keep reading it from multiple places.
If I remember right he had a run with an x book before. I get art is subjective, but I hate his style.
Is anyone interested in posting the cole's notes version of what the hell is happening in with the X-Men and how we got here?

Or at least point me in the direction of a synopsis of what's going on? It sounds interesting, but I'm way out in left field on this.
I guess it would be easier to ask where you left off at last before I give you a synopsis.
I guess it would be easier to ask where you left off at last before I give you a synopsis.

X-Men: The Last Stand.

As I've mentioned previously, I'm new and selective about what I've read, only reading a handful of books. Actually, things have been so busy that I have a pile of books forming that I'll have to eventually read.

I don't need to know tons of history, I'm just looking for a quick summary of the events that have brought us to where we are today.

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