The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

No, no, no, it's M.O.D.O.K., Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, or in the Avengers cartoon, where he's M.O.D.O.C., it's Mental Organism Designed Only for Conquest.
Am I the only one getting sick of the Avengers centric marvel universe? Almost every storyline since disassembled is centered around the Avengers in some way shape or form.
I wouldn't say that they're all centered around The Avengers as much as that they all include the Avengers in some way, shape, or form.

What's Nick Fury up to these days?
The reason Marvel is "centered" around Avengers is because almost all of the Marvel heroes are tied to the Avengers.
Fury is still hiding underground, has been since "Siege"

The Avenger tie-ins don't really bother me at all, what bothers me more is that fact that they stretch characters like Spidey, & Wolverine so thin by not only including them as members of the Avengers, but having them on their own & apart of other teams as well. Spidey has his own thing going on in his own books, plus he's a member of FF, & the Avnegers, Wolvierine is a member of the Avengers, X-Force (which he's essentially the leader of) X-men (were he's also teaching/training), & has his own solo shit going on as well. When the fuck do these guys sleep?!?

Also there are plenty of Marvel books that really don't feature much Avengers stuff at all. I read Punisher MAX, Hulk, & a couple X-books, & almost never have to deal with any Avengers shit ever.
Fury is still hiding underground, has been since "Siege"

The Avenger tie-ins don't really bother me at all, what bothers me more is that fact that they stretch characters like Spidey, & Wolverine so thin by not only including them as members of the Avengers, but having them on their own & apart of other teams as well. Spidey has his own thing going on in his own books, plus he's a member of FF, & the Avnegers, Wolvierine is a member of the Avengers, X-Force (which he's essentially the leader of) X-men (were he's also teaching/training), & has his own solo shit going on as well. When the fuck do these guys sleep?!?

Also there are plenty of Marvel books that really don't feature much Avengers stuff at all. I read Punisher MAX, Hulk, & a couple X-books, & almost never have to deal with any Avengers shit ever.

I think its mostly due to popularity. Specifically for Spidey. If you read his comic books, after the Civil War till Seige, in his comics, he was broke and completely solo. Just makes sense that people who suffered get the most out of Seige. Plus, FF was simply because Johnny and Spidey were good friends.
I get why they do it, they're two of the 3 most popular characters in the Marvel universe, it just makes sense from a business standpoint. However I would at least like to see them acknowledge it taking a toll on them, to make it a bit more realistic. Aaron does this in X-men: Schism #1 when you see Logan coming home, with ninja starts and shit stick out of him, and he's all cut up, & look slike he's just been through hell. He goes to his room and says that the X-men, X-Force, & Avengers can all just piss off, he's getting some sleep. It's really the first time I've seen a writer touch on that (that I can remember anyway) & it was a nice touch. I haven't read Spidey in ages cause they keep messing shit up with him, but I don't think they've done anything like this with him yet, which they should, guy is working a full time job, is a member of 2 superhero teams, & has his own solo superheroing that he's doing too, show him being exhausted damn it, or at least imply it, that's all I'm asking.
So, I just read The Amazing Spider-Man: New Ways To Die, and I have to say, it was awesome. This one has ASM #568-573, and is the introduction of Anti-Venom. Awesome storyline arc with Spidey, Norman Osborn, and Eddie Brock. Highly recommended.
It's pretty good, but it's horribly overshadowed by the issue afterwards. What follows is the best Flash Thompson story of all time and packs an incredible punch.
Huh. The library didn't have the next one. I also got ASM: Kraven's First Hunt where Kraven's daughter tries to kill Spidey. Seeing Spidey in the Daredevil suit was one of the funniest comic book moments I have ever read.
Ugh Kraven, fucking hate Kraven

I'll post in your thread later Funkay, need to think of what I have to say about Ol' bucket head
First look at the New Superman


Oh please don't suck. It looks pretty bad ass.

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