The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

Has anyone else read Deadpool & Cable? Just finished the second arc (bearing in mind this is from before House of M) and it was fan fucking tastic. Cable using his powers to there fullest and Deadpool running around cracking jokes and contemplating actual serious issues. Very cool, over the top stuff.
Has anyone else read Deadpool & Cable? Just finished the second arc (bearing in mind this is from before House of M) and it was fan fucking tastic. Cable using his powers to there fullest and Deadpool running around cracking jokes and contemplating actual serious issues. Very cool, over the top stuff.

Have you read Deadpool's Dark Reign arc yet? I think it's probably his best stuff.
Just finished reading Legacy. A satisfying ending to a beast of a story. Unfortunately, it looks like Professor X and Legion aren't going to be in the next story, but it appears we will be getting Havok, Polaris, and Rachel Summers! Pretty awesome!
X-Men: The Last Stand.

As I've mentioned previously, I'm new and selective about what I've read, only reading a handful of books. Actually, things have been so busy that I have a pile of books forming that I'll have to eventually read.

I don't need to know tons of history, I'm just looking for a quick summary of the events that have brought us to where we are today.

The Summary is pretty long, so check your PM.
Looks like Fantastic Four is coming back this Nov. with issue #600

...really? Johnny's corpse wasn't even cold. That's one of the things wrong with Marvel & DC these days, they don't even know how to time big time storyline pay-offs. First Bruce Wayne and now Johnny Storm.
Well I guess we're starting to see where the allegiances are forming in the X-Universe.

Photo for Generation Hope: Sebastian Shaw as team leader, never would have expected that.

and X-Men legacy: Really no surprise with Rogue being the leader here, and obviously Gambit in the background.

Check out the Lettering for both of those books, and the previous pictures of the UXM and WATXM teams. The coloring seems to indicate team alignment.

Check out the covers of Wolverine and the X-Men and legacy next to each other.


Sadly that arc will be Mike Carey's last story with Legacy. That sucks because I think Legacy has been the strongest stand alone book since the Messiah Complex.

So it looks to me that X-Factor is to the right of the Legacy cover, because I'm pretty sure that's Strong Guys arm. If they are balancing the teams, it looks like X-Force would be going away from Wolverine, which is pretty damn interesting.
Even Better images.


I would love to see Cyclops be the Leader of X-Force as a major kick in the nuts to Wolverine.
Not only would X-Force lose Wolverine, but I think there's a decent chance that Domino is standing on the right of Shaw, though I'm not sure if she's a part of this current incarnation of X-Force or just the last one.

Shaw in charge of an X-Men team? They did it with Frost, so why can't the former Black King of the Hellfire Club get hooked up with an X-Men team of his own? Still, I'm skeptical about putting him in charge of the young'ns. Hopefully we see Hope continue her rebellious streak, this time putting her at odds with Shaw instead of Cyclops.

I barely consider X-Factor part of the X-Men, and I think Multiple Man feels the same way. I doubt we'll see much of a reconfiguration of his team at all.
It's interesting that the traditional villains are going to one side. You clearly see Magneto and "Juggernaut" with Emma, and then you have Shaw with Generation Hope (which I could see him turning them into the new Hellions). I also think that is Kid Omega next to Shaw as well.
Not only would X-Force lose Wolverine, but I think there's a decent chance that Domino is standing on the right of Shaw, though I'm not sure if she's a part of this current incarnation of X-Force or just the last one.

Domino is NOT apart of the current incarnation of X-Force, it's Psylocke, Archangel, Deadpool, Fantomex, & Wolverine
It's interesting that the traditional villains are going to one side. You clearly see Magneto and "Juggernaut" with Emma, and then you have Shaw with Generation Hope (which I could see him turning them into the new Hellions). I also think that is Kid Omega next to Shaw as well.

That is indeed very interesting. I would love to see Shaw lead Hope's team down to wrong path, only for Hope to engage in a power struggle with him, taking Cyclops's lessons to heart.

I also hope Beast makes his triumphant return to the X-Men. He's one of my all time favorite characters, and his talents would be much more appreciated on Utopia than in The Avenger's Tower.
Tell me it isnt so.Tell me they didnt kill The Human Torch and replace him with Fucking Spiderman.According to my friend they did.
Tell me it isnt so.Tell me they didnt kill The Human Torch and replace him with Fucking Spiderman.According to my friend they did.

Its true. Though saying that The Human Torch is the second Human Torch there is an older one that fought with Cap.

Im more disappointed that they killed Bucky again.
technically he has only died once, but yeah Bucky died. Winter Soldier when he was brought in before the Civil War stuff was awesome.

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