The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

No JSA or Shazam but 5484584 Batman titles.

Fuck off man.
That will probably be next year if at all. They already have the original boy scout in Superman, why do they need a second boy scout in the complete relaunch?
I read an issue of Morrisons Batman Inc. recently (issue #6), it was ok, though I'm really just not fond of the whole Batman army idea, Bruce public announcing that he is funding Batman, is one thing, I have no issue with that idea, that actually makes sense, Bruce allowing an army of 30 super hero's from around the world in on the secret that he is Batman, just doesn't seem very Batman like, especially since he's spent his entire time as Batman going to great pains to keep that a secret.

I would much prefer if DC just kept Morrison writing Elsewords stuff, and stopped letting him fuck with the continuity of other major titles
The only good thing that could come from a Morrison run is the eventual "What the fuck are we going to do to undo what he just did?" Morrison made everyone in the world a damn Mutant by the time he was done with X-Men, but we eventually got the House of M which led into Messiah Complex and all the awesomeness that came out of that.
Here's the thing, Morrisons a big name writer in the comci book world, and for some reason he's got his own chunk of fanboys that fallow him around and read everything he writes, so why put him on these major titles that already have pretty big built in audiences that are going to read these books despite who is writing them. I guessing if you're a big enough fan to know the name "Grant Morrison" that chances are you're already buying shit like X-men, Batman, Superman, etc. anyway, so why not put him on a title that needs a major shake up to get sales going again, something these fanboys prolly dropped along time ago, something like Aquaman, Green Arrow, or hell even Flash, or Wonder Woman? those seem like books that froma sales perpective would only improve with Morrison writing them, they're all fairly decent names that don't get much attention. I imagine Morrison could do what ever the fuck he wants with anyone of those titles and not upset and large portion of the comicbook universe
The only good thing that could come from a Morrison run is the eventual "What the fuck are we going to do to undo what he just did?" Morrison made everyone in the world a damn Mutant by the time he was done with X-Men, but we eventually got the House of M which led into Messiah Complex and all the awesomeness that came out of that.

So then was Morrison the one responsible for making Namor the "first mutant"?, I always hated that, especially since I was always lead to beleive Apocalypse was the first, you know with the whole being born around 3000 B.C. and what not, and that Namor was half Atlantian or some shit
Mehtinks titans, Nightwing, Red Hood and The Outlaws and I really wanted JSA but I'll have to go with the legion I guess.
Covers of the Week for 6/15/11

There were two covers this week that really stood out to me, the first was for Superman Batman #85


Just awesome, Batman & Superman standing over a corpse w/ a newspaper shoved down it's throat, besides looking amazing the cover just instantly grabbed me, & made me want to know more about what's going on in this issue.
I've been reading the Prelude to Schism and it's actually VERY good. The art is only so-so, but it's very dark, and it's getting me very excited to see what's going to happen in Schism, so mission accomplished.

If I had to guess, though, it's going to be a lot more deep than some mutants getting pissed at Cyclops for creating X-Force. It looks more like some mutants might defect with Magneto or lose trust in Scott as he continues to collaborate with people like Magneto and Professor X.
Yes, I highly highly highly recommend the Prelude to X-Men Schism. It's setting the mood for the upcoming series perfectly and it's also really pulling at my heart strings.
I'm about to get started on the third volume of The Last Man. Everybody pat me on the back for my good taste.
Yes, I highly highly highly recommend the Prelude to X-Men Schism. It's setting the mood for the upcoming series perfectly and it's also really pulling at my heart strings.

You must be in heaven this week, with 5 new X-books hitting stand today (Uncanny X-men #538, X-men #13, X-men: Prelude to Schism #3, X-Factor #221, & Generation Hope #8), & if that wasn't enough the new Uncanny X-Force: Deathlok Nation tpb, X-men: Quarantine tpb, Wolverine & Jubilee: Curse of Mutants premier Hc, & X-men: Alpha Flight premier Hc also hitting stand today

Plus Alpha Flight #1 is out this week as well, though I don't really consider that an X-book

If I can still find issues #1 & 2 of Prelude to Schism I'll prolly pick those up this week, it's a pretty light week for me anyway (so far the only books on my list for this week are Hulk #35, & Superman Batman #85), & I'm interested in the whole upcoming Schism arc
I only picked up 3/5 of those books, as I want to get my hands on some of the earlier Uncanny X-Force books, and Generation Hope didn't look all that appealing to me, but I might look into it.

Also, what's the deal with X-Men Legacy? Is that an Earth 616 line, or an alt universe, or what? It's got a handful of my favorites featured in it it would seem.
I only picked up 3/5 of those books, as I want to get my hands on some of the earlier Uncanny X-Force books, and Generation Hope didn't look all that appealing to me, but I might look into it.

The first two arcs are officially available in tpbs now (which are the first 9 issues of the series I beleive) after those they did a few issues that were, really just kinda of one off stories, that also sorta worked as preludes to the arc they're in now, which as with everything in this series, is amazing so far. I don't know how Remender made a return to the AoA, but he some how managed to pull it off

Also, what's the deal with X-Men Legacy? Is that an Earth 616 line, or an alt universe, or what? It's got a handful of my favorites featured in it it would seem.

Yeah I have no idea, been wondering the same thing, I wasn't sure if it was some sort of tie-in with the Age of X universe, or if it has something to do with the Legacy virus, a mutant named Legacy, or what. One of these days I'm going to look into it
Yeah, that part of Civil War definitely leaves something to be desired for Thor fans. A LOT to be desired actually.

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