The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

No I agree, at first when I was reading I thought "HOLY FUCK!!..." & then later you find out the truth about that part and then it was more like "What the fuck..."

Genuine from NASA
No I agree, at first when I was reading I thought "HOLY FUCK!!..." & then later you find out the truth about that part and then it was more like "What the fuck..."

He's already showed up but they obviously don't show anymore. Came in all badass to either help or fuck Cap up and I was like "OH HELL YEAH!" and they skip it for Emo Scott Summers. I'm going to guess Jean Gray is dead hence how Frost is running the institute (Really? EMMA FROST?!?! WTF MAN!)

What happened with the Asguardian's and the Doom thing? I can't find the Thor COmics to figure out what happened in that whole "Asguardian's are dying!" bit.
You didn't know Emma Frost is an X-Man now? Get with the times bro, she and Scott are dating and what not.
Is she technically the head? I thought Cyclops was, but she helps him out a lot. She's a really good character, she still maintains some of her bitchiness but she's got a good heart. She compliments Scott much more interestingly than Jean did, at least in my opinion.
Is she technically the head? I thought Cyclops was, but she helps him out a lot. She's a really good character, she still maintains some of her bitchiness but she's got a good heart. She compliments Scott much more interestingly than Jean did, at least in my opinion.

At this point, yeah. Xaiver is MIA/Underground and Scott has left with Angel, Iceman, and Beast to save the 194 (or whatever their designation is).

I'm only like 25 books in of the 100 book long Civil War. ~_~
The 198. That shit gets intense yo. It's not the best X-Men stuff you'll ever read, but it's pretty damn good.

If you want to read good X-Men stuff, look at Messiah Complex, Messiah War, and Second Coming. That trilogy is sooooooooooooooo good.
Probably should start with Endangered Species to get the prologue of that Trilogy. The Messiah Trilogy is fanfuckingtastic though.

Any who, X-Men Legacy is just the renamed X-Men Vol (2). It was New X-Men, then went back to being adjectiveless, and now has a new name. Pretty much it followed the story of Xavier after Messiah War. After several issues, it became a Rogue/Gambit centric. It's actually a damn good book. The current team I believe is Magneto, Xavier, Gambit, Rogue and Legion.

And here is the ultimate Kick in the Nuts to long time Uncanny fans.


Yup, a fucking excuse just to renumber the God Damn book. So fucking stupid.

Don't get me wrong, i think Schism will be good, but this is one stupid gimmick. There have been plenty of launches/relaunches/retcons, whatever the fuck else you want to put in there, that have happened in the X-Universe. Nothing led to a renumbering.

So many unanswered questions though. If Wolverine is leading a team of X-Men, is Uncanny X-Force on it's way out?

What happens to X-Men Legacy, Astonishing X-Men, and X-Men Vol. 3? There is no way in hell that 6 X-Books can run at the same time and co-exist storyline wise. I think there are major changes about to happen.
Oh, and that might be the shittiest artwork I have ever seen for an X-Book. I've seen a lot of bad artist, but that teaser looks awful.
I sincerely hope that those aren't the real teams. Breaking up both the X-Couples seems rather pointless, and having a team of Cyclops, Emma, and Magneto is very appealing. Send Psylocke and Gambit over to Wolverine's team and Shadow Cat and Colossus over to Cyclops', and we have ourselves two pretty stacked teams.

I agree with you though, Shocky, there's no way they'll be able to run all these series simultaneously if at the heart of it all they're breaking up. Maybe two or three, with Astonishing X-Men and and Legacy taking a back seat.

But what's the deal with them renumbering the series?

And yes, that artwork looks shitty, but it is not the worst I've seen. Wolverine's Civil War arch was by far the worst comic book art I've ever seen outside of Strange Tales book, which is supposed to be kinda bad art.
They're renumbering Uncanny X-men. #544 is the "Last Issue", only to be replaced by Uncanny X-Men #1 the next month. Stupid fucking renumbering gimmick has gotten real old.
If you are going to renumber what you do is kill the line for a year and make a big spectacular out of the reviving. Not lets kill the line and start renumbering the next month.
Honestly if the writing is good, I could give a shit less about the number on the cover of the issue, and honestly unless you're a collector it really shouldn't matter
Honestly if the writing is good, I could give a shit less about the number on the cover of the issue, and honestly unless you're a collector it really shouldn't matter

Not really, we're entitled to be pissed when we see it as a cheap trick from the eidtorial staff to lure in new writers, which will ultimately fail (because it ALWAYS does).

The art appears to Humberto Ramos'. He really, really sucks.
Whatever be pissed, cause their renumbering your X-men books, but here's a news flash for you DC is renumbering ever damn one of their books, and yet no one seems bother by that one bit, it ultimately does matter, the same stories would have been written either fucking way, it's just a way for them to catch a few headlines and try and grab some new readers, by giving them a clearer jumping on point (or at least that's the logic DC is claiming)
Oh, make no mistake, I'm a bit pissed about DC too, but I've always associated myself with Marvel more. The logic is bogus too. Every time the re-boot occurs, it's filled with references to the event that caused the re-boot (though seeing as DC is re-writing it's history again that might not happen, at least not immediately) so new readers are going to be confused as hell.
...Anyway Green Lantern opens today, prolly going to wait and see a matinee tomarrow though, seeing as how I really have no desire to pay an extra $1 to see the movie simply cause it's a Friday and they feel like jacking prices up on Fridays

Hope it's better than all the reviews are making it out to be, & by better I mean I'm hope I'm suitably entertained, could give a fuck less what some film snobby critics have to say about it, fuck them
Haven't really heard that much about Green Lantern. Probably won't go see it, but I certainly wouldn't mind.

I've hear it's mostly getting horrid reviews, however I tend to ignore critics when it comes to well any movie really, especially movies like this. Personally I think people have been waiting months just to crap all over this movie though, it seems people have been saying this is gonna be utter shit since they first caught a glimpse of the suit, that said DC & WB have been notoriously hit or miss with there comic to film adaptations, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit of it is in fact I giant monumental pile of goose shit (get it? cause it's green, hehe)
I never see/watch reviews of a film until after I have already watched the movie and formed my own thoughts because I find critics to be pompous and tend to look down on certain movie types.

I did read an interesting bit of information regarding the Green Lantern movie review.

Even on Rotten Tomatoes, as I write this, the film is at 23% on the Tomatometer while at 72% in audience opinion.

I'll give it a shot. I often think that I have an advantage when it comes to comic to film adaptations, as I tend to have zero knowledge of events or continuity of the comic books.
I've always found myself to be a bit more lenient with comic movies than most other people, especially critics & fanboys, both of whom seem to hate everything in the genre for the most part

I'm seeing GL tomorrow, possibly teh 10:30 am showing if I'm awake, otherwise It'll be the 1:10 (& no I'm not seeing it in 3D, still boycotting that migraine inducing crap)

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