The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends


Looks fucking awesome, and yet another great cast put together by the DCU, I love the fact that Starbuck is gonna be in this, as a BSG fan & a Batman fan that's just fucking awesome!!
Pick up my comics today, since it was a light week for me, I grabbed a few issues that came out earlier that I have heard nothing but good things about, one of which was Batman Inc. #6, I've heard it's a great isssue, and a perfect jumping on point, the second was Flashpoint: Batman Night of Vengeance #1, I've heard of all the Flashpoint spin off mini's that have come out this was by far the best and looks to be a great series, I then picked up a Secret Avengers book, that collects issues #7-9 (it was only $5), the only new issue I picked up was Punisher MAX #14
A local store had a dude put in about a thousand comics from the early 90's last week. I was so pissed. I was a big Xmen fan as a kid and never got to read some of the older ones. But I'm missing number 10, but I'm gonna call him and see what it would take to get a mint #10.

I got all but number 10 of the X-cutioners song mint in comic condoms. Still with the trading cards in them. Then Spider man # 27 from 1993 mint with the card in it. It features the debut of Annex I believe. I also got Ghost Rider #1 from 1993 with the debut of Night Terror. It has his card in it to.
Wait, have you been collecting since you were 2-3 yrs. old?, cause that would be damn impressive... I now have this image of Baby Phatso walking into the comic shop in his diaper, grabbing a bunch of X-men, Spidey, & Ghost Rider comics, tossing them up on the counter, they guy behind it thinking "...the hell..." and then Baby Phatso reacing into his diaper and pulling out so poopy $$$ and chucking that up on the counter, grabbing his bag of comic books walk out of the store, jump into the stroller, and saying "Lets go Momma!!!, you gots some comics to read me bitch!!!":lmao:
I started Reading them in 1st grade I believe. I had alot of old comics from my cousins, but my aunt would buy my Spiderman and Xmen and that shit for the most part. But I really just grabbed the Ghost comic to just have it. I enjoy Spiderman and Hulk, but the Xmen were allways my favorite. Tbh I haven't read a comic irl in allmost 5 years. I do some skimming online of old ones. But I just kinda fell out of it. How many do you have Justin.
I started Reading them in 1st grade I believe. I had alot of old comics from my cousins, but my aunt would buy my Spiderman and Xmen and that shit for the most part. But I really just grabbed the Ghost comic to just have it. I enjoy Spiderman and Hulk, but the Xmen were allways my favorite. Tbh I haven't read a comic irl in allmost 5 years. I do some skimming online of old ones. But I just kinda fell out of it. How many do you have Justin.

I stopped for about 17 yrs. for the most part, picked up a few random TPBs here and there, but other than that I was out of the loop, and just recently rediscovered my love for comics. As far as how many I have, the short answer would be a shitload, I got 3 boxes full of all my old shit in storage, and have no idea exactly what I got in there, and now since I've gotten back into it, I tend to go to the comic store at least once, sometimes twice, a week (usually on Weds., since that's new book day) and pick up anywhere from 3-6 issues. The big difference between my love of comics this time around as opposed to before, is that now I'm more into reading them, as where before I was more into collecting them, and have a bunch of books that I prolly never even really read, or at least read through properly
Fuck Marvel and fuck their bullshit.

Spider-Man makes deals with the devil, we kill Johnny Storm and we end one of the most popular series we have. I think I can safely say; Joe Quesada, you take your no smoking rule, you shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up your candy ass.
The only positive I can see for me coming out of this is, it provides me a jumping off point. If they end continuity and reset the X-Books, I can jump off and not regret it. My big frustration with the comic companies is the constant obsession with either rebooting or retconing something.

The comic industry is dying, and it's not because of digital media. It has everything to do with subpar writers that don't care for the source material and the continuity. They have their vision that they can't fit into whatever universe they're working in. I honestly don't care for another origin story, another rehash of Dark Phoenix, etc. etc.

One of the reasons I follow X-Men is the continuity. The same book I pick up now has the same history (albeit slightly altered to fit the changing times) as X-Men #1 way back 50 years ago. The original team is still the original team.

Just a shit load of frustration after reading that bit of news. At least get to #550 in April of next year, and just let the X-Books rest until 2013 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first issue. That way just restart everything fresh.
X-Men is notoriously bad for this stuff. Like horribly notorious. Jean Grey's been resurrected and killed how many times?

Spider-Man had a horrible reboot in the late 90's, but it lead to JMS and Paul Jenkins on the titles and they were great for about 4 years, and then Quesada started fucking with Amazing and we got the horrible and vile One More Day.

Reboots don't work most of the time, I don't see how editors don't grasp this.
I don't mind the whole Jean Grey thing so much. The Phoenix force is a good cop out, but at least there's mythology backing the character up. Grant Morrison shouldn't have fucked her up anyway.
Kinda odd that they would end one of their most popular titles at this point, with them hyping the big "Schism" arc they have coming up in the X-universe, and with the sales numbers for this book going up ever since Kieron Gillen took over as the writer, & with the new movie you'd think that would only boost sales more, just seems like a really stupid time to end this title. My guess is this is just some dumb ploy in attempt to boost sales even more, possibly a response to DC's announcement that they're going to reboot all their titles (which is beyond fucking stupid, and totally unnecessary if you ask me).
Don't worry Justin. They'll be rebooting it. That's how the company works. It's really quite stupid actually. There are a few reasons that people stopped buying comics in the 90's. Editorial interference is one of the big ones.
From the sound of it it's a result of the Schism storyline, which leaves me to beleive that when schism ends the X-men will disband, personally I'm thinking it's just a temporary thing, and about 6 months or so after this happens the Uncanny X-men will be back together again. personally I'm not worried about this at all as I'm not currently ready Uncanny X-men, in fact the only real X-book I read regularly is Uncanny X-force, and according to Remender he's already working on the outline for year 2 of his run on Uncanny X-Force, so this won't effect that title which is really the only thing I was worried about.

I do plan on picking up the Schism arc however, and was planning on it well before I heard any of this news.
3DS downloadable GL trailer in 3D from the eshop.
Im looking forward to the DC reboot, it will allow me a chance to get a jumping on point with the physical comics themselves. GL, GLC, RL, Aquaman, Nightwing, Flash, Green Arrow, Deathstroke and Probably Batman and Birds of Prey as well.
From the sound of it it's a result of the Schism storyline, which leaves me to beleive that when schism ends the X-men will disband, personally I'm thinking it's just a temporary thing, and about 6 months or so after this happens the Uncanny X-men will be back together again. personally I'm not worried about this at all as I'm not currently ready Uncanny X-men, in fact the only real X-book I read regularly is Uncanny X-force, and according to Remender he's already working on the outline for year 2 of his run on Uncanny X-Force, so this won't effect that title which is really the only thing I was worried about.

I do plan on picking up the Schism arc however, and was planning on it well before I heard any of this news.

taken from comic books said:
Thu, June 9th, 2011 at 5:26am PDT|Updated: June 9th, 2011 at 5:55am
Marvel released this teaser for "X-Men: Schism" yesterday
Marvel Comics announced this morning that "UncannyX-Men" #544 publication in October will mark the end of the long-running series, due in large part to the events unfolding in "X-Men: Schism."
"Uncanny" editor Nick Lowe told the Associated Press, "The X-Men are getting torn apart from within. The events of 'Schism' do more damage to the X-Men than any villain has ever done." The sentiment was echoed by current series writer Kieron Gillen who called the end of the series a necessity, though "it's not taken lightly."
Jason Aaron, writer of "X-Men: Schism," explained that while his miniseries may detail exactly why the team breaks up and "Uncanny" ends, the actual team dissolution has been a long time in coming. "It's obvious that things are coming to a head between [Cyclops and Wolverine]...Whether you're a long time X-Men fan or a new X-Men fan, you can pick out and understand the nature of this conflict and how it breaks apart the two lynchpin guys of the X-Men."
As regular readers of Marvel know, the chances of "Uncanny" remaining off the shelves for too long are virtually none, however the story does not directly mention the launch of a new "Uncanny X-Men" #1 as of yet. Recently in his TALK TO THE HAT column on CBR, Marvel SVP of Publishing Tom Brevoort explained "In terms of the real progenitor titles, yes. 'Uncanny' is the only book with an unbroken run...I would not assume that it's safe. Maybe that makes it a little less likely because it's the one title we've got that maintains continuity all the way back to the '60s. But again, in terms of publishing today in 2011, 2012, 2013 -- the need of right now is probably going to outweigh the need of 'it's nice that we have this thing that goes back to the '60s.' If there's a benefit to there being an 'Uncanny X-Men' #1 because we're building something in a substantial way and we want to give people that entry point, maybe we'd hesitate a fraction of a second longer, but I think it'd be only a fraction."

after the events of schism and the end of the franchise in uncanny xmen 544 Marvel will indeed be moving forward with a reboot to the series, it's kind of stupid, i have no idea why they would kill off one of the companies biggest franchises, it's extremely frustrating, but lets see how this all turns out, we may get a look at a newer x team led by xavier, or even two different teams like when the original team xpanded previously forming xfactor, either way its something that the fans of the book wont wanna miss at all, and i for one will be picking up my copy just to see what marvel has instore for one of its greatest teams.
Dude... the X-Men... breaking up? That will be heart breaking. I really can't imagine an X-Men team without Wolverine or Cyclops.
Dude... the X-Men... breaking up? That will be heart breaking. I really can't imagine an X-Men team without Wolverine or Cyclops.

Wolverines a busy guy, he's got X-force to secretly run, though it my not be so secretive after Schism, if what I think is going to happen is indeed what happens, and he's a member of the Secret Avengers as well, plus he's got all that solo work he does too, next to Spidey and Deadpool he may be the busiest superhero in the Marvel Universe

And from what I just read there they're really just renumbering them, hardly an issue, unless issue number is really that big of a deal to you, personally I'm more of a fan of the stories and art in the books than the number on the cover
No, issue numbers are not a big deal to me. Major members leaving the X-Men are though. I like a good shakeup in the super hero community, but leave my favorite team alone!

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