The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

I already read through the X-Force TPB and all nine of my X-Men comics... I need more. The x-Men story is SO good, especially the one I'm in the middle of now. Some weird dudes called The Evolutionaries, and they're looking for a new leader for Mutankind because they don't think Cyclops is going to get the job done. Unfortunately, there's no more catching up, I just have to wait for X-Men 13 to come out. The anticipation will kill me, I just hope I'm able to buy it here in New Jersey before I move back to Boston and I have to walk all the way to the comic book store.

X-Men #13 is scheduled to be released on June 15th, so like a week from Weds. then. If you read and liked the Age of Apocalypse arc that happened in the X-men universe about 15 yrs. ago (maybe longer), then you'd prolly love the current X-force arc.

I stopped by the comic store yesterday and picked up Locke & Key vol. 1 Welcome to Lovecraft, think I'm going to get started on that tomorrow.

Looks like I'm going to have a pretty light week this week as far as new books go, other than Punisher MAX #14, and Incredible Hulks #630, I really got nothing new that I must have, not sure if I'm really gonna even pick up Hulks #630 even
I picked up a lot of books that I should be ashamed for not having read including Arkham was a boring to be honest. I could not for the life of me get into the art style, the pacing was odd, and I was a fan of the constant flashback, back story of the Asylum. I can see why people love it, but it was for sure not for me.
Justin, I do believe we're facing off right now in fantasy. The Drunkards have the advantage after day one, but you're beating me in every pitching category except strikeouts. Should be a battle.

I finished reading X-Force volume 2 last night, which had to do with the team reuniting with capturing Vanisher, reuniting with Domino, and tracking down the Legacy Virus. Warpath went on his own separate adventure and fought some giant bear with Ghost Rider, it was pretty rad. I had X-Force volume 3 waiting for me on my coffee table, so I'll probably finish that tonight, and I'll officially be out of new comics... AGAIN.

What's the X-Force TBP you recommended much earlier in this thread, Justin? Was it Uncanny X-Force, and if so do you have a link?
DC is just a strange company IMO, and IDK if they're just getting desperate or what but the whole Rebooting the entire DCU thing has me very nervous, I would be much more excited for this if it meant brining in some really big name writers to kick off teh first couple arcs, at least for there really big books (Batman, Superman, GL, etc.), but it sounds like they're rebooting everything with the same writers they already have

Also heard a rumor (& I have nothing to back this up with what so ever so take it for what it's worth) that Morrison is going ot move over to Superman, next year after his Batman run is finished
Justin, I do believe we're facing off right now in fantasy. The Drunkards have the advantage after day one, but you're beating me in every pitching category except strikeouts. Should be a battle.

You'll win, I rarely pay attention to that team, just update shit like once a week, that's about it, ever since the Twins decided to suck beyond all beleif this year my interest in baseball in general has dropped to "I don't give a fuck" levels, I now understand what Devil fans must've been feeling all season

I finished reading X-Force volume 2 last night, which had to do with the team reuniting with capturing Vanisher, reuniting with Domino, and tracking down the Legacy Virus. Warpath went on his own separate adventure and fought some giant bear with Ghost Rider, it was pretty rad. I had X-Force volume 3 waiting for me on my coffee table, so I'll probably finish that tonight, and I'll officially be out of new comics... AGAIN.

Well, new books come out tomorrow, head down to your local CS and pick some stuff up, though admittedly there really isn't a whole lot coming out this week

What's the X-Force TBP you recommended much earlier in this thread, Justin? Was it Uncanny X-Force, and if so do you have a link?

I highly recommend Uncanny X-Force: The Apocalypse Solution, it's the first arc of Uncanny X-force, I beleive it's also the only Uncanny X-force tpb out right now (I beleive)
I'm just terrified of what Grant Morrison is going to do with Superman. I'm still not over the butchering he did of X-Men, err, New X-Men.
Well Superman is a character I find incredibly boring for the most part, last time I bought a Superman book was waaaaay back around the time of the Reign of Supermen arc, so imo it's not like Morrison can really fuck up the character too much, from what I've heard all Superman is really doing right now is just wander the country, which sounds like about the most uninteresting thing you could ever do with Superman
Sooooo I'm guessing I should just skip over New X-men entirely then...

Some people liked it. If you're a fan of that 90's style of comic books where they throw swerves in because they think it'll be cool and then worry about how they'll work it out afterwards, then by all means pick it up.
Some people liked it. If you're a fan of that 90's style of comic books where they throw swerves in because they think it'll be cool and then worry about how they'll work it out afterwards, then by all means pick it up.

Some people liked it. If you're a fan of that 90's style of comic books where they throw swerves in because they think it'll be cool and then worry about how they'll work it out afterwards, then by all means pick it up.

So what you're saying is that New X-men is to comics what TNA is to wrestling, not really a fan of that abortion style of writing, I think I'll pass
He booked J Jonah Jameson to be the leader of the X-Men.

I want to assume your kidding but have those strange unsettling feeling that you're not... that & for some strange reason when read that a felt a sharp searing pain shoot through my brain, also my right eye won't stop twitching now... so your kidding right? please tell me your kidding....
So I just put together my "pull" list for this week

Punisher MAX #14

that's the entire list, I may look a pick up some issues I passed on over the past few weeks, Kinda interested in this Deadpool/Hulk arc, if they still have part 1 of that I may get that and the new Deadpool then, & if I can find Batman Inc. #6, I've heard that's a good jumping on point for that book, as well as the Flashpoint: Batman mini, that came out last week

EDIT: has anoyone read any of the American Vampire stuff?, just curious if it's worth giving a shot or not
Even Batman Inc is getting rebooted after #10.

I Know, & it's shit like that that annoys me most about this massive reboot, why start that series if you just going to end it and start over after 10 issues, & WITH THE SAME FUCKING WRITING TEAM!!!!, they would have been better off just making it a big mini-series from the beginning

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