The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

I've been trying to follow the Batman Inc books but my local comic book shop hasn't been getting all of the books, so I'm trying to hunt them down and fill in the blanks. I'll read them all once I have them.

I started reading Batman: Arkham City last week. Only the first book has been released but I'm enjoying it alot. It's the prequel to the Arkham City video game that is going to be released in the fall. I'd recommend it, it's only five books so it should make for a quick read.
I'd be more willing to give more DC title a try if DC didn't turn around and just hurt me so often, that company just seems to take all the good things they have going for them and fuck'em up, whether it be schedueling the release of monthly books, or just make shit incredibly convoluted and hard to follow, the main reason I stopped reading Batman for awhile was because I looked up what was currently going on with the Batman universe, adn it just looked like one massive clusterfuck, with multiple people being Batman, essentially 2 Robins, the oracle, a couple Batgirls, it just looked like the Bat-family was getting waaaaaaaay to big, and out of control, however I hear Batman Inc does a really good job of balencing that all out and making sense of it, plus I think Alan Moore is currently writing Batman, & that dude is just simply amazing

I was on the fence about Flashpoint, the week it came out I decided not to pick it up, then the next week, I changed my mind I decided if they still had copies I would grab on, it sold out, so now I guess I'll just sit back and wait for the trade

I really need to do a new spotlight soon, I think I'm going to do away with the rotating between Marvel & DC and instead rotate between doing a comic event spotlight & a Comic movie of the month spotlight, then maybe between the two I create a thread that looks at side kicks or comic book teams or something
I'd be more willing to give more DC title a try if DC didn't turn around and just hurt me so often, that company just seems to take all the good things they have going for them and fuck'em up, whether it be schedueling the release of monthly books, or just make shit incredibly convoluted and hard to follow, the main reason I stopped reading Batman for awhile was because I looked up what was currently going on with the Batman universe, adn it just looked like one massive clusterfuck, with multiple people being Batman, essentially 2 Robins, the oracle, a couple Batgirls, it just looked like the Bat-family was getting waaaaaaaay to big, and out of control, however I hear Batman Inc does a really good job of balencing that all out and making sense of it, plus I think Alan Moore is currently writing Batman, & that dude is just simply ama

It looks like DC will be hitting the reset button on everything after Flashpoint ends in Aug. At least, there is alot of speculation.

I'm still not sold on Flashpoint, but haven't taken the time to see what it's about.

I drove an hour to go to the next closest comic book shop and picked up the issues of Batman Inc. i have been missinh as well as the latest Hulk.
Yesterday I picked up Secret Avengers #13, Incredible Hulks #629, Venom #3, GL #66, GL Corps #60, & Emerald Warriors #10

I'm really looking forward to checking out Venom, and Secret Avengers, the GL books are parts 7-9 of the War of the GL arc, I'm hoping those are going to be good since that's a 10 part arc and it's very near the end, should finally be getting some action of that (this better be a good pay off, for all the stupid shit I've put up with), & Hulks is always fun, this looks to be no exception, though I really wish they'd finish the current arc and move on already

this was a fairly heavy week for me, I usually get 3-4 new books a week, this week I walked out with 6, I think next week I'll have 5
I couldn't decide which of these 3 covers I liked best so this week there is gonna be 3 Covers of the Week

Covers of the Week for 6/1/11


Wonder Woman #611


House of Mystery #38


Secret Six #34

3 awesome covers, and all of them from DC this week too, I especially love the Secret Six & Wonder Woman covers
I got my first issue of Life With Archie and I have to say it may be the best thing they've ever done.

It's compelling, I was drawn into it. I couldn't believe how the characters grew up.

Looking forward to whatevers next.
X-Men: First Class is well worth a visit to the cinema for gents. I just posted a review in the Movie & TV section.

Plan on seeing it Saturday, I've heard it's better than the all the other X-films (not that beating X-3 & Origins: Wolverine should be considered much of an accomplishment)
Justin, you enjoying the Fear Itself arc as much as I am? I read Issue three yesterday, won't spoil it for you but god damn.
Just picked up issue 3 yesterday, haven't read it yet but I'm likely what I've read in the first 2 issue so far, also thumbed through the new X-force, looks like a "shocking return happens at the end of the issue, & preview for the next issue is also pretty "shocking" as well

I have 2 weeks worth of reading to catch up on, I bought something like 6 books last week, and another 4 this week, & have only gotten around to read a total of 2 of them
I've been home for over a month now, and I still haven't made it to my comic book store. I'm looking to change that tomorrow. I'm thinking of picking up some X-Force TPBs. I don't really have the patience or funds to go through the individual comics that comprise Fear Itself, though the arc does interest me for sure. I wonder how many of Marvel's readers get the FDR reference, or if Stan Lee forgot that not everyone was around the time of FDR's inauguration like he is.
Plan on seeing it Saturday, I've heard it's better than the all the other X-films (not that beating X-3 & Origins: Wolverine should be considered much of an accomplishment)

X2 is better, but this is very impressive and is just about as good as that one.

You do realize Stan Lee doesn't run Marvel anymore, & hasn't for awhile now right? He stepped down in the late 90's (sometime around '98 I beleive)

Stan Lee hasn't been in charge of Marvel since the 70's. He just had a job there until the 90's, when he was in charge of the entertainment side of the company (cartoons, films, restaurants etc...)
I'm surprised to hear such good things about the movie, the trailers made it look like shit. Then again, I had trouble getting beyond the fact that Havok and some bitch named Angel Salvatore are in the original group. I don't think I lost any sleep over it, but I've definitely noticed a decrease in appetite.
You just have to accept it as part of the movie continuity rather than the actual comics and it's fine (there's sooooo much wrong with the Hellfire Club if you imagine it in connection to the comics).
I'm surprised to hear such good things about the movie, the trailers made it look like shit. Then again, I had trouble getting beyond the fact that Havok and some bitch named Angel Salvatore are in the original group. I don't think I lost any sleep over it, but I've definitely noticed a decrease in appetite.

These were my exact thoughts when I saw the trailers originally, for the First Class will always be Jean, Cyclops, Beast, Angel, & Iceman. with of course Xavier and Magneto as well, what I've heard is that this movie is more about the relationship between Xavier & Magneto than anything else, and that they do a good an amazing job with that portion of the story. I', looking forward to seeing it but not nearly as much as I was looking forward to Thor, & am still looking forward to Capt. America more than anything. I have a feeling the Green Lantern, like most movies based around DC properties, is either going to be a massive hit, and be really fucking good, or just absolutely fucking suck. I'm hoping for the blow everyone away option. either way Warner Bros. is going to be having a good summer, GL is sure to at the very least make back all it's money and then some, Hangover 2 has just made them a shit load of of cash, and they still have the final Harry Potter movie still to come later this summer too

I'm hoping that somewhere down the road Joss Whedon is able to write and direct his version of an X-men movie, sine ya know, he actually worked on the book for awhile and really knows the characters, I'd personally love to see an Astonishing X-men movie.
I went to the comic book store today to buy an X-Force TPB. I did. I also bought about $45 worth of the new X-Men series. Oops.
I already read through the X-Force TPB and all nine of my X-Men comics... I need more. The x-Men story is SO good, especially the one I'm in the middle of now. Some weird dudes called The Evolutionaries, and they're looking for a new leader for Mutankind because they don't think Cyclops is going to get the job done. Unfortunately, there's no more catching up, I just have to wait for X-Men 13 to come out. The anticipation will kill me, I just hope I'm able to buy it here in New Jersey before I move back to Boston and I have to walk all the way to the comic book store.

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