"The Brock Angle Award" for Rookie of the Year (READ THE FIRST POST)

Who Wins Rookie of the Year?

  • SavageTaker

  • The D-Man

  • Lord Sidious

  • Tenta

  • Phoenix

  • Dave

  • Lariat

  • INDYJon22

  • Razor

  • GuyCompton

  • CH David

  • Cowboyfromhell

  • Dewey

  • ForThoseAboutToDoc

  • GD

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner

The D-Man
Lord Sidious
CH David
General Disarray

All right, I've been given the option to make a new thread...I'm going to exercise it. A public poll will be put up. However, here's the deal: if there are any shenanigans whatsoever, then I will close the poll and the award will go to IrishCanadian25. Also, if your votes are suspected to have come from PM or MSN, I will out you; yes, I will even do this if you had no part in wrangling your own votes.
Vote Tenta. His stuff's up there with anyone else's stuff on these forums. You really can't go wrong no matter which you go. But if you wanna go for the absolute, and be in the right, the vote is simple.
By the way, someone place the odds that this thread will still have more posts in it than any other EOY Thread
For me, this is really between:


ST is a fantastic poster who frequently offers astute opinions in a consistent and educated fashion. I personally agree with a lot of the things he has to say.

D-Man, I find to be a fantastic poster. It's just a shame I think almost everything that comes out of his mouth about wrestling is so blatantly wrong. He's very determined in debates and that is why I tip my head to him. We had a bitter series of posts back and forth some time ago, but I'm really surprised he hasn't engaged me since then.

Again, this is very difficult, but I am going to cast my vote for Tenta. The man is very intelligent and has a fantastic grasp of the wrestling business. His posts are are consistently high quality, with clear, concise, articulate, sound positions and justifications taken. He covers a wide range of topics, not just limited to current WWE topics, as well.

I feel he is unbiased and objective when making his cases for all things wrestling. He is not a blind WWE or TNA mark, who views things through the rose-colored glasses, or drinks the Kool-Aid.

I respect the time he puts forth in General Wrestling, as well as Wrestling Old School ... which are actually 2 areas where I would love to see a Mod assigned to in the near future.

The man has a fantastic personality (as does Savage Taker, too, btw) and I know has mentored several posters on here, which I greatly respect.

Tenta is not only active in wrestling sections, but spends his time across all the sections (also, to D-Man's credit, too).

Posters who ONLY start Threads, as opposed to posting in existing ones, are posters I find to be generally obnoxious, especially when they don't return to the threads they create .... as I feel these posters generally look simply for attention by having their name attached to a thread title.

Tenta, however, does a fine job balancing his time with regular posting, creating threads, and going back into the threads he creates to keep the discussion going.

My vote for Rookie of the 2009 Year is cast for Tenta.
I voted myself and I explained it best in the other thread, and don't feel like going back to put it in here. Short version, I post all over the place, put a shit ton of effort into my threads (see my Stadium threads) and posts, and feel I should at least be mentioned with the top guys.
C'mon, people! Dew the right thing, vote for the rookie who loves everybody! Like what I did there? That's the kind of phonetic fun you can expect!!
I'm voting for myself here. I'm not going to tell newbs to vote for me in an attempt to raise my vote count, like others have, which ruined the first poll. But I've been here for two months, I feel I've contributed a lot to these forums. Just being nominated after being here for such a short period of time shows that I have a lot to offer. I've also fit in famously here as well, becoming on good terms with some of the more respected members here in a relatively quick amount of time. I plan on contributing a lot more. I feel that I'm a strong poster, who has really helped out the MMA section since arriving, and I've also contributed just about everywhere on the forums.

Will I tell newbs to vote for me to attempt to boost my vote count? No.

Will I put down my competitors for this award? No. All of them are good guys.

But if you want to vote for someone who will truly appreciate your vote, Vote Compton.
I feel like I am a very well rounded poster, who may not show it all the time. Just like GuyCompton, I feel like I have really helped to build the mma section of the forums up the last couple of months and am very proud of it.
Phoenix from the other thread said:
There's only one person who truly deserves this, D-MAN!

This guy has come in and taken the forums by storm! If many of think Sidious is great then look at D-Man. He always brings his A-Game whenever he posts and on top of that, he will show respect to other posters and have a laugh at the same time. I think he is the guy that is more deserving of this award than anyone else, even me. D-Man should be the guy who deserves it, no offence to anyone else, but he seriously is a man who is rightfully should be called the rookie of the year!

Sticking to the guns
Before explaining why I voted for myself, I'd like to apologize for what happened in the other thread. I wasn't trying to cause controversy or drama, I guess I just wanted to win so I ended up getting carried away. So I want to apologize to all of the other rookies and wish them the best of luck and I want to apologize to everyone else who feels they deserve an apology. I promise that this time around, every vote I get will be legit. 100% legit.

Now that I said that, I voted for myself. I think I've been a pretty good poster ever since I've improved and I've contributed a lot to these forums so far. And I want to win this damn thing.
I think ST is pretty good because he's nice and is a good poster. He's nice to people and agrees with them all of the time so he's a nice guy, which is cool. He also is a very good posters who posts good posts in a lot of threads and even made some pretty good ones. So, ST is good and you should vote for him, but vote for someone else if you think they're better. That's ok too, even though ST is good and you should vote for him.
Before explaining why I voted for myself, I'd like to apologize for what happened in the other thread. I wasn't trying to cause controversy or drama, I guess I just wanted to win so I ended up getting carried away. So I want to apologize to all of the other rookies and wish them the best of luck and I want to apologize to everyone else who feels they deserve an apology. I promise that this time around, every vote I get will be legit. 100% legit.

Now that I said that, I voted for myself. I think I've been a pretty good poster ever since I've improved and I've contributed a lot to these forums so far. And I want to win this damn thing.

ST, you never had to apologize to me, nor anyone else. You're all good by my books, and I know you. you're good people. Yes, I did that rip that off from Tdigle, but it's a great way to put it. Don't worry, man. And besides that, you deserve the voted you get.

Now then, as for me?

I'm not going to petition too much. That'd just be dickish of me. And the award ain't that much worth it. I'm simply going to point to what, in my eyes, is the best post I've ever made. I urge you, consider it to the best of the rookies, and see if which you like it better. You can't go wrong, but pick someone you know is the best.


This is actually really difficult. It's down to one of two people for me:Tenta and Lord Sidious. No offense to anyone else on the list, cause you're all pretty awesome and shit, but these two guys are just right at the top of my favourite posters list. Keep in mind I rarely venture out of the Bar Room, but when I do it's normally to check on the posts of Tenta and Sidious. But it doesn't stop there. The best poster has to contribute everywhere, and these guys, despite being the top of the wrestling posters ranking, both perform strongly in the Bar Room, whether they are criticizing everyone and creating massive heat, or being hilarious and awesome. Both these guys deserve it.

With that said... I'm going to go with Sidious. I believe I've said in the past I'd vote for Tenta, and I almost did, but when I think about it Sidious has just brought so much to the forums the last little while. I remember when he first started out, and was absolutely hated. Within a few months he became one of the top posters on the site. He puts so much effort into everything, and is so passionate about what he has to say. He isn't involved in Bar Room politics, or "controversy". He's just an amazing poster who earned his WWE Mod Spot by giving great opinions and debating like he owns the forum.

Anyway. That's my choice. I urge you to vote either Tenta or Sidious. They both deserve it.
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