1. Good point actually, with how little singles/tag wrestling the members of Nexus other than Wade had been doing (since Slater and Gabriel dropped the straps) i hadn't even thought of Husky and McGuillicuty teaming up. This mightn't even be in the thoughts of the WWE though, they may be intending to give the Uso's some sort of push pre-mania.
2. Another good point. And when i read back over it, i thought more about it, and having an up and comer like Del Rio appear on Raw will do wonders for his career as he gets more and more tv time. I also thought of it as a way to potentially show the viewers who may not watch SD! a glimpse at what the show has to offer.
3. This is more or less what i meant, i simply do not want to see this lead into a survivor series type match between the 2 Nexus groups as it just seems oh so predictable. Hopefully, like you said, they can keep this story interesting, possibly even hinting at this being part of the grand scheme of things.
4. As a part of Nexus, Wade was competing in singles matches anyways, and he no doubt still will even if they go for a SD! type Nexus (I noticed on SD! though that they had ditched the T-Shirts and armband's). I meant moreso giving him the chance to start and maintain a feud without Nexus around him, and see how he goes on his own for a bit.