The Blue Nexus

When Wade appeared on Smackdown I hoped that he would be a singles wrestler to show that he was worthy to be a leader of Nexus but it seems that he cant function without others behind him to interfere in his matches for a win. sure it looks like it could be a repeat of the NWO wolfpack storyline but as of yet the two groups have not got it together so Im wondering how the storyline will go. Smackdown has been relatively safe from the Nexus storyline untill now and I feel it will do Smackdown good. Im not however sure that it will do Wade any good. Its just too soon
Dunno why my post got deleted again, but anyways...

I don't mind that Gabriel and Slater seem as if they have joined SD! with Wade. The only problem i see is that this takes one of the only viable tag teams away from the show that Santion and Kozlov are on. (Yes i know the title holders can go between shows.. Not that it matters much anymore, since you have superstars changing shows after leaving Nexus, R-Truth showing up on SD! and ADR going to Raw) This will also give Big Zeke something to do, and seeing him hopefully destroy the Big Show is something id like to watch.

I just hope this doesn't end up being a boring Punk Nexus vs Wade Nexus, and to be honest, apart from Punk, Wade's Nexus is much much stronger in regards to who he has with him anyways.

I guess another disappointing thing is that i thought the move to SD! was to further establish Wade as a singles wrestler, getting him out of the whole Nexus angle, but if this SD! was anything to go by, it doesn't seem as if this is the case.

1. McGuillicuty and Harris seem like a perfect "fortunate" team for me. They could easily place a legit threat on the tag titles, IMO.

2. It's road to Wrestlemania, there's bound to be a lot of people jumping shows like crazy nowadays... it should settle down after the draft period.

3. Nexus vs. Nexus doesn't seem like a boring storyline to me, it just seems like it's too obvious. If I had to make a guess, I would say this is an inside job between CM Punk and Barrett the entire time. Half on Raw and Half on Smackdown. This way Barrett can win the World title and CM Punk the WWE title, and Nexus would "run the wwe" for a good bit.

4. Yes, I agree that Barrett deserves a decent single's career but as long as he continues to be limited in the ring, he's going to need as many mic segments as he can get. Let him get the ring skills down at a few house shows and then start doing more and more singles matches on Smackdown.
1. McGuillicuty and Harris seem like a perfect "fortunate" team for me. They could easily place a legit threat on the tag titles, IMO.

2. It's road to Wrestlemania, there's bound to be a lot of people jumping shows like crazy nowadays... it should settle down after the draft period.

3. Nexus vs. Nexus doesn't seem like a boring storyline to me, it just seems like it's too obvious. If I had to make a guess, I would say this is an inside job between CM Punk and Barrett the entire time. Half on Raw and Half on Smackdown. This way Barrett can win the World title and CM Punk the WWE title, and Nexus would "run the wwe" for a good bit.

4. Yes, I agree that Barrett deserves a decent single's career but as long as he continues to be limited in the ring, he's going to need as many mic segments as he can get. Let him get the ring skills down at a few house shows and then start doing more and more singles matches on Smackdown.

1. Good point actually, with how little singles/tag wrestling the members of Nexus other than Wade had been doing (since Slater and Gabriel dropped the straps) i hadn't even thought of Husky and McGuillicuty teaming up. This mightn't even be in the thoughts of the WWE though, they may be intending to give the Uso's some sort of push pre-mania.

2. Another good point. And when i read back over it, i thought more about it, and having an up and comer like Del Rio appear on Raw will do wonders for his career as he gets more and more tv time. I also thought of it as a way to potentially show the viewers who may not watch SD! a glimpse at what the show has to offer.

3. This is more or less what i meant, i simply do not want to see this lead into a survivor series type match between the 2 Nexus groups as it just seems oh so predictable. Hopefully, like you said, they can keep this story interesting, possibly even hinting at this being part of the grand scheme of things.

4. As a part of Nexus, Wade was competing in singles matches anyways, and he no doubt still will even if they go for a SD! type Nexus (I noticed on SD! though that they had ditched the T-Shirts and armband's). I meant moreso giving him the chance to start and maintain a feud without Nexus around him, and see how he goes on his own for a bit.
So after weeks of promoting Ezekiel Jackson he turns up on SmackDown! and turns heel by siding with Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and the chick from Wendy's. So my question to all of you is do you think Big Zeke (who was rumored for a ME level push) is taking a step down by being in a faction or will being in this faction somehow build him for the ME?
a step down? HECK NO!!! just because a few reports say that he was scheduled for a ME push doesnt mean it was real. and ezekial jackson...hes not the best, he has good in-ring skills but his mic skills..a dying racoon could cut a better promo than him. if they did give him a ME push he would need a mouthpiece, on ECW it was regal. now with him in the Nexus(BTW the smackdown nexus is the REAL nexus, CM Punks is the knock-off!)its basically the same thing, getting in high-profile matches,dominating, and what-not with not having to touch a mic mr. barret has that covered. so yea
That shit was sick yesterday. Its great to finally see Ezekiel Jackson getting used. Its not a step down. If Zeke would've been pushed to the main event, there would've been the slight possibility the WWE would've dropped the ball with him. Nexus is a great accolade to fall back on. I mean did you see him man handle the Big Show? When's the last time you saw Big Show get clothesline out of his boots? Or get slammed the way he did. Ezekiel is filling the hole as the muscle of the group that Skip Shepfield left when he got injured. And I would trade Zeke for Skip anyday. Ezekiel Jackson has a great look. A look that wil fit so well into Nexus. If they take their time cooking Zeke during his time in Nexus, give him ring and mic time, he has the potential to fill that monstrous role the WWE has been looking for.
After several aborted pushes, Zeke should be thanking his lucky stars that he got called back to television at all. Is it a step down? Heck no. Strapping him to the highly successful Nexus can only lead to good things for him. Who knows, maybe the push will stick this time. If anything, this is a good thing for him as he wasn't going anywhere fast on his own. The end. Of a short post.
He's not taking a step down at all. He was squashing guys like Zach Ryder and the Brooklyn Brawler before this. Now he's attached to something which will no doubt be a rather large part of the SmackDown fold in the coming months. Jackson hasn't been on TV for about 3 weeks so this is a big step-up for him. He's rubbing shoulders with a man who main evented 5 PPV's last year. He's being made to look good and he's going to come across as incredibly dominant as a part of this group.
While SD is lacking faces and this seems a strange move, what with potential nexus members waiting in the wings, after seeing him in the middle beside Barrett it didn't appear too much a step down. I mean, the guy seems on a slow build to get to the ME, and that is just fine. So long as I get to see him manhandle the big squasher again and again, I am more than happy with this.
I think the new Nexus Remix is gonna be epic, I mean they have Zeke who is one of the most strongest WWE superstars. Along with Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, and Wade Barret. I knew that they both would betray CM Punk. I personally think that Wade Barret is the best group leader in WWE. CM Punk just has like two NXT rookies.. Husky Harris and Micheal McGulity are by far the worst Nexus members ever.
1. Good point actually, with how little singles/tag wrestling the members of Nexus other than Wade had been doing (since Slater and Gabriel dropped the straps) i hadn't even thought of Husky and McGuillicuty teaming up. This mightn't even be in the thoughts of the WWE though, they may be intending to give the Uso's some sort of push pre-mania.

2. Another good point. And when i read back over it, i thought more about it, and having an up and comer like Del Rio appear on Raw will do wonders for his career as he gets more and more tv time. I also thought of it as a way to potentially show the viewers who may not watch SD! a glimpse at what the show has to offer.

3. This is more or less what i meant, i simply do not want to see this lead into a survivor series type match between the 2 Nexus groups as it just seems oh so predictable. Hopefully, like you said, they can keep this story interesting, possibly even hinting at this being part of the grand scheme of things.

4. As a part of Nexus, Wade was competing in singles matches anyways, and he no doubt still will even if they go for a SD! type Nexus (I noticed on SD! though that they had ditched the T-Shirts and armband's). I meant moreso giving him the chance to start and maintain a feud without Nexus around him, and see how he goes on his own for a bit.

1. Well honestly, I think Slater and Gabriel could work a few matches with Koztino, and maybe the Fortunate ones can too. Who knows, maybe this can give Koztino some legit wins to help people give them appreciation.

2. That and give HBK someone to SCM... As well as begin to give people some idea of the Rumble guys. Cause you know, when Trent Barretta is getting time on Smackdown and is on the "Recap" videos for, you know the Rumble is near.

3. I can see your worry there, and I would agree that it wouldn't be nice to watch but then again it kind of would be different. There hasn't been two heel stables in a power struggle in quite some time in WWE. I wouldn't mind seeing it to be honest, just as long as it settles down soon afterwards.

4. I can see your argument here too. I also can give you an agreement that Barrett would look better with a singles heel push, but then again, right now this gives him a big time role on Smackdown and helps prevent him from going into a Jack Swagger role... only worse cause he never had the title... Second thought, let's call it a Shame Helms role.
IMO: the only ones on track with whats going on here are Jack Hammer and JACKIE. I agree with the 2 of them- in that: this is all a grand plan for total Nexus domination of both RAW and Smackdown.

Sometime in the not so distant future- we will find out that Punk started all of this during or directly after NXT1 season ending. Naming Wade(winner of NXT1) the "leader of Nexus" to start things on RAW. Once Wade couldnt get the job done(losing to Cena & the chair dropping) Punk decided things had to go in a differnt direction. Now plan is to have Wade go to Smackdown while Punk heads up the team on RAW. Slater & Gabriel are sent to Smackdown to assist Wade. Hard to explain the Zeke entry into Nexus- but im sure Wade will explain that to us next week. Im guessing "an agreement was made".

All of this could lead to the "higher purpose" that was talked about a while back. Maybe even: this all comes back to my original idea that- Steph & Hunter are tryin to take WWE away from Vince. One or both of them are the "RAW-GM". But the actual "higher purpose" is: Steph & Hunter stealing Vince's company away from him.

Then again- its kinda want TNA is doin. So the last paragraph is probly less likely these days. But I still like the idea of it happening
What this tells me is that someone, probably Vince, really really really wanted a massive powerhouse. And I suppose if that's what he was looking for then he couldn't have done much better. Anyone would have thought a replacement for skip sheffield would have been a step down, but certainly not big zeke. See he has had many jump start push attempts and every one has failed because of ECW disbanding, whatever reason the last one ended and now he is in something with real tangible longevity and that is both comforting for him and interesting for the viewers. As I said it means they really wanted a big guy for this part, it also makes this sub, or pro,- nexus faction look at least as strong as the other.

See what was impressive about his power was not that he slammed Show, it was the fact that he held him in the air a good five seconds of so. And holding someone in that position is more straining than a fireman's carry, ask Hogan after he slammed Andre. I am really preferring this group to the opposing one and can't wait to see what's in store for zeke when it's all over, hope he doesn't just disappear again.
a step down? HECK NO!!! just because a few reports say that he was scheduled for a ME push doesnt mean it was real. and ezekial jackson...hes not the best, he has good in-ring skills but his mic skills..a dying racoon could cut a better promo than him. if they did give him a ME push he would need a mouthpiece, on ECW it was regal. now with him in the Nexus(BTW the smackdown nexus is the REAL nexus, CM Punks is the knock-off!)its basically the same thing, getting in high-profile matches,dominating, and what-not with not having to touch a mic mr. barret has that covered. so yea

you think Zeke has good in ring skills? seriously? :rolleyes: why do you think all of his matches are squashes? because he sux in the ring. the only thing he has going for him is his muscles. Vince creams over guys like that.
I think having Big Zeke as the muscle for this new faction is a PERFECT role for him. Let's face it, the man's a freak of nature and has an impressive physical look to him. He's far from great inside the ring, however, so having him in this role keeps him on the air and in part of a major storyline while covering up his in-ring shortcomings. He can potentially work on those shortcomings while part of this group because I think it's safe to say that he probably won't be going anywhere on his own. The days when a guy like Zeke could get over as is and be a big star in the WWE are pretty much over I think.

Whenever you see someone the size of Big Show, a legitimate 7 feet tall and well over 400 pounds, knocked off his feet, you can't help but be a little impressed. Seeing Show slammed was impressive but what was most impressive was the way Big Zeke just lifted him and held him there with ease. Sure, it's not like Zeke did anything overly complicated but seeing him manhandle a guy the size of Show was just a great display of sheer raw primative strength.
This elite group is going to be very interesting to watch. My concern at the moment is that they don't trigger the big two groups colliding angle for a good while. Let both teams settle into their respective programmes have a good few feuds. I want to see that continue through past 'mania and then trigger the big group fight for the summer (I know it would be pushing it, but could give bragging rights an actual point?)

The other thing I don't want to see is it being called something like Nexus redux or nexus wolfpac or something Nexus related. They are on their own, let nexus be nexus, and these SD dudes be their completely new group, new name etc. Take it a different way, don't follow the same path as old Nexus, it would ruin the new atmosphere, like chucking one old sock onto a fresh suit.

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