The best Tagteam in Sports entertainment Ever!

I think either the hardy boys or edge and christian i mean both teams revoloutionized the word "hardcore" dont get me wrong the dudley boys are a great team but it seems thats the only condition there matches are in is a table match i mean with the hardy boys we've seen ladder matchs,TLC matches,tabble matches, and much more and the hardy boys know how to communicate they do moves that will hurt both of them the hardy boys are so exciting to watch, so yes im going with hardy boys.
The Rockers.
Hands down these guys paved the way for future tag teams and will continue doing so for years to come. No these guys did not hold a legit WWE title but they did hold other companys. but you dont really need to be champion to be over. The Hardyz, Ryder brothers even John morrison and the Miz, londen and kendrick. all of these guys try to base themselves on the rockers. As stated in the other thread bout these guys being underrated. Then now and in 15 years time people will always remember the Rockers. They did alot for each other and the buisness. they are responsible for what tag teams are now. there for The Rockers. HBK and Marty Jannety are the greatest tag team ever
Edge and Christian get the nod to me. The Bulldogs,Hart Foundation,LOD, all of these very stereotypical answers are great but theyre just that stereotypical. E and C defined the letters TLC turned Edge into a future hall of famer and both men into main eventers. I also liked Miz and Morrison but theyre not the best ever but they had great chemistry for a throw together team they started the dirt sheet and took the ball and ran with it and turned into my fav. team in wrestling today. MCMG are very good too but they showboat too much and theyre in TNA.

Also Team 3D has to get some consideration bc they held titles in every major promotion and held more Tag Titles than anyone.
I think either the hardy boys or edge and christian i mean both teams revoloutionized the word "hardcore" dont get me wrong the dudley boys are a great team but it seems thats the only condition there matches are in is a table match i mean with the hardy boys we've seen ladder matchs,TLC matches,tabble matches, and much more and the hardy boys know how to communicate they do moves that will hurt both of them the hardy boys are so exciting to watch, so yes im going with hardy boys.

You are obviously not old enough to have ever seen any footage from the real ECW, if you think Matt and Jeffy Hardy, along with Edge and Christian revolutionized "hardcore". The Dudley Boys, in ECW, you could say had a hand in that...but, the Hardys and E&C are about as real hardcore as the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.
an1 who sais mega powers/bod is stupid they are all just great singles preformers who made a tag team to create momenterily intrest the best tag team of there time are the new age outlaws the were in the buissness for years were heals who got a face reaction who didnt love them
2.outsiders for similar reasons 6 time champions yeahh
3.the jersey triad really wish they got a better chance
My #1 favorite tag team of all time would have to be The Brothers of Destruction. They are awesome as a team and awesome as opponents, they are a 3-time Tag Team champion and one of the most dominant teams in history.

My second favorite team is D Generation X. They did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. They are do exactly what everybody else only thought of doing, which is why Triple H, Shawn Michaels, X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Chyna, Road Dogg, etc. are members of one of the best team in wrestling history.
Two teams that are my favorite. And I somewhat consider them two of the five greatest tag teams. One is the Steiner Brothers. No matter what situation you put them in they usually got out of it victorious. Legion of Doom (Road Warriors), 4 Horsemen, even the NWO, before Scott Steiner turned into Big Poppa Pump. Steiners were multiple tag team champions in NWA/WCW/WWF. That Frankensteiner use to be my favorite move in wrestling to watch. And then the Bulldog off the top rope. And they always came up big in big matches. I miss the Steiners. I just put on some old Steiner Youtube clips. That Frankensteiner is beautiful. I can see the Steiners beating any tag team in any area. That's including Dudleys, Hardys, Outsiders, The Rockers, Hart Foundation, New Age Outlaws, even the Brothers of Destruction. Well, the Brothers of Destruction would be a battle to watch.

The second tag who are my favorite tag team of all-time. Well, when I think about it, they are my second favorite tag team. That team is Edge & Christian. I don't know if any of ya'll read my discussions in these forums but I'm a serious Edge fan. I declared him my current #1 favorite this past year after headlining Wrestlemania 24 with The Undertaker. Before that, he was one of top three. But I say this tag team was the greatest was the simple fact that they always put on classic matches and majority of the time they always came out on top. They couldn't beat The Undertaker and Kane though. That's real talk. But besides them, they beaten every tag team that stepped in the ring with them. Then, with the triple threat ladder match, and the TLC matches at Summerslam 2000 and Wrestlemania 2001, which they won all three of those matches that elevated all three of those teams into stars. Then, what gives them the edge over the other tag teams in the past is that Edge & Christian separated and they never had to go back into tag teams again because they careers blossomed since then. Yeah, it took Edge & Christian awhile as singles competitors to reach the top level. But look at these two. Christian is a 3-Time former TNA World Champion. Was the top man in that company for periods of time, when WWE held him down. Then, my man homo, won 2 WWE title reigns and 3 World Heavyweight Title reigns. All in a course of 2 and a half years. And I bet that they could compete with the other tag teams in the past. They may not have beaten all those opponents back in the past but they would give them a run for their money. And none of those old school teams could see Edge & Christian in the TLC match.

I don't see Edge & Christian beating the Steiners. Steiners are my favorite and arguably the best tag team ever. They can run with any team in wrestling. So tell me who can run with these two teams in a 8-man Survivor Series match up. The closest I'll give you is The New Age Outlaws and the Outsiders teaming up. Or the Legion of Doom and the Brothers of Destruction. Enough said. I'm out. Oh yeah, Edge is beating The Undertaker in Hell in a Cell at Summerslam. At least thats what I hope for.
Wow, this is a tough one.
I have so many from all the era's of wrestling.
Hart foundation, WGTT, LOD, X-Pac and Kane, High Voltage, The Rockers, Sting and Luger, Impact Players, Freebirds, Bulldogs, Steiners, any combo of DX, NWO, 4 Horseman.
In all, you would really have to bring it down to which era. Most good teams have some thing amazing about them, so I couldn't choose just one.
Did someone say "High Voltage".....

This is an interesting debate but I agree that anyone that doesn't say the Road Warriors is simply wrong. They were one of the few teams that were legitimate main eventers for a long time. And whether good or bad, they were also among the first "cool heels." They were supposed to be bad guys, but they were just too bad ass to boo.

1. Legion of Doom
2. Rock n Roll Express
3. Steiner Brothers
4. Demolition
5. Harlem Heat
6. Dudley Boys
7. British Bulldogs
8. Hart Foundation
9. Midnight Express
10. Edge and Christian

I left off singles guys that were paired as a tag teams, and factions that had rotating tag teams.
i'm amazed at all the folks saying the dudleys are the best. those guys , as good as they were, weren't even the best team in the old ecw. the fact is that they got to where they did by attrition. let's run down the list... one of the pitbulls broke his neck, leaving an even better tag team, the eliminators (perry saturn and john cronus) as the top team. cronus broke his neck, thus opening the way for sabu and rvd. rvd broke his leg after sabu broke his own jaw again. only then did the dudleys rise to the top of ecw, and at a crucial period as the tv deal was really starting to pay off in terms of exposure.

the dudleys were lucky and good enough to capitalize on it. they deserve a lot of respect, but to put them among the ranks of the steiners, the rockers, harlem heat (why haven't i seen that name on this post?), the heart foundation, the original triple threat, or ted dibiase and any partner he ever had is a bit ridiculous. best team ever? if you asked for the greatest, i'd answer one of the teams i mentioned in the last paragraph.

but the BEST? i'll make no friends with my answer. four teams come to mind.
no particular order
the eliminators.
the crybabies (jericho and eddie guerrero)
scott hall and curt hennig
the motorcity machine guns
To everyone saying the Rockers...who were they a rip off of back in the day. The Rock n' Roll Express.

:lmao: your joking right. yeah you must be. Answer this. without looking it up. who was the rock n roll express?... now who was the Rockers? Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. Fuck if they was a rip off then why was the Rockers more succsesful? everybody knows who they are, hey made it big in the WWE. If they was a rip off then why wasnt it the rock n roll Express the House hold names? Infact if it wasnt for HBK's book i would of never heard of them.

If they arnt good then why the fuck are all tag teams nowdays hailed as the modern day Rockers? HBK is one of the best in the Buisness, heaps of people have based themselves as him.Seriously people the Rockers are the greatest tag team in history. Bar none. no tag team is talked about as much as what they are nowdays. the break up segment is the most talked about thing on this forum.

Even marty jannety would of made it big if he had of tried and not let the drugs get in the way. the Rockers, are huge even to this day. bring them back for one night and they will out pop every single person no matter what.

The Rockers are the greatest tag team in history.
:lmao: your joking right. yeah you must be. Answer this. without looking it up. who was the rock n roll express?...

Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson. Depending on how old you are, you'd of known that. But you would've had to of been born before the 90's, or have a deep love for Professional Wrestling.

now who was the Rockers? Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty.

Why'd you ask if you were gonna tell me anyways? :p

Fuck if they was a rip off then why was the Rockers more succsesful?

Because it was the dawn of a new age, and the flashy tights, mixed with the music was big with the teenie-boppers in the 80's, like Cena is now.

It's not a question of why were the Rockers more successful, it's a question of why the fans couldn't see the gimmicks were the same. Oh wait, that's right.. one team (Rockers) were younger, and "better looking". Because in the industry, that's all that matters. :rolleyes:

everybody knows who they are, hey made it big in the WWE. If they was a rip off then why wasnt it the rock n roll Express the House hold names?

Likely because the Rock n' Roll Express weren't as big in the W.W.F., as they were in Mid-South Wrestling and the N.W.A.

Oh, by the way.. to actual Wrestling fans, and people who remember that era.. the Rock n' Roll Express were, and likely still are by leaps and bounds ahead of the Rockers. Again, you'd have to of been born before the 90's, or have a pure love for the business to understand that though.

Infact if it wasnt for HBK's book i would of never heard of them.


If they arnt good then why the fuck are all tag teams nowdays hailed as the modern day Rockers?

Likely because every Tag Team in today's business are just second rate and slapped together, but maybe that's just me.

Kendrick/London = Modern Day Rockers, why? Uhm, high flyers, perhaps? I mean, fuck all Kendrick/London might as well = Legion of Doom, I mean.. both teams wore matching outfits.. right, what a shocking comparison.

HBK is one of the best in the Buisness, heaps of people have based themselves as him.

How is basing yourself as a guy who hit it big AFTER the Rockers were over.. making the Rockers one of the best Tag Teams, ever?

The best thing that ever happened to Shawn Michaels was Brutus Beefcake. Fact!

Seriously people the Rockers are the greatest tag team in history. Bar none.

I think I shit myself. How is a Tag Team who's held ZERO (0) Tag Team Championships in the W.W.F.(E) considered one of the greatest ever Tag Teams?

no tag team is talked about as much as what they are nowdays.

That's because no Tag Team is still around, except Shawn Michaels, to talk about what used to be. The Legion of Doom was raved all over the place when Animal returned a couple years ago. But he isn't with the company anymore.. so neither is any talk of their past.

the break up segment is the most talked about thing on this forum.

That's because Becca won't shut up about it. :lmao:

Even marty jannety would of made it big if he had of tried and not let the drugs get in the way.

Yeah, or the lack of talent, charisma, in-ring ability or overall look of someone worth something.. sure.

the Rockers, are huge even to this day. bring them back for one night and they will out pop every single person no matter what.

People LOVE remembering Old School stuff. Bring back the Nasty Boys and people will pop the shit outta them too. Bring back the Bushwackers and I guarantee they out-pop the Rockers on any given night in today's era. Why? People love old shit, but hate to watch it.

The Rockers are the greatest tag team in history.

When you say history, are you refering to your own knowledge of wrestling history, or overall? Because I gotta admit.. I'm thinking it's your own. Sorry Sparky.. nothing personal.
The simple answer to why the Rockers are known has been answered. Shawn Michaels still wrestles, Shawn Michaels has a huge legacy in the WWE that the company loves to remind people of, and the Rockers often times are put into those video clips that celebrate Michaels career everytime he leaves with a new injury.

The WWE is the only one left. Of course they aren't going to acknowledge teams like the RnR express that had virtually nothing to do with the WWE. It's not in Vince's best interest to acknowledge wrestling based outside of Stamford.

A simple question, has anyone that has stated the Rockers actually scene a Rockers match when they were in there prime. Not a DVD or a greatest hits show, but remember those matches at the time they were conducted. If you did, you'll remember there's a reason they were on at the beginning of the show, and not the end.

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