Jeff Hardy: Biggest screw up in WWE history?


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so jeff hardy debut with WWE in 1998 and had a decent run as a tagteam with his brother matt. won a few tagteam title and really flourished with his extreme spots in the three TLC matches. after the tagteam ended he had a lackluster singles run and was later released on drug issues and no showing events.

jeff then went on to TNA where he was given s few good chances but never won a world title and eventually releasted because of no shows and bad work ethic.

hardy resigned with WWE in 06 and had a decent run in the midcard before rejoining matt as the hardy boyz. won a few more tagteam title and then moved on to the mainevent.

he had a short feud with umaga and won 2 more intercontinental championships. started a feud with HHH and eventrually became the number 1 contender. he entered a feud with orton and lost. shortly after he was suspended for the second time for wellness violations

he went to smackwon and won his 1st wwe championship but lost it soon after and entered a feud with matt. then he beat edge for the world heavyweight championship only to lose it seconds later to cm punk. he beat punk for the title soon after and then punk returned the favor about a month later. in this match he was "forced" to leave the wwe

and about a week after his departure his house is raded and a shit ton of drugs are found. and if he is convicted of any charges he can kiss what was left of his wrestling career good bye.

so basically after being cut from two different companyies for drug/work related issues and 2 wellness policy violations he is still given a push and wins 3 world title. and after becoming the second biggest face in the WWE and a great feud with the now heel cm punk he just leaves?? i thought it was his dream to be a wrestler and a world champion. he finally made it to the mainevent and just quits?? and now with the drug charges against him he might not be able to comeback even if he wants to. i realize he was hurting physically but he could have just asked for some time off and come back better than ever.

so what do you think?? as anyone been given the chances that jeff has had and in the end just turns it all down?? is he biggest screw up in WWE or even wrestling history
Jeff Hardy was not released by WWE in his last run, he decided to leave to pursue other things. Also with his arrest, he is, by LAW, innocent until proven guilty. You also ask if it was Jeff's dream to be a world champion, and I'm not sure it was. Jeff has been involved in music groups, and wants to be involved in reality TV. Just because the story line says its his dream, doesn't necessarily make it so. I find it unfortunate that Jeff Hardy was charged with drug posession, but i applaud him for deciding to take time away from wrestling. I think that people expect too much from these guys, as they are on the road 300 days a year, and are expected to perform at an elite level every one of those days. Jeff Hardy isn't a screw up for taking time to sort his life out, he has every right to decide what kind of work makes him happy.
No Jeff Hardy is not the biggest screwup in wwe history he had been planning to embark on his hiatus since around the time of Backlash 2009 after that wwe tried to offer him new feuds a brand new contract and jeff refused. The reason jeff left was because he basicly wanted time off from the road for awhile and wanted to start a realit series with his band. I understan Jeff has been kicked out a number of times but the reason wwe kept giving jeff chances is because they had faith in Jeff. The drug charges he'll beat the cops sent a package to his house waited for him to open it then raided his house the drugs they found were in the package then they added that to what jeff already had which was only a small trace of cocane. So no Jeff Hardy is not a screw up get your damn facts straight!

Hardy simply left on his own terms to do whatever else he wanted to do (motorcycling, his art, and get a show off the ground)

And no, he isn't the biggest screw up in WWE. Why would he be a screw up if he got over with the fans and was the biggest face Smackdown had when Undertaker wasn't around. It's similar to what Jericho did when he toured with Fozzy. He left the 'E, and took a break from wrestling in general.

As for the drug charges, It's been reported on a few sites (here also) that Jeff is allegedly saying that the drugs were sent to his house, and after he took the package containing said drugs (not knowing what he had inside) the cops raided the house and arrested him.

Personally, if the 'E saw something in Jeff and capitalized on it (and Jeff himself taking that golden chance) and made it to be the second biggest face in the WWE, right after Cena, then there's no way he isn't a screw up in the business. If he were, he would have never come back after his second suspension, or even his first...
Have you people forgotten about Chris Benoit already? Until Jeff Hardy murders his family, I think we can cross him off the list as biggest screw-up in WWE history. Hardy is hardly the first wrestler to be arrested on drug charges, where have you guys been?
Excluding Benoit, who I think belongs in his own category, when I think of biggest screw up in WWF history, Marty Jannetty's name immediately comes to mind.
No way is Jeff the biggest screw up in WWE history. As others have said, you have to remeber as far as crew ups go, Benoit is probably at the top of that list. Yeah I'll admit he did do a bunch of dumb stuff, but I hardly think he deserves to be thought of as the #1 screw up in WWE history. What about The Ultimate Warrior? This guy was an ass, and pretty much only got pushed because he had a look, and for some reason I still don't understand till this very day, the fans used to go apeshit for him.
Biggest screw up? That title goes to Chris Benoit, not Jeff. About Jeffs dream about being a wrestler.. The guy deserved a break. He made a fortune these past couple of years and he probably just wants to relax and take it easy..We might see him in the WWE again..
I'm going to leave Benoit out of this conversation and say the biggest screw up is Rob Van Dam. He returned to WWE in early 2006 after being out with an injury for a year. He won money in the bank at mania and received an incredible pop. He is the only one to actually cash in his title shot in a respectable way by challenging John Cena at One Night Stand. He won the WWE title and was declared ECW champion too. He was to be the face of ECW before we knew what that show would become. Only three weeks later he blew is opportunity by being caught with drugs. Instead of becoming the biggest star in the company his title regin became very forgettable. He had the whole world in his hands and let it slip away because of his little habit.
Have you people forgotten about Chris Benoit already? Until Jeff Hardy murders his family, I think we can cross him off the list as biggest screw-up in WWE history. Hardy is hardly the first wrestler to be arrested on drug charges, where have you guys been?


Exactly what I was thinking when I clicked this thread. Such ignorance when this post was written.

Firstly, why do you consider drugs, screwing up? Is it because the man tells you drugs are bad? Drugs aren't bad, people are idiots, with little self control ( Not talking about Jeff Hardy, but people who abuse drugs to the point they can't do anything.).

Secondly, as stated by x drugs and wrestling have been around for a long time. I can't remember whose book, I believe Mick Foley stating wrestlers would get paid $200 a week, and snort $200 worth of cocaine a week. What about all the steroids?
Hardy is hardly the first wrestler to be arrested on drug charges, where have you guys been?

Agreed totally, yes Jeff Hardy has had drug problems but so did Chris Benoit, Davey Boy Smith, Eddie Guerrero and many more, why do people feel they have to make the guy out like he's a satanist because he's had problems with drugs, last time I checked the guy did high risk spots regularly when wrestling, you don't heal from them in a week, the guy probably took drugs to help with the pain.

So no i do not think he is the biggest screw, i don't think he's a screw up, I think he's a guy that does what most other wrestlers do as well
I fail to see how becoming arguably the most over face (he consistently got cheers. While it pains me to say this, Cena can't argue that. Whether or not it's because of douchey crowds isn't the point), carrying Smackdown with Punk, and having your name cemented firmly in the history of Tag Team and Singles wrestling in the past decade is being a screw-up. He made himself synonymous with the whole "killing yourself for the fans to cheer" thing. Anyone can come along and jump off of a 30 foot ladder, but he'll always be gauged against Jeff Hardy. Because that fucker was crazy with some of the stuff he pulled.

The drugs and the wishy washy history are a reason not to hire him again, but that's about it. Benoit killed his family in a fit of concussion-caused-mush for brains-rage, and there have been how many wrestlers arrested for drugs in the past? How many busted for steroids? Other drugs?

Hardy most definitely isn't the biggest screw up. As Xfear said, that'll have to go to Benoit. It's sad what happened, but he murdered his family, while crazy or not. You can't really get any worse than that.
I don't think the term 'screw-up' actually fits Benoit though. A screw-up is someone who, by definition, fails repeatedly at something or self sabotages themselves frequently. Benoit was violently, tragically and criminally mentally ill. His actions were not of a repeated pattern; it was more like he snapped.

Jeff Hardy, while he is too successful to be considered a screw-up, at least could fit the definition more with his pattern of self-sabotaging professional behavior.
I fail to see how becoming arguably the most over face (he consistently got cheers. While it pains me to say this, Cena can't argue that. Whether or not it's because of douchey crowds isn't the point), carrying Smackdown with Punk, and having your name cemented firmly in the history of Tag Team and Singles wrestling in the past decade is being a screw-up. He made himself synonymous with the whole "killing yourself for the fans to cheer" thing. Anyone can come along and jump off of a 30 foot ladder, but he'll always be gauged against Jeff Hardy. Because that fucker was crazy with some of the stuff he pulled.

The drugs and the wishy washy history are a reason not to hire him again, but that's about it. Benoit killed his family in a fit of concussion-caused-mush for brains-rage, and there have been how many wrestlers arrested for drugs in the past? How many busted for steroids? Other drugs?

Hardy most definitely isn't the biggest screw up. As Xfear said, that'll have to go to Benoit. It's sad what happened, but he murdered his family, while crazy or not. You can't really get any worse than that.

Benoit is an anomaly, which I pray we'll never see again. As far as his wrestling career, he was not a screw up at all. He towed the line, did the right thing, made the most of his pushes and achieved greatness as a result. As the poster above (PattyCat22) stated, he was violently and criminally mentally ill. There's a significant difference.

Jeff certainly classifies, in my book, as a tremendous screw up. His success was IN SPITE OF, not because of, most things he within the industry. He needs to consider himself incredibly LUCKY the fans go nuts for him, because if they didn't, he'd have been without a job at all for years now. He's simply much more of a liability than an asset. Between constantly failing drug tests and taking off to attend to his latest band project . . . reality TV venture . . . macrame fetish . . . motocross . . . or whatever . . . the guy simply can't be counted on for much.

Does that make him the biggest screw-up in pro wrestling history? Probably not (I still don't think Benoit counts), but I definitely think it means Hardy is a tremendous waste of potential AND tens of thousands of dollars invested to develop him into the cash-cow he became.
Nope the biggest screw up prize goes to Mr. Kennedy this man was pushed several times and always got injured, he won money in the bank and then got injured, returned got a decent push but got injured again and finally after all this hype for his movie returns and then screws up a move and gets released. Man if he hadn't screwed up so many times he would have been like a 3 time world champion today, now that is what you call a screw up. Jeff Hardy made mistakes but he proved he could be trusted getting himself 3 world titles, while Mr. Kennedy got the same amount of chances and nearly injured Randy Orton.
I don't think the term 'screw-up' actually fits Benoit though. A screw-up is someone who, by definition, fails repeatedly at something or self sabotages themselves frequently. Benoit was violently, tragically and criminally mentally ill. His actions were not of a repeated pattern; it was more like he snapped.

Jeff Hardy, while he is too successful to be considered a screw-up, at least could fit the definition more with his pattern of self-sabotaging professional behavior.

The only thing wrong with this is, if Jeff hardy was addicted to any drugs, than he has a mental illness. Also I can't believe you are justifying Benoits actions. Know what made Benoit like that? Guess, drugs. Roids fucked his brain over.
Strictly speaking for myself, Jeff Hardy is the name that immediately comes to mind when I think of sloppiest wrestler. Ive been watching wrestling since 1980 and based on his matches, mic skills and general ability to entertain me, I also consider him the most overpushed wrestler ever. The man literally had years of being handed number one contenders matches and title shots week after week after week for no reason and it didnt matter that he lost every week; next week, for some unknown reason, he got another shot.
His botchmania video's on youtube are hilarious and theres just tons of them. His RoH video is by far the most appropriate reaction he ever got IMO.
Please dont freak out and everyone at once give me negative rep, the thread asked for my opinion and I gave it.
Hey....have any of you seen a T.V. News report about Jeff Hardy's arrest? How about an actual newspaper article? Anything NOT on the internet etc... Just think about it for a minute, he supposedly was arrested with 262 Vicodin, 180 Soma, and 555 ML ANABOLIC my opinion if this actually happened it would be on every newscast, newspaper, Enquirer type magazines etc... Jeff Hardy is a well know person, and a "sports figure" busted with steriods, that's big news in itself. Think back when the big Matt and Jeff feud...remember all the "accidents" Jeff was having, wrecked his car because soneone ran him off the road, dog died in the house fire, the stage fireworks, then everyone was saying he had bad luck, but it was his brother, for WWE's storyline. What has CM Punk been saying about Jeff for months? What a lowlife druggie he is....the he gets arrested with ALOT of drugs. I'm not saying that Jeff is innocent and does not have the drug history...BUT that drug history makes this storyline work so very well.....I'm done rambling on now........Just THINK about it. :suspic::shrug:;):blush:
Hey....have any of you seen a T.V. News report about Jeff Hardy's arrest? How about an actual newspaper article? Anything NOT on the internet etc... Just think about it for a minute, he supposedly was arrested with 262 Vicodin, 180 Soma, and 555 ML ANABOLIC my opinion if this actually happened it would be on every newscast, newspaper, Enquirer type magazines etc... Jeff Hardy is a well know person, and a "sports figure" busted with steriods, that's big news in itself. Think back when the big Matt and Jeff feud...remember all the "accidents" Jeff was having, wrecked his car because soneone ran him off the road, dog died in the house fire, the stage fireworks, then everyone was saying he had bad luck, but it was his brother, for WWE's storyline. What has CM Punk been saying about Jeff for months? What a lowlife druggie he is....the he gets arrested with ALOT of drugs. I'm not saying that Jeff is innocent and does not have the drug history...BUT that drug history makes this storyline work so very well.....I'm done rambling on now........Just THINK about it. :suspic::shrug:;):blush:

So you are suggesting that Jeff Hardy actually wasn't arrested, it's all just a work?! Oh, man, I've heard of gullible, but this takes the cake! I suppose his multiple previous WWE Wellness Policy indiscretions were all just an angle too! Why didn't I think of this before?
Yeah, like X said, Jeff Hardy is not the biggest screw up in WWE history. There have been worse things like the already mentioned Chris Benoit. Also, you have to remember that Jeff screwed up big time when he had already left the WWE…so I think one of the biggest screw up that were drug related has to go to RVD. He had everything going for him in the WWE. He was WWE Champion, the face of ECW when it was brought back, and he was hopefully going to stay as a main eventer. But he screwed up and now look where he is at. He isn’t main eventing shows for the WWE. He’s staying at home doing other projects. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but he could be doing a lot more than what he is doing. Jeff made a huge mistake but he is nowhere near the WWE’s biggest screw up.
I don't think Hardy is a total screw up. The first name that came to mind was Angle. He had a drug problem that Vince was willing to help him with and he instead screws him over and goes to TNA. Somebody said Jannetty which was also a good one.

Benoit is not a screw up but I think he is in a whole different category. One a whole lot worse than screw up. When you're a screw up you have a chance to redeem yourself. Benoit didn't screw up which was the problem.

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