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I have a more general question regarding video game characters in the BZT.

While virtually all are mortal - Link, Mario, Sonic etc. - and do die in the course of you playing the game, in the overall canon of most games, the hero is victorious without ever dying so while vulnerable, the likes of Mario and Sonic (Link less so as he is numerous individuals) must be counted as not just skilled but also incredibly fortunate.

So say if maybe Mario was to get drawn in a Mario World, the argument could be made that he would win regardless of the obstacles put in front of him.

I suppose that is more of a philosophical type question linked to the Hero and could be a major obstacle to good debate - literally, "Mario wins because he is Mario."

And of course that can be turned on the villain too. "Bowser loses because he is Bowser."
I guess it depends who's voting. My Mario winning skill is better than my mate Chris' for example.
I would assume a regular lost life would count as a knockout.

As a companion question, do Faeries reviving Link count as a knockout or one continuous life?
Depends who he's fighting, I change my mind on whether I want him to win or not.
I think you have to draw a bit of a distinction between a video game character and their game's mechanics.

A JRPG character like Cloud for example can quite happily shrug off being repeatedly cut in half and then set on fire as long as it happens in combat. But, if you look at the story and world he's inhabiting, he's clearly intended to be of human, or near human resilience.

A good rule of thumb I think is to treat all attacks as if they are happening in a cutscene. If getting shot in the head or stabbed in the heart would kill them in an FMV, it kills them here, regardless of how many hit points it would take off in standard gameplay.

Oh, and fairies don't work.
Now I've thought about it having a fairy in the match would be the equivalent of vince coming out and saying "this is now under EXTREME RULES" after a match has ended.
Would the fairy count as outside interference? The fights are supposed to be 1v1, so would the fairy in a jar count as a plus one?
Барбоса;5547511 said:
I have a more general question regarding video game characters in the BZT.

While virtually all are mortal - Link, Mario, Sonic etc. - and do die in the course of you playing the game, in the overall canon of most games, the hero is victorious without ever dying so while vulnerable, the likes of Mario and Sonic (Link less so as he is numerous individuals) must be counted as not just skilled but also incredibly fortunate.

So say if maybe Mario was to get drawn in a Mario World, the argument could be made that he would win regardless of the obstacles put in front of him.

I suppose that is more of a philosophical type question linked to the Hero and could be a major obstacle to good debate - literally, "Mario wins because he is Mario."

And of course that can be turned on the villain too. "Bowser loses because he is Bowser."

If it helps, if a competitor drew their own stage, we'd redraw.

Now I've thought about it having a fairy in the match would be the equivalent of vince coming out and saying "this is now under EXTREME RULES" after a match has ended.

Yeah, I'd say once a character is knocked out, they can't be revived.
Because people vote for who they like and very few actually put stock in the arguments. Which is always what takes the fun out of these things. Don't get me wrong. This tournament has been fun and maybe I'm putting too much stock into it as it is my first one, but if Bayonetta somehow beats Dumbledore after he, not only beat Trunks but destroyed him, then that proves that few, if any actually pay attention to the arguments.
Because people vote for who they like and very few actually put stock in the arguments. Which is always what takes the fun out of these things. Don't get me wrong. This tournament has been fun and maybe I'm putting too much stock into it as it is my first one, but if Bayonetta somehow beats Dumbledore after he, not only beat Trunks but destroyed him, then that proves that few, if any actually pay attention to the arguments.

Oh I can think of a few things that take the fun out of it a lot more than that.
Because people vote for who they like and very few actually put stock in the arguments. Which is always what takes the fun out of these things. Don't get me wrong. This tournament has been fun and maybe I'm putting too much stock into it as it is my first one, but if Bayonetta somehow beats Dumbledore after he, not only beat Trunks but destroyed him, then that proves that few, if any actually pay attention to the arguments.
Your attitude in that thread probably swayed a lot of people to vote against Trunks. It should have been a lot closer than it was but you did no favors for the Trunks crew.

I will say you've gotten better after that though. I enjoyed our little debate in the Wesker vs Dante thread.
So you do agree that it was more like "vote against Trunks" mindset than "vote for Dumbledore" just because Phenom's attitude was supposedly troublesome?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I warned Phenom early on in that thread that that level of pushing for Trunks would probably cost him more votes than it would win votes for him. I also think there's a hard backlash against DBZ character because they are SO powerful that people get tired of hearing about all the ridiculous shit they can supposedly accomplish.

From my perspective, I think that and Bugs over Wonder Woman were the only two matches where an outmatched competitor won.
So you do agree that it was more like "vote against Trunks" mindset than "vote for Dumbledore" just because Phenom's attitude was supposedly troublesome?
I can't speak for everyone but for me yes that was a big part of my reasoning. The other half was the case people put up for Dumbledore. I went into that thread with the intention of not voting at all because they are my favorite character in their universe.
Fucking hell man get over it, Trunks lost. You've actually put me off the tournament now with your constant bitching. You're using it as arguments in the current matchup too. He lost, you were wrong. People tend to not like pedophiles.
Your attitude in that thread probably swayed a lot of people to vote against Trunks. It should have been a lot closer than it was but you did no favors for the Trunks crew.

Maybe I did push too hard for Trunks. I just thought it was a simple argument.

I will say you've gotten better after that though. I enjoyed our little debate in the Wesker vs Dante thread.

I did too, and to be honest I like Wesker a lot more then Dante, but I don't think he could beat Dante.
Fucking hell man get over it, Trunks lost. You've actually put me off the tournament now with your constant bitching. You're using it as arguments in the current matchup too. He lost, you were wrong. People tend to not like pedophiles.

I sure am using it in the next round. Logic dictates that this tournament is one event, so if a character can beat a much more powerful character in a previous round, they should beat their much less powerful opponent.

Sure, because Trunks told a small child who is actually older than him BTW, that in his timeline they knew each other; he's a pedophile. Ok.

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