General BattleZone Discussion

Quick question, as there is no bio up yet, how is Mega Man going to work? I still argue that he's much to powerful to be in the "humans" category, but that's besides the point. Will he have set abilities chosen by the moderator? Will he only be able to take powers from the opponent (that's really dumb, and makes him a weaker form of Kirby, btw). Will he have access to all his abilities from previous games?

There really is no benchmark to base this on, and I think it's a question that needs solving before arguments break out.
Quick question, as there is no bio up yet, how is Mega Man going to work? I still argue that he's much to powerful to be in the "humans" category, but that's besides the point. Will he have set abilities chosen by the moderator? Will he only be able to take powers from the opponent (that's really dumb, and makes him a weaker form of Kirby, btw). Will he have access to all his abilities from previous games?

There really is no benchmark to base this on, and I think it's a question that needs solving before arguments break out.

I think he falls under the same mold as guys Commander Sheppard in the sense you can use whatever argument that fits the character. If you need Megaman to have his super-buster then it is fair game.
I think he falls under the same mold as guys Commander Sheppard in the sense you can use whatever argument that fits the character. If you need Megaman to have his super-buster then it is fair game.

If that is the case, then why on earth is Mega Man not in the "supers" list? Have you any idea how many crazy power-ups and abilities he has access to? Not to mention his armor and suits?
Quick question, as there is no bio up yet, how is Mega Man going to work? I still argue that he's much to powerful to be in the "humans" category, but that's besides the point. Will he have set abilities chosen by the moderator? Will he only be able to take powers from the opponent (that's really dumb, and makes him a weaker form of Kirby, btw). Will he have access to all his abilities from previous games?

There really is no benchmark to base this on, and I think it's a question that needs solving before arguments break out.

Mega Man can use all of his powers from the main series of games [Megaman 1-10]. The reason he is in Humans is because of how fragile he can be. He cannot copy powers from his tournament opponents.
Seems like a good list. But I am not aware of some of the characters in the tournament.

If Bison and Shao Khan made the list, Ryu and Subzero should have been also considered.

Sonic The Hedgehog, Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Aladdin and Crash Bandicoot could have been decent contenders too.
Seems like a good list. But I am not aware of some of the characters tournament.

If Bison and Shao Khan made the list, Ryu and Subzero should have been also considered.

Sonic The Hedgehog, Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Aladdin and Crash Bandicoot could have been decent contenders too.

Sonic, Ryu, and Sub-Zero were all in the tournament last year. We wanted to represent those franchises but give this year's a little bit of variety by picking characters that would be interesting or just fun to see.

Crash and Lara Croft are both fun picks for next year, though. The problem is that there are just so many people to choose from on both sides of the coin.
Seems like a good list. But I am not aware of some of the characters tournament.

If Bison and Shao Khan made the list, Ryu and Subzero should have been also considered.

Sonic The Hedgehog, Lara Croft (Tomb Raider), Aladdin and Crash Bandicoot could have been decent contenders too.

I'm actually ok with some of the "big names" being absent. The one thing that sinks these kind of things to me fastest is when it's same fuckers in the finals. Any website/forum that tries something like this always ends up with the same fuckers in the end. So seeing some of them missing is nice. This same reason is why the WZ Tournament is such shit.

I do, however, take issue with some of the groupings (Humans or Supers) and some rather boring choices. Punisher? I mean, I dig me some Castle from time to time, but he just shoots people. You could replace him with any wacko with a gun and it wouldn't matter much. Potter should have been in the humans group.
Sonic, Ryu, and Sub-Zero were all in the tournament last year. We wanted to represent those franchises but give this year's a little bit of variety by picking characters that would be interesting or just fun to see.

Crash and Lara Croft are both fun picks for next year, though. The problem is that there are just so many people to choose from on both sides of the coin.

Sure thanks. Can I have the link to last year's tournament?

Have Ken and Chun-Li been done?

Did you consider Tekken and King of the Fighters characters last year?
I think starting next round, unless you can get a G-Mod to do it now, you should put the link to the bios into the thread. Part of me is shamelessly plugging my own writing, but I think it would be helpful and I'm not 100% sure people know they are there.
Looks like a bunch of bios have not yet been posted, did somebody not get theirs all done or something?

That would be me, and maybe Doc. Between school, WZCW and doing the rest of the stuff for this, we were a bit overwhelmed. We'll finish them soon, though.
I think starting next round, unless you can get a G-Mod to do it now, you should put the link to the bios into the thread. Part of me is shamelessly plugging my own writing, but I think it would be helpful and I'm not 100% sure people know they are there.

I can edit the OPs and put the links in, I guess.

DirtyJosé;4110841 said:
Could one of you mod types combine my double post in the Samus thread please?

Got it.
Can someone tell me who won the first two battlezones?

The first one never had a winner, as it was an experiment that didn't really get to finish.

The second one, last year's, had Link winning the Humans bracket and Darth Vader winning Supers.

I also want to remind everyone that the classification of "Human" is just a name. The reason competitors are in the Human bracket is dependent on how they got their powers, as well as how easily-defeated they are. Someone like Mario, despite his collection of powerups, can be defeated if struck enough times by hits. The same goes for Mega Man, who despite all of his weapons is a fairly fragile robot. "Humans" was only chosen as the classification because "Normals" wasn't completely accurate either. I'm really not sure what you'd call it. I will be the first to admit though that we maybe should have switched a few around, but you really live and learn and don't think about these things until the tournament actually starts. Let's just chill and have fun and maybe get a little mad.

Justin, I need to post up some of my bios. Unfortunately due to my insanely busy week, I didn't have the time to prepare many of them. I also believe Echelon needs to post his.

Hope this clears a few things up for everyone. Killam, thanks a bunch for advertising on the main page. Hope to see you newer folks stick around.
The first one never had a winner, as it was an experiment that didn't really get to finish.

The second one, last year's, had Link winning the Humans bracket and Darth Vader winning Supers.

I also want to remind everyone that the classification of "Human" is just a name. The reason competitors are in the Human bracket is dependent on how they got their powers, as well as how easily-defeated they are. Someone like Mario, despite his collection of powerups, can be defeated if struck enough times by hits. The same goes for Mega Man, who despite all of his weapons is a fairly fragile robot. "Humans" was only chosen as the classification because "Normals" wasn't completely accurate either. I'm really not sure what you'd call it. I will be the first to admit though that we maybe should have switched a few around, but you really live and learn and don't think about these things until the tournament actually starts. Let's just chill and have fun and maybe get a little mad.

Justin, I need to post up some of my bios. Unfortunately due to my insanely busy week, I didn't have the time to prepare many of them. I also believe Echelon needs to post his.

Hope this clears a few things up for everyone. Killam, thanks a bunch for advertising on the main page. Hope to see you newer folks stick around.

I was unaware that I needed to. Sorry, I was not around. I'll do that now.
Nah because it's a fanboy contest.

I don't understand why you are posting this like it's news to you. Maybe it would help if you posted arguments and discussions in threads instead of calling people who vote against your guy fanboys and nothing else. I know not many people read the threads but how about trying instead of whining, something usually reserved for fan boys when their man loses.
Nah because it's a fanboy contest.

Stop your bitching, just cause your guys aren't winning doesn't mean it's just a fanboy contest, perhaps you should put together better arguments in support of your guys, or just not participate at all, especially if you're just going to whine about it being a "fanboy contest" when ever the voting doesn't go your way.
Nah because it's a fanboy contest.

I don't understand why you are posting this like it's news to you. Maybe it would help if you posted arguments and discussions in threads instead of calling people who vote against your guy fanboys and nothing else. I know not many people read the threads but how about trying instead of whining, something usually reserved for fan boys when their man loses.

Stop your bitching, just cause your guys aren't winning doesn't mean it's just a fanboy contest, perhaps you should put together better arguments in support of your guys, or just not participate at all, especially if you're just going to whine about it being a "fanboy contest" when ever the voting doesn't go your way.

What they said. I am really close to voting for Link now, since your entire argument for Arthur is that the fanboys are voting for Link. Your last post in that thread completely undid the very good post Gelg made in favor of Arthur.

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