BattleZone Tournament Questions & Discussion Thread

I'm really into all of the match ups this coming round.

Hercules vs. Spider-Man is a classic speed vs. strength match up, and also to a certain extent a jock vs. nerd match up as well I'm pleasantly surprised to see Hercules make it to the round of 16, but I think as the competition thins out he may be hard pressed to beat fan favorites. But we'll see.

Bayonetta vs. Dumbledore- Witch vs. Wizard, both extremely powerful. I don't know much about Bayonetta, but I do know that she has a following on the forum, and Dumbledore has been a surprise favorite this tournament, so the debate here should be solid.

Wesker vs. Dante- Two of Capcom's hardest hitting characters. I've seen this fight play out on MVC3, but button mashing won't get you anywhere in the BZT the way it will in that game.

Alduin vs. D.Va- I'm very interested in the debate for this fight. Alduin is a bad dude, but his adversaries were either other dragons, magic wielders, or people with swords, bows and arrows, etc. I have no doubt that he has the offensive capabilities to de-MEKA D.Va, but can he withstand machine gun fire?

Predator vs. Geralt- To me it seems like a fight designed for Geralt to win, but there's a cool hunter vs. hunter theme going on this match that I'm sure will lead to some interesting posts.

Al Might vs. Magneto- I don't know much about All Might. I know a lot about Magneto. All Might has done surprisingly well this year for an anime I've never heard of before Doc told me about it, I wouldn't be surprised to see him move on here. But Magneto is always a threat in this tournament and can't be overlooked.

Wolverine vs. Link- One of those weird matches that you'd never really think about unless it happened in the BattleZone Tournament. Yay BattleZone Tournament!

Alucard vs. Bugs Bunny- I'm sure the debate will be spirited here. Bugs Bunny has a lot of support this year, but Alucard's supporters are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about their guy. I know who my money is on, we'll see which side can rally their base the best.
So it has been brought to our attention that someone sent messages to various members of the forum to vote for Link in the Link vs. Big Boss contest in the final hours of the poll being open. While we do not want PM'ing for votes to be a valid strategy in this tournament, we also do not want to punish the hard work of the majority of the people who played fair. As a result, both Link and Big Boss will be moving on to round 3 where there will be a triple threat match between Wolverine, Link, and Big Boss.

I do not want to name names in public because Doc and I both feel very strongly that we don't want this to derail the tournament.

To conclude, I want to reiterate that PM'ing for votes is prohibited in the BattleZone Tournament. Too many people put in a healthy amount of time to making passionate and thoughtful posts for the winner of the contest to be determined by one poster willing to play dirty.

At the end of the day the BattleZone Tournament is about fans of all different genres and characters coming together to share their passions with each other. Please don't ruin that by behaving like the thing you're passionate about is more important than everybody else's.
I keep thinking the Alucard in the tournament is Alucard from Castlevania. Someone like Doc would know I imagine, but what are the differences between the two?

You can get some general information in the bios and fan bases sub-section located within this section.
It looks like there's a problem with the forums tonight, so we won't be able to post the polls. Hopefully we can get them up tomorrow.

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