The ANTI -Christmas Group


Melon Farmer

This is a group of people who hate Chrismas!!! Either they don't celebrate it or don't like it period. I know Will is going to join so here on WZ Forums...December 25th will be Happy Anti-X Mas Day!!!

7 more days until Anti X-Mas Day!!!!!

I am the first member!!!

The Anti-Chrismas Group Members:
Curious Asparagus
The One Big Will
Eternal Dragon
Its not that I don't celebrate it, or even "hate" Christmas.. I just hate the entire month, from generally Thanksgiving until mid Jan.

I generally think one of the best things to have happened to me in that time, was the e-wedding.. lol Seriously, I just have NOT had major luck with this time of the year.. thus, I dispise it.
Uhm, baby jesus? Wise men, gifts, virgin mary??? Explanation??? lol

Nah, I know what it's supposed to celebrate, but seeing as it's pretty unlikely Jesus was born on Dec. 25, you can't exactly celebrate his birth when it isn't even the correct date.

I like Christmas, but some people tend to get overzealous about it. Still presents, trees, nice carols- it's a fun time of year for me. And 11 days of school off. :p

Flames Out
I like Christmas, but some people tend to get overzealous about it. Still presents, trees, nice carols- it's a fun time of year for me. And 11 days of school off. :p

Flames Out

Yeah, the last thing I want is a group of off key singers knocking on my door at 8p.m. at night, then questioning why I just threw a bucket of ice cold water on them.
Yuppers I know that, but seeing as most of the traditions on Christmas are Pagan, and not Christian- it isn't even that religious to begin with, at least not Christian wise.

Flames Out

A lot of stuff is taken from pagan traditions, the story of Noah is taken from older stories and adapted. Christmas is an old religious holiday commericialized...Hell Santa was at first a protest to Christmas not a positive symbol of it. I find these things out just watching anything I can on the History Channel.
A lot of stuff is taken from pagan traditions, the story of Noah is taken from older stories and adapted. Christmas is an old religious holiday commericialized...Hell Santa was at first a protest to Christmas not a positive symbol of it. I find these things out just watching anything I can on the History Channel.

Me too!! History Channel is the best. :D

I guess I can understand why people would consider this somewhat a religious holiday, but the traditions associated with Christmas, at least in this century, aren't religious.

Flames Out
Nah, I know what it's supposed to celebrate, but seeing as it's pretty unlikely Jesus was born on Dec. 25, you can't exactly celebrate his birth when it isn't even the correct date.

Its not exactly maybe a day or two either side but it is accurate they were using the Roman Calender, Most likely the Julian Calender and that lines up with modern timing due to them doing a huge fix up after the Punic Wars because they lost time on when to add extra days due to concentrating on War. Then it was fixed up to be right due to the changes brought on by the Georgian Calender. So It is pretty close. The reason that it is brought up as inaccurate is because due to some reason that was when the Romans and Eastern Religions said that Mithras was born. The Reason they know it is accurate is because Romans kept bloody good records of stuff so Augustus' Census really did happen and that would set the time that it occurred to be around right. The only reason people are confused is because they were off by 6 years in the counting but noone really cares about that. That is the Historical stuff coming through.
Its not exactly maybe a day or two either side but it is accurate they were using the Roman Calender, Most likely the Julian Calender and that lines up with modern timing due to them doing a huge fix up after the Punic Wars because they lost time on when to add extra days due to concentrating on War. Then it was fixed up to be right due to the changes brought on by the Georgian Calender. So It is pretty close. The reason that it is brought up as inaccurate is because due to some reason that was when the Romans and Eastern Religions said that Mithras was born. The Reason they know it is accurate is because Romans kept bloody good records of stuff so Augustus' Census really did happen and that would set the time that it occurred to be around right. The only reason people are confused is because they were off by 6 years in the counting but noone really cares about that. That is the Historical stuff coming through.

Hmm, but I thought that the most accurate date would be in September? At least that's what I've read so far.

Flames Out
Me too!! History Channel is the best. :D

I guess I can understand why people would consider this somewhat a religious holiday, but the traditions associated with Christmas, at least in this century, aren't religious.

Flames Out

Thats because it has been massivly commericialized this century and has strayed from it's original roots. It is secular now but it wasn't always that way and lots of christian resent that.

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