Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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i really dont think it would have made a difference if it was chris jericho's title o_O.... i dont know why u keep saying that, cuz like i said b4, i hated the title b4 i had anything against cena... i saw it and didnt like it (for the reasons i gave b4 also)
Because so much of the time when people say negative things about Cena they talk about the title. And, just look through this thread, and see how many times Cena comes up in this thread and not with regards to personalized title.

The two are often interconnected, and given the IWC's normally strong hate for Cena, it stands to reason that the belt suffers some backlash from being around Cena's waist.

but ok, one reason why i really think the belt should go and isnt a personal opinion on it, no1 knows if the belt was a gimmick belt for cena or if they just thought it would have fit cena well and were already planning the belt, but wasnt the US title a gimmick belt for cena?? (i dont remember) if so then i think is pretty clear that the WWE title was also a gimmick belt for cena
This is a fair point, as the United States title did go back to "normal" after Cena lost it. However, is that because it was a specialized belt, or because they planned on turning the WWE title into a spinner as well, and having two belts that did so wouldn't make sense, especially since one was a midcard and the other the number 1 title?
true i really doubt they would make 2 spinner belts or all belts spinners for that matter, so that could be a reason why they scrapped the US title, but that what just show that they werent planning a spinner wwe title in the first place or else they wouldnt have made the US a spinner and waited for cena to be WWE champ and then make a spinner, it just goes to show more and more that the spinner was more for cena

and even if it wasnt, like i said b4, its not a belt that can fit any gimmick, and a top belt should fit all gimmicks, thats the main reason they cant keep a belt like this, its a belt with too much personality, and not every wrestlers personality goes with it....
I guess I'm the minority because I really like the idea of a gimmick belt.

I loved the Smoking Skull belt, and i don't really mind the spinner belt either.

But what I like is that the person who is the world champion has enough of a presence to actually have his own belt custom to him.

The way I see it is if you are the world champion there should be something unique about you compared to the other wrestlers. You need to be a bigger draw, you need to stand out above everyone else. And if you the champion I like that you can have a belt that shows that.

For example, if Randy Orton wins the belt at SS, I can see him with an old school belt that either is the old school belt with the eagle or at least mimicks that design. Why? Because he is "the Legend Killer" so having the belt the legends wore makes sense.

Cena's Spinner belt at the time fit what he was doing with his character.

Stone Cold's showed his personality as well.

If a guy like Big Show was the WWE Champ, I would want him to have a bigger than normal, larger than life belt to fit who he is. Now I don't mean goofy big, but a belt that is in proportion to him but way to big for Rey Mysterio Jr.

And a gy like Rey should have a belt as energetic as he is.

Because like I said before, if your the top dog in the industry I like the idea of showing us why in as many ways as possible.

The other belts though, shouldn't be gimmicky. Only the top belt should be. Becuase you can only be on the top if your the best.

just my opinion...
First time poster here, so let's hear what I have to say...

I personally dislike the spinner belt, it's a disgrace to the legacy of that title. When I hear the term "WWE Champion" I think of a beautiful and respectful title belt. The spinner looks like something you'd see some punk wearing on the street with his pants falling down and gang tats every where. I say bring back a version of the 80's or 90's championship, something that shows the lineage of the title.
Slyfox i dont know why you keep complaining about the attitude era belt. if the title was to change it would most likely go back to the undisputed title design which was a good design.

i think Orton would change it back and i hope he does. if he dosent Cena will probably win it back a month later. but its rumoured that cena is away to film another movie. he could get punted in the head and then be out on "injury" for a few months while HHH challenges for the title.
Slyfox i dont know why you keep complaining about the attitude era belt. if the title was to change it would most likely go back to the undisputed title design which was a good design.
Because that is what many people were wanting to bring back.

Also, I disagree that the Undisputed design would come back, as the Undisputed belt signified...well, the Undisputed champion. And, unless they want to combine brands again, and have just 1 Top Dog, then I don't think they'd want to present the image that the Smackdown title is a midcard title.

The other problem with the Undisputed title is that it looks small and more like a tag team title than the main-event title. The middle of the belt looks only slightly larger than the strap, and the WWE titles generally have the middle look much bigger than the strap or stand out in some other way.


Now, compare that to other WWE Titles




Notice how all of those titles have the center of the belt clearly stand out from the strap? The spinner title middle is not much bigger, but the center clearly stands out as well.

If they were to get rid of the spinner title, I imagine they would create an entirely different looking title.
I have a feeling this isn't your true first post. But, anyways, explain to me how the title looks "cheap, ugly, childish, embarrassing to wear". And, try to use objective criteria, not random subjective criteria that is a matter of complete opinion which can be countered with a simple "it does too!".

I promise you that it was my first post. I've been following the forums for quite a while now. But anyways, straight up.. it is a matter of opinion. I dont think it can be substantiated either way. Therefore, I simply came to the conclusion that your opinion of the belt is somehow misguided and wrong. (and honestly I dont mean that in any offensive way)...but I stand by my belief that the belt just looks way to tacky too be the WWE Title.
Okay, once again, what is exactly "Wrong" with the attitude era belt? I understand someone may not like it, but thats ONLY because thats not their style, in my opinion its beautiful and yes, my main reason for not liking cena's title is because for one, it represents cena and two, it respresents hip hop i think it was 50 cents and G unit that started that nre spiner stuff and when cena was a rapper he had to match his persona, which at the time was okay, but then the rap was dropped when he became "Marine" and this title doesnt fit a god damned dignified Marine, hell no, look at marine jewelry and medals, they wouldnt be caught dead with something that spins, maybe the title shouldnt be changed back to the attitude era, but should be changed to a solid looking titlethat doesnt fit anyones gimmick..P.s i liked the smoking skull belt but not as a world title just as a cool belt to merchandise.
my main reason for not liking cena's title is because for one, it represents cena

Would you like it if one of your favorite wrestlers held it?

which at the time was okay, but then the rap was dropped when he became "Marine" and this title doesnt fit a god damned dignified Marine

That is why cena is not a Dignified Marine. He is a wrestler.

look at marine jewelry and medals, they wouldnt be caught dead with something that spins

How do you know? When a Marine recieves medals and badges, they don't have the privilage to customize them as a WWE champ would to a world heavyweight title.
Right first off I just go to say that "In My Opinion" I do not like the spinner belt. This is not because Cena holds it, tbh I dont even watch WWE anymore but thats another topic all together.

Now that I got that out of the way I want to address this marketing situation as a reason to keep the belt. Now I agree that the belt is a great marketing tool and makes tonnes of money, but as was stated above it just looks a bit cartoonish and like WWE are tring far too hard to be "cool" and "relevent" again. But back on topic now, the spinner us has not been used since 2005 and is still being sold as a replica belt in stores. Hell Edges spinner which was used for what 1 month maybe 2 is still being sold, so I dont think you can use the defense of "But it makes WWE money" because no matter if the drop it or not they will still sell it as a toy and a replica.

And on a side note, why is it so wrong that people have differing opinions I mean if we all like the same thing this world would be utterly boring.

There we go, rant over.
Everyone made a valid point. But we all know that's the way WWE does things. When something good, they change it for instance the WCW US belt was the best looking belt in wrestling for a while but they had to change it when they "took over the alliance angle" Personally I liked the Attitude era WWE Championship better than the rest.
Alright I've read enough ranting to contribute some of my own on the matter. I am not a Cena fan my screen name says it all, but separating the man from the title and sticking to discussing the title: here's how I see it.

There shouldn't be customized belts, straps, medallions, spray paint, entirely made up, for mocking or any reason. They're just wrong to me.

The words cheap and expensive are being argued and the word that describes the belt is Gaudy. It's overkill like a mobster wearing 5 watches 20 necklaces and 6 rings its too much to the point it becomes an eye sore.
Yes the undisputed belt was too similar to the current raw tag belts but I'm of the opinion that the big gold belt is too big and borderline gaudy as well.

I think the best three best looking titles are the winged eagle that Bret Hart wore the new TNA title looks classy and the old European belt Id buy in heart beat if I had the money.

There should and most likely will be a new belt, I think the company is a little too preoccupied with a lot of other things to change it with Orton and Triple H may indeed wear the hideous thing before he changes it but thats all a guess on my part.

What's wrong with the Spinning belt:
It's gaudy. The spinning U.S. belt proves to me it's a personalized belt which I'm opposed too. It's dated I have 160 of the slightly over 200 wwf/e tapes/dvd's ever put out. I'm going to watch them 2005-2007 10 years from now and see it on VH1 I love the 2000's and it'll be a joke the rappers spinning tires were SSOOO cool THEN, that even wresting had a spinning belt. Right now I can watch wrestling from ten years ago and see Bret Hart and Michaels wrestling for a belt that didn't make a timely statement it simply served a role as a title that represents its sport, not the "hey look it's '97 lets get the belt to have Bart Simpson on it or Clinton getting blown on it"
It dates everything and wrongly now that the spinner phase is over what's more it promotes what Rapping and that culture...Holy shit I got an idea lets go back to promoting what Im going to be watching Wrestling the Slammy's would make more sense as a top prize in wrestling. the spinning belt would be like the Lombardi trophy having a microphone on the top instead of a football because "American Idol" is so popular
QUOTE=shanti07;212435]Would you like it if one of your favorite wrestlers held it? [/I]

Hell no, i hate the title and if my baby Hunter wore it, i'd personally go into the ring, slap him rip the belt from his waist, burn it then makeout with him.

That is why cena is not a Dignified Marine. He is a wrestler.

Ur right but hell, its supposed to be his character.

How do you know? When a Marine recieves medals and badges, they don't have the privilage to customize them as a WWE champ would to a world heavyweight title.

Thats true, but i still think most of them wouldnt, the marines that i personally know are proud of their medallions and badges and wouldnt change them for some hip hop exclusive, its just not honorable to wear that peice of crap..its not..maybe for fifty cents or ja rule or whatever rapper, but wrestling, come on..would u like it if they presented a hard rock title with metallica devil horns and flames and broken glass and whatnot on it..like i said, no wrestler shouild have Personalized heavywhieght titles unless its just for merchandising like the rock and the undertakers belts theyre only for merchandising but they wreent used for the actual wwf championship..cmon..the belt just showed hey everyone the CENA era has begun, and now i will be more than happy to see the CENA ERA END!.
Ur right but hell, its supposed to be his character
Not really. The temporary Marine Gimmick was used to advertise his movie. If he really wanted that to be his gimmick, He would come to the ring with a camoflauge outfit and comback boots.

its just not honorable to wear that peice of crap..its not..maybe for fifty cents or ja rule or whatever rapper, but wrestling, come on..

Have you seen a rapper wear the WWE spinner belt the spinner belt in their videos? Paul Wall had the Intercontinental title in one of his videos. So I guess the IC title represents hip hop now to does it?
Okay well whatever, wait does cena not come out in those camouflague pants and does that solute, if he didnt do that then the marine wouldnt be apart of his character, and i know it was for the movie, like kane's may 9th gimmick, but knae ended that shit, and so should cena, i would honestly like if he would do his rapoping again, for one, i enjoyed the rap promos, and two the belt would be more fitteing for a rapper like character which he was when he was U.S. champion.

and about the rapper, ur right, ive even seen rappers with the attitude belt and whatnot, howver u cant say hip hop and rap had nothing to do with that stupid spinner title thats where all of that shiny spinner crap comes from, from rap
Okay well whatever, wait does cena not come out in those camouflague pants and does that solute

What Camouflage pants? Cena comes were shorts and a t-shirt. He doesn't even do the solute anymore.

and about the rapper, ur right, ive even seen rappers with the attitude belt and whatnot, howver u cant say hip hop and rap had nothing to do with that stupid spinner title thats where all of that shiny spinner crap comes from, from rap

and your point?
i'm not saying that cena's spinner belt is horrible but if orton wins the championship, personally i would like to see the one jbl last held because it just has more of a classic look to it in my opinion
the spinner belt looks like its a kids belt, it annoys me so much, i personally wouldn't mind cena half as much if that stupid spinner belt dident hang around his waist. if the old undertaker comes back, or a similar dark charecter, i think a dark/ demon belt would look really good and be a good angle, but no one scares us enough for that these days. what would you think of a dark belt? better than the spinner?
I'm looking at SS as the end or the downfall of John Cena, everything about him just drops. This would be title included. I have never liked the title, to go from a perrty (yes, I said perrty damnit) belt that was the WWE Championship (the one JBL was holding before Cena got his paws on it) to a blinged (can't believe I said that either) out belt that had too many jewels and spun! ... I hate the damn thing. It doesn't work with Cena either, he's not a rapper, so he doesn't need diamonds and flashy and spin like a rapper.

As others have said, I can't imagine it going away with Orton. Since he's going to be a transitional champion it's not going to matter anyways. But I do believe that the moment HHH gets his hands on it the belt will be history. I can't even begin to imagine him holding the spinner belt and spinning it around...I could never ever picture him doing that.
Lol this thread took off a bit better than I expected...

I think it should be made into a new design if orton wins... hell, maybe orton will make his own with the faces of legends hes killed on it lol.

At first I really liked the spinner belt cos it was new to me because I wasnt a wrestling fan when cena was US champ. I liked how it spun and was so sparkly but now that I think about it didnt really scream prestige and kinda demoralised the point of being champion of the wwe if your gonna get a bit of bling around your waist.

Personally I hope orton changes it back to the undisputed design after SS.
The belt REALLY needs to change. Ya, the $20.00 kids spinner belt has probably made the WWE millions but I think the kids are even getting sick of it. Its a gimmick belt and if the title holder is to change, so should the belt. This goes for any star. If the undertaker changed the belt to have all the colors be black and have it shoot smoke or something, that wouldnt look right on Carlito ya know. It should definitely change.

Ps. Cena should go hunting with Dick Cheney:)
Okay here is the voice of reason on this subject. The spinnner belt needs to go after Cena loses. But the belt design doesn't have to go. If you change the center plate to a WWE that doesn't spin and is more traditional there is nothing wrong with the belt. The belt does not look cheap. The spinner part is stupid. Personally if it was my decision Randy Orton or whoever beats Cena would get a brand new WWE title belt that is more classic. But the spinner belt design is not bad it is just that it spins.
Is it just me or is the WWE really hurting in the talent and mass appeal dept these days? Anyway, ive hated that belt since it came in. All i think about when i see it is Chris Rock going "They spinnin' man they spinnin'!" I feel bad for all the little kids because when they get older they'll realize how god awful the wrestlers are today, excluding maybe 1 or 2 who of course aren't used at all. (cough Shelton Benjamin cough.) Ah whatever, Orton sounds like an idiot and if they want to give him a belt it should be the monotone title.
Okay here is the voice of reason on this subject. The spinnner belt needs to go after Cena loses. But the belt design doesn't have to go. If you change the center plate to a WWE that doesn't spin and is more traditional there is nothing wrong with the belt. The belt does not look cheap. The spinner part is stupid. Personally if it was my decision Randy Orton or whoever beats Cena would get a brand new WWE title belt that is more classic. But the spinner belt design is not bad it is just that it spins.

That's exactly waht I said a few pages ago. I think it looks good as it is just remove the spinning aspect of the title.

Why do so many people think the title is personalized to Cena? I can't remember hearing it announced as John Cena's spinner title, like I've heard of Austin's smoking skulls title because made sure it personalized. Plus once Austin lost they did go back to using the real title and not his smoking skulls title, unlike the spinner belt which was customized for Edge by changing the spinner icon. Though once Cena won it back it went back to normal As far as that goes in my mind it's just a new version of the WWE championship belt. It happens people, deal with it.

I don't think the spinner belt will away if Orton wins at SS. I think that's the new WWE championship title that will be around for a while. A lot of people say HHH would change it back when he eventually wins it back (like we all know he will) but I don't think he will, not right away at least. I could picture him playing with the spinner functino of it for a while so long as he wins the title as a face, now he were a heel and won the title then he'd most likely change. But as far as it changing with Orton, that isn't going to happen.

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