Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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I had a problem with Austin's smoking skull belt. It's a personalized belt, and that's favoritism to let a superstar make and wear his own version of the WWE title, the supposed highest championship IN WRESTLING.

I do agree with you, but for the sake of argument, Austin's belt was made in defiance of Vinny Mac to shit on the belt that Vince made. It was Austin's way of saying, "I'm you're damn champion, bottom line, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Also in defense of that belt, I dont think it was around for 2 years like the spinner has
Yeah but Cena isn't a rapper anymore. He's a marine that overcomes all odds thrown at him. I think with a marine character you should wear the real belt the undisputed belt. No wrestler should have their on customized title. The title should be what it's always been something prestigious and something you would actually want around your waste and also the belt should't be changed so much especially to a cheap looking kids toy. Austin nor Cena's belt were anything that looked like a real championship. Get rid of the peice of garbage.
Yeah but Cena isn't a rapper anymore. He's a marine that overcomes all odds thrown at him.

Hmmmm... A chamoflauge strapped championship belt. That could have worked too!

Whats really going to be upsetting is if when Summerslam comes and goes, Cena is still champ.... spinner and all
I pray to god that they change the title away from the spinning title. I mean it was cool in the begining but it got old fast if you ask me. He doesnt even spin it the way he used to. They need to drop that title once Orton wins the strap and give us something that looks like it should be the Heavyweight Championship
A world title is like..a world series ring..or a stanley cup..you dont change the look...maybe add something small but never change it.. the world title belt should be something prestigious..not a cheap kids toy.

On another note..orton will probably have an RKO spinning one..
I collect the replica WWE belts but I have NOT bougt that spinning piece of crap. I can't stand it! I liked the spinner U.S title but as the main championship belt? Hell NO! I remember when Cena came to raw and christian and jericho fought for it and there was a point where Y2J was looking at it... I was thinking and have thought ever since... who would want to win that! Get rid of it!!! RKO to win!!
well i hope they do change it, not because ''cena is the one holding it'', but because i havent liked it since day 1

i only started disliking cena like 5 months ago because i was tired of him winning, b4 that i didnt like or hate him, but i always hated the title

IMHO i like the attitude era more, i dont know why, in the picture it does look stupid, but when HHH, rock, or austin held it up i thought it was cool (maybe it was because of who was holding them) but anyways i think it fits more to WWE/F style

the spinner belt wouldnt be as ugly if it didnt spin, but it does, also the diamonds IMO are stupid, its the diamonds that make it look cheap and tacky, they dont make it look like its worth a million bucks, they make it look like a cheap toy, even more because of the spinning thing, its just a stupid idea WWE had so they could look ''cool'' or because the belt was made for cena, or both

but i really think who ever gets it next should change it, because the spinning thing is a thing for rappers, now even though cena is a marine now, every1 knows about his past rapper gimmick and his rap music, so it fits him, though i just think they didnt change titles because they didnt wanna change titles just because the gimmick changed

but a spinning belt doesnt have anything to do with a orton or HHH personality IMO

i hope they bring back any belt, or a new one less tacky and that DOESNT spin, i hope its the early 90s belt, like most said its by far the best one, if not then at least the JBL one, or just make a new one with the more traditional look
Some of you are saying that we would like it, if debuted on Jericho, why in the world would Chris Jericho have a spinner title, the only reason it was a spinner in the first place was to help Cena get over as champ. Does anyone remember the time Austin had his world title belt?? When Orton wins the title at Summer Slam, it will go back to the old style that JBL had.
The spinner belt has plenty of potential to become something other than "John Cena's belt". It can fit with a lot of other gimmicks. Jake brought up the RVD "It spins" comment a few pages ago. The Rated R spinner being used to introduce the "Rated R Era" is another example. The spinner is a great way to draw some heat for a cocky heel champ. For example

"Your NEW WWE champion...Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Kennnnnneeeeeeddddyyyyy" ::climb to the top turnbuckle:: ::pause:: ::slow spin of the belt:: "KENNEDY".


::Carlito enters the ring smirking. Spins the belt a few times:: "Now that's cool".

Just like so many things in wrestling, just because it isn't old school and doesn't make it bad.
To be completely honest, i really think that orton will keep the spinner belt if he wins it at summerslam. If and when he faces triple H for the title, triple h would probably switch the centerplate with one of his logos: Either the 3D King skull or the cross with an h in the middle. email me if u wanna c the belts [email protected]
hmm not that u mention it, the spinner could be used in other gimmicks, didnt think of it like that, but i still think the spinning thing is just stupid and tacky and doesnt seem like a WWE/F move, it seems like a desperate act to stay ''hip'', it might sell a lot, but i still think its ugly, maybe if they took out the diamonds it could be a little better =/, or to just fix it stop with the spinning

orton will be a paper champ to HHH so he wont change it, but i see HHH changing it, but with a new one, and something related to his gimmick....
I think we will see the original WWE title belt back. The one that JBL last wore, that one were a damn good belt. Or even further back with the Eagle Belt?

You never know, they might even design a new belt?

If they do decide to design a new belt it better be a respectable one like the TNA belts, because anyone that's read my rant on the belt in the Spam Zone knows exactly how much I hate the belt. So I hope Orton wins, beats Cena in a "Last Chance Match" like they did with Edge/Batista and then have Orton bring the old belt back
If that's the case, what do you all think about the FTW Title? Since so many are against wrestlers having custom belts, what about creating one outright. And you must've cried blood when nWo spraypainted the prestigious "big gold belt". Get over yourselves, and quit taking this soooo seriously. Michaels and Warrior changed the strap color. Was that so bad? Its not so much what the belt looks like, but who the champ is. How many storylines have involved a belt getting stolen? But the guy who was champ was STILL champ. Its just a prop. Nothing more. When Jericho had the belt, and when Benoit had the belt, they still weren't the top guy...HHH was. So its just a prop that goes into PWI. Snuka never got it and was just as popular as Warrior, so who cares what it looks like? Play SVR and design your own belt, then give it to CM Punk since he'll never win it in real life.
or to just fix it stop with the spinning

orton will be a paper champ to HHH so he wont change it, but i see HHH changing it, but with a new one, and something related to his gimmick....

I agree with you about orton being a paper champ and like i said before hunter will probably change the belt 2 his gimmick. But what you said about the spinner, i think that it is rarely used now. I havent seen anyone spin it since edges 'rated r' belt so i think the days of it spinning have passed on. the only 2 reasons i beleive that the wwe is keeping the belt is that 1. it has a high buyrate with fans and 2. it will be used in a future gimmick
When Austin brought in the Smoking Skull belt, I actually did like it. It was an F-U (pardon the pun) to Vince McMahon and the Corporation and it fit the gimmick. Keep also in mind, there were other personalized titles:

Bradshaw: When he won the Hardcore title, he changed it from the broken taped-up belt to the Texas Hardcore Title. When Dreamer won it from him, he dropped the Texas stuff on it but kept the actual belt.

HHH: Wasn't he the first to carry one belt instead of two after he beat Jericho at WM X-8? I remember Jericho always carrying both titles around (World Heavyweight and newer WWE title before the change) but when HHH lost to Hogan at Backlash, he only had one belt, which was the Undisputed title belt.

Personally, I liked the Undisputed Title the way it looked. And I remember the I Quit match that Cena faced JBL in which both belts were displayed (JBL saying his "fans" wanted him to be champ...). Cena with the Spinner title is just like Edge having his Rated-R spinner; it's a personalized look. My humble opinion? I like Cena as champion but I don't like the belt. It's too gimmick-y for the champion, especially one whose gimmick has changed since. It would have cool if he had lost the belt to Edge, won it back, and either Edge changed it back to the usual, or Cena used a different belt when he faced HHH at WM 22. I'd like it if Orton went back to the Undisputed title look, only because his character isn't the spinner type, but I don't think the spinner belt is as hot as it once was. It was cool when it debuted, but it might be a little played out by now.
Slyfox, you have yet to show me any proof. The only proof I have is this poll which seems to be 76% in favor of dropping the spinner. Show me legitimate proof (WWE sales records etc.) I can't simply take your word for this
I also think people rag on the belt cuz they hate Cena.

I do not like green eggs and spam
I do not like it on a boat
I would not like it with a goat
No I do not like green eggs and spam
Sam I Am

But yeah now that that's outa the way, It's true we "rag" on the belt because of our hate for Cena, and some good points were made about how it could be used for other gimmicks like the Carlito "Now that's cool" even tho Carlito won't have the belt anytime soon. But I just don't like the belt, never have, I thought the US spinner looked good but not the WWE Title one, it's just too much IMO.
Slyfox, you keep talking about all the diamonds and crap that's on the belt and how much it's worth. Thats exactly what we hate about it, it has too much flash to be the major title in wrestling. If you just care about price why not just let the champ carry around a 200-Lb Diamond wherever they go?
Slyfox, you have yet to show me any proof. The only proof I have is this poll which seems to be 76% in favor of dropping the spinner. Show me legitimate proof (WWE sales records etc.) I can't simply take your word for this
Seems like I've already responded to this once...

me said:
What numbers do you want to see? The increased merchandising revenue over the last two years? How 2005 merchandising revenue increased by nearly $20 million dollars over 2004, and how 2006 merchandising increased nearly $20 million more over 2005? Would you like me to show you all the people in the stands who hold the replica every week, or direct you toward your local Toys R' Us, and show you the replica foam belts they have there?

How about we just use logic. The majority of the IWC hates John Cena, and yet, he is one of, if not the, strongest draws in the WWE, as evidenced by Raw numbers. The Vince McMahon death angle was shredded to pieces by the IWC, and yet drew high ratings.

Again, the IWC can't count as a source, because they make up a small part of the audience.


Ahh, I did! :rolleyes:

Slyfox, you keep talking about all the diamonds and crap that's on the belt and how much it's worth. Thats exactly what we hate about it, it has too much flash to be the major title in wrestling. If you just care about price why not just let the champ carry around a 200-Lb Diamond wherever they go?
My response:

It looks tackey because it looks like its made from cheap plastic. It looks soo false and it like some1 tried to hard when they designed it
Slyfox696 said:
How does solid gold and studded diamonds look like cheap plastic?


Seriously, is it really that hard for people to read the god damned fucking thread?
i think that cenas belt needs to go it doesnt fit with cenas character any more and it sure as hell wont fit randy ortons or triple Hs. When you look at the WHC belt and then the WWE belt the WWE belt is supposed to be the best championship in the industry, how can you say that when the WHC is the most respectful looking one. but i would prefer to see the spinner belt then the belt triple H had at wrestlemania 22 which is most likely what he will change it to.
I thoroughly read your post, Slyfox. Did you read mine? I clearly stated that I will NOT accept your word alone. I need LEGITIMATE records of sale. Try reading this again if you have trouble understanding
Watch carefully...

you said:
Slyfox, you have yet to show me any proof. The only proof I have is this poll which seems to be 76% in favor of dropping the spinner. Show me legitimate proof (WWE sales records etc.) I can't simply take your word for this

me said:
What numbers do you want to see? The increased merchandising revenue over the last two years? How 2005 merchandising revenue increased by nearly $20 million dollars over 2004, and how 2006 merchandising increased nearly $20 million more over 2005? Would you like me to show you all the people in the stands who hold the replica every week, or direct you toward your local Toys R' Us, and show you the replica foam belts they have there?

How about we just use logic. The majority of the IWC hates John Cena, and yet, he is one of, if not the, strongest draws in the WWE, as evidenced by Raw numbers. The Vince McMahon death angle was shredded to pieces by the IWC, and yet drew high ratings.

Again, the IWC can't count as a source, because they make up a small part of the audience.

And, here, is your link for the increased money made off of merchandising...


On a side note, in 2004 Cena related merchandise exceeded over $12 million dollars. And, that was before he was really a star. So, of the $76 million dollars the WWE made in 2005, Cena made $12 million dollars alone. It'd be interesting to see how much he brings in now.

link: http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/johncena/reviews/3481716

(it's about halfway down)
I will say though, If you listen to the crowd around WM 20, the IWC was still behind John Cena and purchasing his stuff up. He was over because some people liked the rapper Cena, but Cena lost a lot of his fans with the clean shaven, clean cut good guy/soldier routine.

It's tough to say what Orton will do with the title. I think Jake hit the nail on the head, Triple H will bring back the older style of the belt and millions of smarks will mark out to Triple H for bringing back the old belt, and I will taste vomit in my mouth from such a blatant mouth.

It's tough with Orton, because the Spinner title doesn't suit his character. Edge did his to mock Cena, which I really think Edge and Cena is this decades Rock/Austin, andt his is why I hate the brand extension because you won't see them interact with each other as much. Orton just doesn't look right with that belt.

To quote Jake quoting RVD, "It Spins"
please please get rid of that stupid sinning peice of crap belt.when orton wins at sumer slam you can bet that HHH wil use his power 2 win the wwe title of orton in about 1 and at the most 2 moonths i defently cant c Hunter wrearing a silly belt like that!!! the title has know prestige they can,t have tha champ draftd 2 sdown or ecw Bcuz it sais mon-nite raw on 1 of tha side plates i could create a way better belt on SVR07. also if cena ever nd hopeffuly dosent win the world title nd changes it id b so pissed of cuz that is tha best title ther ever was the best title there is and the best title there ever will be!!!
The WWE "spinner" title will not be changed I means think about it both RVD and Edge won the "spinner" title and kept it as a "spinner" title. So why would Orton channge it, face facts people the "spinner" WWE title is here to stay for goood. But imagine if Orton created an "RKO spinner" title.

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