Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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  • Bad

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I agree with Slyfox on the Attitude era title. Even back in the day I thought it looked awful. I remembered how I really wanted the 80's/90's version of the title to return. The huge font "CHAMPION" to the shape of the title and the bright blue color of the ocean on the globe IMHO really didn't make the belt look "all that".
I see that everyone complained about the Custom spinning belt saying that it's a disgrace to all the wrestlers who held it before hand. What did you all think about Austin's smoking skull belt?
The title shouldnt just be about how much it is worth! It should be about pride, honor and prestige! You should be proud to wear that belt around your waist! and thats another thing, too many people are holding there belts over their shoulder, but thats another thing. Personally, I wouldn't be proud to wear the spinner belt. I would be embarrassed.
Orton will keep the spinner. It'll be Triple H who has a normal title. I think most fans hate it. And Triple H will use that to his adavantge. I just see him throwing it down and bringing out another title. Probably the JBL one. Although bringing back the eagle version would get a monster pop.

While I dont like the use of the title. I personally prefer something more normal/traditional. I have on myself and it's awesome. As RVD said ''It spins''
See, I think this title looks cheap, tacky, and like a plastic toy.


Compare the two titles. Which do you think would sell for more money, if you were to try and pawn them? The one with solid gold and studded diamonds, or that title?

I bet Cena's title would sell for more money.

Until the point where the jewelers looked at every single one of those 3-0-0-0 diamonds and realized they were fake. Nice try.

EDIT Jake: There cubic zirconias. The cheep diamonds you get from Argos jewellery. Couldn't be fucked to make my own post.

EDIT HBK Well aware of the CZ's, all the replicas state that they are faux diamonds, and the real title wouldn't be any different, not to mention that the belt would be worth more than John Cena's LIFE.
i think that the title is just terrible. not only does it look childish and looks like an obvious marketing ploy but it takes the drama away from an exiting end to a match ( not that cena ever made an exiting end to a match ) imagine if after HBK and Bret Hart had the ironman match HBK starts spinning the title after he has won. Cena dosent need the title anyway because he dosent rap anymore so the title isnt part of his gimmick. i think and hope that this is the end of the spinner belt
i think that the title is just terrible. not only does it look childish and looks like an obvious marketing ploy but it takes the drama away from an exiting end to a match ( not that cena ever made an exiting end to a match ) imagine if after HBK and Bret Hart had the ironman match HBK starts spinning the title after he has won. Cena dosent need the title anyway because he dosent rap anymore so the title isnt part of his gimmick. i think and hope that this is the end of the spinner belt

What the hell does the ending of the match have to do with what the belt looks like? The ending of the match is up to the wrestlers, not the looks of a title belt.
I loved the attitude era belt and think its one of the best, this new john cena belt i dont like not hust because im a member of the anti-cena society but because its a resemblance of hip hop and i cant stand rap or hip hop, funny thing is i loved his spinning u.s.title belt because it matched his rapper gimmick and it was cool, and was a mid-card belt.
I see that everyone complained about the Custom spinning belt saying that it's a disgrace to all the wrestlers who held it before hand. What did you all think about Austin's smoking skull belt?

Despite the fact I was a huge Steve Austin fan, personally at the time and even now... I was never a fan of the smoking skull belt. IMHO it looks worse than the spinner title. Since when was a title made from snake skin and had a skull on it? At least the spinner title looks a bit more proper other than the fact the Double Double E logo spins in the center. But the difference was the Smoking Skull wasn't used nearly as long as the spinner belt. But in general, I don't believe in having customized titles for a wrestler.
Despite the fact I was a huge Steve Austin fan, personally at the time and even now... I was never a fan of the smoking skull belt. IMHO it looks worse than the spinner title. Since when was a title made from snake skin and had a skull on it? At least the spinner title looks a bit more proper other than the fact the Double Double E logo spins in the center. But the difference was the Smoking Skull wasn't used nearly as long as the spinner belt. But in general, I don't believe in having customized titles for a wrestler.

Thank you. Customized titles for a single wrestler kinda shows favoritism in my eyes.
Show me numbers. If the general wrestling audience likes the spinner belt, prove it. All I have to go by is what I see here.
What numbers do you want to see? The increased merchandising revenue over the last two years? How 2005 merchandising revenue increased by nearly $20 million dollars over 2004, and how 2006 merchandising increased nearly $20 million more over 2005? Would you like me to show you all the people in the stands who hold the replica every week, or direct you toward your local Toys R' Us, and show you the replica foam belts they have there?

How about we just use logic. The majority of the IWC hates John Cena, and yet, he is one of, if not the, strongest draws in the WWE, as evidenced by Raw numbers. The Vince McMahon death angle was shredded to pieces by the IWC, and yet drew high ratings.

Again, the IWC can't count as a source, because they make up a small part of the audience.

If Orton wins he is going to get a spinner belt like Cenas but in the middle it will say Legend Killer... If Triple H gets it will have a spinning sledgehammer.. Spinna belts is where it's at fools!
Wouldn't surprise me.

I agree with Slyfox on the Attitude era title. Even back in the day I thought it looked awful. I remembered how I really wanted the 80's/90's version of the title to return. The huge font "CHAMPION" to the shape of the title and the bright blue color of the ocean on the globe IMHO really didn't make the belt look "all that".
Yeah, it just didn't look very good at all. The early 90s version is easily the best.

I see that everyone complained about the Custom spinning belt saying that it's a disgrace to all the wrestlers who held it before hand. What did you all think about Austin's smoking skull belt?
Well, that's different because it's Steve Austin! Custom titles are awesome because of Steve Austin!

(note: sarcasm)

You raise a good point. How many people complained about the Austin smoking skull belt (besides me)?

The title shouldnt just be about how much it is worth! It should be about pride, honor and prestige! You should be proud to wear that belt around your waist! and thats another thing, too many people are holding there belts over their shoulder, but thats another thing. Personally, I wouldn't be proud to wear the spinner belt. I would be embarrassed.
Umm, wrestling is not real, it's scripted. I'm sure the wrestlers don't really care too much about how the belt looks in terms of prestige, they just like the fact they are champion.

And, I agree with you about wearing the belt around the waist. But, I don't think the belt can fit around Khali's waist, and John Cena wears it around his waist sometimes.

Orton will keep the spinner. It'll be Triple H who has a normal title. I think most fans hate it. And Triple H will use that to his adavantge. I just see him throwing it down and bringing out another title. Probably the JBL one. Although bringing back the eagle version would get a monster pop.
I could easily see that happening as well. Wouldn't surprise me, although it would be a bad business move for Triple H to do it.

Until the point where the jewelers looked at every single one of those 3-0-0-0 diamonds and realized they were fake. Nice try.

EDIT Jake: There cubic zirconias. The cheep diamonds you get from Argos jewellery. Couldn't be fucked to make my own post.

EDIT HBK Well aware of the CZ's, all the replicas state that they are faux diamonds, and the real title wouldn't be any different, not to mention that the belt would be worth more than John Cena's LIFE.
The fake diamonds would still be worth more than the Attitude belt. *shrugs*
I think they'll bring back the original belt on Orton, but that's just because I feel that Orton will hold it until at least the Rumble, if not Wrestlemania when Triple H beats him for it. They can't have Triple H wearing a spinner belt, that's ridiculous!
Thank you. Customized titles for a single wrestler kinda shows favoritism in my eyes.

I agree 100% although in the early 90's I did like when they'd customize the strap. Ie. HBK's white and blue straps and Warriors white and neon green straps.
Then again, it was the early 90's and i was a 10 yr old fanboy
I agree 100% although in the early 90's I did like when they'd customize the strap. Ie. HBK's white and blue straps and Warriors white and neon green straps.
Then again, it was the early 90's and i was a 10 yr old fanboy

Yeah, I liked the different colored straps, they looked good on the classic titles.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but HBK/Ultimate Warrior had the blue/neon green straps on the WWE title, correct? Cause I remember the white strapped IC belt.
Everyone, I started a poll for this spinner belt. Its simple, vote good or bad. Please don't just vote bad cos u hate Cena. I want honest opinions here
No,get rid of that peice of garbage. It looks like a cheap peice of trash and is a disgrace that its actually the WWE's number 1 title. Like i've said before think of all the legends that held the WWE title and look at it now. Looking like a toy for a little kid. No get rid of it. I doubt it will be gone though till Trips wins it back. Thank god that belts a disgrace..Bring back the undisputed title. It actually looked nice and like a real championship.
I voted bad for some simple reasons.

1. As long as the belt has a spinner, it signifies that Cena's gonna get the belt back within the next few months, if not right away. I think if they took the belt off Cena, and made it the Undisputed/Winged Eagle belt and had someone else hold it for a long time, Cena wouldn't revert back to the Spinner if he won it again as his rapper gimmick is dead.

2. Like I said in the other thread, customized titles show a sign of favoritism. Austin's SS belt and Cena's spinners, although a part of their gimmicks, show that they have the pull to be able to wear whatever belt they want to. When Orlando Jordan beat Cena for the US title, the spinner was done for because Cena was done with the US title. Just to make the biggest title in the world spin.

3. The spinner belt also has labels on the belt that show that it is exclusive to Raw (1st buckle on the left strap.) This only occured when Cena went to Raw, meaning that Cena's staying on Raw for good, or that belt is. Hopefully it's neither.

4. It seriously looks like a toy. 3000 fake diamonds and a cartoon-ish looking eagle above the spinning emblem looks very cheesy for the most prestigous title in the entire wrestling nation. Why does the belt have to change? Look at the WHC, the only major change that belt had was getting rubies encrusted into it...and that's pretty much it.

I hated the Attitude Era belt, the Undisputed belt was probably one of my favorites because it reflected a bit off the winged eagle belt, but the winged eagle has to still be the best, by far. When the belt had no "jewelry" on it and it was almost always worn around the champ's waist.
you just said yourself ^ that the belt looks like a little kids toy..what is it trying to do? bring in the younger generation of wrestling fans. i think it did what it was suppose to do so i believe the belt is a good idea....its better than looking at the same old stuff.... did yall have a problem with austins smoking skull belt when he used it for his championship? i didnt. i liked that belt also.. i believe if orton wins the belt which i know he is going to i believe hte belt will go back to its original self and when cena wins it again he will bring back his belt...
Voted No!! Always thought it was a silly idea and it makes the belt look more of a prop then showing its real worth, prestige, and significance.

Vote "No" on spinners!
Don't want to see every champ having a custom belt. 5 year rule, here. Smoking Skull, Spinner, let the custom belt thing die down for a while. The reason I think nobody else should hold a spinner belt because that's Cena's deal. RVD thought it was "funny or cool" to play up his character, and Edge wore a spinner to mock Cena. Let it go. Besides, anybody with their ear to the streets knows that spinners are played. Take it from me...we don't ride em any more. People who have spinners just aint switched em out, or ain't caught on yet. Just used for show on MTV. Theyre not out here in these streets anymore.
you just said yourself ^ that the belt looks like a little kids toy..what is it trying to do? bring in the younger generation of wrestling fans. i think it did what it was suppose to do so i believe the belt is a good idea....its better than looking at the same old stuff.... did yall have a problem with austins smoking skull belt when he used it for his championship? i didnt. i liked that belt also.. i believe if orton wins the belt which i know he is going to i believe hte belt will go back to its original self and when cena wins it again he will bring back his belt...

Wrestling brought me in as a fan without having to use a toy-looking belt. The belt was supposed to MAKE MONEY, not draw in wrestling's next generation.

I had a problem with Austin's smoking skull belt. It's a personalized belt, and that's favoritism to let a superstar make and wear his own version of the WWE title, the supposed highest championship IN WRESTLING. If that's the case, take a look at all the champions and tell me that if they all made a title that slightly reflected off their gimmick, you wouldn't be irritated?
I didn't vote because it sorta of goes both ways. I didn't have a prob with the belt because I knew why they created it. The spinner belt was created go with John Cena's gimmick. To make his Hip Hop gimmick more believable to his fans, it was necessary to add the spinner to the belt because spinning jewlery was a huge part of hip hop culture and Cena did release a rap album.

I also think it's bad because If Randy goes to win the title at summerslam, It's still going to be known as John Cena's belt. Just like Austin's SS belt, it's HIS belt, despite who had it.

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