Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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spinner belt should disappear it just reaffirms that the buisness is about entertainment and not history and tradition.

they should bring back the titles from the late 80's and early 90's

the intercontinental title savage had made being ic champ look cool

Hogan's championship belt i always loved
Because so much of the time when people say negative things about Cena they talk about the title. And, just look through this thread, and see how many times Cena comes up in this thread and not with regards to personalized title.

The two are often interconnected, and given the IWC's normally strong hate for Cena, it stands to reason that the belt suffers some backlash from being around Cena's waist.

I disagree, cenas hatred is the fact that he cannot work, hes the rock in terms of he can entertain but cannot work a match, the belt itself is hated because it is the same as the smoking skull belt its a gimmick belt, i would love to see austings belt when he was holding it but not anyone else as it made the belt look like trash
A belt is supposed to represent achievement this dosnt ever.

It was supposed to represent how Cena was different but it kinda looks tacky and plastic.

Its supposed to be the highest achievement so should look like that. The old undisputed belt kinda suited being the highest achievement but they should make a new belt.

Compared to the WHC and ECW which both look great and really prized. Even the US and Intercont look like real belts, i like the US design but its like a one off thing only should be that belt wouldn't suit another belt.
I Could see 1 of 2 things happeaning with the wwe Grnated Orton wins at Summerslam.
1. As earlier posted i believe orton could destroy the Spinner title and in effect destroying the last remains of cena being champion which if they did this would cleanly set up a orton HHH becuase it would be a clear indication that cena isnt getting the title back so quickly which also means that orton would hold a wwe title with a new design or jsut revert back ot a former title most like the One Cena orignaly won off JBL

2. They keep the same design but just remove the spinning wwe logo and make the face of the title solid with the logo engraved into it or maybe raise just off the face of the title
Here's my question: Why does everyone seem to think Cena will be staying away form the belt?

It seems to me that Trips will be occupied in other feuds (don't want to give away spoilers) Who else is going to feud with Orton if he wins? And I'm not really a Cena fan, or 'hater', but he is WWE's biggest star at the moment and it would be foolish to take him out of championship contention unless they have someone worth replacing him.
i think the WWE needs to get away from the spinner belt. it symbalizes cena's reign is finally over and this is a new start!(thank god) just take it back to the original nothing to special or spectacular.
Take a look at the belt, really look at it. If it's not moving, the title does look really cool. If you change the middle so that the spinner doesn't, uh, spin... and change "CHAMP" to"CHAMPION", it can make a very nice belt. I could maybe see it working on Orton and HHH, but I think it would look really nice on a few other wrestlers who have a chance at winning it soon... eh-hem... MRRRRRRRRRR........KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...KENNEDYYYYYYYYYY!
i have came up with a name for this forum its called the everyone hates cena forums but anyway

i never liked the old belt and i think they will keep the belt the way it is they never really show the spinner spinning anyway so i think the old belt will stay locked away in stamford.
bring back the big ass belts that weigh 30 lbs because whoever wears it should feel the weight of being the champ
I like the spinner belt, I think the unique design makes the belt special and points out the importance of the WWE title above all other World Titles. I didn't like the US Spinner, but the WWE Spinner looks good imho. The ECW belt was probably supposed to look cheap or rough because it was kind of a 'hardcore' title in Extreme Championship Wrestling and wasn't changed because WWE doesn't really care about the belt, and the Big Gold Belt for the World Heavyweight Championship has just so much history and shouldn't be changed. To try something different with the WWE Championship is not a bad thing imho. I think many 'hate' the belt because it symbolizes Cenas reign, but if you look at the belt (and Cena's work btw too) without prejudice, you will might at least find out that it isn't that bad.
Cena's work sucks dude, but I will give him credit for a hell of a summerslam match.

I think this poll was unfair. I voted good, because I think it is good FOR CENA. I hated when Edge had a spinny belt becuase it didn't go well with him, even with the R. But it seems fitting for Cena. I would love to see the next guy get a more traditional belt again, but that is unlikely. As long as they have a large number of Spinner replica belts to sell they will have a spinner belt.
For all the people who thinks the old WWE title, (the one from when JBL was champ) should come back when John Cena loses. Dosen't that title loook alot like the old WCW Cruiserweight title. Don't believe me just look

For all the people who thinks the old WWE title, (the one from when JBL was champ) should come back when John Cena loses. Dosen't that title loook alot like the old WCW Cruiserweight title. Don't believe me just look


Dude, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU.That's a generic title design.In fact,the previous WWE title beared more resemblance to the old I.C title from the late '80s-early 90's. The spinner's cool,but cool for Cena.The whole point of the spinner was to carry on the gimmick of Cena "vandalising"/"transforming" titles derived from his rapper/thug gimmick.It looked terrible on Van Dam& I cringed at the thought of HBK,Kurt Angle or HHH having to wear it.I do believe Orton will get the old belt.I'm sure they'll be a huge RAW segment where Randy dumps the Spinner in a trash can or blows it up like JBL& Orlando Jordan did to the US title spinner.
Good I cant stand the spinner belt it looks like a damn toy from K-mart and it was customized to fit Cena's character (yes I'm aware Edge had the spinning R and yes that was gay as hell) I think Orton would need a different belt.I couldn't see Triple H with that spinner belt it's lame.
I'm just against most custom belts for people in general. If you start changing the belt to fit everyone who wins it, it becomes like a MySpace page instead of a trophy to be strived for.
I think Title Belts should remain the same for everyone who wears it. It was ok when Stone Cold and some of the older stars did it. It was even ok when Cena started it again but they should have stopped with Cena until later on. Edge's Rated R Belt was as bad as it could be but it was a cheap rip off. Orton should just remind people of the orginal WWE/Undisputed Title and Wear that instead. Like other people before me it just doesn't fit Randy Orton Having a Spinner Title.
I honestly hope the spinner belt goes away soon enough and is never seen again, It was cool at first, definitely the US title, but now it's just gotten old....real old....I'd rather go back to the WWE Undisputed Title Belt...
I think that the spinner belt is just like the Smoking Skull belt. It's just a gimmick belt, and even when Stone Cold was champ, he didn't carry it around that much. I think the Spinner belt needs to go, not because I hate it, not because it's too deathly ugly, but because it doesn't go with any character on the roster except John Cena.
i reckon the belt will stay the same because its never been changed yet because Edge and RVD were WWE Champion and they never changed it. Whats the point of changing it anyway? WWE probaly decided to leave it like that and not change it.
If Orton wins the belt at No Mercy then yes they should change the belt. the wwe spinner belt would look stupid on a guy like Orton. the spinner belt only looks good with a rapper type of person. if Cena some how retains the title at No Mercy then they should leave it how it is. and really the wwe spinner title ain't that bad. the real world titles should not spin crap ppl say is wrong. who cares if it does spin, the spinner makes the title look for colorful and fun.
The way I see it is like this.

The Spinner Title is John Cena's, just like The Smoking Skull Title was Austin's.

The guys who beat Cena for the title were only champs to really further storylines. If Orton beats Cena, it'd be more of a long term thing than a month or two long reign. If Orton wins, he'd have fueds with guys other than Cena. When RVD/Edge won the titles, Cena was still in the middle of the title picture, more than he'd be when Orton wins eventually because Orton would likely fued with the likes of HBK, Triple H, etc after Cena.
The difference between belts in my opinion is that the spinner holds now class to it, people who used to watch wrestling years ago would not consider that spinning title with greats like macho man, hulk hogan, HBK, Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Iron Sheik, ultimate warrior, rock, austin and the list goes on. Tat title has no tradition to it, I doubt people look at that title and think of ultimate warrior beating hogan in a title vs title match at WM6, if it was a eagle winged tipped it would hold past and future tradition. I wouldnt say bringing back the eagle 80's or the last one that JBL held but a blend of the 80's version, attitude and JBL's old one would have been great
i totally say bring back the eagle tipped belt, it has years of prestige behind it so to win it would be an honour. more so than a spinning piece of plastic.

plus if people see the eagle belt again they migght be reminded of previous great wwe matches which is a good thing.
I think it will. Which would be a good thing because the way the title looks now is "cool". But with it looking cooler now, it also takes away from the glory and prestige of the belt itself. It doesn't give you the feeling like it used as far as seeing a new champ crowned. It's missing that feeling of being something that something to be proud of. Remember the feeling that Shawn Michaels fans (like myself) felt when he first won the title from Bret Hart. I think the belt should go back to that style some day (with the eagle sitting on the crest).
I think that all the belts should go back to the orignal glory of the pre-nitro days, but only once vince realizes the brand separation is a ******ed idea and combines raw and smackdown again...also dump some of the excess belts like the smackdown tag belts and the US strap and the Raw belt.
As ric flair and bobby heenan said in the early 90's, there is only ONE world's champion!

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