Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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Why do so many people think the title is personalized to Cena?

Because it is. Same with the US title he had when he was champion. It was to fit his rapper gimmick. They only kept it around RVD and Edge because WWE wanted to make money by ripping little kid's off and it was going back to Cena anyways. Austins belt was for his gimmick as well. Having gimmick titles for your top star is BS. Keep one title and actually make it look prestigous like a world title sorta like the WHC not a garbage spinner belt for thugs that looks like a fucking toy. You Cena marks can talk all you want about how great that spinner belt is...but could you really see Hogan,Flair,Savage,Hart,Taker,HBK holding the spinner belt? No if I was one of them i'd be happy I held the title when it looked actually meaningful and not cheap looking. Get rid of it. Cena/his belt/clothes/gear is all for money,money,money and more money. Cena is WWE's money maker. Hell thanks to Johnny boy Vince is making it rain on them hoes. When he loses it go back to the Undisputed title or a new design so it would actually go with other wrestlers gimmick's.

I don't think the spinner belt will away if Orton wins at SS. I think that's the new WWE championship title that will be around for a while. A lot of people say HHH would change it back when he eventually wins it back (like we all know he will) but I don't think he will, not right away at least. I could picture him playing with the spinner functino of it for a while so long as he wins the title as a face, now he were a heel and won the title then he'd most likely change. But as far as it changing with Orton, that isn't going to happen

Orton may not change it but HHH damn sure will. There's no way in hell Trips will want to be wearing that even as a face I can't see it happening. He would look like an idiot with a King Conan gimmick and a thug title:blink:. Orton won't be champion long because Trips will want to have his throne back ASAP. So hopefully that means that peice of garbage spinner crap will be gone....well...until that dreaded day Cena claims gold yet again...:(
The belt is not the worst thing to happen to a Championship, but i believe that if orton wins the title, its not in his character to have a spinner belt. If it is ment to be a long title reign, he will have some sort of a la de da party, probably after Unforgivens rematch against cena. That match i think wold end with a Kick to the head of Cena, like the other kicks he has done. This would set up HHHcoming in after Ortons celebration, to challenge himat No Mercy. (orton is featured on the poster for that i believe.
If all this happens, the title disappears, probably after unforgiven, and thats what I believe
The Spinner Title just isn't prestigious enough. I can't imagine that belt making a first-time champ cry after a wrestlemania moment. I can't see Randy Orton or HHH holding that title as a spinner belt unless Cena is gonna win it back in maybe a month or two. Just my thoughts on it...
I never enjoyed the spinner elt and never got why he did that.It looks tacky and kind of ghetto.It does look very fake like a lot of people before me have said.I hope he gets rid of it if he wins.I was hoping Edge or RVD were going to do it when they won it but they didn't.
RVD heald the spinner belt. It went well with him. Maybe they should bring back the eagle belt...but an updated version, maybe a mix of the spinner with the eagle...without the spinning logo ofcourse....But the Cena Belt is a good belt...Although i've been waiting for a new belt tho. Plus Cena has had the spinner belt so much that well going back the last one, the one JBL heald last it's like going back. So a new one should be made.
the belt sucks ass, you need the original belt to make the wwe title mean something

You mean this one?


I don't think that's very appealing at all.

Neither are these two.


I do agree that the Spinner is way better than theold original title belts.Those things look so weird and boring.At least the Spinner belt catches your eye.These do nothing of that sort and make you actually wish they were wearing the Spinner Belt.
You mean this one?


I don't think that's very appealing at all.

Neither are these two.



While I fully see your point, in all fairness, we're in a completely new generation which is far beyond the era of those belts, so I dont think they should be used for comparison with the Spinner belt.
While I fully see your point, in all fairness, we're in a completely new generation which is far beyond the era of those belts, so I dont think they should be used for comparison with the Spinner belt.

Well, the point I was responding to said that to make the belts mean something, they should go back to "the original title". I was showing him/her what the original titles looked like.
In my opinion, I think they'd either keep the Spinner belt with Orton, or give him an entirely new belt.. think about it this way..

When Edge won it, they changed the W.W.E. logo to a Rated R logo.. & while Orton doesn't exactly have a "logo," they could keep the belt the same. It represents W.W.E. as a whole.. its just got a thug-ish style to it, because it originally was the Championship of a rapper. Its since grown into an actual Championship, regardless of how it looks. (its similar to the StoneCold Championship that Austin used to have)

I honestly would rather they return to form with the WWF Attitude Championship that looked similar to the W.C.W./World Heavyweight Championship. But I doubt W.W.E. will reverse its Championships.. & if they do, it'll be the belt that JBL held before it was converted into a spinner belt.
In my opinion, I think they'd either keep the Spinner belt with Orton, or give him an entirely new belt.. think about it this way..

When Edge won it, they changed the W.W.E. logo to a Rated R logo.. & while Orton doesn't exactly have a "logo," they could keep the belt the same. It represents W.W.E. as a whole.. its just got a thug-ish style to it, because it originally was the Championship of a rapper. Its since grown into an actual Championship, regardless of how it looks. (its similar to the StoneCold Championship that Austin used to have)

I honestly would rather they return to form with the WWF Attitude Championship that looked similar to the W.C.W./World Heavyweight Championship. But I doubt W.W.E. will reverse its Championships.. & if they do, it'll be the belt that JBL held before it was converted into a spinner belt.

I agree with the fact that if Orton wins the belt that they would go to a brand new belt style entirely, more in terms of classic contemporary as opposed to anything else considering Orton's character doesn't call for anything else.
But I doubt W.W.E. will reverse its Championships..

i wouldnt be surprised if they made a new belt,however it wouldnt be completely new it would kind of look like the one that JBL had but a little more modern because that one looks too plain and the wwe is trying to appeal to a younger crowd.
I believe that Orton will kill the legend Cena created with that belt by destroying it. I really don't see the Legend Killer getting anything but new title though, because it would contradict his character. I look for a new belt when Orton takes the title, or he keeps the spinner and Trips discards it for the old title JBL last had.
I admit, I hated Cena, until recently. He's funny, and a great talker. You have to respect what Cena has done, even though there is a lot of Cena haters. I remember being excited when Coachman brought out the old belt to hand over to Kurt Angle, before they were interuppted by McMahon(if my memory serves me corectly). I'd enjoy a new belt for Orton, but the spinner belt does look real nice. It's going to be hard to top, since this belt actually moved, and has so many "diamonds". Cena has some real long title runs, I'd like to see him fall off for a little, and give other people some title time.
He's funny, and a great talker.

i defend cena for many qualities but this is not one of them hes defenitely not funny he uses poop and fart jokes. didnt he call mr.kennedy mr. poopypants or something like that?

I really really hopes cena loses and orton gets a new belt. cena and his belt are the two things im most tired of in the WWE
I hope the spinning belt does go. Belts should not spin. It looks way too commercialised. Randy Orton should beat Cena. Even fans out there who like Cena (not including me) must be getting board of him by now.
The spinner belt symbolyises everything which is wrong with WWE today. Merchandise above wrestling product, Gimmicks above wrestling product, Image above wrestling product, and most importantly of all Cena. Cena and that stupid spinner belt symolise the 'new' WWE which appeals to kids, women, and the ignorant. WWE is more like Blue peter than it is Wrestling. It is so babish, childish and pathetic now that I am ashamed I ever watched it. I mean look at Khali its like the bad guy out of a kids Tv programe or something, he can't wrestle and its just stupid. Anyone who likes WWE now needs to grow up seriously.
I hope the spinning belt does go. Belts should not spin. It looks way too commercialised. Randy Orton should beat Cena. Even fans out there who like Cena (not including me) must be getting board of him by now.
Nope, not really. I enjoy him more than most of the current roster. Take, for instance, the Kennedy vs. Carlito match on Raw. What piece of garbage that was. I almost turned off Raw, right during the match because it was awful. Simply disgusting what Kennedy and Carlito tried to pass as a match. Cena and Snitsky was twice as good as that match, and it wasn't much of a match either.

Cena is one of the best performers in the WWE now, whether people want to admit it or not.

The spinner belt symbolyises everything which is wrong with WWE today. Merchandise above wrestling product, Gimmicks above wrestling product, Image above wrestling product, and most importantly of all Cena.
*Gasp* Surely you are not accusing the WWE of trying to make the most money possible! That would almost make the WWE a....a business! Oh Lord have mercy, the sky is falling and there's an ice cube resting comfortably in Hell!

Cena and that stupid spinner belt symolise the 'new' WWE which appeals to kids, women, and the ignorant.
I think you also forgot the older male wrestling fans who appreciate quality wrestling.

It is so babish, childish and pathetic now that I am ashamed I ever watched it.
Damn right! How can I be cool if they are doing that? Because, as we all know, wrestling is always about being cool. :rolleyes:

I mean look at Khali its like the bad guy out of a kids Tv programe or something, he can't wrestle and its just stupid.
You're absolutely right. Why a man who is billed as being 7'4", over 500 pounds, and with arms bigger then my chest isn't doing hurricaranas is way beyond me. I firmly believe that Khali would be much more believable with a shooting star press and a series of chain wrestling moves like they do in ROH. Sure, it may look fake and staged as hell, but damnit, he'd be a good wrestler then! :rolleyes:

Anyone who likes WWE now needs to grow up seriously.
I would argue the same about anyone who feels the need to constantly bitch about something non-stop despite the fact that they still watch it.
Nope, not really. I enjoy him more than most of the current roster. Take, for instance, the Kennedy vs. Carlito match on Raw. What piece of garbage that was. I almost turned off Raw, right during the match because it was awful. Simply disgusting what Kennedy and Carlito tried to pass as a match. Cena and Snitsky was twice as good as that match, and it wasn't much of a match either.

come on now sly now i agree that the kennedy carlito match wasnt amazing but it was fairly exciting and went back and forth well but to say that the snitsky cena was as good let alone better is just absurd. now you know that i think john cena is a solid performer but heres where i draw the line he did his part but snitsky didnt do anything. how can you compare that to a match with two solid performers going all out to a match with just one. cant blame cena though
The spinner belt symbolyises everything which is wrong with WWE today. Merchandise above wrestling product, Gimmicks above wrestling product, Image above wrestling product, and most importantly of all Cena. Cena and that stupid spinner belt symolise the 'new' WWE which appeals to kids, women, and the ignorant. WWE is more like Blue peter than it is Wrestling. It is so babish, childish and pathetic now that I am ashamed I ever watched it. I mean look at Khali its like the bad guy out of a kids Tv programe or something, he can't wrestle and its just stupid. Anyone who likes WWE now needs to grow up seriously.

If that isn't the most generic anit-spinner belt/Cena post then I don't know what is. :twocents: No offense. :icon_wink:

I really don't understand why people consider the WWE Spinner Title belt such a great "evil." Sure it doesn't fit in with the other WWE Title Belts of the past, but that's okay. Change is good- and in wrestling especially, change can be great.

So what if the Cena and the Spinner Belt appeal to women and kids? Do you have something against them? I'm a girl, and I seriously don't understand what the whole "prejudice" is against female/child wrestling fans. At least they can enjoy a wrestling show without picking it apart, or analyzing it in a thousand different ways. They make it simple. Good Guy vs Bad Guy. Superhero vs The Big Bad.

You might think that the WWE is "babyish, childish and pathetic," but I bet a lot of people would disagree (and no I don't mean people on this forum). That's an unfair generalization of the WWE.

Just because a person likes the WWE doesn't make that person childish or immature. That's an unfair generalization of the WWE fans. I find it more immature to complain about everything the WWE does. :lol2:

Eh, so I'm a little off topic, but to end the post I'd like to say if Orton does win the WWE Title at SS and the Spinner Belt changes, then I won't mind it. But if the Spinner Belt doesn't change, and it stays the same for ages and ages, then I wouldn't mind that either. :)
Flames Out
If that isn't the most generic anit-spinner belt/Cena post then I don't know what is. :twocents: No offense. :icon_wink:

Anti-Spinner/Cena 4 life.

I really don't understand why people consider the WWE Spinner Title belt such a great "evil." Sure it doesn't fit in with the other WWE Title Belts of the past, but that's okay. Change is good- and in wrestling especially, change can be great.

That's the problem. There isn't a change. It's the same exact bullshit monthly from the same exact guy. Now on topic to the belt. NO and I repeat NO wrestler should have his/her own gimmick belt. Just because your on top of the biz doesn't mean you should get your own created title. The spinner pretty much trashes all the great history the WWE has. Do you really think legends like Hulk,Savage,Flair etc.. Would say they were proud to hold something that shit. No. I don't care if it was fucking Steve Austin or Johnathan Coachman. There's no need in changing the belt just for one guy especially when it doesn't even fit the ones guys freaking gimmick anymore.

So what if the Cena and the Spinner Belt appeal to women and kids? Do you have something against them? I'm a girl, and I seriously don't understand what the whole "prejudice" is against female/child wrestling fans. At least they can enjoy a wrestling show without picking it apart, or analyzing it in a thousand different ways. They make it simple. Good Guy vs Bad Guy. Superhero vs The Big Bad.

Nope I have no problem with women. In fact I use to love Women's wrestling.

The predjudice comes from Cena drew the women into wrestling because of his good looks. Most of the women he drew I'm pretty damn sure know jackshit about wrestling before that started watching back in 04. WWE's fanbase shifted from being men dominate to going to women/kids in 3 years. It's noticeable and I have ears so don't tell me otherwise.

Evil guy vs Superhero are worth the mute button and change of channel IMO. To predictable plus repeated promos etc.. for me too watch.

And for watching a show without picking it apart is pretty damn hard to do with the shows WWE puts on now a days.

You might think that the WWE is "babyish, childish and pathetic," but I bet a lot of people would disagree (and no I don't mean people on this forum). That's an unfair generalization of the WWE.

Damn right I do. I'm sure all the Cena marks out there disagree. It's my opinion and I think the belt is garbage.

Just because a person likes the WWE doesn't make that person childish or immature. That's an unfair generalization of the WWE fans. I find it more immature to complain about everything the WWE does. :lol2:

No it's not. I don't find it immature at all. The product is god awful right now. Possibly in one of it's worst states ever when it comes to delivering quality shows and PPV's each week/month. People complain for a reason and the reason is what I just said.

Eh, so I'm a little off topic, but to end the post I'd like to say if Orton does win the WWE Title at SS and the Spinner Belt changes, then I won't mind it. But if the Spinner Belt doesn't change, and it stays the same for ages and ages, then I wouldn't mind that either. :)
Flames Out

It would be idiotic to just leave the belt the same. Especially if Orton/Trips grabs it and has a long reign. They would look like joke champions wearing something that doesn't even fit their gimmick. So by all means the belt should change. Sly can come and give me that mess about O well it draws money...Any decent looking belt will draw money. I'm sure the Undisputed,Winged Eagle,WHC etc.. all drew money. IMO WWE possibly could draw more,People who think the belt is shit(ME) would want to buy the newer one. Kid's would too because it would be the top belt in the company etc..

Get rid of it. Nobody will have a heart attack over a stupid toy.
Big Wes said:
Anti-Spinner/Cena 4 life.

Spinner/Cena 4 life... okay not really, but it sounded cool in my head.

Big Wes said:
That's the problem. There isn't a change. It's the same exact bullshit monthly from the same exact guy. Now on topic to the belt. NO and I repeat NO wrestler should have his/her own gimmick belt. Just because your on top of the biz doesn't mean you should get your own created title. The spinner pretty much trashes all the great history the WWE has. Do you really think legends like Hulk,Savage,Flair etc.. Would say they were proud to hold something that shit. No. I don't care if it was fucking Steve Austin or Johnathan Coachman. There's no need in changing the belt just for one guy especially when it doesn't even fit the ones guys freaking gimmick anymore.

Well technically the spinner belt and John Cena are a change from the old WWE title belt and from the some of the more traditonal "attidue" era wrestlers. It's bullshit if you want to see it as bullshit, but I like to have a more positive view on things. Sure you're right, a title belt doesn't have to change just because a guy is on top or the biggest star. But, what's the big deal if it does? I just think people take the Spinner Belt and bash it way too much. Who really cares what a title belt looks like? It's the significance of that title that makes it special, that makes it a worthy belt. I don't know if Hulk/Savage/Flair would like to hold the Spinner Belt, none of the fans do. Maybe they would. Even if they don't, it's understandable, because they come out of a totally different era of wrestling, then what John Cena came out of and is currently in. Let's try comparing Cena/Spinner Belt to some more modern wrestlers/belts.

Big Wes said:
Nope I have no problem with women. In fact I use to love Women's wrestling.

The predjudice comes from Cena drew the women into wrestling because of his good looks. Most of the women he drew I'm pretty damn sure know jackshit about wrestling before that started watching back in 04. WWE's fanbase shifted from being men dominate to going to women/kids in 3 years. It's noticeable and I have ears so don't tell me otherwise.

Good guy vs Superhero are worth the mute button and change of channel IMO. To predictable plus repeated promos etc.. for me too watch.

And for watching a show without picking it apart is pretty damn hard to do with the shows WWE puts on now a days.

Ahh Women's Wrestling... eh that'll be for a topic in the future. :p

So what if Cena drew female viewers in because of his good looks? Sure it's superficial, but hey a part of wrestling is superficial (Diva Search anyone). Truthfully I started watching wrestling because I thought John Cena was the hottness, do I still watch wrestling because of that- no. I learned, I read up. I'm not saying that every female fan is going to do that, but they shouldn't be looked down upon just because they think Cena is cute and thus watch wrestling. I'm sure there's loads of fans out there who only like divas because of their looks.

I think you meant Superhero vs Big Bad, but anyways personally I think that's one of the big foundations of wrestling. I might be wrong, but hey that's just my opinion. I love the simplicity of it, but I can understand why some might dislike it.

Picking apart a WWE show gets old and boring, I know, I used to do it all the time. People pay so much attention on voicing the flaws, that they can't see the good things.

Big Wes said:
No it's not. I don't find it immature at all. The product is god awful right now. Possibly in one of it's worst states ever when it comes to delivering quality shows and PPV's each week/month. People complain for a reason and the reason is what I just said.

You don't think it's immature to constantly complain about the same thing over and over again? Stating an opinion is one thing, whining about this match and that match is different. I've been enjoying the WWE PPVs and Shows so far, but it'll be different for everyone. People rarely ever complain for a reason, they complain because they can.

Big Wes said:
It would be idiotic to just leave the belt the same. Especially if Orton/Trips grabs it and has a long reign. They would look like joke champions wearing something that doesn't even fit their gimmick. So by all means the belt should change. Sly can come and give me that mess about O well it draws money...Any decent looking belt will draw money. I'm sure the Undisputed,Winged Eagle,WHC etc.. all drew money. IMO WWE possibly could draw more,People who think the belt is shit(ME) would want to buy the newer one. Kid's would too because it would be the top belt in the company etc..

I just don't get why people say the Spinner Belt is shit. Is it because it spins? Or because it's John Cena's belt? Give me a reason.

The WWE Spinner Title belt brings in money... wouldn't that make it decent?

Big Wes said:
Get rid of it. Nobody will have a heart attack over a stupid toy.

Seems like people (I guess in a way, including me) care a lot about the title belt. This thread is about the Spinner Belt and it's 15 pages long.

Flames Out
Spinner/Cena 4 life... okay not really, but it sounded cool in my head.

I thought so too. It matches my thought on Cena perfectly.

Sure you're right, a title belt doesn't have to change just because a guy is on top or the biggest star. But, what's the big deal if it does?

Is John Cena bigger than the company? No. Is John Cena the new god of the wrestling world? No. Is John Cena a legend? No.

So he shouldn't get his own belt. Theres really no need in changing your world title anyways. Keep the same image and build it up. I'm sure people look at that belt and laugh when they see it's the number 1 belt. I know I do.

I just think people take the Spinner Belt and bash it way too much. Who really cares what a title belt looks like?

Well The WWE Title is the Number 1 belt in the wrestling world. So i'd say it should look halfway decent and should have its own look and legacy. Not John Cena's.

Even if they don't, it's understandable, because they come out of a totally different era of wrestling, then what John Cena came out of and is currently in. Let's try comparing Cena/Spinner Belt to some more modern wrestlers/belts.

Would King Booker and the belt mix? No

Would A King Conan gimmick and spinner rapper title mix? No.

Would A yellow toothed powerhouse monster and The Spinner Belt mix?

Would The Heart Break Kid Shawn Micheals go with the spinner? No.

So what if Cena drew female viewers in because of his good looks? Sure it's superficial, but hey a part of wrestling is superficial (Diva Search anyone).

Diva search sucked and all 4 have failed miserably.

Truthfully I started watching wrestling because I thought John Cena was the hottness, do I still watch wrestling because of that- no. I learned, I read up. I'm not saying that every female fan is going to do that, but they shouldn't be looked down upon just because they think Cena is cute and thus watch wrestling. I'm sure there's loads of fans out there who only like divas because of their looks.

Not me. I like them for the wrestling sure they look good as hell but they can't wrestle for shit(ex Jillian,Mickie,Beth,Victoria). Women don't care if Cena can wrestle or do good promos etc..They support him because he has a 6 pack and looks like a roided up chimp. Most don't know the history and great legacy of WWE like you. I know because I have heard and saw and thats what the shame is.

I think you meant Superhero vs Big Bad, but anyways personally I think that's one of the big foundations of wrestling. I might be wrong, but hey that's just my opinion. I love the simplicity of it, but I can understand why some might dislike it.

Yeah my fault. I've said this before but I'll say it again. It's alot like the the tag matches I've seen since I was 5.

Heels beat up around on the dominate face. Dominate face pulls out a signature move trys to make the tag but fails. Get's beat around again for 5 minutes pulls out another Sig move makes the hot tag. 2nd guy cleans house tags the dominate. Finisher 1-2-3. It gets stale.

Superhero vs Evil guy. Evil guy squashes week after week. Is built up as unstoppable and undefeated. Takes out the champ challanges him to a match. Hero accepts says he will not back down to a challange blah blah blah.Gets taken out weekly on the TV show at the PPV Hero gets his ass owned. Till he makes the miracle comeback,finisher win.

Boring,Old. Time for something new. No need to recreate Hulkster. Try and create John Cena not Mini-Hulk.

Picking apart a WWE show gets old and boring, I know, I used to do it all the time. People pay so much attention on voicing the flaws, that they can't see the good things.

I see the good things. Trust me. Kennedy,MVP,Punk,Burke,RKO etc.. are what is great about the WWE right now. The future is so bright and has loads of potential but the rely on the same guy weekly and Monsters that cannot put on a match not worth pissing on.

WWE also lives too much off of the legends. The mid card guys get overlooked because HHH has to be a Haas and dominate. The legends need to take a step back and give the young guys a shot. Orton is getting his shot now but I can Guaran-damn-tee he doesn't walk out a winner. Why?

The following qoute is brought to you by Yours Truly,Big Wes

Superhero vs Evil guy. Evil guy squashes week after week. Is built up as unstoppable and undefeated. Takes out the champ challanges him to a match. Hero accepts says he will not back down to a challange blah blah blah.Gets taken out weekly on the TV show at the PPV Hero gets his ass owned. Till he makes the miracle comeback,finisher win.

You don't think it's immature to constantly complain about the same thing over and over again? Stating an opinion is one thing, whining about this match and that match is different. I've been enjoying the WWE PPVs and Shows so far, but it'll be different for everyone. People rarely ever complain for a reason, they complain because they can.

I haven't. They have bombed terribly this year with cards,buyrates etc.. HBK/Cena RAW is MOTY right now and it wasn't even on the grandest stage of them all in WM. Instead the delievred a borefest. One of the worst WM's in history when it comes to watching.

I just don't get why people say the Spinner Belt is shit. Is it because it spins? Or because it's John Cena's belt? Give me a reason.

As RVD would say..."It spins". It also doesn't fit everyone's gimmicks and looks laughable instead of prestigous.

The WWE Spinner Title belt brings in money... wouldn't that make it decent?

It also makes your #1 guy look like a joke. That's not a good image for the company. Any belt is going to bring in money. A new one is not gonna bomb merchandise sales on a title belt. Like I said it could possibly draw more.

Seems like people (I guess in a way, including me) care a lot about the title belt. This thread is about the Spinner Belt and it's 15 pages long.

People are just voiceing their opinions and according to the poll on this site. The opinion is negative.
come on now sly now i agree that the kennedy carlito match wasnt amazing but it was fairly exciting and went back and forth well
You must not have watched the match on Raw from this week. It was dull, and the match was sloppier than hell. The first 2/3 of the match neither guy seemed to know what the other was doing. They'd hit each other at the same time, and neither one of them knew to sell it. It was sloppy, there was absolutely no rhythm to the match, there was no continuity, and it was a general slopfest. They were botching forearm shots for christ's sake. How do you botch forearm shots? I don't know, but they did. It was a contender for worst match of the year.

but to say that the snitsky cena was as good let alone better is just absurd.
Why? Because of who was in it? Snitsky was Snitsky but he looked all right. The match had a solid flow and Snitsky didn't screw up. Was it a 5 star classic? Of course not. But, it was easily better than Kennedy/Carlito.

So many people (not saying you specifically) I believe tend to just look at who is in the match and rate it based on who is in the match, without really gauging the match on the performance. The Cena/Snitsky match was passable at best but the Kennedy vs. Carlito was horrible showing and had the crowd completely dead.
i have to agree with sly on this one (wow thats rare lol), the kennedy/carlito match was horrible, i download raw (cuz its not on tv here in brazil) and i just had to fastwfoward the match, and it was awful, i like both wrestlers and i know they can pull off great matches, but i have to admit their match on raw really sucked, they were completley lost, i guess they didnt have enough time to practice? lol... something like that

the cena and snitsky match also sucked, but sucked less than carlito/kennedy match, either way the show was weak =/

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