Spinner Belt

Spinner Belt. Good or Bad

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i cannot wait to see the real championship belt back on sunday.
it will bring back the respect and dignity the belt deserves.
i might start watching wrestling regularly now and buy ppvs now cenas
gone :headbanger:
I don't think the heretic spinner belt will make an appearance this Sunday. Chances are the "Undisputed" belt will be given to the new champion :headbanger:

Hopefully! :lol2:
I say get rid of it. Cena re-moddled the belt back in 2005 to fit his hip-hop gangster persona, what is he doing now? Tough man marine sorta guy. It's only because Cena's been champion for so long they haven't done anything about it but now that he's out for several months, they've got the chance to make a new title or re-instate the old one.
In my personal opinion i think the spinner belt should be gotten rid of, it's a mockery of the WWE belt and every wrestler whos held it's legacy. The smoking skull belt was tolerable but this is a bling bling piece of crap and should be gotten rid of, especially since i think it says John Cena on one of the plates(no not the name plate). They should battle for a new/old style belt and bring back some dignity to the old girl.
In my personal opinion i think the spinner belt should be gotten rid of, it's a mockery of the WWE belt and every wrestler whos held it's legacy. The smoking skull belt was tolerable but this is a bling bling piece of crap and should be gotten rid of, especially since i think it says John Cena on one of the plates(no not the name plate). They should battle for a new/old style belt and bring back some dignity to the old girl.

I agree completely. I always treasured a certain legacy with the greatest world championships that a company had to offer, and the first time I saw something MOVE on the WWE title, I was disgusted. While I understand that personalizing a championship is nothing new, I can't stand the fact that this particular incarnation has been around this long. Hopefully after No Mercy this abomination will be retired and not brought back when Cena does return.
I was thinking about the different styles of the WWE/WWF Championship and was thinking... what type of belt would you want to return?

Probably the Undisputed and most recent title pre-Cena would be the front runner although, the Winged title could be an option.
Atlhough the Winged title belt has not been used in over 10 years, it could very well return.

I remember that the night after In Your House Breakdown (9/27/1998) when Austin lost the title to Taker and Kane, McMahon was going to present the Winged belt to the new champion. In the end Austin ruined everything and the title remained vacant until Survivor Series when The Rock won it and he was given the "Attitude" strap.
I cant see the spinner belt staying but with a new center. I read the WWE want to cut costs by removing the nameplate. How much would it cost them to change a spinner piece every time the title changes hands!
Also Cena had WWE in the center and not anything special to him. The belt itself was all cena!
Bring back the undisputed belt!
yeah I don't like it when they had the edge one it looked crappy too and I bet they spend a shit load of money every time on titles I heard they wanted to stop making name plates to save money and with this belt if they change the whole spinner part like edge how much money is that seriously. I like the old undisputed title or even the older wwf attitude belt or just make a new regular belt even tho there are so many damn versions of the world title thru the years
I reckon they need to change the title...infact...change both, because I absolutely HATE the World Heavyweight Title!! its horrible! lol. and its not even a WWE title...its a WCW title. I'm suprised its lasted this long to be fair.

I didn't mind the spinner belt to be honest, but as everyone says, its a belt that only Cena can pull off, anyone else with it would just look odd.

I think they should get rid of the spinner alltogether, let alone replace it.
I completly agree, get rid of that spinner belt. Though I don't think it has disgraced the legacy of the WWE Title, it should not be used anymore now that Cena will be gone for a year. I always love the Winged Eagle belt. It had class, they should bring that one back. It looked a hellava lot better than the "Attitude" title. They could always modify it in some way. And if not bring back the one that JBL, Brock Lesnar, Eddie, and Kurt Angle wore. To be honest they really should just unify all the world titles and combine both rosters again. The World Heavyweight title is old and it needs to go. WCW died a long time ago and this title needs to go along with them. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it.
. Though I don't think it has disgraced the legacy of the WWE Title

What a ridiculous line
Cena is a wannabe rapper and is copying the hip hop culture.
the fact that WWE destroyed the most prestiges belt in wrestling is an utter disgrace.I would really love to know what the former great champions think of the belt,i know for a fact Stone Cold Steve Austin hates it.Hip Hop culture is dangerous glorifying guns and rape.Now we have immpresionable young kids that copy Cena.
I weep for the future
The spinning belt was cool.At first.Then you got tired of seeing the belt every week!But I think that every title most change.Bring back the winged-eagle with a shiny-er more modren look
I actually think the spinner belt is going to stay. WWE is advertising the Spinner Belt on their main page. I hope it gets replaced (any one of the old championship belts, in my opinion, would be better), but as long as its replaced, I'm fine with whatever they choose.
The wwe needs to come up with a brand new championship belt because the old one doesn't look right on monday nights
I really hope they get rid of the spinner belt. It looks too cheap to me, like some over zealous 10 year old designed it and added rhinestones and stuff. I don't really like the style of any of the belts right now except for the Intercontinental. For the WWE title, I'd like to see them go back to the winged design or even the design that was after that with the more rounded look. I hate the spinner, though.

On a side note, who else thinks they should start getting them to WEAR the belts rather than just holding it like a lantern? For the guys like Umaga and Yokozuna, I can understand holding it or draping it over your shoulder, but Cena just carrying it makes it look like its dead weight or something. Edge has the right idea: you win it, you wear it.
I like the US belt.But Your right Cena draped it over his shoulder and never wore it round the waist.I think wwe might need a new belt.I can never think of how wwe gets designs for its belts
You remember when Cena was Drafted to Raw and Batista was still the champ on Raw, Smackdown was left with no champion for there show. That forced Teddy Long to start a tournament to see who would be the the new Heavyweight Champion for the Smackdown brand. While the tournament was going he kept walking around with a a title in a clothe bag that we never actually got a chance to see since Batista would later be drafted to Smackdown. Do you think they already had another title designed for Smackdown, if they did, then maybe that is the title we shall see Sunday when the new Champ is crowned.
Thats a Brillant Idea!I would love that to happen!It would be a great angle!Or at no mercy a double knockout happens and then theres an over the top battle royale at cyber sunday for a title AND YOU vote for the new title!
I hope since its long term the belt goes back to the other one. and not some lame thing like when edge had it and they put the sticker where the spinner goes.
I pray that the spinner belt is gone now. I mean...I don't know if they have time to create a new belt in one week...so we may see the spinner belt this sunday...but hopefully soon they introduce a new belt. The classic eagle belt should come back though. That belt has so much history and prestige in it.
Hell No the old belt is gone.

rember the rated R reign where the only thing that changed was the spinner.

I feel the new belt is here to stay as its just a way of being in with the time and its become well respected and recieved since it was brought in.

Plus the old title belt isent gonna increase sales, but to make a randy orton spinner belt would mean they could sell loads like they did with the rated R belt fr Edge.
I think the best idea would be to just fix the spinner... make it into a normal belt yanno? Check out the No Mercy page on WWE.com for the WWE Championship match. The belt actually doesn't look to bad as it is there
IF Triple H wins it at NM, the spinner will definitely go. Can anyone imagine Triple H wearing that crap around him?

The belt suits Cena and no one else.

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