Sons of Anarchy

I had a feeling Clay wouldn't die (just yet) early on. There was a small clip shared during the teasers leading up to this season that shows Jax and Clay fighting with Clay in his cut, which essentially assured us that he wasn't going to die in Stockton. At least not yet.

Yeah, after this week's episode it is clear that Clay is vital to help Jax get out of the gun deal with the Irish. So we know he'll be around a little longer. What troubled me this week is that when Clay refused Toric's deal, he was apparently dealing with the black power gang in jail to kill the Arian leader. If you notice how the leader approached Clay, he said "it's up to you to decide". And at the end, he was given a shiv by a black guy and he was looking at his wrists as if the deal was for him to kill the leader of Nazi land and then commit suicide. This show always teases us though, so Clay will probably get out. If for no other reason, just to throw us for a curve.

Clay killed JT to become Clay. Jax killing Clay would make Jax become Clay. The symbolism behind such a thing would be ripe, even if it is poetic justice.

That's kinda what I was alluding to with the poetic justice karma analogy. Jax says he is nothing like JT or Clay, but will eventually mirror parts of both men. He is mirroring JT with his letters to his sons, foreshadowing his own death. And he will become what he hates in killing Clay. I love that this show pays attention to history and continuity. Because both are setting up nice story arcs.

No doubt.

As to tonight, Tiggy's ticket just got punched. Next weeks' previews show the club dousing a cut—his cut—in gas, and Chibbs dropping a lit match on it. There's a final shot of them lighting a pine box coffin to boot. I know his past had to catch up to him at some point, but he kiss of death and final 'I love you' he got after Jax found out he was lying about not killing the Persian's brother was pretty much the final nail in the (his) coffin. I knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any less painful to have happen.

It was funny, because I seen that coming with Tig and the moment he said "oh shit" I said it too at the same time. That's what I love about SOA, they do something predictable but it is still shocking when it happens. Like the death of Pope or Donna before Tig.

The title of 603 was 'Poenitentia', after all, which is latin for "regret (for act); change of mind/attitude; repentance/contrition".

I didn't know that! Thanks for the schooling. :icon_cool:

Rest in peace, Tig.

Indeed, he deserves it after what came last week. I'm just wondering if Tig's death creates another loose end for Toric and CCH Pounder's character to hang the Sons with?

Next week shows the return of Darby, and the debut of Robert Patrick (T-1000) as well!

I noticed that in the preview for next week! Who else will guest star? I guess if Stephen King can be in the show, anyone is possible.


On a related note, where are all the users who were all over this show last season? That means you INDYjon22, Noticeably F.A.T., Justin, Mailman, Raven, etc.

Been three episodes now. Let's get this party started!

Agreed! There aren't nearly enough members here to discuss this show. Of course I guess we Sons fans are lucky because there is virtually no mention of Breaking Bad here @ WZ and BB is the best show ever on television! Can't wait to see the series finale this upcoming Sunday, but I have the feeling that it will disappoint in ways series finales always do.
I had a feeling Clay wouldn't die (just yet) early on. There was a small clip shared during the teasers leading up to this season that shows Jax and Clay fighting with Clay in his cut, which essentially assured us that he wasn't going to die in Stockton. At least not yet.
If Clay dies before well into the last season, I'd be pretty fuckin' surprised at this point. The story's called for the death of Clay since season four, but plot contrivances have been pulled out of thin air to keep him alive because I assume Sutter enjoys Pearlman being part of his show.

That's what Sons is at this point. For me, it's been running in place for years. It is what it is and it's probably run for too long.

As for the teaser clip, if it's the one I'm thinking of, I always assumed it was for promotional purposes only and wasn't an actual clip from the show. Time will tell.

As to tonight, Tiggy's ticket just got punched. Next weeks' previews show the club dousing a cut—his cut—in gas, and Chibbs dropping a lit match on it. There's a final shot of them lighting a pine box coffin to boot. I know his past had to catch up to him at some point, but he kiss of death and final 'I love you' he got after Jax found out he was lying about not killing the Persian's brother was pretty much the final nail in the (his) coffin. I knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any less painful to have happen.
Meh. Once again, not believing it till I see a body. Until then, I expect this to be another bait-and-switch thing ala Juice hanging himself. Methinks Pope's people will have something in mind for Tig and fake his death for... reasons.

You can wax on about Hamlet all you want. That's the show I've been watching for five seasons. Fun but nothing more. Sometimes over-long. And even though Sutter seems like he's put a lot of thought into his show, it doesn't always translate on screen.

Finally, I don't watch the previews. I'd be really pissed at you right now if I didn't think they were cut in an intentionally deceitful way.
Well shit, the episode sure threw a curve ball into where I thought things were going this season.

I thought Toric was going to be the main antagonist through out the whole season & wouldn't meet his end until the season finale, or close to the season finale. I most certainly did see him getting gutted in the 4 episodes into the season. Otto has endured a seemingly endless onslaught of pain & suffering since the beginning of the series so seeing him get gunned down I felt a strange sense of relief for him in hopes that maybe he could finally find peace in death.

You gotta beleive it won't take long for them to figure out Clay is the one who gave Otto the shiv used to kill Toric, & I wonder how that's going to not only come back on everybody. It looks like the Sheriff suspects Toric of framing Nero for the murder of the girl, I wonder how Torics death is going to affect that, as well as the club.

Looks like the shit with the Irish just went from bad to fucked beyond belief with them killing & chopping up Filthy Phil & the other one who's name escapes me at the moment. This is obviously going to get much messier as it looks like the club is gearing up for a war with the Irish.

Awesome episode, I'm loving these 90 min. episodes they've been giving us.
I was pretty underwhelmed by the death of Toric. As much as the character annoyed me he was setting up to be the whole season's antagonist. I'm getting a little tired of Sutter's shocks for the sake of a shock. The DA has nowhere near the impact if she's to be the main thread facing SoA. Then again they have so many threats lined up against them I'm becoming less and less sure there is any running narrative or concrete plan. It's just stuff happening now.
Apparently Logue's character, who is also booked for season two of History's Vikings ran into trouble with how quickly they would need him to begin preliminary filming in Ireland. Sutter said as much to EW a few days ago in an interview. Both he and Logue assumed that the Toric character would arc to the end of the season, but when it became evident that his contract with Vikings was going to force him to leave the show early, they had to scramble and come up with a way to "turn a negative into a positive". The way I see it, they did just that.

It wasn't shock for the sake of shock. Nothing with Sutter is. Anyone who's followed his career closely enough should know that. The only time he offs characters like this, at the drop of a dime, is when he loses them as actors. The same thing happened to the actor who played David Hale [Tyler Sheridan]. They couldn't come to terms with him and he was also scheduled to begin shooting another show, so they turned a negative into a positive and managed to kill him off in a way that was both shocking, but relevant to the story.

But as Justin noted, the real key here is the Irish. That's the big kicker, and what IMO will end up being the ultimate downfall of the club — or at least it could be. Taking on the real IRA head on? Good luck. Even with Clay around, presumably, to potentially smooth things over, with Phil and V-Lin (the prospect who was shot in the head) being hacked up and left for the club to find like that, I have little doubt that Jax will want blood for it, and he's going to get it, too. Gaalan is a dead man come hell or high water.
Well.... that episode end with a bang. This season just seems to get more & more intense.

I had a feeling something very bad was gonna happen when they should the scene near the end of Tara looking back at Abel in the bed as she was leaving the room with the crying Thomas, I did not expect the club to get blown the fuck up though (though in hindsight maybe I should have seen it coming when with the scene of Chucky tapping the keg). I think it's safe to assume Jax's hope of avoiding a war with the Irish is out of the question now.

Great fucking episode, I really want it to be next Tuesday night so I can see the next episode dammit!
Yeah, whatever hopes any of you had that there'd have been a peaceful resolution to this are out the window. Right now, believe it or not, the wild card is Clay. If Clay's loyalties to the Club are stronger than his historical loyalty to himself, he could actually be the key to taking the Irish out. Remember, they reached out to him and want him to be running point. The attempt at taking out the entirety of SAMCRO with the clubhouse bomb would have left him free and clear, so even with them having survived (for now), there's still a path where what Jax wants him to do is move forward as though it went through. Clay becomes a mole.

Just spit balling.

Also, not sure why we're using spoiler tags. It's not spoiler information if the show just aired, and you'd be an idiot to read this thread knowing you haven't watched the latest episode.
Two other things

1- After tonight it might be wise for Jax to include Chibs (& the rest of the club for that matter) in the decision making.

2-Between the kidnapping, car accident thanks to drunk Gemma, & what nearly happen tonight, Abel has got to be the unluckiest kid on Earth. Tara really really needs to get those boys the fuck out of Charming.
Yeah I think you guys are definitely onto something with Clay be the key to settling things with the Irish once and for all. Clay is a dick, plain out right douchebag, that normally only thinks of one thing, how to cover his own ass and stay 3 steps ahead of everyone else. That being said I truly believe that Clay still loves Gemma, always has and always will. I think he still loves the club and most of his brothers in the club, maybe not Jax but I am sure Clay still cares about what happens to Chibs and Tig. So I could see with the direct attack on his family by the Irish as something Clay would definitely want to get revenge for.
I have been thoroughly impressed with the continuity and the progression of SOA from beginning to current. Everything that is done sets up story and there is no wasted time or motion that doesn't make sense to furthering another story arc for later on. The whole gun angle with Jax, the club, and the Irish is turning out to be yet another noose tightening around the club as a whole, which JT predicted in his letters to Jax. I am not surprised at all that the Irish are going to set up an exit strategy for Clay to help further their end and I have always thought Clay would not stay in jail long. Eventually there will be a show down of sorts between Clay & Jax, just because it has been set up as an inevitability. I am very interested also to see what happens between the sheriff and Romeo since he was about to be arrested at the end of the episode and considering the sheriff knows he was being framed by Toric. Between that, Tara's intentions to get her sons out, and CCH Pounder's DA character the club is doomed already and we aren't finished with this season yet. Next season will be the final season, so I can only imagine what awaits us to tie this show up in it's finale. Also, I am very surprised that we keep getting an hour and a half each week as opposed to the usual hour long show, which makes me think this season may be shorter to lead into the final one. Still, this show does not disappoint and I can't wait to see what the show is once we are getting into the final season. Looks like the end is already beginning.
I really never thought I would see the clubhouse blow up like that! It was really a surreal moment. I've been following since the beginning and still didn't see that one coming. Watching Samcro end up battling the True IRA, who have been their main ally since the show began, is really surprising, and great writing by Kurt Sutter. I thought I was done after Opie died, but Kurt always finds a way to pull me back in. I can't wait to see how everything goes this season. Also, the complete absence of Bobby in that past episode was kind of strange. I'm interested in his story this season, with him trying to set up a Nomad charter. I'm ready for the next episode, ready to see what's next.
I was really digging the last episode. It felt real old school with a big road trip and cops chasing them. It's been awhile since the show has one in that direction. It felt fun again. The show has been very dark since Season 4, with not a lot of fun going on. This episode took it back to it's roots with the fun.

It was nice to see that Bobby was recruiting for Samcro instead of trying to open a Nomad charter. Samcro has really fallen apart the past few seasons, and it'll be nice to see new members. I'm excited to see how Steve Howey does on the show. I really like him on Shameless so it'll be nice to see how he fits in on Sons of Anarchy. He has the size and the look to be effective on the show, so I'm looking forward to that.

I'm wondering how the Irish deal is going to go south. You know it's going to happen, it's just a matter of how. Are they just going to turn on the club and back out of the deal? Will Clay lead the war against his former club? So many questions, and I'm ready to watch and find the answers.
Yeah, so remember all that awesome calm collection that happened last episode? Short honey moon, it seems...

Charlie Hunnam Teases Sons of Anarchy Bloodshed: "We're Going to Lose a Couple of Cast Members"

"More violence and a lot more blood and some earth-shattering events."

"We're coming up to the end of the show. Kurt always had a clear idea of the story he wanted to tell. He had paced himself and allowed himself seven seasons to tell that story," Hunnam told us. "We're in the sixth season now and in the third act of this epic story he's been telling; traditionally in the third act of a story, particularly a violent story, is when people start to die and when things really start to happen."

And yes, fans can expect to see at least a few major deaths go down by season's end, with Hunnam teasing, "I think unfortunately we're going to lose a couple of cast members this year, but obviously we can't say who!" Coates playfully added, "Lips are sealed, lips are sealed!"


Any guesses on who gets the ax?
After a slow start to the season, I think things have finally picked up. Glad to have Venus back. I was really happy to see Ratboy get patched in (although, unfortunately for him, newly-patched members don't last very long). Honestly, I don't care about Tara and her custody/divorce issues. I think it's going to end up with Jax putting a bullet in her head like he did to Venus' mom.

Nice to see Bobby back. I guess it should've been pretty obvious that he was out there recruiting guys for SAMCRO, but I was shocked when he made that announcement last week.

Think Robocop tells Claudette (or whatever the DA's name is) about Jax putting a hole through Venus' mom's skull? Then again.. Jax saw Robocop kill a guy or two on that boat early in the season.

The season is moving by pretty quickly. How many episodes are left? Six? Crazy.

Who's going to get the axe by the end of the season? I'll go with... Rat Boy, Nero, Galen, Robocop, and Juice.
This past episode was pretty interesting. I think they put a little much attention on the Venus character. While I love Walton Goggins, I think the character is much better in small doses. It was a little much watching a whole episode dedicated to that character. The storyline also seemed a bit far fetched. I enjoyed Jax putting a bullet in that bitch's head though.

So in my last post I talked about how I was looking forward to Steve Howey joining Samcro. Unfortunately, I guess his character was the one that backed out after the explosion. I'm disappointed because I think he could have made a great addition to the show. But with loss comes gain, with Rat Boy patching in. It was nice to finally see a character actually patch in, instead of it being off screen like usual. Samcro is starting to build a little bit of strength now, so we get to see how it all goes wrong.
Well, this past episode wasn't too bad, but it was a little lackluster compared to the rest of the season. Too much focus on the Tara/Gemma/Wendy storyline. I'm not much for the female drama on the show. I think the whole fake pregnancy thing is just tacky, and doesn't really fit Tara's character. Her characters seems to have gone kind of off the tracks, and I don't know how I feel about it. Tara has felt kind of wooden to me this season. She just seems awkward and out of place on the show a lot of the time. The conversation with Bobby especially felt really forced and awkward to me. I don't know if it's just me or not, but it was just a really strange conversation.

I've found myself to be quite the fan of Wendy. While I found her actions reprehensible in season one during her pregnancy, I felt that she made up for it with her genuine concern for her son as well as Tara's. Her heart has always seemed like it's in the right place, even if her head was someplace else. I'm kind of bummed that she's back on the needle, because that's going to affect her potential guardianship if Tara goes in. Personally I think those kids should be nowhere near Samcro, or they'll end up dead. We've seen them, especially Abel, put in danger throughout the entire series, and I think that things are going to go south in a hurry if they continue to be near the club.
Yeah, last weeks' one was all pure emotion. Little action, which probably irked some fans, but I'm OK with it, as not every episode needs to be adrenaline pumping IMO.

I have a strong feeling Wendy is going to die, and probably soon. Her character just drove off a cliff, essentially, and whatever arc they were building with her trying to regain her life is gone now that she's on drugs again. No chance in hell she becomes part of this custody battle again, because you can tell the pressure of her conscience is crushing her too, just like Tara.

Was awesome seeing Nero give himself up like that. I knew he'd never give up the club, but I was legitimately concerned with how he'd get his way out of that.

It's amazing the parallels between Jax/Tara and Clay/Gemma too. That last scene was like something out of the old Morrow/Teller bedroom — the only time and place Clay would ever show emotion and let his guard down.
Pretty solid episode right there. I say it often (and am often wrong), but shit is going to hit the fan for sure.

I think the homeless woman is the bi-polar girl's mother. I think the homeless woman is going to tell Jax about John Teller's accident (maybe she was some sort of witness?).

Scene with Clay in the jail chapel was just out of nowhere. "Can I get an amen for pussy?" HAH!

Obviously, Jax's deal with Claudette (Patterson) isn't going to work out as planned.

I don't think the Jax/Tara showdown will happen next episode. I think I'm more intrigued by the inevitable Jax/Gemma showdown. That could get real interesting. I imagine that will be the means to the end of Nero.

Edit: Something makes me think that Oswald is somehow involved in John Teller's death.
I don't even know how to react to this, still. I mean... he's dead. He's really dead. I've wanted it to happen for years. Four? Five? Six? I have no idea. He's been escaping his fate for so long, I've nearly accepted that he was just never going to go, but how fucking perfect was that scene? That one last glance at Gemma. That one last, sad moment of truth. The look on Jax' face. The looks on the faces of the club knowing what was about to go down.

I love how effective Kurt Sutter is in accomplishing these incredibly emotional surprise moments, even when you know its going to happen.

So long, Clay, you fuckin' scumbag, and piss on you too, Gaelan!
Gaelen's execution was fucking top shelf. I love being genuinely surprised and I did not see that coming.

Clay's death was satisfying. Glad he got shot in the throat, he deserved to suffer.
Honestly didn't expect it to happen this season, I figured they save that huge moment for the final season. Thought for sure we were going to lose Bobby last night as well.
Gaelen's execution was fucking top shelf. I love being genuinely surprised and I did not see that coming.

Clay's death was satisfying. Glad he got shot in the throat, he deserved to suffer.

There's been a handful of these types of moments in the show, and every one of them has been just incredibly well done. If there's one thing Sutter understands more than any other aspect of show running this series, it's how to pull on heart strings at the drop of a dime.

Also, here's something fun to let chew away at you until December 3rd... Tara spelled backwards is A Rat. DUN DUN DUN!!!!
I'm mixed on my emotions after the death of Clay. He was a scumbag and did a lot of shit to deserve to be killed, but they did a good job of making him a sympathetic character this season. He was absolutely hilarious in prison with his rant about worshiping pussy. That was just fun to watch. And to be honest, the fact that Ron Perlman was in the show was the reason that I started watching it in the first place. He's a top grade actor and I enjoy pretty much everything he's ever been in. I'm sad to see him go, though Clay Morrow did deserve a few bullets after what he did to the Teller and Winston families.

All in all, it was definitely the best episode of the season. Everything is starting to come to a head, and for the first time in this season I feel the need to see the next episode with a sense of urgency. I've felt that this season is kind of lacking, but it's most than made up for it with this past episode alone. Leading into the final season, I feel like this one is finally picking up the pace and putting the pieces in place for the final season.

As much as I'm kind of tired of the whole Tara storyline, now that it's put so much more on the line for the club, it'll be interesting to see which way Tara goes. She obviously still loves Jax, and feels bad for what she might have to do to stay out of prison. But at the same time, she wants to avoid prison and keep the boys safe, which is understandable. She's just been going about it the wrong way the whole time. She's obviously been shaken by her short stint in prison, and while she thinks she's thinking clearly, she really isn't. She's becoming everything she hates, and she doesn't really know what to do about it. Hopefully she comes to her senses and talks to Jax before she makes a choice that she'll regret for the rest of her (probably short if she makes it) life.
The only aspect of the Tara storyline I've grown sick of is that stupid mother-in-law versus wife stuff that went on — nay, drug on — for years. It's just gone one too long, with one too many backhanded "sweetheart" comments for my tastes.

Tara versus her love for Jax versus her fear for her children's safety versus her increasingly unstable self preservation is going to make for great television.
The only aspect of the Tara storyline I've grown sick of is that stupid mother-in-law versus wife stuff that went on — nay, drug on — for years. It's just gone one too long, with one too many backhanded "sweetheart" comments for my tastes.

Tara versus her love for Jax versus her fear for her children's safety versus her increasingly unstable self preservation is going to make for great television.

I agree, the Tara/jax and their children storyline has been really good and interesting.

I'm just tired of Gemma. Her love hate relationship with Tara has been going on since season 1... Enough already!

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