Cara fucked it up by half assing his selling of the fall, then, like a spot monkey, completely redoing the finish. It made the match look incredibly phoney. WHo gives a shit if Primo fell, Cara should go with it instead of halfway selling it after obviously hopping off.
You guys don't get "he fucked up" vs "he didn't help it and make it work". In wrestling you fuck up, but you can't be a robot trained to do exactly what was planned. What if Owen Hart did the planned finish vs Austin?
And you don't get that having to come up with all of this on the fly, while still making sure you come in under your match time is incredibly difficult to do. Let's examine your next post in a second.
Sorry Slyfox, I agree he should have sold that fall a little bit more if for no other reason than being dropped off the top rope every other time in any other match is devastating and the person that falls to the floor always stays down longer than that. He hit the ground "hard" and just popped up like he just meant to do it. I wasn't a fan of that...
I understand what people mean when they say this, but you're reading way too much into it, especially for a TV match people won't remember in 6 months. Not to mention, there's a valid kayfabe reasoning to justify his getting back up as quickly as he did, which I've already explained. And finally, it's not like he just popped up like he was supposed to do, if I remember correctly, he actually started to sell the fall, but then remembered he was running out of time, which was when he got back up.
Here's how he should have taken it. He should have hopped off on his feet, showing his agility, not selling the fall because guys DO hop off onto the floor without getting hurt as long as it's under their control. Then whipped the shit out of Primo, then hit his finish.
And YOU could have thought of all that in the split second it took for him to lose his balance and fall to floor, while at the same time working to maintain his balance, so he doesn't fall at all?
No? Didn't think so. Being a pro wrestler doesn't imbue you wish superior mental processing of information. You're being completely unreasonable with your scenario here.
OR, sold the fall, climbed up, had Primo fight back a little until Cara got the advantage, then hit the finish.
And then they would have run way over on their time in that segment.
You see, things aren't just cut and dry, black and white as you want them to be. All in all, I think the two guys did the best they could under the circumstances. Had the fall happened two minutes earlier, they would certainly have covered up better, but the fact of the matter is, they had to get the finish in so the WWE could keep their booking schedule. Anyone who watched Wrestlemania knows how just a couple of minutes can throw an entire show off. They had to finish, and the finish was as believable as anything they could have done in such a short time frame.