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Did Primo impress anbody else?

However Good Primo looked, in which he did perform well for his first match on Raw in a while...None the less, once someone on the roster has no nameplate graphic or announcement..expect his name to appear on Wrestlezone as 'Breaking News - RAW Star Released'...I'm Just Sayin...
Primo impressed me but not for his move set, more because of the way he took bumps and spots from Sin Cara. IT shouldnt be lost on anyone that taking such moves is a talent in itself. Is Cena, Orton, Kane, Barret, Shemus, ect. going to be doing flips off the top rope and across the ring 2/3 times a match.

WWE will have trouble booking Sin Cara because of this and Primo stepped up huge last night. Sure he can get into a feud with Morrison or Bryant who can keep up, but how long til we get Mask vs. Mask - Mysterio vs. Sin Cara. Last night they didnt even mention Mysteria and the similarities - which was smart because they should keep them away as long as possible to maximize the match value when it happens. But then again, can Rey even fly at Sin Cara's level anymore? Primo stepped up huge and I believe will continue to put on these kind of high quality matches.
Of course Primo did well. The boy can wrestle. Not to mention he and Cara have tangled before in house shows and dark matches. Anyways, I like a fast paced, high flying match just as well as the next guy, but Cara, or WWE, went to the lucha well much to often. Also, they need to have at least an open mouth on Sin's mask. I know that the WWE is trying to portray a superheroe feel, but what they should realize is that in comics other characters, like villians and the public, may not know the identity of the heroe, but we the audience do. Therefore we have a personal connection to the character. We're authentically concerned about that person. In this case, however, while Sin's a good acrobat, I'm not convince that he's the total package. Yes, I was impressed with Primo.
i must answer a new question sin cara and primo had a great match, both made each other look good, wasnt one guy dominating the whole time, they both had ups and downs in this match (so to speak). im glad that wwe did this, i hope to see more matches from both sin cara and primo in the future!!!!
The fact that Primo was able to keep his game up against Sin Cara shows why this guy needs to be put on main shows more often. Hes capable of putting on some entertaining matches. Although there were some very noticeable mistakes last night on RAW, if he continues to improve Primo could be competing for a title very soon. As far as Sin Cara goes, no I dont think he was weak. he put on a great shows and by watching a couple of his matches you will notice that he mostly does repeated flips which look plain when compared to the diverse moveset that Primo showed us on RAW.
Well, on the main page there's an article stating that WWE officials were down on both Sin Cara and Primo following their match. I can see why they'd be down on Cara since he botched his entrance again and the finish but I don't understand what Primo did wrong...Cara better get his act together though or this whole thing could end up being a major dud.
I thought Sin Cara and Primo stole the show last night! Def think it was Primos stand out preformance since he and carlito broke up! Even with a botched finished (and entrance on Sin caras part) the match was better than half the matches at Wrestlemania! Sucks that Primos priobablly gonna get his walking papers in a week or 2, but he did have a great match!
Put him in their with Evan Bourne and they'll be on his nuts again.

Honestly, I thought the match went good, and got some pops within the match. The crowd isnt used to seeing that kind of match anymore, so they appreciated it.

Backstage being down on him due to entrance ''Botches'' is not surprising since they get pissed at anyone whos not a huge name for dumb things like that.

Mistico can put on AMAZING matches if they pair him with the right people, and give him time. They REALLY need a light/cruiser division. That way they can see what they purchased, they got a legend on their hands.
By no means did Sin Cara look weak last night on RAW. Nor do i think Primo looked weak either. I never saw alot of Primo's matches. Maybe 3 or 4. But he looked food when i saw him teaming with Carlito. I think he stepped up his game a little as we havent seen him alot recently except for on Superstars.
My theory is that some guys work better with others due to their style of wrestling. With Primo's lucha libre background, he must be accustomed to wrestling high flying superstars like Sin Cara.
Besides Primo's slip he did very well. I knew WWE were going to matchup Cara with people who can do the cruiser weight style and luckily most of the roster is "smaller guys" now.
He can go with the majority of the roster and they really have to monitor his risks to make sure they get the whole $$$ worth outta him.

Primo's stock didn't rise really, but he showed that if they launched a new cruiser division he would be a great fit.
Sin Cara didn't look weak, I don't blame him for the lack of skill that primo has, no worries he will be cut soon enough. He botched the finale of the match and I think Sin Cara played it off just fine. Primo has no excuse that is why he is on superstars, Sin Cara is used to Lucha Libre, and if you don't know the styles are didn't to start even lock ups are done with the left hand leading instead of the right.
I hope that Primo isn't among the upcoming roster cuts, but I'm guessing that he will be. I don't envision anything grand for his career, but the guy can work. The WWE needs jobbers. It's a lost art form. Primo can bump his ass off and make people look good, so I hope he sticks around.
I Got An Idea!!!! In no way is it going to happen but hey, its an idea

Triple Threat Ladder Match for the "vacant" Cruiserweight Title At Extreme Rules...

Evan Bourne Vs. Rey Mysterio Vs. Sin Cara

It would be one for the ages and as for the actual topic...Primo kinda impressed me but that slip at the end was unforgiving. I say if it wasn't for that "botch" the match would have been a great TV debut match for Sin Cara.
Every week Primo receives a cheque from WWE and not an unemployment cheque im more then impressed, im shocked....how can you ask if he impressed "anbody" else? half the match was botched from his stupidity, he should be thanking his lucky stars the talent (or lack of) roster is what it is in wwe, or else he would be checking my oil and pumping my gas...nah, hed probably botch that up too....
We more than likely saw the end of Primo last night and I wouldn't be surprised to see him among the cuts coming up. Sin Cara is supposed to be the next rey mysterio and in his first match primo botches his finisher. That is going to come back and bite primo in the ass without a doubt. As for the entrance, I think it's a matter of placement and they can't put that on cara to pull of some ridiculous entrance. Also, AGAIN, on raw you can catch a glimpse of the trampoline before it's used, if anyone is messing up it's the props and camera men. The whole thing needs to go because at this point it is more of a liability. Cara was cool in the ring but I don't see how he's going to have matches with Orton or Cena or anyone like that anytime with that move set compared to how they work.
Primo looked about as good as that Cara guy did: I.E. Like CRAP.

If I want to watch rhythmic gymnastics and a bunch of flips and shit, I'll watch women. I've always found Lucha to be garbage and last nite didn't change that.

Hopefully, both Cara and Primo will get choke-slammed thru a table or something. now THAT would be worth watching.
Honestly I think Primo is the only guy besides Mysteryo & Chavo and maybe Del Rio that can match Sin Cara's style. I don't see Cara being able to perform like that with anyone else. I don't think either of them will be around this time next year, but in the WWE anything can happen. If the match went off botch free then I would have been impressed, but I felt I was watching a filler match. But you already knew that!
Really dont understand every saying primo is garbage? I thought for the 1st time he actually showed a little character in the ring. I think Sin Cara will be fine, maybe get rid of the trampoline entrance and there is nothing to complain about. I actually thought the match was pretty good, again cant see why people are complaining?(they must be randy orton lovers lol) Can anybody tell they actually did some cool moves and worked in the ring? Instead 2 moves and showing their face like orton! Or the same 3 moves that cena does every night. WWE is really messing up by not having the light-heavyweight title! soo many guys that can put on stellar matches. And can anybody tell me why WWE only has yoshi tatsu? Does anybody watch japanese matches? Puro-wrestling is where its at! WWE just seems to keep putting out weak matches. The one thing that WWE does very well is build feuds and storylines. Their promos are top of the line but if you notice they show the 10 best seconds of a crappy 10 minute match. Where as 80% of the puro-matches are killer! I think bringing in Sin Cara was a great move, and wish they would bring in the RIGHT japanese stars! But instead they will have cm-punk and orton rip off all of Kenta's moves. Any "new" move a WWE star does has been done for years by a puro-wrestler. Im a fan of wrestling including WWE and TNA but as for being the best company's for wrestling I dont agree. WWE and TNA need lucha and puro styles mixed with the great story telling that WWE can do. lets face it WwE is a film company, vince said it himself. He is getting away from the wrestling and getting more into the film and entertainment part of wrestling. Will someone please come up with a company that can do both? Doesn't seem so hard
I've always been pretty impressed with Primo. I thought he was a tighter worker than Carlito, who I liked as well. But, I think this just solidified my stance on the guy. I wish the outcome wasn't so obvious, but I can understand why this took place.

Cara looked crisp and seemed to really understand the style in WWE. Carlito seemed eager to put his man over but he also got in his moments to prove he is a credible talent.

It was a good match and as someone else mentioned, it makes me long for some sort of Cruiserweight division.
This was a really decent match. I actually wish WWE Raw & Smackdown had more matches like the one between Primo & Cara. Granted, the final move was kind of botched, but other than that, it was extremely entertaining and a reminder of the older days of WWE (and WCW) programming, where actual matches were more important than any of the "Entertainment" stuff.
i honestly think sin cara will be one of those type people that will either have a great match or a lousy one depending on who they put him in there with. Primo botched the finish and i think the whole wwe universe saw this. I think sin will be a great addition to WWE but honestly i think its time for primo to part ways.
... We're doing this guys? Really?

Look, I'm not entirely here to shart on a smarky favorite. I understand his lineage, and frankly, that's about the only thing Primo has going for him in the business. Sure, Primo looked credible with his offense, against Sin Cara, a lightweight wrestler who's just debuting.

You guys want to know what the problem was? That match wasn't for Primo. That was to show what Sin Cara had to the WWE, and it looks like he doesn't have much. I'm going to say that I blame both Mistico's nervousness, and Primo's selfishness. Reports state that Mistico was nervous about his debut. You know what a professional does, in that case? He becomes the general, and accepts his role in the match. This was Sin Cara's match, and it looks as though he deferred all of his offense to Primo. Simply put, Primo knows what is invested into this move by the WWE. Were he really the professional, he would have insisted Sin Cara take more offense, and build him up. Instead, it just kind of looks like Primo went into business for himself.

So, no, I'm not impressed by Primo. This should actually move him closer to the unemployment line
Ok. I'm just going to say it. Primo was great on Raw! He had a good moveset, dominated Sin Cara at times and made him look weak during the match. I like his attire and looking at his match with Cara I hope WWE realise that he is a good talent and they push him hopefully to a midcard level. on't get me wrong, I'm binkers for Sin Cara but Primo really REALLY impressed the hell out of me!
Which is exactly what Primo shouldn't have done. It was Sin Cara's 1st match. No one should have be thinking about, let alone become impressed by, the glorified jobber with whom Cara happened to be sharing a ring with upon his big in-ring debut. What do we have here in Primo but a guy some people have admitted to not recalling was even still part of the active roster, "[dominating] Sin Cara" and "[making] him look weak". So I'm supposed to give a fuck about a guy who struggles to put down Primo Colon? Add in the botches and it's perfectly understandable why people behind the scenes weren't pleased. Granted, most casual viewers just saw the flips and shat brix *shrug* …
I don't think he "dominated" sin cara, the match was about 7 min. Cara is a babyface, babyfaces start hot, get taken down, 2 hope spots, comeback, finishing run. they're getting beat on. It doesn't make him look weak, he got a lot of good offense in and won.

Cara won't ever be hugely over because he lacks the instinct that you need with an American mainstream audience. Mainstream doesn't give a shit how many flips you can do, you MUST be able to tell a story. Blowing the finish and making it look as fake as he did killed a lot of momentum the match had. The way he does things look super fake.

For being the biggest draw of the last 10 years in Mexico, and probably second only to Cena overall, he sure doesn't look or act like it.

BTW, nobody shat brix, it wasn't that impressive and most mainstream fans don't give a shit about FLIPZ
I'm still upset they didn't run with the Zach Ryder and Primo tag team.... they both won a few matches on Superstars and worked well together & had that classic arrogant tag team personality which ALWAYS works.

But yeah, Primo looked good.... will it result in Primo being used more though? I highly doubt it.

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