Hunico as Sin Cara

I for one think its a shame that Hunico was put in this position of having to imitate Sin Cara if in fact he is staying on as Sin Cara. The Sin Cara gestures were all robotic from Hunico and the moves well they speak for themselves. He botched the first move out the gate when he stopped himself on the ropes. The signature move off the top rope onto Kidd on the floor was off since he couldnt turn his body around fast enough.

If this is a feud then the WWE has to take this seriously and culminate it with a Mask vs Mask match with each guy having a second, my choices would be Averno with Hunico and Rey with Mistico. The post match would have the typical lucha fan fare of the losing guy not wanting to remove his mask and finally taking it off the reveal Hunico who's real name and home state would be given. With this type of set up it would lead to an Averno vs Mistico/Sin Cara feud and eventually cross your fingers Rey vs Sin Cara at WM28.
I dont understand how guys can criticize a wrestlers first time performance. Lucha style wrestling is difficult to begin with, so i am not surprised there were some slip ups, but overall I enjoyed the match and some of the new moves that were used. I hope Mistico is allowed to return, because the fans do love him, and I believe working with someone with a similar style will allow him to truly showcase his talents.
Hunico looked a lot bigger and was a lot slower. He isn't the high flyer Mistico is. I hope Mistico comes back to play Sin Cara. Hopefully, they turn this into an angle and reveal Hunico as the fake Sin Cara and start a fued between them.
The problem is Hunico has been learning the "WWE Style" for 1 1/2 years now and was asked to perform as Sin Cara in a lucha style. The WWE has many outlets to showcase their wrestlers and someone like Sin Cara/Mistico needs to be allowed to perform 10-15 minute matches to really show off his talents.

For Sin Cara/Mistico, Hunico, and any wrestler it all goes back to practice. There is a reason why Wrestlemania brings out the best it guys and thats because they go over their matches move by move like sheet music. CM Punk and Cena put on a hell of a match because they calculated every step of the way for their match in July. On Sunday expect the same result if they have put the same effort. Sin Cara/Mistico has had botched moves because the guy he is working with doesnt get his style which is the WWE fault for not having guys ready for him when he arrived. Chavo was not ready, why because he hadnt wrestled in lucha match in a decade.

The WWE brought this poor guy in because of what he was able to do in Mexico. If the same quality of match isnt coming out then the WWE needs to find jobbers who can do lucha and their are tons of them in the California, Arizona, and Texas. Showcase him on superstars and against the jobbers and have his feuding competitor watch how its done so that on Smackdown or a PPV we could all be amazed at what Sin Cara/Mistico can do.
As far as I'm concerned, Hunico has been a revelation this Friday. Who cares if he isn't the same size as the original Cara, he has adapted the character to a more sensible style. Hunico cut out all of the illogical bullsh*t that Mistico usually does. Gone is the arm-drag after arm-drag after arm-drag after arm-drag, and the darn right stupidity in Mistico matches. Am I to believe an arm-drag sends wrestlers from the centre of the ring to the outside when I see other wrestlers perform the arm-drag with no such outcome? Am I too believe Mistico performing a Corkscrew flippy-flip arm-drag from the top tope would hurt? Or heck, why the hell is he doing a corkscrew flippy thing if he wants the final outcome to be an armbar? Talk about a lack of logic and flashiness. Am I too believe a wrestler who prances across the ring in strides as small as the Diva's, and can barely make the ropes rattle when he rebounds off them (I've seen AJ Lee make more of an impression on the ropes) can beat anyone? Am I too believe someone with half a finisher (the lack of an armbar from La Mistica, though in fairness, it does look impactful, but it's clearly noticeable that it isn't complete ) or a finisher where Mistico takes as much impact, if not more than the supposed victim (top rope C4). Every question, I say no.

The real Sin Cara hasn't had one match where a story was told, nothing flowed, and it’s highspot to highspot to a dip where he gets tossed around, back to highspot to highspot. It's painfully repetitive. Even though Hunico was the same last night, it was his first performance, and I expect him to grow and tell the story so badly needed for Cara. The real Cara is faster, but faster doesn't mean better. I will miss the backspring from the ropes though, which is awesome, that's all though.

Will he come back? Maybe, maybe not. If Hunico can get the character more loved by the crowd, Mistico may not return. With the way Booker and that were talking though, it would set the seed for an imposter storyline, mask vs. mask and all that jazz. I do want Mysterio vs. the real Sin Cara, after that, he could leave for all I care. So yeah, Hunico was pretty impressive for his first big appearance, and cut out a lot of the crap that happened with the original. I'm looking forward to seeing him develop.

Also, wasn't that the best entrance so far? He nailed it. Took Balls since it's not like he would be doing it for years.
I kind of liked Mistco as Sin Cara. Yes he has botched spots, but there are wrestlers who botches more moves than Mistico. It seems like Hunico is doing well as Sin Cara. Hopefully Mistco can return to CMLL.
Mistico's problem wasn't his botches, it was that his matches didn't make a lot of sense. The Lucha style doesn't get over in the US, you have to modify it. Mysterio would sell his ass off for 10 minutes, then do some crazy shit for his hope spots, then get crazily annihilated for the cut offs, then do even crazier shit for the comeback. His crazy shit looked spontaneous and necessary. Watch Guerrero vs Mysterio Halloween Havoc '97. One of my favorite matches ever because yea, it had some amazing spots, especially for the day, but they all looked spontaneous and meant something. You don't get that with Mistico, you just get a bunch of jumping around and roll-bumps. It's why he wasn't over. Botches where you slip aren't bad, that actually kind of makes it look more real, unless of course you no sell the botch and just get up and retry the spot (like RVD and Mistico do), then it looks fake as fuck.

I wouldn't mind the "fake Sin Cara" stuff. However, you have to make your audience care. So do you make the new Cara do heelish things? Then the new Cara comes back and says he disgraced the name. So then they have a mask vs mask match, the winner stays Sin Cara, the other is embarrassed forever.
^^^Nice explantion. I am a lucha libre fan as well. I'm not sure if Mistco will ever come back. The only reason WWE probably signed him is to draw more viewers from Mexico.
^^^Nice explantion. I am a lucha libre fan as well. I'm not sure if Mistco will ever come back. The only reason WWE probably signed him is to draw more viewers from Mexico.
I dont know about the Mexican market idea. How much does the average mexican make? How many Mexicans are there? In all likelihood, it's not enough to really devote a bunch of time to the market. I think it's more to add a new flavor to the show.

Pro wrestling is all about hitting different demographics. So yea, the Mexicans are a demographic, but there are also people who love lucha libre and colorful characters. Yea Mistico and Mysterio probably draw in some Mexican and latino-American fans, and yea Khali probably draws in some people from India, and Gabriel from South Africa, but it's more about having a variety of characters.

If Chelsea signed Landon Donovan I probably still wouldn't give a shit. I might watch a game, maybe buy a shirt, but I'm not going to get deep into the team just because one of my fellow countrymen plays for them. It has to be more than that.
Saying Jeff Hardy is proof that spots get you over is like saying Venis Williams is proof that women are better athletes. It's an outlier and downright fucking stupid.

Jeff got over because he had CHARISMA and jumped off tall shit. Not only that but it took him how long to get main event level overness? 10 years of jumping off tall shit and killing his body. How long did it take Cena? 5 years if that?

Spots do NOT get you over. Especially not if they don't make any sense. If that were the case, the X division would have drawn like crazy and made TNA the biggest company in the world and Teddy Hart would be the biggest star in the world, no scratch that, some gymnist they hired would be.

Emotional connection gets you over. Jeff not only did spots, and not only had charisma, but he could SELL a beatdown. SELLING is what gets you over as a babyface. Too many people on here say ******ed shit like "selling slows down the pace of the match" and fail to realize that if you don't sell, people don't buy it. If you're a babyface and you don't sell, no one gives a shit about you because you aren't drawing sympathy.

Also, Mysterio didn't get over on spots. His spots were done in a way that it looked spontaneous. Plus he had CHARISMA and, like with Jeff, he could SELL. He sold the fuck out of everything, he had charisma so people felt sympathy, then his spots felt spontaneous so people actually bought it and cared. His spots didn't get him over, they helped, but it was everything else that amplified it.

Not only that but again, it took mysterio what? 10 years to get main event level over? You are wrong, spots don't get you over. charisma and selling get you over, spots are just another tool no different than a babyface with a great comeback sequence or a heel who can bump and feed really well. Do you know what it means to "bump and feed"? It's only one of the most important things a heel can do well in a match.

Dude what are you on about you contradict yourself. Jumping off tall shit is a crazy spot. That's how Jeff got super over along with his look and style. if you read my original post you would see I said that people can get over with use of spots if they bring something else along with it I didn't say just doing them gets you over. Stop telling me I'm wrong when you said Jeff got over by jumping off tall shit which is a SPOT.
They should keep Hunico as Sin Cara. This way you send Mistico to FCW to work on English and move sets for a couple months. Bring him to the WWE as Mistico and have him fund with Sin Cara at Wrestlemania.
Dude what are you on about you contradict yourself. Jumping off tall shit is a crazy spot. That's how Jeff got super over along with his look and style. if you read my original post you would see I said that people can get over with use of spots if they bring something else along with it I didn't say just doing them gets you over. Stop telling me I'm wrong when you said Jeff got over by jumping off tall shit which is a SPOT.
It's not really a contradiction since I also said he got over because he was great at selling and had charisma.

Spots might be about 10% of what got Hardy over. If he didn't have charism and didn't sell, he would only be over for the 10 seconds before and after he jumped off shit.

It's why Morrison isn't over. He doesn't have enough charisma, doesn't tell a good enough story in the ring, and doesn't sell well enough.

People won't look at Cara and go "ooo he's the guy who does cool shit yay". It's deepr than that. It's "I like this guy because he speaks to me, I want him to win".

There's also a big difference between highspots making sense and high spots looking phoney. Most of what Jeff did looked spontaneous. Most of what Mistico does looks phoney and contrived.
I'd love to see a real vs impersonator feud between Mistico and Hunico. And I do think that it needs to happen at this point. I know that other such feuds have failed in the past and that failure has spelt the death knell for the careers of those wrestlers but I think that it could be a different case this time round.

When Undertaker and Kane had people impersonate them they were already much too popular by that point and by that time it was apparent that those impersonators were not real. Cara is new onto the scene and no one has seen him and so they could really sell off this impersonator as the real guy. Obviously if the WWE are interested in going down that route they will have to make Hunico perform some heelish actions in his matches, but I think that the turning point here will be the Mexico tour.

Mistico is a huge star in Mexico and if the crowd comes to know that it is not Mistico under the Sin Cara mask, they will be livid. I would like to see that reaction trigger off a heel turn from Hunico. That is the point when he will realise that his charade is up and he would start performing very differently from then on. Then have Mistico confront him. If done well, this feud could end up making both guys huge stars.

Obviously it remains to be seen if WWE have decided to totally repackage Sin Cara once and for all or whether they are setting up a huge return from Mistico.
If Hunico is under the mask in Mexico he will get pelted with coins, dirty diapers (yes, they will), drinks and so forth. If its the beginning of an angle/feud that starts in Mexico then thats a nice treat for a region that not only has welcomed them with open arms but rewarded them with ticket sales and and a surging PPV market. Mexico City is the largest populated city in the world, the WWE does not want to piss that market off.

I have relatives who have given up on lucha and are WWE only fans. I think it has to do with the culture loving soap operas/novelas and lucha libre/wrestling its a perfect mix for the hispanic community. The two major companies in Mexico CMLL and AAA do not have the same production quality as the WWE and the majority of viewers see their storylines as a really bad imitation of the WWE.

As for Hunico, he is getting some really good experience here and he needs it. Mistico has traveled the world and performed at all levels. If all goes well Mistico will have 3 great feuds going to wrestlemania Hunico, Averno, and Rey.

The first two guys have easy build ups but I am realy interested in how they will build a Rey vs Mistico match. Easy way would be a passing of the torch match since Rey has long been rumored to be retiring, but my choice would be an evil Rey Misterio who has envy and doesnt like Sin Cara/Mistico taking the limelight away from him and accuses him of stealing moves.

Anyway, this can go either way in that it could be TOTAL BULLSHIT or PURE GOLD.
I know some people are worried about him replacing Sin Cara, see the thing is that back in Mexico Hunico was the original Mistico as an indy wrestler. He used that name and was very popular in mexico until the big CMLL company took the name from him in court. He is a very talented wrestler and he should of been Sin Cara from the beginning saving the WWE thousands of dollars. He was already in FCW training for WWE any ways. Now WWE might can him and buy the rights to the Mistico gimick so they can feud, wow what a mess!
I think if Hunico replaces Mistico as Sin Cara whatt does that mean for Mistico? He gets released and if he goes to another company, people willl think ummmm isnt he been wrestling for the wwe for the past 6 months?? This is the reason why they cant just not put Mistico as Sin Cara. HE IS SIN CARA! The Sin Cara character will go on as long as Mistico is in the company.
I am fine with Hunico playing the Sin Cara character. WWE has invested far too much in that character to give up on it. Mistico might have made some bad decisions that damaged his standing amongst his peers, but fans love the Sin Cara character and WWE are doing the right thing by keeping the character alive even if someone else plays it whether that be temporarily or permanently. This reminds me a little of TNA's Suicide character. What if it becomes a character that several people play? He never talks so it is not out of the question as long as they are all able to do similar moves. I personally would rather it be the same guy though so they should pick one and move forward. I enjoy the character so who plays it is not as big of a deal to me as long as they can do the high flying spots and look cool under those blue and gold lights, I'm fine with it. Hunico will probably inherit the character for good and Mistico will get future endeavoured. He has angered too many people, from what I have heard.... They say he has nuclear heat with the others backstage which cannot be good.
I didn't feel the same thing last week with Hunico, he is bigger and slower than Cara, which is a good thing for the WWE Superstars, becuase it is easier to have a match with him.
But lets be serious, Mistico is Sin Cara, Mistico is over both in Mexico and now in the USA.. People cared about SIn Cara, because they knew that it was one of the best "pro-wrestlers" in the world and one of the best "high flyers" that his portraying the guy.

He is fast and he does a lot of awesome and different moves in the WWE, he is very good, yes he botches sometimes, but if you look at his matches in a regular viewer perspective, you will see how cool the guy is to watch.
I wouldn't mind to have Sin Cara(Orig) vs Hunico, when Mistico returns.
The mexicans are gonna smell through the bullshit. Both men are totally different and are gonna be in their home country. WWE better be setting up for a Sin Cara vs Sin Cara feud, else the idea of a new Mexican megastar is gonna bomb and be seen as a lack of respect. In Mexico if a new wrestler takes the gimmick of another one, it is acknowledged with surrogates like "JR", "wrestler II or III" or in the LA Park/La Parka case, always acknowledged as totally two different people. WWE is trying to hide it and cover it up. But most fans smell it already from the commentary. Hell the spanish one questions if it's the same guy under the mask rather than mentioning the impossibly bulkier figure.

Do I like Hunico as Sin Cara? No. This isn't a character taken out of a video game like TNA did. This is an icon from a foreign country taken and adopted. If WWE actually just ditches Mistico and just hands the Sin Cara gimmick to Hunico, then fucking shame on them.
Killjoy is correct.

Mexican fans will go ape shit if Hunico is at Raw next month and not Mistico as Sin Cara. Hell fans in the USA should be doing the same thing, it is bait and switch tactics that the WWE is doing (which is illegal).

Im holding out hope that they go to Mexico in September and Alberto Del Rio does the classic "I Challenge Anybody in the Arena" and Mistico comes out. But will settle for Sin Cara vs Sin Cara start of the feud. The fans in Mexico deserve to have something amazing happen when Raw and SD tape next month, they have supported the WWE to the point that they are more important that the two bigs AAA and CMLL.
What did you think as Hunico portraying Sin Cara?
Who would you rather have?
Hunico is suppose to be Sin Cara throughout the Mexico tour, but after that, will Hunico still play as Sin Cara, or will WWE drop the character of Sin Cara?

Hunico's bigger than Mistico, did anyone else notice that? :)
Anyway...I like Mistico better, but Hunico's probably the cheaper option.
After the tour, there WILL still be a Sin Cara, although which one is in question.

When the WWE introduced Sin Cara in Mexico, Mistico came out in his mask and removed it as to say I am now Sin Cara which gave the character credibility instantly. Which is why he was so accepted.

Hunico cannot perform at the pace Mistico does and that is clear when you see him move in the ring. The Sin Cara character isnt going anywhere its a cash cow for the WWE.

The WWE has to see the big picture here, if they can create masked wrestlers who are accepted in latin america, then its not so much of a long shot to create their own lucha orginization out of Mexico. I realize this is a reach but for years there has been rumors of WWE wanting to set up shop in Mexico. It F'n hard to get a masked wrestler over in Mexico sure have Mistico under the Sin Cara mask made it easier, but it was still a challenge for the WWE to get him over.
What did you think as Hunico portraying Sin Cara? - I've been enjoying it, personally he seems a little more trained in the ring, I've noticed less mistakes and better moves.

Who would you rather have? Personally I'd rather just have Mistico come back as Sin Cara and let them then repackage Hunico into a new gimmick, and have him feud with Sin Cara.

Hunico is suppose to be Sin Cara throughout the Mexico tour, but after that, will Hunico still play as Sin Cara, or will WWE drop the character of Sin Cara? What im hoping happens after the tour is during a "Sin Cara" match we see another Sin Cara show up, and find out on TV that someone else has been portraying Sin Cara. Then we have a feud over the Gimmick on live TV and ultimately have Hunico turn heel as an evil version of Sin Cara or perhaps a whole new gimmick altogether.

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