Shelton Benjamin - New Gimmick?


Occasional Pre-Show
On RAW Tonight, Executive Assistant Johnathan Coachman decided to set-up a camera for the RAW wrestlers to send get well wishes to the McMahons. During the 1st segment, Shelton Benjamin questioned Mr. McMahon as to why he didn't choose Shelton to be his partner. He deduced that he didn't pick him, maybe cause he was black.

Do you think this is a new gimmick for Shelton Benjamin or just a chance for a funny segment? And if you think it's a new gimmick, how do you feel about it?
I think it's a spark of a new gimmick, because Shelton needs one..he's an amazing athlete and very under-utilized talent.

could be a updated Nation Of Domination gimmick...maybe he'll join up with Cryme Tyme?

even though this gimmick has been done a million times, WWE needs something controversial and edgy right now...instead of the ol' Cena/Edge feuds.

oh and the childish D-Generation X pranks.
this could work... Remember the original nation was not just "I hate Whitey" but talented guys (indeed former World Champions like Faarooq) banding together cos they felt oppressed and undervalued...even Owen Hart joined them in the end for the same reasons.

Shelton is a perfect guy to have that gimmick, he IS undervalued, creative CAN'T think want to do with him... perfect new leader for The Nation...put Rodney Mack in there, Cryme Tyme, maybe even Ron Killings... and you have a real decent angle of guys who have been messed around by WWE...just don't put Mark Henry back in there...please!
if shelton were to lead cryme time he would gain so much credibility by leading two huge guys, especially if they r good, he wouldnt even haveta talk much cause theyre funny, and he can just do his cool shit in the ring... id love it
i love the shelton with cymetime idea :)

id really hate to see another "im black and being held back" gimmick...
mysticx0 said:
i love the shelton with cymetime idea :)

id really hate to see another "im black and being held back" gimmick...

sound a little racist to me
lol im not sure how its racist of me to say that...

i just dont want to hear the same stuff i heard from ron simmons when he was in WCW and WWF as Faarooq, or when teddy long did it, dlo brown, sonny ono, Konan and countless others ho used the race gimmick.

also if i was racist i wouldnt even like shelton.
mysticx0 said:
lol im not sure how its racist of me to say that...

i just dont want to hear the same stuff i heard from ron simmons when he was in WCW and WWF as Faarooq, or when teddy long did it, dlo brown, sonny ono, Konan and countless others ho used the race gimmick.

also if i was racist i wouldnt even like shelton.

i never said YOU were racist but i understand what your saying
wow awesome gimmmick huh, benjamin's gonna play a black guy
i'd like to see him and haas as the world's greatest tag team again.. 1) they could bring back a decent tag team division, and 2)i just loved hating them.. but they could become face and team with the highlanders and destroy SS.. and stuff like that

another NOD thing would be kinda cool too
monstermash said:
wow awesome gimmmick huh, benjamin's gonna play a black guy

lol that was a good one but yeah i think it could work for him though
Maybe the public comments involving Cryme Tyme from media referring to WWE be racist towards black people opened this angle. what better way for Vince to tell'm to shove it than have one of his own black wrestlers say he's getting held back cause he's black, the media says WWE's racist & exploits black people so hell use it. might be just what Benjamin needed.
Yeah, I definitely saw a new gimmick emerging from him. However, if the WWE fans boo him (like they did for Hassan) I will realize how truly stupid WWE fans are. Never boo a man who's simply trying to criticize oppression. WWE has a history of doing that...
except he's not being oppressed.....(assuming for a second that wrestling is real) he's just whining because he's not on tv. and he's falling back on the old "i'm black and i'm not the star so everyone must be racist" thing that seems to be very "in" these days.(ok now wrestlings fake again) I think the exact opposite, if the fans cheer him for whining, then they're idiots. If you like hearing black people whine about racism, just pick up a rap cd, don't go to a wrestling show.
So are they going to bring Teddy Long over from Smackdown and have him manage him and the rest of the “I Hate Whitey’s”? Haven’t we seen something similar?

Personally I have thought that Shelton needs to be freshened up for a while now, I quite liked the Momma Benjamin gimmick they had for him, but that didn’t work out. I don’t want to see another Angry Minority Gimmick; it’s almost a cheap as slagging off the place you are wrestling in. They need to give Benjamin a mouthpiece something that the WWE don’t seem to want to do anymore, Shelton has the skills to go right to the top in my opinion but he doesn’t have the microphone skills, so like I said he needs a Manager.
In order for Shelton to make it as a major main event player in the WWE he's gonna have to brush up on his mic skills. Putting a manager as a mouthpiece will definitely solve the problem temporarily, but eventually it's going to show.

Shelton has all the tools athletically and technically to make it to the top. I believe if this becomes his gimmick, it's gonnabe a shame. I was excited to see him get some mic time, and the way he was talking it honestly looked like they were gonna give him an egotistical heel gimmick. But then it went and did a complete 180. I think Shelton Benjamin can simply get over with a "huge ego" on camera. He's an amazing wrestler, let him proclaim it to the world. And let him get heat from the fans, "cause they simply will never be as good as him."
I could definitely see the Coach as Shelton's manager. If somehow Vince gets mad at Coach, The Coach can buy into the "being black is holding me back" thing, and tell Shelton he is going to manage him, and together they can make it to the top. Shelton can make his way up the ranks.

In the mean time I would have the debuting Cryme Tyme make their way to Tag Team Gold. While a rising Shelton (maybe as an IC champ) is having a feud with a non-champion Cena, Cryme Tyme comes out and beats down Cena. After Shelton hit's his finisher, Cryme Tyme, Coach, and Shelton raise their fists in the air in the middle of the ring.

At an interbrand PPV, Shelton, Cryme Tyme, and Coach can be walking around backstage and run into Elijah Burke. Coach convinces Burke not to be the right hand man of a white man. Coach tells Elijah that he is living in the shadow of Sylvester Terkay and extends an offer to join the newly formed Nation of Domination. Burke gives no immediate answer.

The following night on RAW the new NOD have a 6-man tag against Cena and a tag team. Burke comes out when the NOD look like they're about to get beat, and the new Nation of Domination is complete.

All the while Shelton is the leader and gets the much needed exposure and push the he deserves.
I don't think that Shelton needs a manager....I mean he isn't the greatest on the mic just yet but look at Batista he absolutely sucks on the mic and he is the "top" guy on Smackdown.
Look at Chris Benoit he was the champ on Raw for a long time and he can barely form a sentence! Shelton is almost better on the mic in my opinion and he clearly has good in ring skills and he is young as well.

He would serve well to have a good manager that fuels the "you are being held back" angle.
daoneenigma said:
I could definitely see the Coach as Shelton's manager. If somehow Vince gets mad at Coach, The Coach can buy into the "being black is holding me back" thing, and tell Shelton he is going to manage him, and together they can make it to the top. Shelton can make his way up the ranks.

In the mean time I would have the debuting Cryme Tyme make their way to Tag Team Gold. While a rising Shelton (maybe as an IC champ) is having a feud with a non-champion Cena, Cryme Tyme comes out and beats down Cena. After Shelton hit's his finisher, Cryme Tyme, Coach, and Shelton raise their fists in the air in the middle of the ring.

At an interbrand PPV, Shelton, Cryme Tyme, and Coach can be walking around backstage and run into Elijah Burke. Coach convinces Burke not to be the right hand man of a white man. Coach tells Elijah that he is living in the shadow of Sylvester Terkay and extends an offer to join the newly formed Nation of Domination. Burke gives no immediate answer.

The following night on RAW the new NOD have a 6-man tag against Cena and a tag team. Burke comes out when the NOD look like they're about to get beat, and the new Nation of Domination is complete.

All the while Shelton is the leader and gets the much needed exposure and push the he deserves.

While an Interesting Angle the whole Nation of Domination thing has been done, maybe it doesnt have to be the Nation, maybe they dont even need to be Anti-White in order to get over, why not have him buy into the whole Cyme Tyme thing, and have them be genuine Thugs rather than Radical Racists? Like I said before the whole Anti-White, Anti-America thing is completely cheap and its been done god knows how many times. We all know Shelton could do with a bit of an edge, and this could well be the way to do it, maybe just not exactly as you explained it. Although it would make one hell of a stable with a few tweeks.
How's this for an idea.

Have Shelton and Ron Killings join Cryme Tyme and they gang up on Cena and they vow to destroy the "play thug" and tell him that they'll give him a true lession of Thuganomics 101 or something like that. It would be a good feud for Cena outside the WWE Title.
Yes, the "Nation" gimmick was done before, but according to the old unwritten rule, after 7 years, any gimmick is fair game once again, and the original idea behind the nation is definitely in that range as far as WWE goes. Having said that, honestly, we really don't need another "Black Power" gimmick. That gets stale faster than the Great Khali's in ring performance. I think given time the "Rock-lite" gimmick that Shelton had started to use could have worked great. Not to mention...if they want to keep a little bit of realism in wrestling...the whitey's holding me down thing is stupid, because if they were being held down, why the f*ck would they be oln TV or with the company in the first place. Having said all of's probably what McMahon will do, because, as we all know, his philosphy is if it works once, it'll work the next 97 times.
But, it could be worse, Shelton could realize he is being held down as a black man and denounce his heritage and become "Sheldon Nordstrom III" or some BS like that, and lets ask Chavo how well that works.:boobs:
I think shelton benjamin is one of the wwe's best superstars to under use shelton and have another crappy ric flair match when shelton is bearly used on sunday night heat is a cryme and speaking of cryme's I love the idea of a new N.O.D with shelton and cryme tyme they seems funny let's see if they can wrestle anyway shelton can get on t.v i'm happy

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