Sheamus - Goldust squash.


Wrestling pro with JC Epick someday
In watching raw this week, I noticed that the Sheamus/Goldust match lasted a whole...2 minutes? I know it was used to show that Sheamus has improved in a year, but my question is, Was the Sheamus/Goldust squash match bad for Sheamus's credibility?

I think it was completely the wrong move. I know they're trying to show that Sheamus has improved since his debut on ECW a little over a year ago, but Sheamus has improved to the Main Event level. Goldust will be a low mid-card/ comedic piece for the rest of his career. To make Sheamus seem credible would be for him to win against a more formidable opponent. The fact that the match was a massive squash was probably all that saves any of Sheamus's legitemacy to me.

Your opinions?
No, the point of it was to put Sheamus on TV and let him win a match.

It helped his credibility if anything, because it showed just how dominant Sheamus is. And to top it off, he dominated someone who competed with him closely last year and a man that is an experienced wrestler. It helped him more than it hurt him.
If Goldust had gotten really any offense in...well than that could have hurt him but GD didnt. Sheamus dominated pillar to post and like the poster before me said it was about showing that a competitive match one year ago is now a squash.
Considering you needed a reason to have Sheamus in a match as their are not too many good faces not involved with Nexus I think it was a smart move. Its no different than Goldberg even after winning the world title padding his streak with ham and eggers like Barbarian or Scott Norton or Brock Lesnar taking on the Zach Gowen
This actually bummed me out pretty badly. I was so excited when I saw Goldust was finally going to be in a one-on-one match on RAW and total squash. I mean, Goldust beat Sheamus once in ECW. Goldust is a veteran and a pretty great wrestler and it bums me out to see him wasted on, like someone said, just jobber matches and comedic pieces. Here's a guy who can move in the ring, cut amazing promos, and is completely dedicated to any gimmick he does. I'd love to see a push to the mid-card for GD probably more than anyone else.
i hate how the wwe completely ignores history. Goldust was the first person to defeat Sheamus, yet there was no mention. They had a pretty entertaining feud in ECW. I think it would have been better if it was a longer match with more back and forth and any offense from the Golden one. it just showed how far Sheamus has come and how low goldust has fallen. which is too bad cause Goldust is very talented and was once the most talked about wrestler in WWE.
It was perfectly suited for Sheamus. He needs to have these squash matches every now and then to build himself as a proper dominant main event wrestler. He gets to do that against a guy like Golddust, a guy like Mark Henry etc.

The fact that he squashed an opponent he struggled with about a years time ago shows that he has come a long way in being dominant. That makes it even better for Sheamus to be put in such a situation, because he can show that he's superior to others. So no it did not hurt his credibility, matter of a fact it improved it, just a slight bit.
The problem with this I think is that all of raw's star power is being used in other angles or matches, which gives Sheamus squash matches. That is just a result of terrible booking, if the wwe CHAMPION is up in a squash match when theres Jericho vs Cena, Orton vs miz, and Edge vs Barret in the same show it just hurts his overall image of being the champ. To me it seems whenever Sheamus holds the title the title looses its value and prestige (and that's not because im not a sheamus fan). The matches he's booked really show it.
This match just bothered me. It really did nothing to help Sheamus appear more dominant. He's already at the top. Squashing a mid-carder isn't going to do that.

For Golddust, this is just sad. I remember him in TNA not too long ago as Black Reign and he played the character great. He was such a multi-dimensional character. Then, he comes in to the wwe to job to everyone and be comic relief. Is this necessary to do to a good wrestler? I mean they already have Santino Marella for this purpose.
It was important to give Seamus a big win in the run up to Summerslam, as he is headlining it for the first time... Goldust is a veteran who many will see as a big win for the Irish guy... If they see him trounce someone like Goldust, who has been very good in recent months then it may turn them on to Seamus as a credible opponent for Orton...

There is quite a lot riding on this next weeks of TV too... expect another squash of someone bigger next week for SOS...
I honestly don't see how people could be saying the Sheamus/Goldust squash hurt Sheamus' credibility.

I thought it was a very smart move. They brought up some extremely nice continuity, in showing that Sheamus used to have trouble with Goldust. Then they showed the world how much Sheamus has improved by having him squash Goldie with absolutely no problem.

I liked it. It got Goldust on my TV and showed a nice bit of character development. You can complain about Goldust only being a jobber, but jobbers are necessary and Goldie doesn't seem to mind being enhancement talent.
I can understand the purpose of the squash and think it served Sheamus well, but I wish there was more for Goldust than being a jobber. Yes, his main purpose in WWE these days seems to be as a teacher in FCW (or wherever) and he may be happy with the security that goes with the job.

The problem is, Goldust is looking good.....nice and trim and he seems to be moving around the ring better than he has since the days he was matching up with Roddy Piper.

Plus, did anyone notice that 24-karat entrance of his last night? It seemed to me he rushed through it, barely pausing to play to the crowd as he usually does.

Is anyone hoping there'll be one more big push for Goldust?
Was the Sheamus/Goldust squash match bad for Sheamus's credibility?

Come the FUCK on... is this questions really serious?!?!

Since when is it bad for a wrestler's credibility to be the WWE champion and squash a lower-midcarder?!? Squash matches used to be the prime method for building a wrestler's credibility, but it's also an art that has long-since disappeared ever since the WWE eliminated "jobbers" from their lineup. Every once in a while, the WWE brings this methodology back for a night by allowing one of their prospering or quickly rising superstars to destroy a superstar that isn't so popular.

In recent years, it's happened to guys like Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu. In earlier years, it would constantly happen to Chavo and Funaki. Last night, it happened to Goldust. Now, all of a sudden there's a problem with this? I swear, you internet smarks will look for ANYTHING to complain about.
If there really are people out there complaining about Sheamus' squash of Goldust then the IWC really is as ignorant as some people say it is or just plain stupid.

There were complaints that programmes are too storyline driven and yet when we see the rise of Sheamus, who has had very little storyline outside of wanting to beat the guy in front of him and showcase the progression of his ruthlessness and ability in the ring, there are still complaints...
There was no problem with the match. For most kayfabe reasons it did exactly what it meant. He beat up on someone without much effort, where as last year he had to work through his 'rookie' issues and pull out a win.

Besides if a champion had to last more than a couple minutes with Goldust, we have other problems.
No that was not a bad move. WWE wants to have some momentum for Sheamus going into summerslam. What main event performer he could squash? Edge and Jericho are heels , Cena just lost his tittle from Sheamus and probly they are going to main event again when Cena is done with Nexus, Orton? He is going to face Sheamus at summerslam. Who else? JoMo? No because that will completly ruin John Morrison's credibility. Evan Bourne? He is in mid of a push and Sheamus has already done that in past. Goldust is a veteran and it will not harm him to get squashed by Sheamus because he is not getting a push anymore. I think having Goldust against Sheamus was a good more by WWE since they wanted to show what has Sheamus done in last 1 year.
I feel like I'm kind of beating a dead horse here because a lot of people agree with what I'm about to say...but it was a horrible move to use Goldust for the squash. Having Shameaus squash someone before SummerSlam was all fine and dandy, but to embarrass someone who has given so much to the E for the past 15+ years was just a joke IMO. The Dust is nearing the end of his career, and this is just not the way he should be remembered.
I feel like I'm kind of beating a dead horse here because a lot of people agree with what I'm about to say...but it was a horrible move to use Goldust for the squash. Having Shameaus squash someone before SummerSlam was all fine and dandy, but to embarrass someone who has given so much to the E for the past 15+ years was just a joke IMO. The Dust is nearing the end of his career, and this is just not the way he should be remembered.

See, this is the ignorance that exists in the IWC.

It is a time-honored tradition in pro-wrestling that veterans need to step aside for new stars to be created. When they begin reaching the end of their careers, part of their job is to help push younger talent. If that requires the new WWE champion squashing a former, popular veteran, then so be it. Welcome to pro-wrestling... it's a part of your fucking job.

You guys seriously need to let go of the Attitude Era and the stars it produced. Yes, it was a great time for wrestling. But it was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. The only superstars from that era that are still active are the Undertaker, Big Show, and Triple H (give or take a few) and none of them are still dwelling on their career from 1998. They've all moved on, done their share of jobbing and pushing stars, and have taken on new directions. But the difference between them and Goldust is the fact that GD didn't achieve accolades anywhere NEAR what they achieved. So Goldust's head would be on the chopping block way before theirs would be, and in a more severe fashion.

Goldust's time is up and has been for a very long time. He's just doing his job and you all need to move on with your lives and realize that not every storyline move in pro-wrestling is personal... it's just good business.
It may be Goldust's job to JOB to Shameaus... that wasn't the issue. The issue was how Shameaus squashed Goldust and how Goldust hasn't had any respect for the past 10 years.
It may be Goldust's job to JOB to Shameaus... that wasn't the issue. The issue was how Shameaus squashed Goldust and how Goldust hasn't had any respect for the past 10 years.

I know what the question was. And my answer stands.

Goldust's time has come and gone. He already received his respect during the Attitude Era through his multiple IC championships and other accolades. It's time to move on. There is no reason to tiptoe around his past success and current stagnancy anymore... he's finished. It's his time to job out to others.
I know what the question was. And my answer stands.

Goldust's time has come and gone. He already received his respect during the Attitude Era through his multiple IC championships and other accolades. It's time to move on. There is no reason to tiptoe around his past success and current stagnancy anymore... he's finished. It's his time to job out to others.

Once AGAIN.... no one is disagreeing with Goldust jobbing to Shameaus. The concern was around why it was a complete squash match. There is a difference between having a five minute match and a 30 second match bro. You talk about Yoshi Tatsu and Evan Bourne having roles in squash matches, but they have not been around for twenty years.
WWE is more or less on a youth Movement and Golddust more or less is 41 years of age.

The booking comitte will not allow Shemus to be beaten prior to a huge match with one of the most over babyface's in the company, how would that look if they allowed someone who has basically been used to elevate talent to go over a new champion whose push has barely started?

Dustin is done in regards to winning championships but he will be used to bring more young talent up to the main roster and that shouldn't be discouraging, that's a testament to the character and the man behind him.

Golddust will continue in this role until he cannot perform anymore and will probably get an agents job which is a good thing for Dustin, in TNA he was nothing more than a supporting player to Abyss and Johnny Stamboli at least in this situation he makes more money and is constantly on TV.
Sheamus is the WWE champion. Goldust is a dated lower mid-carder. Is there really a reason to complain about how the match went down? I know some people enjoyed their ECW matches, but Sheamus's character has progressed to the point he is above having a "competitive" match with a lower mid-carder.
To me it seemed like an anniversary of sorts,and the more you think about it the more sense it will make.Imagine if he had gone out there and put on a 10 minute slobberknocker with goldie where he struggled to get a two count even after a Brogue Kick. That would have me saying "Gee,what fucked up universal meltdown had to happen for this peon to win the WWE Title? He can't even put away Goldust!" The way they presented it made sure it was supposed to be a logical squash.Had they had a formidable foe come out there and acknowledged his anniversary and claim they were gonna test his mettle,then that would set us up for a Match of the Year candidate.But since he boldly made us remember(with the "much needed" help of Cole) then it had to be a squash so we could say"Wow he's come along way."
Once AGAIN.... no one is disagreeing with Goldust jobbing to Shameaus. The concern was around why it was a complete squash match.

Because Sheamus, in kayfabe, is better than Goldust. Sheamus is the WWE Champion, and in kayfabe is supposed to be the best in the company. Goldust is old and has been beaten by anyone and everyone. It makes total sense and showed character progression for Sheamus.

As for Goldust not having respect...yeah, he does. He's an FCW trainer, and WWE has him go out there whenever they want a newer guy to look good. That shows more respect to me than having him get some offense in on the WWE Champion.
Goldust much like William Regal, Matt Hardy, and MVP are all the point of their careers were they can say they had pretty sucessful careers so now it's time to help build the new stars for the WWE. So it's disrespectful for Goldust to be squashed by the WWE Champion but it wouldn't be disrespectful to Sheamus if it looks like he can't even put away Goldust with ease. How would the WWE Champ look if he had to struggle against Goldust? He immediately lose any threat as a force on Raw. It makes perfect sense for the match to go how it went.

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