Could Goldust get Dibiase Over?

I wonder if this could be a situation whereby the reverse of what is anticipated actually ends up happening. Instead of Goldust being used to put DiBiase over, maybe DiBiase ends up putting Goldust over. DiBiase is such a boring and generic character, whereas Goldust is potentially a breath of fresh air amongst some otherwise cookie-cutter personas. Maybe this feud gets going and the fans take to Goldust rather than DiBiase, and he is the one who gets at least a mini-push from it all.

I know Goldust is older and has been around for a while now. But let's face it, some wrestling organizations have been known to use talent from yesteryear and push them in hopes of using this to jumpstart their organization. Goldust may not be as relevant as he once was, but at least he's not 10-15 years removed from relevance.

I'd love to see Goldust get a slight push from all of this. Not the WWE or WHC titles obviously, but maybe a tag team or a US or IC title, something like this. Put Maryse at his side (no harm can come from this) and we have the beginning of a new and unique power couple.
Yeah, Goldust is a great wrestler and he needs something to do and so does Ted DiBiase, but I don't think Goldust is necessarily the guy that can get DiBiase over. Goldust is a fan favorite, but he's not all that legitimate of an opponent. He'll be a good guy to have on DiBiase's resume but this definitely won't be "THE FEUD" that gets him over. This might get him into a bigger name feud where he can then try to get over, that would be a great idea in my opinion.

The reason I say Goldust isn't the guy is because he hasn't really wrestled and been on the card consistently for like five years, it has just been too long. The crowd loves him being bizarre, but I doubt most of the WWE's target audience has any ideas of any of his accomplishments. Like I said though, he'll be a great addition to DiBiase's resume.
DiBiase is the same as his dad was at his age... Vanilla and not yet the strong experienced worker he would become... These days its almost as if you fail if you are not over within 2 years... Ted Sr took 6-7 to finally get over...

When the Warrior was struggling all those years ago, they put him with Rude and he learned immeasurable from that one feud... Why is this different?

This feud will help Ted because he will work with both a seasoned ring and mic worker at the same time... Dustin may come out better as the feud with Cody will still be money in 6 months time... but from Ted's perspective he will learn from it and thats to be encouraged...
I think this angle is brilliant and can't wait to see more of it! Dusty and Ted Sr had and amazing feud back in the old WWF days and I think this is just the thing that Ted Jr needs to put him over as a legit player in the WWE.
I don't think anything can help Teddy. Odds are by the end of the year he will either be in Superstars hell or repackaged in a tag team like Cody. He is a lost cause. WWE creative has dropped the ball on him. I just hate how the only way they feel they can get him over is by giving him his dads old gimmick. Its like Cody coming out in Pokka Dots or Randy Orton showing up in a cowboy hat with a cast on his arm! Yes I know that since he is Big Ted's boy he should have a similar gimmick but as you can see it isn't working. Should have kept Legacy as a tag team that way once the are fired there would still be some interest in them and they could find work in either TNA (before it folds), ROH or Japan because let's face it, on their own they are as dull as an Eric Young promo.

The only thing that slightly interests me about this storyline is the fact that about 20 years ago their fathers had a fued.
Common sense will tell you why Goldust wants the belt, it's gold. Goldust is the perfect person to feud with Dibiase and help him finally get over. His gimmick has the potential to make an interesting feud with Dibiase. Plus Dibiase used to team with his brother. I think they made the pefect choice of finally getting Goldust some tv time on raw.
His popularity is better than some of the main event faces. How does this make Dibiase a jobber. It gets him in the ring with someone with the experience to finally get him over.

First of all, to all the people saying Goldust wants the million dollar belt because it's "gold"....common sense should tell you that EVERY BELT IS GOLD. LOL. So by that logic, Goldust should be obsessed with every belt.

Bottom line is, Goldust is a comedy character. Beating him will not get Dibiase over as a heel no more than beating Santino would. It's just a lame comedy angle and comedy angles don't get you over as a heel and they dont sell ppv's. It only makes us not take DiBiase seriously.

I cant believe there are still fans that actually care about Goldust in the year 2010. My god people. PLEASE WWE fans, start demanding more from WWE and there so called "Creative" team. Stop settling for less.
To whoever said he's not 'relevant,' please. Goldust is over, very over. Just watch this match against Regal from Superstars a couple weeks ago, if you don't believe me.

I think the crowd will be delighted with Goldust back on Raw, and he will push DiBiase to the next level, as he did with Sheamus.

Mod note - I fixed your link. DFA
First of all, it's good to see Goldust getting some airtime and having a nice little feud. He may be good at putting people over, but I just don't think Dibiase can be put over. Even sporting Maryse on his arm, he gets almost no reaction. No charisma, and in a spin off of his father's gimmick which he can't do half as well.

He may be able to speak fluently but even so he stinks on the mic. When he talks it's not convincingly. You can tell he is just repeating words, a parrot can rival Dibiase's mic skills.

A few wins aren't enough to get him over, he needs to get over as a character. He needs to be a better actor and have people actually believe he is the person in this role he is playing.
been lurking for months, first actual post.

Reason i like this fued is because i was at raw's 900th, and the superstars match that night was ted vs golddust. It was a well played match, back and forth and the crowd was so behind goldie its ridiculous. well, i was in the military section and we were behind ted for obvious reasons, but the rest of the crowd went crazy for it.

as i was leaving, everyone was saying that was the match of the night, mostly because Cena lost in his hometown, twice if you count the dark match. but also because it was a good, old school match. no story needed, well executed, and it told a story in and of itself.

Now i didn't see it on TV so im not sure how it came across, but to me, it had to have been noticed by WWE management, as i think the chemistry lead to this new angle. Where it goes from here tho, is another story.

Does it become as epic as Goldie vs razor way back when, or is it another failed attempt to make Teddy relevant? time will tell but i have high hopes.
I think it would be really cool if they got historic with this feud... Goldust is of course Dustin Rhodes who has a history with Ted's father. Dustin came into the WWE in a feud with Dibiase Sr. Why not use that and have Goldust get revenge on Dibiase Jr. I think Ted had the million dollar belt around the time he was feuding with Dustin so all the more reason to use that history and bolster this feud. It can go from being average to great if you include the history between the rhodes/dibiase family.
If theres someone that can put ted over, thats goldust. He did it with Sheamus, and with several other guys.

The problem is that Ted, doesnt have what it takes to remain over (as a heel or face). He lacks of charisma.

On the other hand, Goldust is in the best shape of his life, he is an amazing performer, great on the mic, and it should be pushed because there are very few great workers like him in these days.
yup... just double checked and here it is... Ted with the belt and virgil right before their match against Dusty and Dustin

I think it would be great to incorporate this into the storyline, and yes Cody should be involved as well.. Goldust/Dustin can help BOTH of these guys with a big storyline.. This definitely has potential to go further than just goldust and ted jr and the belt. We all know it'll be a quick feud though.. such a shame!
goldust is the perfect person to get dibiase over! i was watching the 1991 royal rumble and there's a great mid card watch w/ ted dibiase and virgil vs dusty and dustin rhodes. the match got me thinking about how long goldust has been having great matches. he did some great work when he left for wcw in '91. he had some fabulous matches w/ steve austin, rick rude, and arn anderson. and he had great tagteam success in wcw w/ ricky steamboat and barry windham. all before he returned to wwf as goldust. when he came back as goldust he was an instant success, gaining the intercontinental strap. he has some awesome matches w/ razor ramon, undertaker, and hbk. then he took off for wcw and revisited his dustin rhodes lonestar character. when he came back to wwf in 2002 as goldust he had a good tagteam title run w/ booker-t. then he took off for tna and did the dustin rhodes thing again. he bounced around different promotions for a few years and returned once again to wwe. ever since, he's been reduced to a comedy character and it really pisses me off because hes soo talented. he's been successful and "got over" in every company he's been w/. he deserves this opportunity! i hope him and dibiase take it seriously because this could be the last chance either guy gets for a while.
I hope that this is a feud to get Goldust back over. Ted is boring to watch and his gimmick sucks. The only thing I enjoy about him is Maryse. Goldust on the other hand is interesting at the very least. He can still wrestle at a high level and he is so much better on the mic then Ted. I was so excited when Goldust came back to WWE, I thought he was going to play a big role and he was basically relegated to superstars and ECW.
I hope this isn't a feud that lasts for two weeks and leaves everyone involved in the same position they're in now(Bourne vs. Jericho). Goldust is SOOOOO overrated> He has mic skills, great in ring ability and a master at ring pshycology. It's a shame that its gone to waste as of late and now they want to use him to push little DiBiase. That kid is gonna need more than Goldust(a vet for more than 20 yrs.) to put him over. That kid sucks. Goldust should be feuding with DC Rhodes. They're real brothers, can u imagine another sibling rivalry? I think Goldust should use his experience to push his own brother...
First of all, to all the people saying Goldust wants the million dollar belt because it's "gold"....common sense should tell you that EVERY BELT IS GOLD. LOL. So by that logic, Goldust should be obsessed with every belt.

Common sense tells me that the championship belts that look copper or silver are not at all gold. Common sense also tells me that any championship belt that looks gaudy (I'm lookin' at you spinner and U.S. belts) is likely not "real" gold. Of course, common sense also tells me that none of the belts are actually gold and the Million Dollar Championship isn't worth a million bucks. LOL

Bottom line is, Goldust is a comedy character. Beating him will not get Dibiase over as a heel no more than beating Santino would. It's just a lame comedy angle and comedy angles don't get you over as a heel and they dont sell ppv's. It only makes us not take DiBiase seriously.

I think it really depends on how they portray Goldust in this feud. If he continues to do the whole epileptic stutter bit, it's going to be a throwaway feud. If Goldust starts to become more like his old self (like he has been as a pro in NXT), it has the potential to be interesting.

I cant believe there are still fans that actually care about Goldust in the year 2010. My god people. PLEASE WWE fans, start demanding more from WWE and there so called "Creative" team. Stop settling for less.

Actually, I think bringing back the Goldust of old (pre stupid comedy bits) could be a good thing for programming as far as variety goes. I don't think it's going to make him a serious contender for any of the "real" titles like some people here do, but I think ol' Dustin could be a good person to put over some of the younger stars like DiBiase, his own half-brother, maybe some of the expelled Nexus members, Bourne, etc. and so forth.
To whoever said he's not 'relevant,' please. Goldust is over, very over. Just watch this match against Regal from Superstars a couple weeks ago, if you don't believe me.

I think the crowd will be delighted with Goldust back on Raw, and he will push DiBiase to the next level, as he did with Sheamus.


Santino also gets huge pops... pops that I could confidently argue are far louder than anything Goldust gets. That doesn't mean Santino can be taken seriously so long as he's Mr. Giggles.

It's not that I don't think Goldust deserves some screen time. It's not that I don't think he could be great if his gimmick got back to serious business. It's just that him being stuck on Superstars wrestling William Regal really doesn't mean anything.
Goldust can get the job done for sure. IT will end up being a match for the tittle and ted winning. Goldust can get him over in that fued but if ted dosent put some balls into the effort after the fued he will fall back down. Ted dibiase barly has charisma and is getting helped by maryse. Ted is boring and dosent contribute anything so if he dosent show anything in the fued the after math is that ted staying the way he is will fall back down. He needs more charisma or have more anger in his character(maryse break up :O)
The only person that can get Ted DiBiase over is Ted himself. He HAS to connect with the audience to get over. Golddust can PUt him over, but that's just the set up. Ted has to hit the ball.
I think he doesn't quite have "it". The fact of the matter is Ted doesn't jump off the screen at you. There's nothing special about him thus far. That's why they put the Million Dollar Belt on him. If it don't work I wouldn't be surprised to see him future endevoured.
The only person that can get Ted DiBiase over is Ted himself. He HAS to connect with the audience to get over. Golddust can PUt him over, but that's just the set up. Ted has to hit the ball.
I think he doesn't quite have "it". The fact of the matter is Ted doesn't jump off the screen at you. There's nothing special about him thus far. That's why they put the Million Dollar Belt on him. If it don't work I wouldn't be surprised to see him future endevoured.

I agree with this and considering the only one that got over because he had a feud with Goldust was Val Venis, I don't think this will help Debiase at all unless the feud becomes epic.

Strange thing is I always here about how backstage has big plans for Debiase, or how Debiase was a contender to beat Undertaker's streak. Problem with this is Debiase has done nothing to set himself apart Cody Rhodes or any other generic mid carder. Sure they had the feud with DX but it's not like it showed he was any better than Rhodes.

Now with Debiase and Rhodes split, Rhodes is actually doing a lot better than young Ted despite Vince not being too high on Rhodes and going gaga over Debiase.
I thought Goldust was great on Raw. A little less of the comedy-style that we've seen the last few years, he was back to being downright creepy. And whatever subtle changes they made to the pattern of his facepaint were great, he looked evil.

This angle might not get DiBiase "over", but it's certainly better than nothing. You could certainly be paired with someone worse than Goldust. I think he's a good person to work with, not just in the ring but definitely for promos. I'm not sure Booker T was too popular when he came in from WCW but I'm pretty sure everyone remembers the various promos involving Goldust and it probably did help get Booker over. Not that he wasn't an established star, he just wasn't a star in the WWE.

So I wouldn't say an angle with Goldust is going to launch him to the main event, but if done properly and if they get to do some memorable/creative things with this feud, it could certainly help.
I am going to agree with something hatehabsforever said...I hope Ted helps get Goldust over. Call me a member of the Dustin Runnels fan club. Before ECW folded, Dustin Runnels was putting on wrestling clinics. On Raw he doesn't get much chance to display his actual wrestling ability, while on ECW he did. Goldust the character doesn't get to wrestle much, which is a shame, because when he gives a damn, Dustin Runnels is a very well polished wrestler. Obviously the actual goal of his feud with Ted DiBiase is to get Ted over, not Goldust. The end result is going to end with Ted on top. I don't think anyone can realistically dispute that. However, my hope is that their feud brings out the best in Dustin, and that the WWE notices that he is capable of more than they have given him. If Dustin can succeed in making DiBiase look better as a result of the quality of their matches, sure, Ted gets the bump...but maybe, if Goldust does his job right, the WWE will notice him too, and give him a decent mid-card push before he calls it a career. Dustin Runnels doesn't have many years left, and I would like to see him get a brief push before he goes. Not calling for a world title run or anything like that, the character Goldust just isn't meant for the main event...but a midcard run, with a possible US title belt or something like that is not out of the question.
I happen to love the choice of Goldust. He's more than capable in the ring and will make for compelling television due to his mic work.

In a weird way, it allows him to bring you back to the pre-Attitude era in a good way. He was a bright spot in an otherwise boring era, due to the fact that he stuck out. Considering wrestling has cleaned up as of late, he once again sticks out. At the same time, he still has many fans and can still get it done. The storyline also makes some sense with the gold obsession all while allowing a veteran to work a longer period of time with an up and comer, while not boring the audience.

Say what you will about Goldust, but he's entertaining.

I think it will work to a certain level. DiBiase will undoubtedly come out on top in this situation and will get a step closer to where they want him to be. He will have more experience and the look as well as some decent in-ring work and mic skills. So, it will work to get him closer. Regardless, as a performer, you have to take the final steps.

The same thing happened with Edge. They put him in there with top guy after top guy. Trying to give him the rub and push him past the finish line, so to speak. When they simply allowed him to be himself and branch out, is when it all worked best.
The is a wonderful opportunity for DiBiase to finally get himself over. Goldust is a tremendous worker (knows how to sell better than anyone) and looks just as good as he did in 96 if you ask me. Even better, Goldust is EVEN MORE over as a babyface than he was in 97-98 and that's saying something. It can't be understated how much he elevated Sheamus on ECW. They also had an amazing match on Superstars which Goldust actually won and this gave the feud great momentum to keep going.

Give him the mic as well. Runnells is amazing on the mic, it seems like a hell of a long time since we heard him properly.

DiBiase has some serious potential, theres not doubt about that. He is pretty smart in the ring and only young. He just needs a decent feud which he now appears to have.

Just one thing that doesn't appear to have come up in the conversation about DiBiase... I think creative made a HUGE mistake not turning him babyface after legacy disbanded. They teased an angle with Orton on Raw when the two had a match together and Ted refused to fight. The crowd went nuts for him! They really should have capitalised on this and not drawn the legacy thing out further than they needed to. Ted has the look of a babyface and would work loads better as one in my opinion. His new gimmick sucks and they have been him terribly as a heel. PLUS, RAW is crying out for babyfaces (or at least they were at the time). WWE missed a trick here.
It seems that the creative powers that be have started listening not only to the fans online but also the fans in the seats. Goldust consistently gets great pops from the crowd throughout the match. I'm sorry, but how many wrestlers get name chants still these days? Cena, Orton, Taker...oh, that's right, Goldust is in that group!

I'm not saying that Goldust should be propelled to the main event scene, but I feel like making him a relevant character again and drastically help the mid-card scene on Raw. If the CM Punk rumors are true I would love to see these two work a program together (especially with Punk's straight edge gimmick.)

I feel that that this is a test for DiBiase to see if he can become a true star in the company one day. Like others had mentioned, Sheamus's first feud in the company was with Goldust, and honestly it was one of the best towards the end of ECW's run. He's a great worker and has no problem putting other talent over, especially younger stars.

Honestly, if DiBiase can't do it with Goldust he'll never be able to. I'm honestly hoping that this program lasts a little while and puts both wrestlers over: Goldust leaves the feud with the Million Dollar Championship and reestablishes his credibility as a threat and DiBiase getting out of his father's shadow and making his own name in the company.

One final point, as many hope to see it before Dustin Runnels retires: I'd be shocked if the WWE doesn't let Goldust's last feud be with Cody Rhodes. It'd be a classic end to one of the most interesting and long-lasting characters in the company's history, especially if you bring in Dusty as a guest referee or in one's corner. A couple Wrestlemania's down the road, perhaps?

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