Could Goldust get Dibiase Over?

Im not sure about get him over, but this sure as shit is better mid show filler than whatever other fucking garbage they would usually have on. Goldie is still a damn fine worker, and strangely, the low key nature and simplicity of the conflict here reeks of SD booking. Which, up until two weeks ago, was excellent. Happy to see this get goin.
I like the feud just because Goldust is actually back on tv without just the comedy stuff.

I have ALWAYS been a huge fan of Dustin Rhodes...I enjoyed his matches in WCW. He is in all actuality a VERY VERY good wrestler. He is what I personally like about a wrestler. He makes everything look real. He bumps his ass off, he has a lot of sound when he works. Everything he does means something...he's always working, always selling.

His early promo's and feuds with Razor Ramon and Brian Pillman were great television. His character built itself for long term. Go to wikipedia if you want the full story...but the guy's promo skills are amazing. I think he can still have a quality feud and get someone over and even get over...if they let him work, maybe build up the creepy heel character again.

He is especially valuable because it seems WWE goes after the 6'4 - 6'8 250lb guys and what better person to make you better than Goldust. He is under contract because he is one of the best wrestlers in the last 20 years.
First they tried getting Ted over with Legacy, then they gave him the million dollar gimmic that got his father over, later they added Maryse to the picture...I really want to see Ted succeed but if this feud with Goldust doesn't do it I really don't know what will...
With the current situation with Goldust, I feel that he is finally beginning to get some sort of push. I know he will never get the WWE Championship, but I wouldn't mind seeing one more Intercontinental or a United States Title reign before he retires. He looks good in the ring, and his Final Cut finisher looks good. Although I feel that DeBiase will regain control and win the feud, as well as learn from Goldust, I feel Goldust will be getting a small push in the next coming month before he retires from the ring.
I'd say Goldust getting a push. It's not like Ted was going anywhere anyway, I mean his last feud was a pointless lower-card fued with R-Truth and Eve wasn't it?At the moment Goldust seems to be getting the upper hand. Last week he distracted DiBiase during a Bragging Rights qualifying match with R-Truth, which cost Ted the match.

This week Goldust beat Zack Ryder in about 30 seconds. DiBiase attacked him after the match, but Goldy again managed to hit his finisher.

I think the feud needs more promos, to be honest. Neither. Aksana or Maryse are getting the rub. It's basically being played for laughs, and if anything making Goldust much less interesting. Other than some sliding around he's basically stopped doing weird things in favor of being another suddenly invincible face. I suspect this whole angle is just the umpteenth unsuccessful attempt to get Dibiase Junior over, and will quickly descend into him repeatedly kicking Goldust's ass, but it's STILL the most substantial thing they've given Goldust to do in years, and he's more than carrying the feud for now.

For now, this is being an immensely fun storyline. I think it's a way of burying Teds current gimmick. They need to take him away and revamp the entire thing because he's not getting over in any great way.

BTW - Loved the cat fight between Maryse and Aksana, Bonus points for Maryse's shirt jumping while she ran xD.I enjoyed Ted's first ever program on his debut. At the time I thought he was gonna be a future star. He's done nothing but slide down hill since then though. I think Goldust is more than happy to put over someone, and if that be Teddy Jr., so be it. I sure hope Ted can get something out of this feud, like maybe better charisma and a better mic stick, because I've only known one promo of his, in his entire few years of being around, to be entertaining. It's obviously something Goldust wanted..I just wish WWE was smart enough to somehow turn this into a Cody vs Goldust feud...

But I still think they are having Dibiase in a hovering position until his brother enters. I don't get why it has to be a push or de-push.

Every week people complain that there are not storylines for mid-carders set up.

Now we get a mid carder storyline that's getting some TV time for both guys and everyone is worried about who's getting the crap end of the stick.It's nice to see Goldust getting a bit of a push. I wonder if we'll get a PPV match out of it though because I can't see them putting it on a PPV as big as Survivor Series next month. I think Goldust has a book and maybe even a DVD coming out within a few months. So that's the reason I think he's suddenly in a featured program on the show. But whatever the reason, I'm glad he's being featured at all. I think, whatever happens, it's great . The Million Dollar Man put Dustin over earlier in his career.Dustin, now, has the chance to help get his son over. DiBiase benefits because working with a talented veteran should help him improve. Goldust is one of the best showmen in wrestling and very much a quality worker.

I've enjoyed the feud from, took two people who needed something to do and it helped them both out.
so the Questions
-Do you think Goldust was the right choice for this Angle?
-Do you think that this feud could finally get Dibiase over?

You know I'm not sure if any wrestler can get Dibiase over. The guy is boring as hell.

When he first arrived they teamed with with Cody Rhodes and I though DiBiase was the best of the two. God was I wrong. Cody Rhodes has gone on to be "Dashing" and well Ted has just slide down the slope a little further.

Now he's teamed with Maryse and she's doing nothing for him either. He's in fact bringing her down. So if Orton, Rhodes and Maryse couldn't do it, I don't see Goldust having any luck either.

Poor Goldust to be saddled with this jerk. Goldust is okay in the ring for his age and was cool before it was cool to be cool. Let Goldust do what he's doing and "future endeavor" DiBiase as soon as possible. You can add Hornswoggle and Drew Crapintrye to the list too.

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