Triple H VS Sheamus

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Im surprised HHH won. I thought they were going to push sheamus more and have him win in a close match.

I'd like to see HHH get the title one more time before he retires.
Considering that I absolutely loathed the idea of this match, this was pretty damn good and by far Sheamus' best outing yet.

The pace was faster than I thought, it had a lot of back-and-forth, and some great near-falls that really had me on the edge of my seat. When it started, my friends and I were pretty meh, but once it picked up, we were really into it and I think the crowd felt the same. HHH seemed really motivated in this match, more so than I've seen him in a while and Sheamus brought it up a notch as well.

Surprised and a tad disappointed that HHH won, but the match was so good that I didn't mind as much as I thought I would. Definitely one of the better matches on the card.
This match really snuck up on me and was surprisingly good, probably Sheamus' best match in the WWE to date. These two guys both have similar power and finesse styles inside the ring, and they meshed very well together, they had some very nice reversals and a back-and-forth action and it was great seeing Sheamus put on the crossface and hit that devastating bicycle kick of his. Kind of surprised Triple H went over here, but I guess it makes sense. Sheamus looked great, surprisingly good match here.
This match was alright for me. I don't know what Triple H has to gain from beating Sheamus, but Sheamus looked good in the match regardless. It was exciting in some parts and a pretty good match to start at the first hour of the show. Usually you would expect a match with those 2 to be a main event. It was nice seeing it low on the card. I don't know why Triple H needed the win over Sheamus but it was a good match overall.
The match was, IMO, used to both build Sheamus up and bring him down a bit. Sure, he was WWE champ not to long ago, but he's still kind of a rookie. This way, Hunter puts him over as a force to be reckoned with, and Sheamus's career doesn't lose its steam so early because of his monster push.

I'm a bit disappointed that he lost, mostly because Sheamus is friggin amazing. He's IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRISH.
I have to disagree and say that I though that this one was fairly boring. I've been watching wrestling for years, and can't honestly say that I remember HHH being in one match that really sticks out to me. The match in question is obviously no exception.

I am a bit surprised that Sheamus didn't get the win here. Given his early push, and the noted friendship he has with HHH, I thought this match was going to take place as hunter's way of giving another one of his buddy's the rub. I can't really see anything that HHH could gain from winning, but for Sheamus its the opposite. A loss bury's his character a bit, while a win would've made him appear to be a legit force to be reckoned with.
This match was suprisingly good. I didn't think that Sheamus's style and Triple H's style would of meshed very well but it did and they put on a good match. Sheamus has grown on me more and more and I can see him having a great future. Sheamus looked good in defeat even though I would of preferred to see Sheamus go over to continue the feud but I'm okay with the ending.

A really good match so I give it 3.5 stars.
I agree here. I thought HHH was going to give the rub to Sheamus, but I guess he's going to be teaching him for a bit longer. The match didn't stand out, just like many of HHH's matches, but that's no surprise here as this match was kinda blah. Not bad, but not a Wrestle Mania match. Hopefully this feud continues and these two put on some better matches. Sheamus needs the rub and last night was the time to do it, so it'll be interesting as we go forward as to how HHH is going to handle the young stud.
I thought HHH was going to job, but if he had, their feud would have continued. This way, it ends and Sheamus will be going on to the next step in his development and I'll be anxious to see who they choose to match him with. It will also be interesting to see what's in store for HHH, given that his Degeneration-X days are over. I think a heel turn may be in order.

I thought the match itself was fine. You're never going to see high-flying maneuvers from either of these guys but they worked well together and I was impressed, as always, with Hunter's ability to mesh styles with anyone he wrestles.

My favorite sign in the audience........"Triple H Fears Divorce."
I was extremely impressed with this match. Many people thought it was going to be a throwaway match, but it turned out to be a very good one. I know people wanted Sheamus to go over, but he looked really good out there. There is an art to losing, one that can put the loser over. We saw it at the draft, with Cena vs. Swagger, and now we see it with Sheamus vs. HHH.

I'm so glad that this happened. This could easily lead to a gimmick match at Extreme Rules where Sheamus wins, and my fears that he would be sent back down to the midcard after this match have been somewhat-assuaged.

B+/A- from me.
I dont get what anyone gained from this. Shaemus was beaten when hes the upcoming star and for me needed the win and Triple H won who didnt need the win at all? I just dont get why HHH won. Shaemus should have won for me been the upcoming wrestler.
I really found this match to be a letdown after Bret and McMahon. Reason being was that I thought Trips and Sheamus would be able to work together and they just didn't mesh well for me, I was saying to my mate who I was watching it with that this is the second time in a row at Mania that Triple H has had a poor match, he spent half of it laying around and I just felt that where this match was poor in quality, Sheamus still had to win. The Pedigree out of nowhere and instant win shocked me, even more than this was on before Punk/Mysterio, but this match just took the momentum out of Mania which was going smoothly for me.

For me, I just think Trips needs to hang up his boots soon, he can't deliver as he once could, where HBK and Taker seem to get better with age, Trips seems to dwindle for me. I think his win was unjustified as it was about Sheamus proving himself...still waiting...

Problem for me is that I just can't see Sheamus going anywhere out of this now, just felt such a let down, where it has been proven that two power technicians can have a good match (Cena/Batista), these two couldn't. Disappointing for me.
I thought these two had a pretty good match. Sheamus did look strong in the match and was able to give off the impression that he can hang with Triple H. I was, however, disappointed with the outcome. It's really my only major disappointment of last night. A win for Sheamus last night would have done wonders for him and Triple H simply did no need the win.

I think that there could still be a potential bright side out of this for Sheamus, however. I look for the feud between the two to continue and build up over the next month and then a match takes place at the Extreme Rules ppv between the two. I expect Sheamus to win the match and to wind up "injuring" Triple H in order to set up him taking time away to rest up and prepare for the birth of his third child. If that's not what the plan is for Sheamus, the the whole thing for WrestleMania was really little more than a waste.
Triple H VS Sheamus

It was with great expectations for this match but ended up liking a lot. Quite nice to see, provide a fantastic Sheamus in combat, one of the highlights of Wrestlemania. The victory of Triple H is ready to ... Should have won the Sheamus. So here was enough to enjoy WrestleMania, quite higher than last year so far
Duration of combat: 12 min
Rating: 8 / 10
I have to disagree with those who think Sheamus should have gone over Triple H. Why should he have won? Triple H has been a dominant main event star for over ten years. Sheamus is pretty much a rookie. You should all realize that Sheamus getting a singles match with at WrestleMania with Triple H is a big push regardless of the outcome. This did not hurt Sheamus at all. He had a good match with a huge star at the biggest show. I'd say it was a good night for Sheamus.
I think Sheamus should have stayed with the victory, because that was what it had a higher status in WWE. There would be even more respect from fans and a perfect heel status

But this is just my opinion. ;
Wow,I was expected Sheamus to win but I guess we know now that HHH doesnt bend over even for his buddies.How can we say now that HHH is helping Sheamus to be pushed if he didnt help him get little credibility from this one?Yes,yes,I know that HHH is maineventer and Sheamus is just some guy who came in WWE and isnt even there for full year but I was expecting to see different scenario here,especially because this win didnt mean nothing to HHH and everything to Sheamus,but I should off learn by now that HHH doesnt let anyone to pin him(I guess its some kind of jinx to him).Silly me
I must admit I was kind of surprised Sheamus lost this one. I thought it would be a lock he would win this match, and become an instant #1 contender for the WWE title again. This match surprised because I wasn't expecting much from it wrestling wise, but man did HH and Sheamus put on a damn good match. This was a very physical match, and HHH and Sheamus each delivered some hard shots, and the way HHH finally hit the pedigree at the end was just really awesome.

I still think Sheamus will be invloved in the WWE title picture. He came out looking strong against HHH because he was involved in a very competitive match with one of WWE's top guys.
I must admit Sheamus and Triple H took me by surprise, cause I didn't figure they'd put on a good match like this, made both seem rather strong, of course Triple H didn't need to come off strong, but what matters is that Sheamus came off strong, even if he lost.

Hopefully he'll be able to work some nice program with Triple H in the coming weeks or months time.
The match itself was everything I exected; a solid, physical match to counter the highflying Punk/Rey match that was next to it. Both men out on a good show and Hunter walked Sheamus through a solid match. However, the only thing I have to complain about was the result as I thought a clean win would give Sheamus some momentum heading into the draft. Yes, beating HHH on Raw redeemed him slightly, but I hoped Sheamus would beat HHH at WM and have an open challenge that extended to Smackdown and he kept his status as upper-midcarder. I still have high hopes for Sheamus, let's see what the draft offers him in terms of a solid 2010.
This match was what it was. You had a green "rookie" in Sheamus against a guy that was at his 14th Wrestlemania. Sheamus clearly looked nervous on the way to the ring, but eventually he was given time to control the pace of the match, and he did a good job.

People already bitched that Triple H won this match, but Sheamus looked amazing in it, thanks to Triple H. Look, I spread the Triple H haterade as much as the next guy, but there was nothing wrong in the slightest with the way this match was handled. A solid mid card match, slapped in the middle of the card, and broke the pace between MitB and Punk/Mysterio.

Also added bonus, first non Title match for Triple H at Mania since 17, a welcome change of pace.
This match was what it was. You had a green "rookie" in Sheamus against a guy that was at his 14th Wrestlemania...
...A solid mid card match, slapped in the middle of the card

I'm inclined to agree here. I both wanted and expected a Sheamus win, but was still treated to a strong showing from him. No more hiding, picking up wins via dq. No backing off. He went 100% at Hunter, and it showed. Not only did HHH get a great match out of Sheamus for his first WM, but Sheamus got a better match out of HHH than most have had from him in a good long while.

Sheamus laying out HHH last night helps bandage the wound of losing a little bit, but he should being doing a little more than just running up and laying out HHH henceforth.
Triple H will defeat Sheamus.

I got this match correct. Trips got the win, but at least he made Sheamus look strong. I was honestly rather impressed by it. It was much better than I thought it would be..... it still wasn't all that great, however I thought it was going to be horribly boring because to me most random filler matches usually are. It was good because both guys did a decent job of making a match that SHOULD have been boring, not be so bad.

I give this match a rating of 5 out of 9.
This match was what it was. You had a green "rookie" in Sheamus against a guy that was at his 14th Wrestlemania. Sheamus clearly looked nervous on the way to the ring, but eventually he was given time to control the pace of the match, and he did a good job.

People already bitched that Triple H won this match, but Sheamus looked amazing in it, thanks to Triple H. Look, I spread the Triple H haterade as much as the next guy, but there was nothing wrong in the slightest with the way this match was handled. A solid mid card match, slapped in the middle of the card, and broke the pace between MitB and Punk/Mysterio.

I agree with your analysis of the match. I think it was very solid and Trips and Sheamus worked very well together. Sheamus did come out of the match looking pretty strong, however, at this point I think the outcome was wrong. Since his WWE debut he's been built up as the next big monster heel. A win over Triple H at WM26 would have made more sense.

However, I am reserving the right to change this opinion depending on what plays out within the next month. It appears that the Mania match is simply serving as a catalyst for a fued that will extend at least until the next PPV. It Trips puts Sheamus over at Extreme Rules, then the loss at Mania will make alot more sense when kept in context.
This match took me by surprise, IMO Sheamus put on a great match with HHH, Of course Sheamus didn't had any chance of defeating HHH, But as we all know HHH is good at putting rookies over and I'm sure that he accomplished that. Hopefully this Feud continues until the Over the limit PPV, because I'm really digging this feud between them. And like I said this match took me by surprise and it was a great match.

I'll give it a rate of 8/10
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