Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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I think it's obvious what they plan to do; a draw. Both men can't answer the bell and are lying in the ring for 5-6 minutes following the match. They are both rumored to be getting some time off following the show, so this way:

1. Shawn doesn't lose
2. Undertaker doesn't lose
3. The streak has a tie next to it....18-0-1

I actually think that would be a VERY cool way to keep things going for both men. Looking forward to it!
I think it's obvious what they plan to do; a draw. Both men can't answer the bell and are lying in the ring for 5-6 minutes following the match. They are both rumored to be getting some time off following the show, so this way:

1. Shawn doesn't lose
2. Undertaker doesn't lose
3. The streak has a tie next to it....18-0-1

I actually think that would be a VERY cool way to keep things going for both men. Looking forward to it!

That is a nice idea there, I think this is pretty much what will happen this match. If a draw doesn't happen then bye bye HBK, Taker's streak will never die and one of them has to retire soon. This will be a great match like wm 25 and would be a great way for shawn to retire, with one of the greatest matches ever making it happen. However I'm going with what machine said and that it's a draw.
HBK. If he didn't put his career on the line, if he put something like his soul on the line, where if he lost he'd have to sell his soul to the Undertaker, Taker would win. However, have you seen the recent storyline he's been in? Michaels is proving that when given an interesting storyline, he can deliver. He has plenty more in his "tank" to go another 2 or 3 years barring an injury. I think Michaels wins and ends the streak. The Undertaker is already incredibly over and has a one way ticket to the HOF, he doesn't need the Streak to get him over or solidify himself as worthy of the HOF, or anything else really, he's done that.
Problem with that theory being, the streak isnt about getting Undertaker over, its about getting OTHERS over, and giving them a built in mega match to put on every year. It would be silly to end it, ever, to be honest.

HBK will not be winning this, as it makes no sense for the streak to go anywere, and ESPECIALLY not to someone who it pays zero benefit to give it to.
I agree with NorCal, Michaels ending the streak will not benefit in any way, he's already a legend and Hall Of Fame bound, what does he gain by ending the streak? None, and what shock factor does it honestly have for Taker to lose it to Michaels? None really as both me are legends. In reality the Michaels ending the streak accomplishes nothing, ending the streak period, takes away from Taker's lasting mythical hold on Wrestlemania. He doesn't have the title wins even Edge, Cena, Orton or Jericho have, he doesn't have the rumble wins Austin or Michaels has, what does he have besides the longest running most awesome gimmick? The Wrestlemania Streak... why take the streak away from him or even add a tie, which would be a blemish anyways?
The undertaker. How many times has someone been forced to retire only to return a few months later?
If he didn't put his career on the line, if he put something like his soul on the line, where if he lost he'd have to sell his soul to the Undertaker, Taker would win. However, have you seen the recent storyline he's been in? Michaels is proving that when given an interesting storyline, he can deliver.
you don't have to win to deliver a match. HBK has proven that over an over again.
He has plenty more in his "tank" to go another 2 or 3 years barring an injury.
again, He can return at any time like JBL did. the retiring angle would be a good way to give him a year or so off.
I think Michaels wins and ends the streak.
Now even though I would love that, It's not going to happen.
The Undertaker is already incredibly over and has a one way ticket to the HOF, he doesn't need the Streak to get him over or solidify himself as worthy of the HOF, or anything else really, he's done that.
You don't really think that this is the only way HBK would make it into the hall of fame do you? Look at what he has done. He don't need to beat the undertaker, He just wants to steal the show once more.
I think it's obvious what they plan to do; a draw. Both men can't answer the bell and are lying in the ring for 5-6 minutes following the match. They are both rumored to be getting some time off following the show, so this way:

1. Shawn doesn't lose
2. Undertaker doesn't lose
3. The streak has a tie next to it....18-0-1

I actually think that would be a VERY cool way to keep things going for both men. Looking forward to it!

yeah i totally agree here, i just cant see either of them losing and there is no way for both of them to win, i think this is the outcome, all i know is im stoked for this match!
Ugh... I don't like this...

I mean sure, it's more exciting this year because there's no predictable win for the Undertaker. But, the bad thing is that one of these 2 legendary factors may end, and IMO that's not how they should fuckin do it!!!

Like others have said, obviously Shawn gains nothing by ending the streak, and Undertaker gains nothing by ending Shawn's career. They don't need the rub, they're already HOF bound!

However, I predict a bullshit ending, like a double countout or they get so exhausted from wrestling each other that they can't answer the 10 count. And, if that happens, which I really do think it will, I'll feel completely jipped and ripped off, and i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels that way.
I want it to end in a draw, but doubt that it will. & if that's the case then there are literally millions of losers in the outcome. Fans will be crushed that the streak is over, & fans will be crushed if HBK has to go. After watching the chair shot reality I hope it's a draw and we have a Hell InA Cell match at WM27.
This has controversy written all over it.
Ok ive been thinking about this for a while now and this is what I have came up with:

HBK loses:

- Long match, taker pins HBK clean and lights go off with both men dissapearing.

- Long match, taker and HBK both dissapear when lights go off

- Long match with a controversial ending which is most likely. Now with this ending Ultimate Warrior or Sycho Sid may return and screw him, or even HHH.


DRAW - Like an earlier post 5-6 minutes into it and both men cant go on etc.

This is my opinion, Undertaker cannot win clean like last year.
A draw would be ridiculous, having such a big build up since the Slammy Awards show, all to end up saying neither man one would just piss too many people off.

Sure, Shawn Michaels said a while ago that he still has 2 -3 years left, but things change, who's to say he hasn't changed his mind?

The Undertaker will win this match, no doubts about it. Shawn will retire.
I agree that a draw would be stupid, and given how Shawn has become obsessed with BEATING The Undertaker, it wouldn't really stop or help anything. I still can not believe his career is up in this match. There were once rumours this would be his last WM, but they were soon stopped by the announcement Shawn thought he had 2-3 years left in him, and that he's only taking a break after WM. Now, the WWE could have actually put those announcements out there to throw us off the thought that Shawn is actually retiring at WM, so that we have discussions like this without knowing who will be the winner.

Will people stop saying 'Well he can always come back in a few months'? Because that is unbelievably stupid. His CAREER is on the line, him losing and then allowing him back would be so pointless. If he 'retires' and returns now, his real retirement will be no where near as good as it should be, and would be if he either just retired at WM, or won then and retired in a few years.
I really don't know here, could this be an angle where it is just a loser leaves town gimmick? Seems a little silly with Shawn Michael's legacy, to build it up, only for him to leave for a while, then come back, or even appear on Smackdown.

I don't think Shawn is gonig to end this streak, I suspect he will lose, and I suspect it will be clean, other wise, it doesn't make much sense. Shawn could be done here, or he could just be ready for a long break, even a year, coming back at the next Wrestlemania. The key is to not have one of those retirement plots like Flair had.
Hey guys, I recently watched the latest episode of the chair shot and as this has become the most talked about topic, I want to add my opinion and outcome. I must say the idea of having taker and hbk competing in a hell in a cell match would top the icing on the cake for me. Seen as hunter is really not happy with hbk killing DX over his obsession with the undertaker, I would say he will cost hbk the match and return back to a heel. Normally straight after wrestlemania, taker and hbk both take time off from the ring, therefore, this story fits perfectly into the schedule, whereby, hbk returns at summerslam to face hunter and start a long feud with him. Then somewhere down the line, have a feud between undertaker and hunter which leads up to wrestlemania 27. Another interesting storyline would be to have the hell in a cell match, but have kane interrupt the match in reminiscent to the first hell in a cell match at bad blood, where kane made his debut. Instead, kane could cost hbk the match which leads up to a feud between dx vs the brothers of destruction and eventually leads to kane vs hbk and undertaker vs hunter. Seen as kane or hunter cost hbk the match, he wouldn't need to retire as it wasn't by the doing or the hands of the undertaker.
The both of you act like you have never watched wrestling before or something :lmao:

Barring serious injury, NO ONE ever "really" retires, so fucking come off it. You know how many retirements Terry Funk and Ric Flair have had? Uh, like fucking 20. Shit, guys who DO have medical reasons to HAVE to retire still come back (Bret Hart....uhhhh fucking Shawn Micheals). He will lose, "retire" and be back next year or something. Get over it, its how it goes in wrestling 210% of the time. Even with the huge ridiculous send off Flair got, were the fuck is he now?

Its just how it works in pro wrestling. No one ever really "retires" its all angles, peeps. I don't know were you guys pick up these delusions that this will somehow be different, but it won't. He will loose, and retire from being an "active wrestler" yea, sure, but he will be back, just the same as everyone else is.

You guys act as if him loosing, they may as well take him out back and plug him with a fucking 12 gauge :lmao: He wants to not work as often, and now he will get that. Pretty simple.
The both of you act like you have never watched wrestling before or something :lmao:

Barring serious injury, NO ONE ever "really" retires, so fucking come off it. You know how many retirements Terry Funk and Ric Flair have had? Uh, like fucking 20. Shit, guys who DO have medical reasons to HAVE to retire still come back (Bret Hart....uhhhh fucking Shawn Micheals). He will lose, "retire" and be back next year or something. Get over it, its how it goes in wrestling 210% of the time. Even with the huge ridiculous send off Flair got, were the fuck is he now?

Its just how it works in pro wrestling. No one ever really "retires" its all angles, peeps. I don't know were you guys pick up these delusions that this will somehow be different, but it won't. He will loose, and retire from being an "active wrestler" yea, sure, but he will be back, just the same as everyone else is.

You guys act as if him loosing, they may as well take him out back and plug him with a fucking 12 gauge :lmao: He wants to not work as often, and now he will get that. Pretty simple.

I'm not saying that DOESN'T happen, I'm saying it shouldn't. It's one of the most annoying things a wrestler can do. I can NOT believe Flair returned to wrestling after the send-off he got, it's stupid. If you want to continue to wrestle, as actively or otherwise as you like, don't compete in a match where the stipultion for a loss is your career. Shawn's already 'retired' once, though that was for injury, him 'retiring' again, only to return in a few months would be so stupid, the match between him and The Undertaker will seem pointless.

I'm saying all this now, because if (Or most likely, when) The Undertaker wins and Shawn leaves, my inner-mark will show and all I'll do is say he should return as soon as possible.
I think HBK wins this one.

A draw would be nothing short of a cop-out and the fans would be incredibly let down. You don't set up a great scenario where something has to give and then not allow anything to give.

If he loses, I truly believe he will stay retired. I think Flair intended to but financial woes forced him to change his mind. HBK isn't Flair. He's not broke and he's not a party animal spending all of his money on stupid stuff.

Regarding Flair's retirement - it wasn't just "an angle". To the dude above who was saying "get over" and that retirements aren't real. Austin? Rock? Flair's was meant to be the real deal. WWE won't let him wrestle on their TV so he had to go elsewhere. There are some people left in wrestling who still have a little respect for the notion of retiring and meaning it.

Also, HBK has avoided holding the belt for his own reasons but he sort of gets those moments that are bigger than any world title. Retiring Flair, fighting McMahon at Mania, etc. He deserves those moments because he's in a very elite class. I think taking out the streak is something Taker is probably happy to give to HBK.

If you think Undertaker's streak is meant to push a young guy, use your brain. Did bodyslamming Yokozuna work with Lex? Did winning the Rumble with Hart work for Lex? Did Shelton scoring three victories over Triple H propel him to the main event? Don't even say he was held back afterward. He can't talk to save his life (like most of the boring, bland midcarders the IWC rallies behind). He was given his moment to shine and he flopped.

The fact is, I've said it a million times - there is no simple wave of the magic wand and POOF, you've got a superstar. It doesn't work. Superstars have to make themselves and take advantage of the opportunities they are given. You can't give every potential future main-eventer a Goldberg streak or a Hogan/Andre moment. HBK is what, 2 and 9 at Wrestlemania? Nuff said. Quit pushing for Easy-Bake champions or we're going to be flooded with Cena's and Sheamus's for another decade. Let the naturals fight and claw to the top so the HBK's, Edge's, and Jericho's can give us something worth watching. If Taker wants to lose to HBK, I say let him. He knows way more about this than you or me.
The more I think about this, the more I think Taker is keeping his streak.

Why? I mainly think back to when the time when Taker and HBK first feuded back in 97/98, the funny irony is that last year at Wrestlemania was the first time Taker had actually beaten Shawn one on one on PPV. The only previous times were:

  • Ground Zero - Double DQ
  • HIAC at Badd Blood - HBK won
  • Casket Match at Rumble 98 - HBK won

Now a lot of people go on about HBK winning would put them two 1-1 at WM. Granted that is true, but their tally on PPVs is currently 2-1-1 (HBK on 2). I think that Taker needs to go over Michaels in terms of benefits, while it's only the second time Taker has beaten the same person twice in the streak, they need to leave it be. In the space of 20 years, they can't just build it up for nothing. Shawn doesn't need the streak, just naturally the catch of the career being over is one that just doesn't feel right. Part of me thinks he'll come back but as like a GM or something after he's rested up, it happened the first time he hung up his boots, why not a second?

The other feeling I get is that despite the right feeling of Triple H ending HBK's career, what's wrong with Taker doing it? You know Shawn would get a good match out of it and even if Shawn has 2-3 years left in him, it's his choice to go. I think the main downside of him retiring (if this is legit) is him not being able to feud with the likes of Morrison and some other up and comers. But C'est La Vie, we haven't got some dream matches before. But I just don't feel like Taker will end his streak this year, nor do I think it will be a draw.

Just have to wait and see at Wrestlemania, but going by their history, I think this match is Taker's.
This match is going to be great but will not duplicate last year's spectacle. Im not saying they still can't perform its just that it is my guess that there will be interference that decides the outcome. Just like last year it will go back and forth with each kicking out of each others finishers but this time Triple H comes down to help Shawn kick out and distract Taker and also making Shawn angry cause he wants to beat taker by himself (setting up a HHH/HBK feud later). This angers Undertaker where he then attacks Triple H. Shawn then takes advantage and it looks like he is going to end Undertaker's streak with Sweet Chin Music in the corner. Only to be stopped/tripped by..... Bret Hart. With the distraction when shawn turns around boom Tombstone which leads to Undertaker applying Hell's Gate with Shawn tapping out. This would let him get his revenge on vince and shawn the same night and forcing bret to be the one who cost Shawn his career by tapping out the same way that Shawn did years ago. 20-25 minute match. WINNER - The Undertaker
Didn't the Undertaker get "retired" 3 years ago at Extreme Rules when he lost to Edge in the TLC match, just to come back 3 months later and beat him at Summerslam? Was I pissed that they fucked the Undertaker Retirement up, hell yes, but guess what, no one remembers that anymore.

Same is going to happen here. Hell, the WWE has sent out guys like Mick Foley at No Way Out 2000....only to come back one month later and wrestle at Wrestlemania 16. Does it suck that the WWE does this, of course it does. As Norcal said, wrestlers don't stay retired, they just go away for a while.

Logically, is it simpler to bring HBK back out of Retirment, or get the Undertaker's Winning Streak back after he loses?
My prediction is this:

Taker wins in a long drawn out match. Michaels completely SNAPS and instead of going out gracefully, has to be forcefully dragged away by personnel from the ring.

Taker takes time off to heal, and Michaels disappears.

Summerslam rolls around, and out of nowhere, Michaels reappears, attacking wrestlers in matches and backstage at random, completely unhinged.

Vince decided this is bad for business and asks Triple H as a favor to him to try to reason with Michaels. Michaels isnt willing to listen to reason and finally challenges Triple H to a match where if he wins he gets back in WWE. Trips gives in and Michaels wins the match.
I honestly do not understand this fascination with Undertaker being unbeatable. People that put such stock in this "streak" realize that its all scripted right? It's not like we are talking about Joe Dimaggio's hit streak here. Additonally, why on earth would they duplicate last years match with the exact same finish with Taker going over again? Where is the gain in that if everyone expects Undertaker just to go over again just for sake of the streak?

Streaks are made to be broken and nothing lasts forever.
I'm not saying that DOESN'T happen, I'm saying it shouldn't. It's one of the most annoying things a wrestler can do. I can NOT believe Flair returned to wrestling after the send-off he got, it's stupid. If you want to continue to wrestle, as actively or otherwise as you like, don't compete in a match where the stipultion for a loss is your career. Shawn's already 'retired' once, though that was for injury, him 'retiring' again, only to return in a few months would be so stupid, the match between him and The Undertaker will seem pointless.

I'm saying all this now, because if (Or most likely, when) The Undertaker wins and Shawn leaves, my inner-mark will show and all I'll do is say he should return as soon as possible.

If they don't make a big to-do about it and don't do a huge ceremony, then he will definitely return in a few months following Wrestlemania. If they do the Flair send-off then I think he really might be done, making sporadic appearances after. I just can't see them having the same exact outcome as last year.
Didn't the Undertaker get "retired" 3 years ago at Extreme Rules when he lost to Edge in the TLC match, just to come back 3 months later and beat him at Summerslam? Was I pissed that they fucked the Undertaker Retirement up, hell yes, but guess what, no one remembers that anymore.

Same is going to happen here. Hell, the WWE has sent out guys like Mick Foley at No Way Out 2000....only to come back one month later and wrestle at Wrestlemania 16. Does it suck that the WWE does this, of course it does. As Norcal said, wrestlers don't stay retired, they just go away for a while.

Logically, is it simpler to bring HBK back out of Retirment, or get the Undertaker's Winning Streak back after he loses?

I think your right here. The Undertaker did "retire" and the even put him on the WWE alumni page. He made his epic comeback and beat Edge months later. As long as they don't do the huge send-off ceremony Shawn will be back if he loses.
There's a news story up on Wrestlezone thats making me wonder. Someone sent along a message saying Michaels in on the live events up until WM26, and then he's on the night RIGHT AFTER the big show. If that means a big Flair send-off then i do think its over. I just hope it ain't true and I can't really see it because Flair was 59, Shawn is 44. They both suffered broken backs, Flair got it in a plane crash so his might have been worse, I don't know. All I know is I don't want to see Michaels hang it up. I hope this retirement thing is just an angle, but if they have him listed for the next night and they do the big ceremony I might start to worry.
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