Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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Listen to HBK-AHOLIC.

Yes, listen to me :)

I dont know who u think u are to be callin my statement stupid

I'm the G-mod who's followed Shawn's career religiously for over a decade now.

of what i said about HBK. Sure HBK doesn't need any title run cuz of all the things he has done. But he doesn't want it cuz of this crap that he is too old, and too much pressure, and can't work the schedule thats alot of BS.

He IS too old. The roster isn't exactly in need of a star to be champion is it? Look at the recent Elimination Chamber matches, none of those men would have made a bad champion. Why does Shawn need to do it? By having his schedule as it currently is, he's allowing younger stars to go for the championship as well as prolonging his career.

Thats like a NFL team or a Quarterback saying. "I want to play a good game everytime i play but i dont want to win a superbowl its too much pressure.

I'm begging you to tell me how this is the same thing. The NFL is a COMPETITIVE sport, where the aim is to win the championship. The aim of wrestlers, in kayfabe, is the championship. In reality, however, the championship is nothing more than a prop. What matters is the match you put on, the amount of people you can get to CARE about those matches. As long as Shawn can still do that, what does him not carrying a belt to the ring matter?

He done everything why would he want to end the Taker streak at WM but doesn't want be a champion. Give that to someone who want to go all the way with their career. Somebody who want to be a WWE Champion for they fans and for the business. HBK has done his part in the business.

IF Shawn ends the streak, it won't be Shawn's decision. The creative team will decide he's good enough. Now, I'm sure I went through this with you in reply to your last post.

Taker still goes all the way. He does the same thing HBK does. They work a light schedule, they are both old, they give it a hell of a performance, they put over other wrestler. HBK doesn't want to have one last title run for his fans or the business.

Even as a huge Shawn fan, him not having the title doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show AT ALL. And there's no evidence to suggest him holding the title would help business, so I'm not sure what you're talking about here either.

Taker is willng to have title runs for his fans and business. HBK is Mr.Wrestlemania. Taker is undefeated at Wrestlemania.Taker doesn't really need a title run and so does HBK. So i say kick HBK in retirement cause he can't do it anymore.

What the fuck can't he do? Seriously, the man can still cut a great promo, and can still put on an amazing match.

Oh shit, Becca's on a defend HBK streak. :lmao:

Well, you know me. I can't let people be so ignorant.
When I think about last year's match and this year's match (and especially after seeing that fucking beautiful, tear-jerking vinette last night on RAW), I can't help but quote the opening of the movie "The Highlander":

- "...the time of the Gathering...when the few immortals who remain...will battle to the last..."

I mean, this match really does have that kind of feel to it. The Heartbreak Kid and the Man From The Darkside are the two greatest superstars to ever lace up a pair of boots. EVER. And let's face it, they truly are the last of the immortals. This year, it'll be the legendary WrestleMania undefeated streak of the Undertaker against the legendary career of the greatest of all time Shawn Michaels. Truly, I am not in the wrong when I say that this year, there can be only one.

I am so torn right now, as far as the outcome of the match in concerned. The biggest reason is because these two are my favorite wrestlers ever. It was a house show in which I saw HBK and Undertaker for the first time (they weren't in the same match or anything like that) many, many years ago that made me the die-hard pro wrestling fan that I am today. Needless to say, this one's definitely emotionally charged for me.

Let's face it, neither man has a whole lot of in-ring miles left on'em. Both of them have been wrestling through some serious pain for a while now - I know that HBK has been wrestling with a totally jacked back and knees. Both men will more than likely retire around the same time, and I can assure you that it will be as epic as it can possibly get when these two legendary warriors enter the Hall Of Fame.

...and I know that it will be just as epic when they clash as WrestleMania...the Showcase of the Immortals...
What do you think of this ending?

Shawn Michaels wins an extremely hard-fought contest and begins to celebrate in the ring. After about a minute, Undertaker does his "sit up" thing. He slowly gets up and begins to stare at HBK. He then slowly walks over to him. HBK stands firm. Taker gets down on one knee and does his "solute" thing. The lights go out in the arena. When they come back on, both men are gone.
It is time for the streak to end. Shawn Michaels HAS to win or lose all credibility as MR WRESTLEMANIA. Whats the point of the rematch if shawn doesn,t win.
Scenario 1: The Undertaker wins.

Since the Undertaker wins, Shawn Michaels MUST retire. Both men are taking time off anyway, though. This means that starting the very, next night on Raw, all of our attention will focus on grudge matches for Backlash, new rivalries, and the draft. And since Summerslam won't be for another 4 and a half months, most fans will easily be able to forget The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. This brings me to my idea. I believe The Undertaker should return around July and compete in that month's PPV (whatever that'll be called now). He should compete in a high profile match against a high profile superstar, but it should have NOTHING to do with the championship. He should win a hard fought match and seemingly end the rivalry, but at the Smackdown following the PPV, his opponent and a credible, new ally will team up and brutally attack The Undertaker. After several beatings, we think The Undertaker has nothing left, but he cuts a promo and decides he needs a partner...a partner who he respects and who fears nobody...a partner like...HBK! Fast forward, fast forward...we don't see or hear from HBK. All we know is that he has accepted The Undertaker's offer to come out of retirement and team up with him at Summerslam. Now, all of a sudden, you have a legitimate reason for Shawn to return, and quite frankly, a cool, new storyline with The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels actually teaming up together instead of feuding with each other.

I love this idea :) Ive been racking my brain tryin to think of a way to keep everyone happy and you my friend, i believe, are on to a winning idea. The only thing is...Who do they feud with??? Assuming UT remains on SD after the draft, i believe a feud with Swagger (assuming he is drafted to SD) would be good. It would be a new angle for UT and would give swagger the boost he deserves (and needs) after being buried on Raw. i jusy cant think who would be his partner, maybe Matt Hardy(with a heel turn) or Perhaps even Shelton Benjamin, both arrogant yet highly skilled superstars..Just a thought :D
All right, well to start off I want to say that when the idea of a rematch between Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker was announced for WM 26 I was as uncertain as anyone. I was convinced that with their fantastic match last year they had nothing left to prove, and that they could only tarnish the legacy that their amazing match had created. I thought the matter cut and dried, since neither seemed to have anything to gain from such a match, and I figured that they would be better off feuding with younger stars while they were still able.

Since the whole HBK desperation storyline started however, and especially with the breathtaking Shawn Michaels obsession video on Monday, my mind is changed absolutely. I do not know whether it was the slow build, the fact that it is two of the biggest names in wrestling history, the career vs. streak stipulation or just the anticipation of another unbelievable match between the two but I am unbelievably and unashamedly more psyched for this right now than I ever have been for a wrestling match. I just watched Raw so the emotion is still fresh, I am still absorbing the segment between HBK and Undertaker, a feud that is going to occupy my mind from now until when I see it finished. This is what wrestling should be all about, this is me at my most basic, loving a scenario and loving the idea of a match. Whatever criticisms people have are no doubt reasonable and well formed, but they will fall on deaf ears. We here are the wrestling fans who consider ourselves "in the know", well what I know right now is that no match or feud that makes me feel so emotionally invested can be anything other than the right choice.
Well I have stated before what it is for me but just making the point here:

Does HBK deserves to win? of course, he is Shawn Michaels, has giving everything left in the tank to wrestling and to the fans, is an awesome performer and deserves a lot of credit.

Does the Undertaker deserves to win and put an end to Shawn's career? That is also absolutely true, why in Hell it wouldn't? The man has been a pro since day one and has make his gimmick surpass time, also when HBK was the most hated man in the WWF he help him to be even more hated by the fans, from Ground zero, to Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood to the Casket match at the Rumble in 1998, Taker always worked with Shawn to have great matches, they have great heel/face and giant/skilled wrestler interaction and make every match good to watch.

What is the case if Shawn wins? Well more than that, HBK kills the demon that has chased him the whole year, probably won't find the redemtion he look for but it will take the weight off his back and allow him to be free again, while probably getting a signal of respect from the most respected guy in the entire WWE.

What is the case if Shawn loses? Well, to face the fact it has all comming to and end, to face the fact that what The Undertaker is and represents, the Undertaker has urned all, to face the fact that even though The Deadman is just a man, he is the most formidable opponent there is and that all the respect he has, he has it for a reason, and that the Undertaker is in fact, like HHH called him after last year's Chamber "The one true legend of the WWE".

Like I said before, I want the Undertaker to win because I am an Undertaker's fan for as long as he has been in the WWE, but truth be told, others than my selfish reasons for him to win, Shawn has a valid career to win too.

Then again I hope he doesn't and that the Undertaker's Streak stays alive.
If Shawn were to lose, which I don't think he will cus that would be 2 years in a row with the same outcome and basically same angle besides the career stipulation, they shouldn't do the big retirement ceremony thing cus he'll be back at SummerSlam to work a match. I think he's gonna be moved to be more like the Babe Ruth of the WWE, an attraction that you see a few times a year like Hogan was for a few years earlier this decade. It would be easier on his body. I put "retire" in quotes cus he'll be back after a 3 month vacation.
Well I have stated before what it is for me but just making the point here:

Does HBK deserves to win? of course, he is Shawn Michaels, has giving everything left in the tank to wrestling and to the fans, is an awesome performer and deserves a lot of credit.

Does the Undertaker deserves to win and put an end to Shawn's career? That is also absolutely true, why in Hell it wouldn't? The man has been a pro since day one and has make his gimmick surpass time, also when HBK was the most hated man in the WWF he help him to be even more hated by the fans, from Ground zero, to Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood to the Casket match at the Rumble in 1998, Taker always worked with Shawn to have great matches, they have great heel/face and giant/skilled wrestler interaction and make every match good to watch.

What is the case if Shawn wins? Well more than that, HBK kills the demon that has chased him the whole year, probably won't find the redemtion he look for but it will take the weight off his back and allow him to be free again, while probably getting a signal of respect from the most respected guy in the entire WWE.

What is the case if Shawn loses? Well, to face the fact it has all comming to and end, to face the fact that what The Undertaker is and represents, the Undertaker has urned all, to face the fact that even though The Deadman is just a man, he is the most formidable opponent there is and that all the respect he has, he has it for a reason, and that the Undertaker is in fact, like HHH called him after last year's Chamber "The one true legend of the WWE".

Like I said before, I want the Undertaker to win because I am an Undertaker's fan for as long as he has been in the WWE, but truth be told, others than my selfish reasons for him to win, Shawn has a valid career to win too.

Then again I hope he doesn't and that the Undertaker's Streak stays alive.

With either outcome I don't think everyone is going to be all THAT happy, sure some diehard Taker/HBK fans will be jubilant but other than that I'm sure we'll be hearing about this for a long time to come.
Here is my opinion.

Wrestlezone reported about a week ago that Shawn Michaels was taking a break from wrestling after Wrestlemania. If he was coming back after Wrestlemania to begin with, that means that he unfortunately breaks the streak. And I dont want him to break the streak. I like the Undertakers streak.
I've been pondering this for the last two days. I mean Shawn Michaels needs at least two surgeries as I've read on JR's blog, or on another website. So he'll be taking time off either way. I really don't want to see him retire for good, as he's still a great worker even in his 40's. I've been watching since 2001 or so and have gotten into WWE even more in the past 2 years, because of great feuds. I watched Wrestlemania for the first time live last year, and was on the brink of my seat (pun intended), and am so amped up for this but I will be honest. I don't know which way they will be going with the outcome of this match. Both men will put on a show. I hope something happens, maybe there is a double countout but I doubt they'd do that. HBK and Taker will put on a show, and I'm really torn between who I want to win. As I have said, I don't want Shawn to retire, but I'd like Taker's streak to continue, cause if someone is going to break it, it needs to be an up and coming superstar.
Yes, listen to me :)

I'm the G-mod who's followed Shawn's career religiously for over a decade now.
ok me too.

He IS too old. The roster isn't exactly in need of a star to be champion is it? Look at the recent Elimination Chamber matches, none of those men would have made a bad champion. Why does Shawn need to do it? By having his schedule as it currently is, he's allowing younger stars to go for the championship as well as prolonging his career.
What younger stars? If Vince wanted them to be champions. He would of made them champions by now. HBK whould of made a good WWE champion almost better than Taker. He turn it down cuz of pressure. "oh god the pressure" You know if the younger stars would be happy if they beat Mr. Wrestlemaina for the WWE title. That would be lot of credit to them.

I'm begging you to tell me how this is the same thing. The NFL is a COMPETITIVE sport, where the aim is to win the championship. The aim of wrestlers, in kayfabe, is the championship. In reality, however, the championship is nothing more than a prop. What matters is the match you put on, the amount of people you can get to CARE about those matches. As long as Shawn can still do that, what does him not carrying a belt to the ring matter?
Well in kayfabe almost every star is aim to win the big one just like the NFL HBK gets involve in these WWE title storylines and doesn't want to win in He just shouldn't be involve with them or less its another person involve. OH and why does he need to be a champion? Because majority of his fans believes he can be a great champion. So does Vince. One last title run wouldn't hurt

IF Shawn ends the streak, it won't be Shawn's decision. The creative team will decide he's good enough. Now, I'm sure I went through this with you in reply to your last post.
Yeah thats true. But if HBK doesn't want to be a champion. Then he should turn down on beating Taker's streak for his career.

Even as a huge Shawn fan, him not having the title doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show AT ALL. And there's no evidence to suggest him holding the title would help business, so I'm not sure what you're talking about here either.
Because not going the extra mile. Taker wants to go the extra mile. It could help the business cuz ppl or tired of seeing Cena, Orton, HHH, the same ole same ole. You know how many ppl would tune in too see HBK with a title run just one last time.

What the fuck can't he do? Seriously, the man can still cut a great promo, and can still put on an amazing match.[QUOTE=HBK-aholic;1844184

Just like Taker. HBK should just retire already.
ok me too.

If you could learn how to use the Quote button for next time? Thanks :)

What younger stars? If Vince wanted them to be champions. He would of made them champions by now. HBK whould of made a good WWE champion almost better than Taker.

And he has. Sheamus and Punk are hardly old talent are they?

He turn it down cuz of pressure. "oh god the pressure"

Actually, he turns it down because he doesn't want to work a full schedule in the same way champions are supposed to, because his body is no where near at 100% in terms of fitness. Why would he risk injury, and have to leave the business earlier than he wants, just so a few thousand people can see him at a house show? Just so he can carry a belt down to the ring?

You know if the younger stars would be happy if they beat Mr. Wrestlemaina for the WWE title. That would be lot of credit to them.

True. But so is beating the likes of The Undertaker, Triple H, John Cena etc.

Well in kayfabe almost every star is aim to win the big one just like the NFL HBK gets involve in these WWE title storylines and doesn't want to win in He just shouldn't be involve with them or less its another person involve.

But can you tell he doesn't want to win? Of course not, he's an amazing actor. You're mixing kayfabe with reality here. Him being involved with title mtches still brings credibility to the belt, it looks as if he wants to win it. Shawn is going to push to win this match.

OH and why does he need to be a champion? Because majority of his fans believes he can be a great champion. So does Vince. One last title run wouldn't hurt

I believe he could be a great champion. But at the moment he's a great wrestler, why is a change needed? The championship won't make him BETTER, will it? And how do you know it couldn't hurt?

Yeah thats true. But if HBK doesn't want to be a champion. Then he should turn down on beating Taker's streak for his career.

Why should he turn it down now? He's had so much criticism for not doing as is asked in the past, why now is that okay? If they feel he should end Undertakers streak, he should end it.

Because not going the extra mile. Taker wants to go the extra mile. It could help the business cuz ppl or tired of seeing Cena, Orton, HHH, the same ole same ole. You know how many ppl would tune in too see HBK with a title run just one last time.

Is it as many as we think? While the data we have on his last title reign isn't exactly a reliable way of looking at things, we can look at it as an overview - he isn't an amazing draw.
I'm actually less concerned with WHO will win this match and more interested in its placement on the card. Last year, many said that HBK/Taker preceding the title matches degraded the show a bit, as Triple H/Orton could not live up to the hype while HBK/Taker more than delivered. However, last year it was only a singles match. Taker's streak is always on the line, and so there really was no reason for HBK/Taker to be the main event, other than star quality.

This year is slightly different. Regardless of the match result, something will have to follow "HBK's retirement" or the "Streak's end". I can't see this main eventing over Cena/Batista for the title, so the arrangement of the card is crucial. You don't want the match to take place too early, or it seems like a throwaway. If it is too late, it risks diminishing the title matches like last year. I think the best way to put it on the card would be right after Edge/Jericho with perhaps a Diva's match separating it from Cena/Batista as the main event. I think this may be the best way to prevent any fan "fatigue".

As to who will win, I'd have to think Taker. Shawn's career is always something that can be rewritten. He can always come back as GM and have the occasional match. There could also be the "short" retirement leading to a re-debut 6 months or so later. As long as they don't have a massive Flair farewell, I don't see the issue getting Shawn back on TV. Taker losing is far more concrete. Once he loses, he can't take that loss away. Even if 6 months later they overturn the decision, he still "lost". People watching the DVD a year later will see it as a loss, and this would only serve to diminish his future Wrestlemania matches.

This being said, I'm still not completely sold on Taker winning. For some reason, I feel that we may be in for a major swerve, and I don't just mean Shawn winning either. The WWE has kept some secrets before, such as Cena's Rumble return. Perhaps they are keeping something major from us here. Maybe Shawn is ready to hang up the boots. Maybe Taker is. No matter how much everyone reads online, I am never completely sold on anything.

The WWE have really given a gem here, and not just in the match itself, which will likely deliver. For the first time in a while, there is a match that COULD swing either way, with something really essential on the line, and I care. I care enough to watch and not know who exactly to root for. Should be fun.
Laughable man, some of the shit I am reading in this thread.

HBK will loose. End of. Lets do the reasons.

1. Um, fucking hello, he has been going towards retirement for years now. Shit, when he came back in 2002, it was only supposed to be for one match. We heard last year that HBK wanted to make this his last WM for the forseeable future, and when that news broke, it was definitive at the time. This allows him that, and further builds the streak as an unstoppable force. it killed Shawn Micheals.

2. Same as last year. What exactly is gained by having HBK go over? Someone like to tell me that? What higher profile can HBK Possibly have? None. With the streak, you have the oppurtunity for a young up and comer to get put over, OR you have the chance for a mega match every year, one or the other. This is accomplished, every year, without fail. You want to throw that away for Shawn fucking Micheals to end it, so he can take the next 7 months off? Hello, fuckin planet Earth calling here.

Clearly obvious HBK has zero chance here. Maybe a little less easy to predict than last year's bore fest, but still pretty obvious. I can't wait for the next 35 days of people overrating this angle, and spooging all overthemselves over a bunch of nothing.
Having a rematch between undertaker and Shawn is a good idea, but ending the career of Shawn is not a sellout thing. Last year it was Undertaker who won so it seems that this time Shawn will be the winner. Although I strongly feel that WWE can do any thing as per their own wishes with any regards for what we the people want to see
If you could learn how to use the Quote button for next time? Thanks :)

Yes i have and u are my motivation.

And he has. Sheamus and Punk are hardly old talent are they?

Well for Punk i can say you are right on. Sheamus don't get me started with him.

Actually, he turns it down because he doesn't want to work a full schedule in the same way champions are supposed to, because his body is no where near at 100% in terms of fitness. Why would he risk injury, and have to leave the business earlier than he wants, just so a few thousand people can see him at a house show? Just so he can carry a belt down to the ring?

He is risking injuries anytime he wrestles. So does Taker who as we speak is probably working in pain right now. Speaking of Taker. In his last title reign he hardly defended the belt but it was mostly on PPV. I'm sure Vince would of gave HBK the same treatment.

True. But so is beating the likes of The Undertaker, Triple H, John Cena etc.

True. But HBK stands out of all those guys. HBK can be a better champion then HHH, Cena and probably equal to Taker. Look the last time HBK lost the title to was HHH in 02. How good it would look if somebody like Miz, JOMO, or Kofi take the belt off of him.

But can you tell he doesn't want to win? Of course not, he's an amazing actor. You're mixing kayfabe with reality here. Him being involved with title mtches still brings credibility to the belt, it looks as if he wants to win it. Shawn is going to push to win this match.

Yes i know HBK is a amazing actor not just with the titles but in royal rumble matches. He is the only person who acts like he cares about winning the royal rumble. But really the thing that kills me is WM 12. How HBK have wet dreams about winning the title. If HBK or Vince or creative teams were smart enough then they should not get HBK in anymore WWE title storylines. If he not gonna win it.

I believe he could be a great champion. But at the moment he's a great wrestler, why is a change needed? The championship won't make him BETTER, will it? And how do you know it couldn't hurt?.

No it want make him better but like i said he can put over other stars. Majority of the ppl want to see it.

Why should he turn it down now? He's had so much criticism for not doing as is asked in the past, why now is that okay? If they feel he should end Undertakers streak, he should end it.

You are right again. He should end it and after that go all the way with it. Take a break. When Summerslam comes around take another title run. Hell he should turn heel and have the belt. But if he doesn't planning on winning the big one (WWE title) in the future he should lose to Taker and retire.

Is it as many as we think? While the data we have on his last title reign isn't exactly a reliable way of looking at things, we can look at it as an overview - he isn't an amazing draw.

Well i don't know about that. All i can image is a huge pop when everybody see HBK once again a WWE champion.
This is one unpredictable outcome (and I'm not sure that is a good thing in this situation). Are they really going to let Taker beat Shawn two years in a row (more importantly will Shawn let that happen?)? Will Shawn break the streak (that should't be broken)? If Shawn loses, will he really retire? Is this it for HBK?

I am not sure I will like any outcome they can offer.

Let's say Taker wins, and Shawn retires. Is he REALLY going to retire? If so, it has been a pretty lame build-up to such an event. Shawn Michaels retiring means more to WWE fans then Ric Flairs retirement (older fans, like myself, probably see Flairs retirement as a bigger deal, but not WWE's current audience). To have Shawn retire after a 5 week build up sounds pretty lame to me. And if he does lose, is he REALLY going to retire? Or just take a few months off and find some kind of "loophole" to come back through? I hope that is not the case, I HATE when retirement matches mean absolutely nothing, and that will be the case if Shawn comes back anyway after losing.

Now what is Shawn wins? Do they really want to kill one of the greatest streaks in sports history (that's right, I said all of sports)? I sure hope not. This streak is the one thing that Taker has that no one else does, and he deserves to keep it alive. It is a HUGE part of his legacy with the pro wrestling crowd. And if he were to lose the streak, why to HBK? Doesn't he have enough accomplishments under his belt to let this one slide?

Will Shawn lose to Taker 2 years in a row? With everything I have ever read/heard about Shawns ego, I don't think that is likely. Shawn has an ego the size of Manhattan.

I don't know what is going to happen in this match. I guess if I were forced to pick an outcome, it would be for Taker to win clean. I don't want to see Shawn leave after such a terrible build up, but I think it would be an even bigger mistake to take the streak away from Taker.
well, it'd suck, but I can see a draw. I'd hate it, i think most of the IWC would hate it, but maybe some sortta dual count out, something along those lines.
Personally, I'd like the streak to live on, but I don't want the end of Michaels either.
making a gut call, Undertaker, maybe with interferrence to turn someone uber heel by 'retiring' Michaels
BOOOO! I coulda swron that we already saw this last year! Why are they making them wrestle again?! Taker shoulda have faced Jericho or someone new not the same man he beat last year! This is stupid! Their match last year is what wm 25 was known for, now tha they are doing it for 26 they will steal all of it's thunder!!
I couldn't help but laugh when earlier someone posts this streak is one of the greatest in sports. Honestly I believe the outcome of match will be draw with both the streak and career living on. Side note I'm in no way excited about this match. Why even try to duplicate what happened last year at WM25 between the two, leave it at that match and go on to different opponents.
Laughable man, some of the shit I am reading in this thread.

HBK will loose. End of. Lets do the reasons.

1. Um, fucking hello, he has been going towards retirement for years now. Shit, when he came back in 2002, it was only supposed to be for one match. We heard last year that HBK wanted to make this his last WM for the forseeable future, and when that news broke, it was definitive at the time. This allows him that, and further builds the streak as an unstoppable force. it killed Shawn Micheals.

2. Same as last year. What exactly is gained by having HBK go over? Someone like to tell me that? What higher profile can HBK Possibly have? None. With the streak, you have the oppurtunity for a young up and comer to get put over, OR you have the chance for a mega match every year, one or the other. This is accomplished, every year, without fail. You want to throw that away for Shawn fucking Micheals to end it, so he can take the next 7 months off? Hello, fuckin planet Earth calling here.

Clearly obvious HBK has zero chance here. Maybe a little less easy to predict than last year's bore fest, but still pretty obvious. I can't wait for the next 35 days of people overrating this angle, and spooging all overthemselves over a bunch of nothing.

I don't know if it is really as cut and dried as that though, repeating the same match as last year will have them under alot of pressure to change the ending.

The Undertaker beating HBK at Wrestlemania once again really would build it up as an unstoppable force, especially since HBK is so determinded to win the match. But I get the impression nowadays that Undertaker is the one who should be closer to retirement, since he is alot more broken down and visibly slower. If it was a career vs. career match then I would be betting on HBK to go over, just because he seems like he has more left in him for the long term. There is only so much time Undertaker can take off, only so much more they can reduce his schedule, before it becomes too much of a drain and unrewarding for both him and the WWE.

Anything relating to the streak is pretty difficult to call, and its always a bit of a question of whether they ever have the intention of ending the streak. This is because there is simply no precedent for the streak, never before has someone had a run like the Undertaker has had at Wrestlemania. The problem is that the streak has gone on so long that alot of people are no longer buying the idea that anyone can break it. If Undertaker beats HBK twice at WM then loses to an up and comer then wrestling fans will hit the roof. That could be the start of a push like no other, but I think it more likely that it would get people resenting the idea that the streak could be broken by a less established star. The history of HBK and Undertaker makes it seem fitting that HBK is the one to end the streak, since two legends who helped make their careers off each other could clash one final time before retiring.

I didn't find last years feud or match the least bit boring, and I am psyched for this one even more, since I don't remember the last time I saw a match with so much promise and such exciting stipulations attached.
thinking about this more and reading the responses on here I am more convinced that undertaker will win. I think that shawn will lose and return later as a GM of Raw to end the guest host idea and the reason i think this is Shawn retired Flair and now Taker will retire him. If the Undertaker ever does lose his streak it will indeed have the stipulation that he must retire if he loses and it will be a real retirement and not one of those that just means he comes back in a few months if that was the case he would just "die" again and come back. I think that if he loses the streak it will be to Cena as he is established but still not quite in that same level as Shawn or Taker and Cena ending the Streak would put him over the line and it will happen with Takers retirement if it ever happens. However I think taker will retire with the Streak intact.
im gonna say undertaker for this one. jus based on the fact that the undertaker is still a strong world champion. if shawn michaels wins this match, where is his career really gonna go after that. hbk did a great job as commish a few years back which would make the gm idea work for him.
I was thinking about all of this. When i saw that this match will happen i was shocked. If HBK's Career wouldn't be on line, this match would not be so risky. The only way i can think this will go is... Shawn to get "injured". And give the match to someone else.Shit, that would actually make sense... Taker's streak won't be ended, HBK's Career either... . If it will happen i would be happy, but this would lead us to a question WHO will face Taker?
Ghhhhh... this is propably the biggest match from all these 17 mania matches taker had.:banghead:
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