Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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I'd actually be pretty upset if they ended the Streak here. I know that it's just wrestling, and its all fixed and it's all part of the show but fuck you. Not only does Taker deserve the Streak, he's earned it. What is it now? 18 Wrestlemanias? That's crazy and given that he's been in the WWE for 2 decades this year, I think they should give him a little bit of respect and let him keep it. But that's not why I'd be upset if they took it off him.

Sure it's a great accolade, but Taker isn't going to be remembered solely for his streak. He'll be remembered regardless of a win or a loss of the streak. What would piss me off would be that they waste the tremendous heat on HBK. He's about on the end of his tether, just like Taker, so there is absolutely no justifiable reason why he should end the streak. He's got all the respect and accolades he needs, he does not need this. If any time they were going to end it, it should have been Wrestlemania 21. Him losing on the 13th to Orton, the Legend Killer, giving him the biggest rub of his life.

But not now, not like this. Should be a cracker of a match though.
This sucks. I'm sorry, I know it will be a great match, but c'mon. Nobody wants the Streak to end, especially not to Mr Ego Shawn Frickin Michaels. If the Streak ever does end it should be to the next Lesnar, and maybe not even then. At the same time, I can't believe HBK is going to retire, unless he's suddenly got some injury we don't know about that means he has to stop now. What's the point of him retiring and then coming back at Summerslam again? Michaels should have seen enough of this bullshit from Flair and others to know that multiple retirements just make it all meaningless. Nobody wants to see the Streak tainted by some bullshit like a double count-out either.

Personally, I don't want to see Taker go either. He's just had a good run with the belt, which gave SD a credible champion while allowing others to grow and develop around him. Yes, it's obvious he's been working through some pain for a while but when push comes to shove at the PPVs he always pulls out a solid performance.

As someone pointed out above, HBK just isn't as useful to the company either. He won't take the belt, he won't work the champion's schedule, which is patently selfish as several times during the last couple years it would have been the right thing for the business. Since coming back from Summerslam he helped put Legacy over a bit, and then has just shoved merch with his buddy HHH and done lame skits with Hornswoggle. I wouldn't mind seeing him go, but at the same time, what a waste of a retirement if he does. Like it or not, the guy is a legend, and what a push it would be for a rising star like Punk or Morrison if they got the rub from retiring HBK. Taker retiring him is just pointless: Taker doesn't need it, HBK gets nothing from losing twice to the same guy, and a young star misses a great opportunity, and the business suffers. But then it wouldn't be the first time HBK had put himself before the business, hmm? It's such an irony he's facing Taker, the locker room leader, the ultimate professional.

At any rate, there is no way to end this. If the Streak ends and/or Taker quits, that sucks. If Michaels goes and then comes back, that sucks. If Michaels really retires, fine, but it's a waste of a retirement. Meh.
I love it. It's a match worth caring about, worth buying. There's really something on the line here. This is a match with two legacies on the line. The vignette with Placebo was one of the very best I've seen on wrestling in a very long time. And there is a little bit of unpredictability. Most of all, it will be an amazing match, because knowing both wrestlers, they will give everything they have, even if it means being crippled for 6 months afterwards, to top the match they had last year...which was an instant classic.

Even more, it works both ways. Both of these guys are the most respected guys in the locker room today. Taker has been for over 10 years now. Both have the upmost respect for each other, even if they don't really like each other too much, for their abilities and for doing business. Both have had so many classic bouts with each other over the years that their careers will be intertwined forever. If Taker were to have his streak snapped, he should do so by the one guy who can actually put on the best match with him, and that's Shawn. If Shawn retires, he should be beat by the one guy in the company that has the stature to honorably retire him, and that's Taker. Just like Shawn did to Ric Flair (nevermind Ric is now in TNA).

The office got this one right.

Now, who wins? Predicting this one makes me very, very sad. Shawn Michaels is maybe my favorite wrestler of all time, definately among the top. I do not, in any way, want to see him retire. I would rather watch him do the DX thing for 5 more years than never see him again. Shawn in some form is better than no Shawn at all. And I'd lie to think that if Shawn was retiring, that'd he have more than a 5 week sendoff, ala Ric Flair and the multi-month buildup for his. And personally, Taker's streak doesn't mean that much to me. I like Taker, but I could care less about his streak. Over half of those matches weren't even very good, while Shawn's matches are almost all classics. I could argue Shawn was more worthy of having an undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. But I know I'm in the minority. I know it's very important to a lot of people. I know it's important to the legacy of Taker's character. And my gut feeling is that I just can't see the office, no matter how much influence HHH and HBK have, asking Taker to end his streak to anybody. I don't think it will ever end, even if Taker's last match ever was at Wrestlemania. It's a streak that doesn't ever have to end, something that will last forever. Obviously now, I want it to, but it doesn't make much sense to me. But Shawn, who can't wrestle at the level he once did on WWE's schedule, who's in terrible shape with two fucked up knees and a fucked up back, who can't ask HHH to give up another year of wrestling on top to support him doing the DX thing so he can work, now with his kids growing up and perhaps wanting to devote more of his time to his faith...those things I can totally buy.

I predict Shawn Michaels will lose and retire. And I might actually pay $60 to watch.
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This match is going to be incredible! And with all thats on the line is going to make it all that much better. As for who's gonna win? Its so hard to say. But im making my pick...HBK!!! I've always felt that it would be someone like Shawn or HHH or even Edge to end the streak. My money is on HBK.
This sucks. I'm sorry, I know it will be a great match, but c'mon. Nobody wants the Streak to end, especially not to Mr Ego Shawn Frickin Michaels. If the Streak ever does end it should be to the next Lesnar, and maybe not even then. At the same time, I can't believe HBK is going to retire, unless he's suddenly got some injury we don't know about that means he has to stop now. What's the point of him retiring and then coming back at Summerslam again? Michaels should have seen enough of this bullshit from Flair and others to know that multiple retirements just make it all meaningless. Nobody wants to see the Streak tainted by some bullshit like a double count-out either.

Personally, I don't want to see Taker go either. He's just had a good run with the belt, which gave SD a credible champion while allowing others to grow and develop around him. Yes, it's obvious he's been working through some pain for a while but when push comes to shove at the PPVs he always pulls out a solid performance.

As someone pointed out above, HBK just isn't as useful to the company either. He won't take the belt, he won't work the champion's schedule, which is patently selfish as several times during the last couple years it would have been the right thing for the business. Since coming back from Summerslam he helped put Legacy over a bit, and then has just shoved merch with his buddy HHH and done lame skits with Hornswoggle. I wouldn't mind seeing him go, but at the same time, what a waste of a retirement if he does. Like it or not, the guy is a legend, and what a push it would be for a rising star like Punk or Morrison if they got the rub from retiring HBK. Taker retiring him is just pointless: Taker doesn't need it, HBK gets nothing from losing twice to the same guy, and a young star misses a great opportunity, and the business suffers. But then it wouldn't be the first time HBK had put himself before the business, hmm? It's such an irony he's facing Taker, the locker room leader, the ultimate professional.

At any rate, there is no way to end this. If the Streak ends and/or Taker quits, that sucks. If Michaels goes and then comes back, that sucks. If Michaels really retires, fine, but it's a waste of a retirement. Meh.

Yup.. I said the same thing. glad im not alone on this. If HBK did decide n is own to face the Undertaker agin at Mania for his last mach it makes him SELFIS! He should be putting over one of the younger stars.
This match has now become more important than either World Title matches.

For Edge and Jericho the fued is based on Jericho taking the piss out of Edge's injury. Is THAT the storyline for a ME fued? No, don't think so.

Vince is picking on Cena because Cena likes Bret. Is that the storyline you want for your ME fued? Sure it's Bret, but still, no, not really.

2 of THE most resepcted Legends in professional wrestling history squaring off in what is likely to be the best rematch ever (even if it doesn't live up to last years, the rematch will still be epic), in a match where either a career or a life's work comes to an end. Either way, Taker/HBK II will be the end of an era in pro wrestling.

The emotional scale of this match will be off the freakin' chain. People are going to be torn apart trying to guess who's going to win, and then be torn even further when they try to decide who to cheer for.

Obviously a lot of guys like to moan about HBK circa 1990-1998 and haven't forgiven him for stuff he did over a decade ago. Others like to shit on Taker and his streak, because they don't like Vince's booking decisions. These are both really shit reasons to want either guys careers to end, but sadly there will be people chanting for HBK to lose, and there will be people who want the Deadman to lose.

For those, like me, who respect these men for damn near crippling themselves for our amusement for the past 2 decades, regardless of what and who they might have held back along the way, March 28th is going to be filled with emotion.

I've said that if the Undertaker retired (and i do think the streak ending would signify his career ending), i'd give up with wrestling entirely. You might call that sad, but hey, fuck you. Imo, Mark Callaway is the only reason to spend £15 a month on a wrestling PPV, which is all i watch in terms of wrestling now anyway. Once he's gone, i really have no reason to keep watching.

I'm loyal to the Phenom and the Phenom only, so i'd hope HBK loses, but damn at the same time, he doesn't deserve to lose.
im pretty sure michaels will win. i also remember reading that michaels is going to take a few months off after wrestlemania(also the undertaker) which means he is coming back. but i am very excited for this match overall bcus something is coming to an end and both are very valuable to the wwe. i also like the idea i read earlier about having this as the main event, bcus jericho vs. edge and batista vs. cena are good matches but they dont compare to michaels vs. undertaker(career vs. streak) match.
I am a huge hbk fan and huge undertaker fan but I want the streak to liveon but I don't want to see michaels leave but would be cool to see him come bk as a gm of raw like back in the late 90s when he came back as comish. The only thing that comes to mind is that the only thing that is left for hbk to do in his long list of achivements is beat the dead man at wreatlemania and looking back on the career of shawn michaels he is the only one on the wwe roster that deserves to end the streak.
Damn I dont think that in this match we will have a winner,But if i have to choose a winner I will have to go with Taker,His streak will continue.HBK will lose but I think he will pull a Ric Flair,He might just get some time of just like the undertaker,And then well could see the return Taker return form his break by summer,And HBK will maybe taker a longer break and he could be back by Fall,But i honestly dont think that HBK's career ends this year.
Now that i've stopped crying i can actually reply to this post lol I for one hate the idea of another Taker v Michaels match at WM!!!! And to make it worse its now Streak vs Career!! Well i wont be happy unless the Undertaker walks away with the streak still intact. I say this because the streak is everything to his career, like someone said before, its become a WM main event, just as important as a title match. Another reason im for UT winning is because i believe he still has more to offer than shawn, in terms of putting over younger talent. Shawn has really dropped down since WM25, getting buried to put legacy over and flogging cheap sales promos with Hornswaggle, whereas UT had a good 5 month Title Reign. And seeing as shawn cant handle the pressure of another title reign, i think, sadly, its time for Mr Wrestlemania to say goodbye, on the grandest stage of them all
Well i honestly hope that UT does not lose his streak. It is basically something which is almost 2 decades in the making. No one has come close to a streak like this and if he wins at WM, it will be something which will always be remembered.

But i have a feeling that SM may end up winning, which is not cool. As both these guys are legendary, i think if SM wins the WWE will see it as one legend losing to another.

But at the same time i get the feeling that SM may do anything to end the streak. So will we see a screwjob of sorts? I know someone mentioned the idea of HHH interferring and costing SM the match, which i thought was a good idea.

One thing bothers me, which is last year at WM, these guys put on a hell of a match. But with them wanting to have lighter schedules as there bodies can't take it as much, will this match be anything like last years? Nah i don't think it will, i will be surprised if it is. I don't want a match with all this build up and then it turns out to be a disappointment.

Come on UT, we need you to continue the streak!!!
I really like what WWE have done with this match. Since this match was first teased at the Slammys, I haven't been too optimistic about it because it would be a repeat of one year ago. However, putting HBK's career on the line has got me very interested and I now actually believe Taker has a chance of losing the streak. I can't disagree with others saying that Taker should put his career on the line, but I'm more than satisfied with Career vs Streak because it means both men are putting one thing on the line.

I think this is now the most important match on the card and I would love to see this go on last. I know it's traditional for a title match to be the main event, but this is a match with very important stipulations, maybe more so than a title match.

As to who will win, I'm completely torn. I've seen the reports saying Michaels is going to continue wrestling for another two or three years, but I'm not going to believe everything I read. Especially now as WWE may try to work the IWC as they keep the result a secret. One thing that is certain is HBK is 44 years old and is constantly working through injuries. Maybe he will lose the match and retire for good. I would miss HBK but he has to retire at some stage and I'm sure he would like to spend more time with his family. Another possibility is him losing the match and finding some way to return, but this would cheapen the match in my opinion.

Then, of course, there is the possibility of the Streak being broken. I've always said I would love to see the streak remain intact but I have to concede the streak being broken would provide one of the most shocking moments in Wrestlemania history. It would also add to Shawn's Mr Wrestlemania moniker. The main problem I have with Shawn breaking the streak is that he will likely disappear for a few months after Wrestlemania and if someone breaks the streak, he should be there capitalising on the win. It would just seem anti-climatic to see HBK break the streak and not see him again until Summerslam.

After considering everything, I still find it very hard to choose a winner at this point but I'm leaning towards Undertaker winning. I have a feeling that Shawn has decided to call it a day, at least for now, and spend time with his family. Also, I'm thinking that if WWE did ever choose to end the streak, it would be to a younger star who could use the momentum more than Michaels.
Yup.. I said the same thing. glad im not alone on this. If HBK did decide n is own to face the Undertaker agin at Mania for his last mach it makes him SELFIS! He should be putting over one of the younger stars.

This might be one of the worst posts I've read. I don't like being the one to break this to you, but wrestling is scripted. That means wrestlers like Shawn DON'T decide what's going to happen, a specially chosen creative team does. Shawn isn't selfish for putting on an amazing show, which is HIS job.

So to clarify: If Shawn breaks the streak, he's not selfish, creative have decided he's good enough to be the one to do it without The Undertaker losing credibility.

Well im going to get straight to the point about this match.

If HBK doesn't want to have any title runs anymore then he should retire. Don't give me that crap about workin a schedule because him and Undertaker work the same schedule. HBK will go all out this WM. No doubt. But he should hang it up b4 UT loses at a WM. If HBK doesn't want the big one anymore he should just go and retire. Don't end the Undertaker streak and behind close doors you being offer a title run and turn it down cause you cant take the pressure of being a champion.

IIf HBK can't handle the pressure with titles and stuff. Then i prefer the streak.

So, just to be clear, just because Shawn isn't hogging up one of the world titles, he should retire? Do I need to show you how stupid that statement is or do you think you can figure it out?

All people do is complain about people like Triple H being world champion when there are younger 'future' stars in the business. So you're saying unless Shawn is going to be champion instead of one of those stars, he should leave? Never mind the fact wrestling is about putting on a great show, which he does better than anyone else on the roster? Never mind the fact he can still put over younger stars if need be?
Before last night, I was hoping for a Triple H and Shawn Michaels match at Wrestlemania. But after last night, this seems like the best thing they could have possibly done. A man's career against a man's career work. The emotion behind this match will be off the charts as something HUGE is going to happen. We have only seen 1 Raw building to Wrestlemania, and the WWE has already gotten me, and by the looks of it many other people, excited for this card.

I'm sick of seeing people say that an up and comer should break the streak. That would give them the rub of a life time (that sounded dirty), ubt what if they pull a Lashley and leave. Then they ended the streak to a person of no relevence in 3 years. Shawn Michaels is one of only a handful of people that can beat The Undertaker at this point. The other wrestlers I see that can beat him is Cena and Jericho. But if anyone should beat him, it's Mr. Wrestlemania, Shawn Michaels.
I'm very excited for this match. For the people who don't want the streak to end I'd like to ask why? It has become predictable over the last few years. Every time Wrestlemania comes around the one guarantee is that Taker will win. As great as the streak is, having it end wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. And for the people who think it should only be an up and comer that ends the streak, that is the type of thing that would make his streak look bad. There is no guarantee that a young guy beating him will be able to have a hall of fame career. If Taker is going to lose it needs to be against someone believable like HBK or John Cena.

I'm also sick of this bullshit about how the match might not be better then last year so they shouldn't have it. Even if it isn't better it's still going to be a great match. HBK and Taker always have great matches. The first ever HIAC was amazing, possibly the best HIAC ever. Their Casket Match at the '98 Rumble was also great despite the fact that HBK wrestled the majority of it with a fucked up back. And of course last year they had a tremendous match. This will be another great match and the stipulation just makes it that much better.
I'm excited for this match for sure. Taker vs HBK II is going to be good, and for the past 3 months all I've seen is people say it shouldn't happen. What do you say to that now?

This match is going to be amazing. I don't care about it being the same match as last year. This time around there is much, much more emotion vested into it. Undertaker's streak vs Shawn's career is huge. I honestly don't know who to root for in this. I'd love for both men to win, but I just can't see Taker's streak ending. At the same time, to see Shawn retire now, I'm not so sure I'd be happy with that.

All along we've said Triple H should be the one to retire Shawn, but if it was Taker, I guess that'd be alright. Either way, I'm looking forward to this match, and the build so far, even if it was just essentially all Shawn, has been great.
There's a few things that come to mind with this match...If Shawn is going to have his last hurrah it will be with HHH. They won't have the same finish 2 years in a row and HBK losing again does nothing for him. He's taking months off and coming back at SummerSlam, and he makes good money for working a cake schedule where he barely works a house show, and even though sometimes the smart business decision would be to put the belt on him, he doesn't take it. If this was it for Michaels there would be huge build-up already like with Flair. I don't want to see all the hoopla done for Michaels so he can show up at SummerSlam, or pull a Macho Man and get "re-instated". If its a bullshit finish I can see a lot of people getting pissed off but I don't see any other way unless Taker is ready to bite the bullet and kiss the streak good-bye.
AWO Areoplex™;1838865 said:

WOW just WOW, it was one thing to have a rematch but to put HBKs career on the line now that is amazing and risky either way something is going to end at WrestleMania 26 I hope it is HBK's career because I like Taker's streak better.

Now this could be one of those Hulk Hogan retirement matches where it doesn't mean much or it could be a Ric Flair retirement match which means we can expect a send off if HBK does lose.

Now discuss this match.

Who do you think is going to Win ? ....... decide!

I've been watching wrestling since the early 80's. Wrestling gets pretty predictable. With hbk career on the line he just might win. But i think hbk should not be able to break the streak because he has already retired the great Ric Flair. He should not be able to break the streak. This would place him in high honors. But I hope vince has some since and allow takers wrestlemania legacy to continue. Undertaker should remain undefeated and set the bar for others.
This looks to be great. I can officially say I am excited for something that the WWE is putting out there. What I want to see???? I’d like to have Undertaker retire Shawn, and the streak continue another year. If ‘Taker’s streak ends I believe he should retire also. So make it a career vs. career match, or have ‘Taker go over here.

I think ‘Taker should pass the torch when ending the streak, and that should be to John Cena or Randy Orton (who is locked up for 10 years so it will have a big payoff for the WWE). In all honesty Shawn Michaels gains nothing from winning other than for storyline purposes. He has already solidified himself as Top 5 of all time in my book, and is one of those guys who I would not argue with you at all if you said to me HBK is the greatest wrestler of all time.

He already retired Flair, don’t give him the streak. He doesn’t need it. Make it career for career…if not that, I want ‘Taker to win here. I love the streak.
This is the match that needs to be the main event of the night. Anything that follows this match is not going to get the proper respect it deserves from the audience, because this match is going to top what they did last year. There is so much more at stake now. This is going to be a match looked upon fondly by fans 20-30 years from now as what a war it was. I know HBK and Flair were offered the main event spot a couple years ago, and they refused to let it be the main event because "nothing is bigger than the World Title". In this case, it is. This is the streak that has gone on for 19 years now, going up against the career of perhaps the greatest wrestler in WWE history in Shawn Michaels.

That being said, I want The Undertaker to win. Shawn Michaels has been very disinterested for awhile now. And to be quite honest, I don't know where he or The Undertaker would go from here with an HBK victory. The Undertaker's Wrestlemania matches are special attractions. The streak also should be broken by somebody who is so ready to break into the main event picture, and needs that last bit of "oomph" to send them through that glass ceiling. The streak being broken needs to be reserved for someone like The Miz or Ted Dibiase. If Shawn Michaels broke it, it wouldn't be that special or impressive. He has enough accomplishments already.
This is the match that needs to be the main event of the night. Anything that follows this match is not going to get the proper respect it deserves from the audience, because this match is going to top what they did last year. There is so much more at stake now. This is going to be a match looked upon fondly by fans 20-30 years from now as what a war it was. I know HBK and Flair were offered the main event spot a couple years ago, and they refused to let it be the main event because "nothing is bigger than the World Title". In this case, it is. This is the streak that has gone on for 19 years now, going up against the career of perhaps the greatest wrestler in WWE history in Shawn Michaels.

That being said, I want The Undertaker to win. Shawn Michaels has been very disinterested for awhile now. And to be quite honest, I don't know where he or The Undertaker would go from here with an HBK victory. The Undertaker's Wrestlemania matches are special attractions. The streak also should be broken by somebody who is so ready to break into the main event picture, and needs that last bit of "oomph" to send them through that glass ceiling. The streak being broken needs to be reserved for someone like The Miz or Ted Dibiase. If Shawn Michaels broke it, it wouldn't be that special or impressive. He has enough accomplishments already.

Why does it have to be the last match of the card to get the respect it deserves? Are we really to believe that if HBK loses, he is done? HBK retired Flair and Flair came back a year later and fought Orton. We also can't forget Undertaker being banned from the WWE now can we? What is there to gain from HBK winning? Absolutely nothing. I can understand if HBK had never beat Undertaker, but he has. He had his shot last year and failed and so just because his career is on the line now, he suddenly has a huge chance to win? HBK takes four or five months after WM anyway, so it won't be a huge difference whether he wins or loses but he shouldn't win. Their match last year gets overrated because the rest of the card was so awful. This year we have Edge/Jericho, Batista/Cena and possibly Hart/McMahon so HBK/Taker II won't stand out like it did last year.
Wow. I was one that griped about this match happening again, but I'm already emotionally invested into this thing, and we're five weeks out. Obviously the Career vs. Streak adds an exciting new element to the match.

The rumor has been going on for at least the last 2, if not 3 years that Wrestlemania 26 was going to be the last hoorah for HBK, and now this stipulation comes out of nowhere, which leads me to believe that HBK is going to retire. Retire I say in a tongue and cheek type of way. Both Undertaker and HBK are part time wrestlers. If you think they are full time still, you're fooling yourselves. These two have been part time wrestlers for the better part of 2 years, if not longer.

HBK's retirement would put him more into the semi-retirment thing, ala Mick Foley. I fully expect HBK to wrestle once, or twice a year, but he's capable of doing that. HBK isn't a walking embarassment to himself or the industry like say, a Ric Flair. If HBK wants to come back and do the one time, two time a year thing, then more power to him.

I know a lot of people are thinking, Oh My Godz, why not Triple H? Are we seriously upset that the Undertaker is getting the rub and not Triple H, or a John Morrison, or some other half talented, unworthy successor? HBK and the Undertakers careers parallel each other. The best way for HBK to go out, is to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. It's not going to hurt his legacy, hell, it'll probably make it even better. When people think about Shawn Michaels, it might not be for the screwjob anymore, but his series of matches with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

I say everyone sit back, and enjoy it, because I fullly believe we are seeing the last five weeks of the great career that was Shawn Michaels, and believe the Undertaker follows either next year or in two years.
Why does it have to be the last match of the card to get the respect it deserves? Are we really to believe that if HBK loses, he is done? HBK retired Flair and Flair came back a year later and fought Orton. We also can't forget Undertaker being banned from the WWE now can we? What is there to gain from HBK winning? Absolutely nothing. I can understand if HBK had never beat Undertaker, but he has. He had his shot last year and failed and so just because his career is on the line now, he suddenly has a huge chance to win? HBK takes four or five months after WM anyway, so it won't be a huge difference whether he wins or loses but he shouldn't win. Their match last year gets overrated because the rest of the card was so awful. This year we have Edge/Jericho, Batista/Cena and possibly Hart/McMahon so HBK/Taker II won't stand out like it did last year.

I never said that it had to be the last match to get the respect it deserves, but rather the last match so matches like Jericho/Edge and Cena/Batista could. Following this match would be unfair to ask of those four guys.

Nobody ever really retires, but I think Shawn's always been the type of guy who is smart with his money, and Flair is basically broke. Also, say what you want, but that deal with Orton wasn't an "official match". Flair never "wrestled" in the WWE again. Shawn will wrestle again, but it won't be for a long time. He doesn't need to.

For you to call their match "overrated" is just you being smarky. That was a tremendous match. Say what you want, but this match will absolutely be looked at as the best of the card, and there is so much on the line here that if this is really HBK's swan song as an active WWE competitor, he's going to go all out. Same with The Undertaker, who is certainly going to go all out if this is the end of the streak.
The two biggest and longest running names in WWE history. Shawn Micheals and The Undertaker. At WrestleMania 26 we will see a rematch of what was truly the greatest match in WrestleMania history. I am for certain that they will truly deliever one more time.

So Much is at stake...

Micheals storybook career that featured some of the greatest matches and moments such as #1 Entry into the 1995 Royal Rumble, only to win it again the following year. The Only man to out perform any big name entertainer at WrestleMania. The unforgetable Iron Man Match and many other first time matches he competed in.

The Undertakers undefeated streak of 17-0. Undertaker has beaten some big names at WrestleMania, guys such as Kane twice, Ric Flair, Triple H and even Shawn Micheals himself last year.

The only question is who is ready to hang up the boots, Undertaker or Shawn Micheals? As a fan i hope that neither would, but something has got to give at WrestleMania and i honestly believe that both men will give it everything they got and wont hold nothing back and put on the best match they will ever have. I truly want Micheals to win this match and finally put an end to the Streak, but part of me wants the streak to continue.

I am almost hoping that WWE has the match end in a DRAW!!!
I am almost hoping that WWE has the match end in a DRAW!!!

I joked about this last night in the Raw LD, but that's a terrible idea that would never happen. People are going to order Wrestlemania to see this match. They're going to expect some resolution with either Shawn Michaels retiring or The Undertaker's streak getting broken. If this match ends in a draw, the WWE would alienate so much of the fanbase it wouldn't be funny... especially when Wrestlemania's going to be a real expensive PPV purchase to begin with.
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