Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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The streak is a draw and I wouldn't think that the WWE is going to throw that away just to appease Shawn Michaels..

I seriously doubt that Michaels is asking to be the one to break the Takers streak...hell it might even be Taker himself.

He has said in interviews that he doesn't really care that much about the streak and was willing to end it. And that is the direction they are taking why would Undertaker want to lose to anybody less than Mr Wrestlemania himself? Think about it.. Shawn and him went out the year before and put on an instant classic.. Its being called by many "the greatest match in Wrestlemania History" Taker couldn't have had that match with anyone else...and neither could Michaels... They just have some sort of weird chemistry in the ring. So I don't think out of the realm of possiblity that out of sheer respect Taker might want Shawn to go over.

I know many of the smarks want Taker to lay down for some up and comer because they feel this will magically make them a star. But If Im the Undertaker.. I wanna say "I was beaten by the best.. I was beaten in a 5 star match that went the distance...had the fans on the edges of their seats...a true classic".... I don't want to be a stepping stone for a kid that doesn't know how give me a great match... So Sheamus can have some extra heat for 3 weeks... If the streak is going to end then let it end in epic fashion.
Hey I dont mean to post something insignificant to this topic, but i would appreciate it if some of the 10 thousand some odd people or so who have posted about this obviously amazing match would read by replies on some of the other match, in the road to wrestlemania forum i posted some stuff about this match and other scenarios id like to see happen, I spent alot of time and put alot of thought into some of it so thanx, and uh... this may be unpopular but... GO HBK!!! 17 wins in a row at wrestlemania will never be touched unblemished may be sweeter but let someone have the glory of ending a career long streak. And no one better to do it than Mr. Wrestlemania
I know many of the smarks want Taker to lay down for some up and comer because they feel this will magically make them a star. But If Im the Undertaker.. I wanna say "I was beaten by the best.. I was beaten in a 5 star match that went the distance...had the fans on the edges of their seats...a true classic".... I don't want to be a stepping stone for a kid that doesn't know how give me a great match... So Sheamus can have some extra heat for 3 weeks... If the streak is going to end then let it end in epic fashion.

Yes, you are absoultly right, I was actually coming here to post that idea.

This match is something that could sell the pay-per-view by itself. The fact is that a match like this isn't about technical performing, it's about story telling, which is what wrestling is.Anyone who is bored by a match like their classic last year doesn't understand what a wrestling match is, emotional investment is much more important than just being technically well performed.

Case and point; Shelton Benjamin.

Anyways I'm pulling for Shawn , Mr. Wrestlemania.
Ok people I hate to tell all of you that The Undertaker is going to win. Vince McMahon will not allow him to lose. The streak is apart of Wrestlemania history now and Vince will not jeopardize that. Now saying that Shawn Michaels is not going to retire he is just going to take a little time off. Really how many retirement matches have we seen were someone has to retire only to be back in a few months after they take some time off. So really everyone relax Shawn is just gonna take a break and heal up. He will be back sooner or later.
Since they added the stipulation of no DQ/count out my guess is someone, most likely HHH will sneak attack and pedigree Michaels costing him the match. Michaels will lose in a cheap, illegitimate way and HBK will want revenge in what will really be his retirement program. It will either be with HHH or a young gun they want to pass the torch to. Michaels has been depicted as pitiful, pathetic, and obsessed and I can't see him going out like that, especially losing 2 years in a row to the same guy in the same match besides the stipulation.
Now that the whole no DQ/Count Out factor is in play, I'm positive Michaels will lose. This is actually creative's out to write Michaels back into the storyline after his career is "over".

In my mind, it will likely be Triple H screwing Michaels over. While he is the obvious choice, there are other options. Whoever plays the role will be a super heel in the future. Hell, maybe it will be Sheamus. Either way, I think the loser of the Triple H/Sheamus match will cost Michaels the win.

Option 1: Triple H loses to Sheamus, blames all his losses on Michaels, and interferes to "get rid" of Shawn.

Option 2: Sheamus loses to Triple H, blames all his losses on DX, and wants to take out his frustrations by costing Shawn his career.

Of course, they could always swerve the hell out of us as they always try to do. Maybe no interference, maybe interference costs Taker the streak, maybe some random guy will cost Michaels the match (Morrison heel turn anyone?). However, I'm almost completely sold to the idea that Michaels will lose. As I said before, you can write anyone back into a storyline in a logical fashion. Hell, comic book characters are written back to life and people keep reading. You can't take away a loss though. Not when thousands of people are in attendance to witness it.

Michaels loses, and it makes sense that way.
Hey everyone i'm new on the forum. Since the No disqualification stipulation has been added to the match, most of us think there will be interference, and I couldn't agree more. Well IMO this match is all about WM 27 and what will HBK, HHH and Taker do then. I see Triple H, or even JoMo as Checkmate said above, costing HBK his "career", only for him to return by Summerslam to start his real retirement programm with one of them.
this is my first time so, sorry if i'm sounding dumb.
1 more thing that can happen in HBK-Taker 2 is that Hbk looses the match and is forced to hang his boots up. Then by Summerslam HBK comes back maybe as a permanent Raw GM or something much like his "WWF Commissioner" role during the attitude era. could be possible coz d WWE is considering stopping d guest host concept on Raw. This way d streak stays alive and HBK can involve himself into matches after he comes back from his hiatus.
Actually I was thinking of posting a thread like this, but since it's already been mentioned I'll go here.

I definitely see interference by HHH. I'm not so sure he'll "screw HBK over" though. I think it'll go down as HHH interfering to help HBK, but HBK is so pissed that HHH did that it backfires and he loses. Or he's so pissed at HHH that HHH decides to "screw" HBK and he loses that way.

Another slim possiblity I was thinking of is that HHH helps HBK and HBK eventually wins the match. But then on that RAW that follows HBK decides that since he won, but didn't beat Undertaker on his own he's retiring anyways. Or if he doesn't retire because of it it would leave him open with a feud with HHH due to his anger of the interference. I know HHH is in a feud with Sheamus but there's no reason he can't be in the mix of it all. HHH vs HBK and Sheamus interferes and destroys both of them, Triple Threat matches, ect.
This match is an epic showdown between two greats on the grandest stage of em all. It's not an episode of Raw. There will not be any interference or draws.
Hi all,

I have enjoyed reading everyones thoughts on the outcome of this match. My theory on the way this is going to end is a bit different to everybody else so I thought it was time for my first post on the forum.

The streak v career has already divided the WWE universe but I believe that when the dust settles on this one everyone watching will be saying the exact same thing, at the exact same time. It will be interesting to hear the sound of a few million people around the world all saying a collective "WTF" followed by "OMG".

This is how I see it playing out - After another epic battle HBK is on the verge of ending the streak, the Taker is down and out and all HBK needs to do is get the cover and its over. But before he does, Brett Hart enters the ring and rips the cast from his supposed broken leg which was all a set up. The Hitman then delivers a perfect Sweet Chin Music to HBK and Taker gets the win, ending HBK's career.

When you look at everything that has been happening in the lead up this is a definite possibility. They have made sure all younger and new fans are aware of the screwjob and older fans were reminded of the details through the Brett v Mcmahon storyline yet the meeting between HBK and Brett a few weeks back was an anticlimax given the history.

This result allows Taker to keep the streak and whilst HBK loses he may want to make up for the Screwjob which is one of the major blemishes on his career. It also allows a comeback storyline as it would mean Cena helped Brett fake the broken leg and set this up. If it does play out like this I expect that Cena will turn heel in the next 12 months allowing HBK to come out of retirement at WM27 and beat Cena to end his career as Mr Wrestlemania.

Your Thoughts???
Bret Hart delivering Sweet Chin to Shawn Michaels? Come on, man. 1) It would make Hart a heel for messing with a showdown everybody wants to see. 2) Bret can barely walk. 3) A chair shot would make more sense than a superkick coming from Hart.

Like I said, nobody will interfere. There will be no draw. This is a one on one encounter with an ending that will change both wrestlers' careers one way or another.
This one isn't gonna be a clean finish. The No DQ stipulation is pretty much guaranteeing that. I don't see why it would be added if it will be a clean finish. Or are there gonna be some brutal spots in there cause of the no DQ stipulation? I dunno. I think HHH will lose to Sheamus earlier in the night and come out and screw HBK out of ending the streak. Maybe because of Shawn having the spotlight at Mania that HHH wanted or something. Takers streak would be in tact, HBK wouldn't lose clean 2 years in a row, and it would make for an epic confrontation at Summerslam with HHH/HBK.
They gave us no DQ to tell us that it's going to end in pinfall or submission without the possibility of count out or a draw. They were trying to say "we will not cop out on this one" and the IWC took it the opposite way. It also allows for more weapons and environmental influence.

If there IS interference, and I doubt there will be, it will be equal on both sides to keep people from saying the outcome would have been different.
Picture this...HHH slowly makes his way down to the ring as it looks like HBK is about to superkick the Undertaker. HHH gets on the ring apron and takes out his sledgehammer. HBK turns around just as HHH goes for the strike, BUT HBK DUCKS, and the Undertaker is hit and knocked out! HHH stands there stunned for a moment only to be delivered a SWEET CHIN MUSIC! The crowd goes wild as HBK pins undertaker for the 3. Thus Undertaker didn't lose cleanly, HBK doesn't retire, HHH and HBK feud can begin, and this entire board gets one HELL of a swerve!
With the No DQ rules it's pretty much a lock the Michaels is going to lose, we all can agree with that. There's only 2 men in the company that can interfere with this match. Your not going to have some rising star or even someone like Cena touch this even because they don't belong. Cena's huge now but not legendary(remember Brock Lesnar was the future). I see it playing out with HHH taking out HBK either on purpose or accident. Setting up a future return if desired. The ultimate payback and one we should have seen as soon as it was announced it was a "career" match is having Bret Hart come down and SCREW Shawn Michaels finally getting the revenge he's been waiting for.
Picture this...HHH slowly makes his way down to the ring as it looks like HBK is about to superkick the Undertaker. HHH gets on the ring apron and takes out his sledgehammer. HBK turns around just as HHH goes for the strike, BUT HBK DUCKS, and the Undertaker is hit and knocked out! HHH stands there stunned for a moment only to be delivered a SWEET CHIN MUSIC! The crowd goes wild as HBK pins undertaker for the 3. Thus Undertaker didn't lose cleanly, HBK doesn't retire, HHH and HBK feud can begin, and this entire board gets one HELL of a swerve!

That would turn Undertaker AND Michaels on HHH. There will be NO INTERFERENCE!!!! They are not stupid. They want to perform at their best on the biggest stage there is. This isn't another episode of Raw or a chance to build angles. It's Wrestlemania, where angles reach their pinnacle.
The only way this match should end is with it being Hickenbottom's final match. The WWE will be making a mistake that they'll regret longterm if the match ends any other way than an Undertaker win to go 18-0. The Hearbreak Ego isn't worthy enough to beat Taker at any WM. I'll be putting the voodoo hex on Ego and saying GO TAKER! I'll be happy that WM 26 will be Hickenbottom's last match. Good riddance.
Picture this...HHH slowly makes his way down to the ring as it looks like HBK is about to superkick the Undertaker. HHH gets on the ring apron and takes out his sledgehammer. HBK turns around just as HHH goes for the strike, BUT HBK DUCKS, and the Undertaker is hit and knocked out! HHH stands there stunned for a moment only to be delivered a SWEET CHIN MUSIC! The crowd goes wild as HBK pins undertaker for the 3. Thus Undertaker didn't lose cleanly, HBK doesn't retire, HHH and HBK feud can begin, and this entire board gets one HELL of a swerve!

and Taker stands around with his cock in his hand without a program while HHH and HBK suck up the glory wrestling each other? All this after Taker gives up the single most unique title in the business at the present time?

Not gonna happen...and if it did, logical booking dictates that Taker would have a beef with HHH for coming down to interfere in the first place, thus costing him the match.
Let me start by saying that last years WM match with HBK and Taker was one of the best matches ever in wrestling period. If anyone out there saw it and disagree is just a clown. I say that to say this. Michaels came so damn close to beating Taker last year that its only right for him to lay the streak to rest this year. I have witnessed Taker lose to many many other wrestlers that really didnt deserve to get the 3 count over him. Michaels is goin to make that streak REST IN PEACE lol
This Match will steal the Show. I have no doubt in my mind that it will. You have The greatest winning Streak Ever Vs One Of The Greatest Wrestlers Ever. I Will be greatly disappointed if it is put on the Under card this year. If it is Shawn's last match It Deserves to be Last. If its the match where the streak is abolished then it still deserves to go last.
Taker will actually lose his streak to one of only probably two people in the entire company (Cena being the other) who actually has the credibility to defeat Taker's streak at Mania.

Definitely don't see Taker getting two big wins in a row against the same opponent.

if takers streak was to end from cena I would stop watching wrestling. Cena is do overrated. I'm not sure on this one i really can't say who will win or even guess. Career vs streak. I can see hbk retiring this year honesty but at the same time if takers streak ever ended I would think it would be hbk to end it. I honestly hope they don't though. Takers underrated streak at wm is a big thing. It's a record he deserves to hold forever in the wwe and I hope the writers realize they can mess this up and have him lose. It would just be stupid. I will say they are doing a hell of a job with it this year though. The last few years. Even last year I pretty much was sure taker would win. This year I'm a little thrown off. I'm tempted to say taker but at the same time Hbks career is on the line and it's hard to say rather or not he will retire just yet. Hbk is awesome and one of the best wrestlers if not the best to ever enter a wrestling ring but I really don't want takers wm streak to end
The ultimate payback and one we should have seen as soon as it was announced it was a "career" match is having Bret Hart come down and SCREW Shawn Michaels finally getting the revenge he's been waiting for.

That's what I've been saying wrestler X and I'm surprised that nobody else seems to be even considering it. I'm convinced that this match is going to end with Brett Hart taking the ultimate revenge for the Montreal Screwjob by finishing HBK's career with his own signature move, sweet chin music.

The Hitmans match with Mcmahon, the anti-climax when Brett met with HBK and the broken leg are all part of the storyline to throw everyone off while at the same time reminding us all about the details of the Montreal Screwjob and what HBK did to the Hitman.

HBK can then take some time off but be back before WM27. I think this will be part of the deal and HBK will take on John Cina (who will have turned heel) at WM27 to get revenge for Cina helping the Hitman set up his loss at WM26. HBK will win and finish his career as Mr Wrestlemania.

I agree with you wrestler x that this is a very likely outcome. But I just had another thought thats almost too disturbing to consider and would make this the most controversial match in WWE history.

Imagine there is one final twist to this ending and the Hitman missus HBK and accidentally takes out The Undertaker and the streak ends. Now that would really shock everyone:banghead:.
One reason I truly don't think HBK will retire is this: If he's done, that means the last few months of his career were spent acting like a psycho, destroying DX on a very anti-climactic note, and alienating himself from everybody else. So he acts like a mad dog, attacks referees and random people, and then suddenly the locker room comes out to give him an ovation for his career? I don't see it happening. I think when he retires we'll get at least one more HBK/HHH match for old time's sake and probably a few other last hurrahs as well. I don't see him wrestling past Mania 27 in any case.
I see HBK winning that as I can't see Taker beating him in 2 Wrestle Mania's, let alone back to back. Only 2 people seemed qualified to do this ( HBK for obvious reasons and Cena to further build his already God Status up) and Shawn is the better of the two even though I would still love to see Cena vs Taker. Anyway, I can see some controversy at Mania and this will not be the end for HBK. Even if something happens and Taker wins, Shawn will come back. Still going to be very excited to see this match and in all fairness this should be the final match of the night because after their match last year, I think we were all too drained emotionally to cheer anymore that night.
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