Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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I'm surprised so many people are willing to embrace this match. Last years was great, but it's still a rematch, the exact same thing that people mostly criticized about last years show.

Can they surpass last years match? Doubtful, they used every short cut in the book last year bar a no DQ stipulation. Add to that general wear and tear on the bodies of both men, Undertaker hasn't had a 12 minute plus singles match since last WrestleMania and HBK has been hiding behind Triple H and other guys in tag matches since the summer, I just can't see it happening.

The Streak vs. Career is supposed add doubt into some people's minds as to who's going to win, but only an idiot would bet against Undertaker at this stage in the streak.
I have always checked in on this forum from time to time and never felt the need to post, but now I do. I have read the article on the main site stating how HBK looks set to retire, yet I cant find this same information on any other wrestling site. I know Wrestlezone is reliable so I am in no way questioning them. But I find it funny that to my knowledge, no one else has reported it. I am starting to believe that maybe this information was "leaked" purposely to a select few meaning it may neccessarily not be true. Correct me if I am wrong, it may be reported on other sites but I have checked out a couple and its not there. I am now starting to believe that HBK may pull out the win. Alot of people are reporting on Raw he mouthed "one more time". Come on guys, shawn isnt stupid, he wanted people to see that. Another swerve. Maybe its just wishful thinking (either that or I am in denial) but I really think HBK may win.

According to a source within WWE, the feeling within the company right now is that Shawn Michaels will be retiring from pro wrestling after WrestleMania 26.

I was told that Shawn Michaels is very interested in developing a reality TV show that will be centered around his "life after wrestling." He wants the show to focus on his home life, his family, and the deep relationship he has with God and religion. The feeling is that HBK will be focusing most of his post-WrestleMania attention on developing the show, which is why he will likely be either retiring or taking an extended hiatus from the business after the big PPV.

I was also told that Michaels wants the reality show to be very positive in its nature, and that, by comparison, he does not intend for his family to be subjected to the seediness of the entertainment business much like The Hogan family was when they were on TV. It is very important for Shawn that the show be uplifting, and grounded in a firm religious nature.

That's where I got that. I just searched back into WZ news. I wish this wasn't the case. I can't see Michaels going out like this with the way he's been portrayed over the last few months. He's been pinned by Miz twice, looked like an angry, resentful, etc. guy, and will lose in the same match at Wrestlemania 2 years in a row. Yes, I know win/loss doesn't matter, but every guy would like a win on the big stage. I'm wondering if all this stuff has been a swerve to get you to think Michaels will lose. If anything, since they made the no DQ someone will interfere and cause the loss so it will be cheated and the stipulation wont hold up.
I think a good twist to this would be Michaels winning, lets say fair and square, interference, anything, and of course Undertaker loosing. Then let's say Undertaker is furious, hellbroken, raged out, and Undertaker becomes a heel.. perhaps even becoming his more dark figure he used to be. Kind of like a Lord of Darkness from the ministry figure. Of course that gimmick wouldn't come back because it was an attitude era gimmick, but perhaps something like that?

Just a thoughtful idea i thought would be pretty interesting to see.
According to a source within WWE, the feeling within the company right now is that Shawn Michaels will be retiring from pro wrestling after WrestleMania 26.

I was told that Shawn Michaels is very interested in developing a reality TV show that will be centered around his "life after wrestling." He wants the show to focus on his home life, his family, and the deep relationship he has with God and religion. The feeling is that HBK will be focusing most of his post-WrestleMania attention on developing the show, which is why he will likely be either retiring or taking an extended hiatus from the business after the big PPV.

I was also told that Michaels wants the reality show to be very positive in its nature, and that, by comparison, he does not intend for his family to be subjected to the seediness of the entertainment business much like The Hogan family was when they were on TV. It is very important for Shawn that the show be uplifting, and grounded in a firm religious nature.

That's where I got that. I just searched back into WZ news. I wish this wasn't the case. I can't see Michaels going out like this with the way he's been portrayed over the last few months. He's been pinned by Miz twice, looked like an angry, resentful, etc. guy, and will lose in the same match at Wrestlemania 2 years in a row. Yes, I know win/loss doesn't matter, but every guy would like a win on the big stage. I'm wondering if all this stuff has been a swerve to get you to think Michaels will lose. If anything, since they made the no DQ someone will interfere and cause the loss so it will be cheated and the stipulation wont hold up.

Yeah thats the article I was referring too. It is on WZ, but my point I was trying to make was that I cant find it on another other wrestling site. Sorry if I didnt make that clear. I just find it strange that WZ are the only people who have reported this. I am hoping that seeing as it isnt widely published that maybe this isnt the case and maybe he wont be retiring. As i said earlier, it may just be wishful thinking on my behalf. You made a good point, and you would kinda think that WWE would let Shawn go out on a high instead of what he has been portrayed as on TV recently. Maybe he will win it after all :shrug:
Yeah thats the article I was referring too. It is on WZ, but my point I was trying to make was that I cant find it on another other wrestling site. Sorry if I didnt make that clear. I just find it strange that WZ are the only people who have reported this. I am hoping that seeing as it isnt widely published that maybe this isnt the case and maybe he wont be retiring. As i said earlier, it may just be wishful thinking on my behalf. You made a good point, and you would kinda think that WWE would let Shawn go out on a high instead of what he has been portrayed as on TV recently. Maybe he will win it after all :shrug:

Ok I understand now. I also don't understand lately how Michaels is giving all these radio and newspaper interviews pretty much implying that his career is over and retirement, etc. and all these reports on what he's going to do after. I don't get why they would give all this stuff away before the event. It kills the whole atmosphere and excitement. I hope its some kind of swerve or something because they've done all but give away the outcome of the match so far.
Ok I understand now. I also don't understand lately how Michaels is giving all these radio and newspaper interviews pretty much implying that his career is over and retirement, etc. and all these reports on what he's going to do after. I don't get why they would give all this stuff away before the event. It kills the whole atmosphere and excitement. I hope its some kind of swerve or something because they've done all but give away the outcome of the match so far.

yeah it seems very strange that he is doing this. We all know Shawn isnt a stupid guy. So yeah there is a big possibility that its a swerve. I hope so anyway! I really think that HBK will win. Despite all the interviews and reports. He is the sort of guy to make you think one thing and then surprise you completely. I just cant see him losing two years in a row to Taker.
After such an amazing match last year, I think that this one might be a little different. I think it's kind of weird how Michaels begged for this match so much AND THEN they turned it into a NO DQ Match. Do you really think that HBK or Undertaker would've used weapons to win?... I don't think so. Another thing, I don't like the idea of having HBK come so close last year and wanting it so bad this year and then just losing clean. I think someone will interfere in this match. Namely, Triple H. Triple H was pretty quiet about losing the Tag Team Titles and I can see HHH losing to Sheamus and then screwing Shawn to get his revenge. Also, There's been reports of this match not being the Main Event. Maybe that is because the WWE doesn't want Wrestlemania to end "unfairly"
After such an amazing match last year, I think that this one might be a little different. I think it's kind of weird how Michaels begged for this match so much AND THEN they turned it into a NO DQ Match. Do you really think that HBK or Undertaker would've used weapons to win?... I don't think so. Another thing, I don't like the idea of having HBK come so close last year and wanting it so bad this year and then just losing clean. I think someone will interfere in this match. Namely, Triple H. Triple H was pretty quiet about losing the Tag Team Titles and I can see HHH losing to Sheamus and then screwing Shawn to get his revenge. Also, There's been reports of this match not being the Main Event. Maybe that is because the WWE doesn't want Wrestlemania to end "unfairly"

I was having a conversation with someone about this match and they said the exact same thing for the outcome...HHH losing to Sheamus earlier in the night, and then taking the anger out on Michaels for costing them DX and the tag titles. HHH never really did or said anything about that whole situation, so storyline wise its gotta be eating him up and pissing him off inside. I don't see Shawn losing 2 years in a row in the exact same manner after looking pretty pathetic as a character for the last 2 months or so. Interference will leave a loophole for his return when he wants to really ride off into the sunset and face HHH for his career legit.
Taker to win. Fuck yes.

HBK will pull out multiple almost pins, but he will lose it in a set of finishers that will look like this:

Taker chokeslams HBK. He staggers from the effort into the ropes.

HBK struggles up himself, and SCM to Taker.

Both are down.

HBK kips up, Taker sits up.

HBK goes for another SCM, Taker catches him and throws him into the corner.

HBK nails another SCM, goes for the Flying Elbow.

Taker sits up again, catches him, and nails a Last Ride.

HBK is pinned, Taker is dead (...again?...) and HBK cries for 10 minutes. Triple H comes out to comfort him, HBK nails a SCM on him, and walks away. The druids come out to carry Taker away, and HBK attacks the druids. The locker room faces come out to drag HBK away from the druids, and there is a hour long Raw ceremony for him. HBK doesn't show for it.

Either way, HBK can't win here. There is no way. HBK does not need the streak, and it's wasted on HBK. Taker then has no need to be at WM anymore without the title, and we know Smackdown is moving away from having Taker as their champion. Edge will be, and there is no way in hell Taker is going into yet another program with Edge when Edge is a face.

HBK loses to the streak, and the streak is suddenly gigantic because it retired HBK. The mid-carder that wins that streak from Taker is suddenly more over than 6 months teaming with Cena could get him.

HBK to lose. And people everywhere in the LD to cry like little bitches, then whine for months about how HBK shouldn't have retired, even though HBK wouldn't have agreed to this retirement angle and loss if he didn't want to retire.
There's only two people I can see ending the streak. Cena is one, HBK is the other.

That being said there is no way I can see HBK winning this weekend, he's the guy I want to win (as I hate the streak) but realistically it's not going to happen. Shawn has done great since his return however the past two years or so of epic match at Mania, few months off, a bit of DX, entering feud for mania. It's not going to cut it for me, if HBKs struggling to wrestle full time, then he should cut his losses and retire.
Anyone but John Cena. John's an ok wrestler but the one to beat 'Taker's streak? No way. I wouldn't want to see that happen. If WWE's smart, 'Taker lose's his streak and calls it quits before next year's 'Mania. Let Shawn end it if to, no matter how much I'd hate to see the streak end, its something 'Taker wants done in the first place, so let Shawn end it and still retire if he decides to.
No, if taker wants to retire, good but don't ever lose at mania. what about losing at summerslam or survivor series where he debuted... but not wrestlemania, that streak will never be done again... But the only bad thing is if taker won this year, but wanted to go out losing at mania, i'd say that shawn would be the only one that is capable or even expienced enough to end it, unless someone like ric flair or sting came to the wwe to do it. no one should ever end it, and he should go down at survivor series...
There has been all these reports that Shawn has been telling friends he's retiring, and that he's planning this reality TV series and that the feeling in WWE is that he will be retiring after WM or taking a long hiatus. And now he has apparently been quoted as saying on a radio show that he will be retiring.

And I'm wondering, is WWE leaking this information on purpose to try and fool us? I think it's possible because it has been done before. And I seriously doubt Shawn would say two days before this match, that he's retiring unless it is to fool us because he's a proffessional and he wouldn't just spoil the ending like that. I think all these rumors that he's retiring could just be WWE leaking the information on purpose to try and fool us.

Who else thinks this could be true?
Here we are. The most talked about match on the card. One of the most anticipated rematches in Wrestlemania history. Shawn wins, the streak ends. Taker wins, Shawn's career ends. I think that the buildup has been good but nowhere NEAR as good as last year's so I do not expect the match to live up to the epic awesomeness of last year's match either because they had a nearly perfect match that cannot (and SHOULD not) be replicated. I also do not expect for either Taker's streak to end OR for Michaels' career to end. Taker's going to win, there's no doubt about that. I like Shawn Michaels as much as the next guy, but it wouldn't make sense for a legend to defeat the undefeated streak since he will be over no matter what he does. I think that Taker will win and this will temporarily end HBK's career in a kayfabe'd sense, but he will probably return and retire for real next year.

Undertaker will defeat Shawn Michaels.
There has been all these reports that Shawn has been telling friends he's retiring, and that he's planning this reality TV series and that the feeling in WWE is that he will be retiring after WM or taking a long hiatus. And now he has apparently been quoted as saying on a radio show that he will be retiring.

And I'm wondering, is WWE leaking this information on purpose to try and fool us? I think it's possible because it has been done before. And I seriously doubt Shawn would say two days before this match, that he's retiring unless it is to fool us because he's a proffessional and he wouldn't just spoil the ending like that. I think all these rumors that he's retiring could just be WWE leaking the information on purpose to try and fool us.

Who else thinks this could be true?

Funny thing, I've been thinking along those lines myself a couple of days ago... especially with all the "infos" on HBK's post-Wrestlemania plans leaking, I thought that MAYBE this could be WWE trying to pull a major swerve on everyone (including the IWC) and having HBK truly defeat Taker, ending the streak tonight.

On the other hand, the Streak is just too valuable in that it has taken nigh 20 years to be built up, and to take that away - no matter for whom - from Taker's resume just doesn't seem to be fair, somehow. But then again, it is a streak in a "fake" sport, that technically, ANYONE could achieve if they are beeing booked in that way. So I'm really torn here... I'm a huge Taker fan, but I also like HBK, and considering he lost last year to Taker already, and considering he is a star of pretty much equal status as Taker, he doesn't really deserve to lose to Taker two times in a row at WM. So to be honest, I think this match will have me pretty much as excited as it did last year; and while last year, I was at 100% pulling for Taker, and also expecting him to win, even if it seemed less "likely" than it would have with any other opponent; this year, I'll definitely be more on HBK's side for some reason.

I guess I'd still be surprised if they let HBK (or anyone, for that matter) end Taker's WM streak, especially since a "retirement" now for HBK (no matter if he comes back in a year's time for a last farewell match or something) seems to come at a perfect time... but just like last year, you can't really rule out the possibility - especially since "career ending matches" usually end in the guy winning whose career would be threatened... So I really don't know what pick to make, but I think the overall odds look more like Taker prevailing.

Personally, I could imagine that a classic, old school draw would be nice, somehow... both men giving it their all, neither truly being better than the other, and finally - Taker hits the Tombstone, but HBK kicks out - Taker goes for another, HBK counters with a sudden Sweet Chin Music, but is too exhausted to follow up with a pin, and both men get counted out... this way, they would be established as "equals" more or less, and also it could STILL be said that Undertaker "has never been BEATEN" at WM... but well, we shall see ;)
Last year's match was overrated as fuck.

Now that I got that out, this should be a good match. Shawn still has it, and Taker always shows up at Mania for one of his 7 matches a year. These two will go all out and let the emotion of the match flow into their performances. After about 23047233405803475963 false finishes, one of the dumbest storylines in wrestling will continue as the Undertaker will defeat Shawn Michaels in a match that everyone will either shit on as being worse than last year or also put up on a pedestal that it doesn't deserve.
I am a fan of both Shaun and the Undertaker so im gonna be both delighted and upset al at the same time Now to the actual match and who should win. Firstly Shaun Michaels. He has laced his boots up for 25 years and he is without a doubt, Mr Wrestlemaina. He has beaten everybody there is to beat, he has won all of the titles going on more than one occasion and has given us some of the best matches of all time. At times he has been put into matches that looked as if he simply could not win and yet he has and he was also part of the most infamous match ever. The Montreal screw job with Bret Hart. He has put his life on the line for us the fans, had major injuries that ment he had to be out of the industry he loves only to come back and continue once more. He has been in 2 of the most influential tag teams ever namely The Rockers and DX. The one superstar he has never beat is the Undertaker even though he has had chancs but could not deliver on those occasions. Now he has had to put his 25 year carer on the line to face the Undertaker one last time and put to rest the demons he has had to endure over the last year. He is ready for the fight of his life at the grandest stage of them all. Wrestlemania.

The Undertaker now. his career spans nearly 20 years and has won 17 wrestlemanias. One hell of a streak that i doubt anyone will ever duplicate any time soon. He has been the underdog on many of his matches, been massively outnumbered in many of his matches namely the Royal rumble 1994 where he had a casket match with Yokozuna and faced over 10 wrestlers. Numerous cage matches and who can forget the match at Wrestlemania 9 facing the Giant Gonzales and of course the inferno match with Kane. He has been through various personas and eras and he can still make the crowd gasp even after 20 years. He is truely the phenom and no one else will ever be able to do what he has done in the squared circle. however if i have to choose who deserves to win then the answer is is both but we all know thats not gonna happen. I believe that Yes the Undertakers streak is impressive but 17 / 1 is not gonna hurt the Undertakers credibility in the long run. He can still lace up his boots the next day as a WWE employee but Shawn also deserves to be able to do that too. His is career is what he has given us for 25 years and he should retire when he feels he has nothing left to give us. That time is not at Wrestlemania 26. Im going out on a limb and im behind The Heartbreak Kid 100% in this match. He can win and he Knows it . The Undertaker is The Phenom of WWE and whatever happens at Wrestlemania, he will still have his career, his awsomeness and most importantly, his fans
Anything less than a five star match will be a disappointment to the fans, but I think there is actually a shot of it happening for a few reasons. It has more hype than last year, the No DQ/coutnouts could bring something interesting to the table, and it's going to be incredibly "emotional" when HBK retires.

The one thing that could hurt this is if Taker tears his ACL or if HBK has a heart attack, both which are distinct possibilities. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out if they can survive.
Michaels is going to lose. He has no need to end the streak and is reaching the end of his career, if it were to end tonight or in a year, he'd gain nothing and lose more of his prestige as he gets worse and worse. This will be a lot shorter than last year, and probably a lot better as a result, as there won't be as much resting. I'm probably in the minority in thinking that, but seriously, it's going to be good, it's just a question of how good and I hope Michaels' laast ever match is worthy of his career.
So what do you guys think about the ending to that match? Was it fitting for Shawn to go out as defiant as he ever was in his career? By the looks of things with the way Shawn left, and with the comment he made about "I will be driving my kids nuts in three weeks" I can safely say that I believe we have just witnessed the final match of HBK's career, and he will not be pulling a Ric Flair. So Two things that I think can immediately be asked now: What do you see happening on Raw tonight, and where do you rank Shawn in the history of wrestling? For me, I hope we see a huge send-off tonight with highlight reel packages, and I hope the entire show is dedicated to him. If anyone deserves it, HBK does. Secondly, I have said it before, and I will say it again, HBK is the best wrestler I have ever personally seen in his prime. HBK is the greatest of all time in my books. So what do you guys think? Hope this doesn't get deleted! :p
Jesus that was an amazing match. I'm sorry to those who don't think so, but I'm of the opinion that it was better than last year. The slightly-botched Moonsault spot was a bit miffy, but honestly, the story, the spots, and the Tombstone Spike Piledriver combined to weave a wonderful tale. The drama going into the match elevated it was well.

Also, did anyone else think that both Michaels and Taker were channeling a bit of Kurt Angle in that match? XD
My hat is off to them. I kept asking myself how will HBK and Taker do it differently than before and that was more than I expected.

I think the ending of the match was perfect. Taker realized that it's over and he didn't want to do it. HBK slaps him, raging him, hitting a wicked tombstone for the 123. Do I think this is the end of HBK's career? I'm not that sure. I hope they utilize him as some sort of manager or something. But, it would be stupid if he came back after he lost a career match.

I've seen HBK wrestle for almost 13 years now and it's sad how things have to come to an end. He's easily ranked in my top three and he better get the biggest send-off I've seen. If this is truly the end of HBK, Thank you so much for all you have done Shawn Michaels.

Thank You.
And that was far and away the match of the night!! Once again the two old farts show everyone on the WWE roster how to wrestle a match. It had everything one could expect from a wrestling match...excitment, energy, emotion, annouce table, passion. If this is Shawn leaving the WWE...then there is a big hole to fill, and quite frankly from what I've seen today...there is no one on the WWE roster even close to filling the gap that Shawn will leave.
I thought the ending was great. Even though Shawn was done for, he still had a bit of that old DX spirit in him, and refused to lay down for Taker. HBK is by far the greatest all around wrestler and performer I've ever seen in my life time. Even when he wasn't in his prime, he was the best at telling a story and wowing the crowd. In his prime though, he had uncanny athleticism that helped him innovate many things on the WWE stage, from the ladder match, to the iron man match, hell in a cell, the match with Austin, the Flair send off, and this last feud with Taker.

I loved that Taker picked Shawn up before he left the ring, you will never, ever see Taker do that with anyone again. Raw will probably have a dedication or something, who knows. I think Shawn wanted to go out as quietly as he could though, maybe he'll do one more 'Mania.
My god people we saw an awesome match. It didn't top last year in my oppinon but it's was really good match. It was good main event match and I'm staying up to watch the whole pay per view again.
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